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/fa/ - Fashion

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10574847 No.10574847 [Reply] [Original]

no extreme anorexia please and thankyou

>> No.10574856
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>> No.10576503

typically I only have coffee in the mornings
would adding something small say
a piece of toast with maybe peanut butter make eating less/not eating easier later in the day?

>> No.10577927

girl here
at 5'5 what weight would look the best in clothes
rn im at 120 and my thighs look fucking stupid and my legs look like tree trunks

what is the lowest i can weigh without on looking sick

>> No.10577952

51kg/114lbs maybe even less

>> No.10578055

maybe but i would try more protien,

>> No.10578065
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>tfw 5'9"
>tfw gf is 5'4"
>tfw weigh 20 pounds less than gf

>> No.10578970

no seriously, the problem is her not you.

>> No.10578988
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>tfw 5'8 120
>tfw gf 5'10 100
>tfw the fatty of the relationship

>> No.10579996

I'm 5'6'' and about 105 lbs, most of it muscle. I'd say probably about 100-105 if you work out, slightly less if you're skinnyfat.
Protip: work out.

>> No.10580453

do you guys work out?

i wanted to start so that i have more definition etc but i dont wanna lose my thinness

>> No.10580478

you don't need to ask us, find out for yourself. lose weight and once you look the way you like then stop?

>> No.10580717

Tfw gained freshman 15 going on sophomore 60 what the fuck do i do guys

>> No.10580719

Stop being a fat fuck
Christ it isn't hard

>> No.10580735
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I'm thin af because I sleep a lot.

I never eat breakfast.

mid-day food I eat until I'm satisfied.

usually my dinner is 2 apples because fuck it, I'm playing videogames or busy with something.

My tip is general to lose weight is get busy, eating out of the nothing is shit, or get air popped popcorn if you have a snacking habit.

they taste good and have very low calories.

sleep more and play more.

>> No.10581531
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why spend money on food so you can become a fat fuck when you can spend it on nice clothes and be effay as hell and finally get that qt gf/bf youve always wanted?

>> No.10581544

I'm 6'3, went from 163 to 175 during the last couple weeks, but I can't stop eating. What do /fa/?

>> No.10581548

take up smoking, drink a big cup of coffee or tea or a bowl of soup (broth stuff or miso) tricks your stomach into feeling full without all the calories. or take stuff like vyvanse or adderall. walk everywhere and eat small portions throughout the day

>> No.10581556
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does anyone have a goal weight? mine is 34 kg ultimately ....i got to 36 but i was sent to a hospital for a few months :(

>> No.10581604

how the fuck do i become thin fast without having to exercise? i was fat asl and smoking weed and exorcising brought me down to a size just a bit bigger than normal, but i ended up with like, muscles and shit lol. i dont want that shit i just wanna be thin. how to?

>> No.10581621

>Low test beta detected

>> No.10581624

Eat less you fucking cretin

>> No.10581680

you're just some delusional /fa/ retard. thats clearly not the only thing you do you fucking idiot.

>> No.10581738

What? If you don't want to exercise, and you don't want muscle, all you have to do is eat less.

>> No.10581743

>Not knowing how the human body works

Kill yourself

>> No.10581866

eat an apple with peanut butter

>> No.10581884

Reading this thread as I eat grapes. One cup is only 62 cal. It's pretty good snack food if you're on a diet.

>> No.10582865

What do you even need this thinspo shit for?
Losing weight is piss easy.
Gaining weight is the real challenge.

>> No.10582871

Short intro to biology:
Calories used > Calories consumed means your body will have to get calories from elsewhere, for example all the stuff that's still inside your body, because it was stored there for later use.

>> No.10582882

Losing fat when you're obese is easy, losing it when your already skinny is a bit harder. Lower BMR so your caloric intake is lower unless you do cardio. Also once you get to a low enough BMI you start experiencing actual hunger, which can catch people off guard and lead to binging.
>gaining weight
If it was hard we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic. Eat enough protein and exercise woah.

>> No.10582884

Reading this as I drink water and smoke cigarettes.. You should try it!

>> No.10582890

>If it was hard we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic
We don't have an obesity epidemic around here.
So apparently it is hard.

Strongly suggest you replace the water with coffee.

>> No.10582899

>tfw ate a lot yesterday, but it was mostly clean
>woke up feeling gross and bloated, disappointed in my reflection
>drink a glass of water and make coffee
>take massive shit
>feel and look much better

lol I must have a mental illness, because going to the bathroom is so relieving to me.

>> No.10582913

I love those coffee induced shits that are massive and leave you feeling much thinner and not bloated at all

>> No.10582916

I try to have one every morning, desu senpai

>> No.10582919

>Strongly suggest you replace the water with coffee.
Water can also make you feel full if you drink enough of it and it's great for the skin and just in general
Coffee is great too tho, I drink a shit ton of both

>> No.10582927

Water does bloat your stomach, which means you are physically capable of eating more without feeling uncomfortable.
You can't gain weight if you can't eat.

>> No.10582929

>no extreme anorexia please and thankyou
Pussy ass normie