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/fa/ - Fashion

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10571568 No.10571568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else fucking hate millennials?

i hate having to pretend i'm anti-gun, pro-feminist, pro-politically correct, anti-bullying, pro-obama, pro Hilary Clinton just to get any where in society today

i hate having to pretend i love marvel/DC comics movies

i fucking hate Gloria Steinem, I fucking hate Clinton

is being fake as fuck the only way to be /fa/ today?

>> No.10571582

no, you are just retarded.

>> No.10571586


>> No.10571594

>marvel/DC comics movies
can everyone please stop watching these so they'll stop being made?

>> No.10571596

ffs, shut your dick holster

>> No.10571599

i dont get how people can watch the same shit over and over. i'm only 21 and i'm already sick of everything, but you get like 50 year old dads eagerly anticipating the new star wars film really does boggle my mind

>> No.10571638

>50 year old dads eagerly anticipating the new star wars film
well this makes sense. they grew up with the originals. they're in it for the nostalgia.

>> No.10571640

i know what you're saying, it's absolute bullshit. you might want to go to /pol/ though, you'll probably have a better discussion there

>> No.10571642

ok but i''m talking generally

>> No.10571679

youth culture is absolute shit right now desu im very lazy to elaborate as id probably only be fueling my already deep seated vitriol for youngens (early 20s myself /disclaimer)

>> No.10571682

t b h
translates to

>> No.10571683

i think your main issue is that youre a pussy

>> No.10571685
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>implying I care about what Normie's think of me
>implying I adhere to societal norms due to societal pressure to do so
Lmao tbqh famm

>> No.10571688


OP you don't have to if you know how to say things right. You don't even have to state your opinion at all.

>> No.10571696

desu is stupid how desu tranlate

>> No.10571699

also, thank fucking god for the filtering of f.a.m. the other day i heard these 15 year olds that walked into my work joking around with that word and other surface-viral-friendly memes . i'm blessed to have never uttered the word in my hole life

>> No.10571707


>being this keked by the sjws

You must be one pathetic weasel.

>> No.10571754

black twitter

>> No.10571757

I love millenials and I love being a millenial

There's something about the millenial vibe that is like really close to my heart and brings me strength and joy

>> No.10571809

I don't do any of those things. But I live in Arizona.

>> No.10571816

Read "the monster that ate hollywood" 60 minutes. They have always made movies to make money, it's just gotten worse and worse lately.

>> No.10571832


>> No.10573192

>i hate having to pretend i'm anti-gun, pro-feminist, pro-politically correct, anti-bullying, pro-obama, pro Hilary Clinton just to get any where in society today

Then stop being a total fucking faggot and start speaking your mind. Join an alt-right movement or something.

>> No.10573196

desu there's been more marvel movies in the last 5 years than star wars in the last 40

>> No.10573206

so don't pretend? Either don't bring up your political opinions or avoid people who will be annoying about it.

>> No.10573221

Get a wholesome job in labor. Something like mining, construction, architecture, mechanical or electrician based. Most of us are democratic but hate leftist morons. Plus you'll get to develop that working guy style.

>> No.10573244
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How I dream of owning a Mini-14 with a factory folding stock. I don't care what the AR and AK fanboys say, I want one.

>> No.10573261

Just look /pol/, they are happy.

>> No.10573327

Unless you're thirty-five or older, you're a fucking millennial.

>> No.10573420

im all about those black powder guns. i really really want a colt walker

>> No.10573434

yeah i vouch for this. the most level headed people ive ever known i met doing construction.
and when you disagree on something its like disagreeing with a friend, not some dickhead uni student who wont stop bickering and trying to be right.

+1 to anyone who works a real fucking job

>> No.10573441

I got one nice action and reliable but Terribly inaccurate rifle they really need a heavy barrel.

