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10553538 No.10553538 [Reply] [Original]

>Social anxiety
>Buy clothes online, get same item in different sizes to get the right size
>Get clothes delivered
>Send back the stuff that doesn't fit

Feels good

>> No.10553543

Oh yeah and I forgot. Delivery is usually free and returning them is usually free too. Feels good.

* I figure returns are free because most people can't be bothered to go through the hassle of returning them, but the option sounds nice to buyers

>> No.10553546
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1423352936088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And PLUS I don't have to leave the house, deal with public transport, deal with annoying Asians, walk past people, pay for public transport etc.

This life is good.

>> No.10553547

You wouldn't believe the amount of people who do this. I work at J-Crew and I ship tons of packages out every day to people who order 3 different sizes of the same jacket and do that for 4 different jackets

>> No.10553564

Nothing wrong with that. It's better than buying, not fitting, sending it back, buying again, etc.
Saves time if you think about it

>> No.10553616

Never bought online, got a question. How shit is returning stuff? Depends on the site?

I'm looking to get a Norse Projects parka but idk if I want to get an M or an S. Jacket is like 600 bucks and I don't wanna get cucked for a billion dollars.

>> No.10553693

you don't have a car?

wait, does the idea of a cashier judging your purchases trigger you?

>> No.10554031

>Depends on the site?


>> No.10554235


>not mentally ill
>go try clothes on
>far faster
>absolutely indifferent to opinion of randoms

Feels good

>> No.10554262

I thought quite a lot of people did this, anxiety or not...

>> No.10554326


>> No.10554438

it's not uncommon to be blocked from buying if you do that too often

>> No.10554448

>buy item
>receive item
>file for item lost

>> No.10554454
File: 46 KB, 720x720, I2k96Gw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deal with annoying Asians
mfw im asian and this is why i have social anxiety

>> No.10554457

> I'm Asian
Lol that's not a Bape shirt
You're probably just a Monterrey Mexican

>> No.10554460

*or a Barcelona jersey

>> No.10554469

>body dysmorphia
>go clothes shopping
>find a bunch of stuff that I think looks really good on me
>buy it all
>the next day, everything looks awful. What was I thinking? I'm disgusting. I need to lose/gain weight
>return everything

>> No.10554542

Why buy so much nice clothes if nobody is going to see you wearing them. That's what fashion is about.

>> No.10554554

>deal with annoying Asians


Asians are one of the reasons I'm growing to hate Seattle. Fuckers are everywhere, walking around in packs with horrid designer logos on everything.

>> No.10554567
File: 33 KB, 299x288, 1439287084592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when all the asian hordes dress up in the most recognizable expensive shit (ie. Rick owen ramones with a versace top)
>tfw when giving all asians a bad rep
Well it is their money (daddy's money), they can do whatever they want with it.

>> No.10554855

Hope to god you're not from the Philippines. fuck me

>> No.10554879

What... no

>> No.10554958

Unless you live in Norse country expect to be cucked on return shipping. Cost me like 50 dollars to do return shipping from the US. Never again

>> No.10554961


>> No.10554968

Used to be like that but after lifting for a year feel much better about my body

>Social anxiety
>anything feeling good
You can't trick me, pepe. If you need a hug or someone to talk to I'm here for you, op

>> No.10554972

Why Asians specifically?

>> No.10555718

not him, but here in New York, Asians come from all over to do their shopping. Even upstate too.

>> No.10555726


Shit, I would love to actually just walk into a place and try things on. At 6'5", I gotta order most shit online since I have a 36" inseam and size 14 shoes. Nothing worse than being excited that your stuff came in only for it to not fit or look like you expected.

>> No.10557416
File: 484 KB, 1024x683, Sydney 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10557435

I only see that around the colleges/unis
rest of the hill and ballard are fine

>> No.10557441

why are asians such knick knack paddy whacks

>> No.10557458

why cant you just say fags or shitters
fucking whites

>> No.10557667

because they didnt give the dog a bone mate.