>> No.10573444
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why are all movies bad these days?
who did this

>> No.10573446

>is being fake as fuck the only way to be /fa/ today?
OP is dumb as fuck

>> No.10573448

Op the fact that you feel you need to do these things is really the problem. If you quit being such a vagina maybe you'd actually get ahead

>> No.10573452

imao baka desu senpai

>> No.10573455

>comparing star wars to the yearly marvel movie

>> No.10573469
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I simply don't talk politics with even my closest friends
and as a result I actually have friends

>> No.10573535

fortunately I don't live in USA and most people here is still old-fashioned.

>> No.10573563

>I hate millennials
>Implying today's society is the worst

Pre-2000's: segregation, racism, homophobia, high murder rates, racism, teen pregnancy, rape culture, cults, shit technology was really fucking common.

Get you anus off the edgy bandwagon dildo m8.

>> No.10573565

I'm cool with like 80% of that list. Also high murder rates are still common among a certain colored community.

>> No.10573568
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>> No.10573586

desu senpai

>> No.10573593

Better being cancer than taking upskirt shots of underage ppl and shooting schools and having shitty relationships with people

>> No.10573596


Nigger shouldn't you be somewhere else

>> No.10573635


I'm not a nigger
see above
I'm not a fag
>high murder rates
I live in the country
>teen pregnancy
I'm ok with that
>rape culture
I am a christian myself
>shit technology
I don't even have a smartphone now who the hell cares

>> No.10573644
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>I'm super special because I hate popular things
>I'm not even old enough to rent a car but I was totally born in le wroooong generation
>can barely buy alcohol but I have a 'get these kids off my lawn' complex
>Above all else I'm such a fuccboi I'll pretend to like things I don't like

>> No.10573647
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>i hate having to pretend i'm anti-gun, pro-feminist, pro-politically correct, anti-bullying, pro-obama, pro Hilary Clinton just to get any where in society today

Haven't you heard anon? Being fash is totally effay.

>> No.10573649

I'm really glad we're making you unhappy. You deserve it.

>> No.10573651


millennial here, heres what i think

- im fine with guns, open carry is weird though
- chicks should make the same as dudes provided they do good work
- fuck being PC
- i got bullied, i also bullied people, whatever
- obama is alright
- hilary is a flip flopper thats owned by banks
- marvel and dc were for fucking nerds like me when i was young, its retarded that it's "cool" now, but whatever

>> No.10573653

>kekold: the post

>> No.10573654

please don't go on a rampage

>> No.10573675

that's mostly in dystopian america.
ive noticed ever since vice got surreptitiously infiltrated by murdoch's gang, theyve just become this mouthpiece of neocon foreign policy and the whole corporatocratic political establishment. Thinking that any of these movements were not synthesized from the top down just shows what a manipulable, unthinking pleb you are.

>> No.10573679
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>tfw remembering the cool docs Vice would put out on youtube before they got bought out

>> No.10573701

>fucking this
also very rage how all their shit is just geared towards "feminists" people who buy into that whole notion that sex is not gender... Which is is, but the way it's being written about just causes mass-cognitive dissonance.
fuck shane smith and especially fuck simon ostrovsky.
I mean, here's a guy who doesnt even speak russian very well, let alone ukrainian. He is a dual israeli american citizen with a shadowy past who then publishes him interviewing the neocon of neocons and rhetoric-smith extraordinaire geoffrey pyatt (who by the way was outed as a regime change goon in ukraine in a leaked phone call with victoria nuland) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QxZ8t3V_bk
on America's role in regime change in ukraine.
it's utterly disgusting and dystopian and it was final straw that made me decide to leave the united states.

>> No.10573704

sieg isn't a millennial he's about 5 years older than cutoff

>> No.10573855
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this is what i hate the most about my peers:
>think theyre counter cultural

get a clue faggots.

>> No.10573872

Who the hell is pro feminist

>> No.10573894

It's possible to talk politics with all but the most autistic and still maintain a friendly demeanor. The anger and vitriol is coming from extremists and retards. Most people just don't care very much.

>> No.10573907

1) This is a fashion board
2) Most millenials hate Shillary Clinton

>> No.10573944

When you think like this, the leftists win.

And despite what you might think, they haven't won yet.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind, op.

>> No.10573955
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The reason I don't talk politics with my friends is more because a bunch of them are the artsy kind of folk that are prone to saying things like "I fucking hate white people" in public while eating with their white guy friend and believing perfectly normal and ok thing to say

rather than
of course
me talking about how socialist nationalism is the only socio-economic policy that could ever lead anywhere close to the ideal of successful advanced modern society

>> No.10573969

most non-STEM majors

>> No.10573998

>getting mad at people for thinking differently than you

>> No.10574014

generalizing an entire generation to a couple annoying peop[le at your school/wrok, then complaining about it on the internet

this is not /fa/

>> No.10574019

The fact is you're complaining right now about how the world isn't accommodating you. You bitch just like those sjw types.

>> No.10574029

it's also interesting that you could have a socialist nationalist society without being nazis

>> No.10574053

lol kill yourself you ITTY BITTY BABY

>> No.10574069


>> No.10574082

>nigger: the doublenigger

>> No.10574089

Everyone on this board fakes hating you too right? Delusional fuck..

>> No.10574175

You don't have to, be who you want to be.

>> No.10574179

I'm a millenial and I hate all the trendy opinion pieces about millenials.

What's next, generation Z? Can we start complaining about them now? Last week I read an article about millenial parents, we're getting married and popping out kids now apparently (no idea), I think that means we're old and unfashionable now.

>> No.10574219
File: 30 KB, 448x238, Uberti_1861Navypic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to shoot competitively with cap and ball percussion pistols. They're unwieldy as hell and can take some time to reload, which is part of what makes them so fun to shoot. Would always have a bonfire/cookout at the shoots; there's nothing like the smell of Goex and wild cherry smoke.

.36 Colt Navy is fun as hell to shoot, for the record.


Is it one of the earlier models? I heard the barrels were thin and would warp and wobble if you ran too many rounds through them.

>> No.10574234

Good luck, they're rare as fuck. You'll pay as much for just the stock as you would on a high end AR. It does look pretty, though.

>> No.10574288

Hillary Clinton is the democrat that appeals to baby boomers, Bernie is more accurate to millennials.
Could you explain this? I get its not a big an issue as how the media represents it, but why would you be against anti-bullying?

>> No.10574307


>> No.10574355

This, no one irl really cares about your political views, only on the internet.

>> No.10574365

how old were you when you turned conservative /fa/?

19 here... late bloomer

>> No.10574396

dude fuck you star wars is awesome

>> No.10574403

so all of those things dont exist currently and wont exist in the future? also rape culture is a myth faggot

>> No.10574425

im not sure if its new but it is super thin and whippy

>> No.10574459

>Pretend to be pro-hillary.

Dude, even most of the liberals don't fucking like her.


This existed far before millenials you fat cunt.

>hate having to pretend i love marvel/DC comics movies

It's not like they're the only fucking movies coming out.

For someone who probably chides millenials for being "whiny" you sure are whiny

>pro-politically correct

Half the shit the "WAAAAAH I DON'T WANNAA BE PEEECEEE" crowd calls "PC" is merely asking them to not be cunts

e.g. "Happy holidays"

>> No.10574480

how is 'happy holidays' cuntish

>> No.10574494

It isn't, but anti-"PC" cunts act like you've asked them to cut their cocks off with a dull spoon when you say it instead of "Merry Christmas" to them.

>> No.10574514

All these /fa/gs are bourgeois cunts why appeal to them.

>> No.10574681

why don't you say merry christmas

>> No.10574760

Mostly because I'm nonreligious.

Nonetheless, I wouldn't say it even if I were religious because there are, like, 88 holidays in December and 30ish of them are religious.

>> No.10574770


>> No.10574774

>segregation, racism, homophobia
all good things

the rest are bad though