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/fa/ - Fashion

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10546006 No.10546006 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking effay? Of course it is!

Now let's complain about everything related to it.

>> No.10546033

you're being ironic?

>> No.10546065

smells bad

kinda better than dicking around doing nothing.

>> No.10546068

I spend more on coffee and alcohol than I do on cigarettes.

Sure, but what isn't nowadays?

>smells bad
Completely subjective.

>> No.10546094

>I spend more on coffee and alcohol than I do on cigarettes.

If you save all you spend on cigs you can buy a nice gift for a qt or a videogame or a t-shirt from uniqlo. Saving up especially for clothing is /fa/, any save is a save.

>Sure, but what isn't nowadays?

Sheeple minded individual. It's your choice after all, can't blame you.

>Completely subjective.
For most people around you it does unless you obviously hang out with other smokers.

My advice: Don't smoke around friends who don't smoke, be respectful and give them space.

>> No.10546803

>If you save all you spend on cigs

Gonna have to stop you there, anon. That's like saying "if you saved all you spent on drinks", or "if you saved all you spent on video games", or any other number of things.

No shit if you saved all you spent on something you'd have more money in the bank.

>> No.10546850

You know, smoking is like any other fuckin' pastime in the world.
Good for you if you spend your money for you daily nicotine's dose, but I think clothes weigh more on the balance than cigarettes.
Smoking to be /fa/ is the dumbest shit I ever heard of my life. Tryhard is even more /fa/ than smoking.

>> No.10546856

>itt people who fall for the media

>> No.10546861

Which media?

The anti-smoking stuff that bitches about cigarette companies making money (like any company should try to do), say you'll get instant cancer from a single puff of second-hand, and so on?

Or the pro-smoking media, which I'm pretty sure hasn't existed for at least a decade (advertising bans and all)?

>> No.10546865

You are fucking ignorant, you have a wrong view on what media really is. The media also are editorials were good looking people are smoking, and you fall for that kinda bullshit.
There is no reason to smoke, zero reason, you don't have to put smoke in your lungs if you want to socialise with people.

>> No.10546866

lmao i cant believe u fell for it this hard, completely obvlivious

yes smoking is cool an edgy counter culture, only soccer moms and little kids fall for the "smoking gives u cancer" ads! fucking gullible retards amirite? not like me... *tips lucky strike*

>> No.10546874

Media is a great desinfomation platform, like any medias but internet (who's just the biggest trash and melt of true ane false informations). Consequence, we have a giant community of suckers.

>> No.10546877


Ah, so...newspapers, magazines, movies, TV, etc? I don't really "do" any of that. I listen to radio on occasion, but that's about it. Not really much talk of smoking on there except the odd mention about some vaper blowing giant clouds at a movie theatre and people getting pissy.

And...okay, zero reason to put smoke in my lungs...what about caffeine? There's zero reason to put that in my body, and it's addictive, but that's fine? What about alcohol? That's arguably worse than cigarettes (though no second-hand), but that's fine? Come on.

Nobody's arguing about smoking giving you cancer (though it actually doesn't, it just lowers your body's resistance to it...), but way too many people think they'll get cancer from a single puff from some dude outside the entrance to the mall. It takes years of living with a smoker to develop ANY sorts of health issues, and even then it's not a given (just like getting cancer isn't a given for smokers themselves).

>> No.10546878

>Wasting money on cigarettes
Fucking morons

>> No.10546883

You are retarded i swear to god.. Smoking is fucking destructive, a cup of coffe in the morning isn't.
Smoking makes you smell bad like a fucking hobo, coffee doesn't.
The list goes on and on..

And maybe you aren't actively looking at those kinda media, but unconsciously they still put some image on your mind.

Just quit retard, or enjoy your destructive habit.

>> No.10546884

Cafeine has been proved (scientifically) healthy and good for your neuronal system (and other pros that I don't have the motivation to list).

Alcohol is just a neurotoxic and has no good consequences on your body (except beer, after a certain age).

>> No.10546887



>> No.10546895

>makes you smell bad

Smells are subjective, God damn. Personally I hate the smell of coffee. Gasoline smells very nice. I know some people who like the smell of goats, and others who like the smell of raw eggs. Not everyone likes or dislikes the same smells, anon. Most people won't even know someone smokes until they see them smoking, see their cigarettes, or whatever else. Usually it's just a mild (if noticeable) smokey (like fire) smell.

>The list goes on and on

You listed two things, one of which isn't even relevant.

>And maybe you aren't actively looking at those kinda media, but unconsciously they still put some image on your mind.

What? How will "the media" put something into my mind if I barely consume media? Even if I did...what? That's some tinfoil level retarded.

>> No.10546898

Looks like in the US of A it really is somewhat effay to smoke, however in Russia it's considered gopnik tier, because they are cheap and you smell like hobo shit. Only bydlo smokes here.

>> No.10546908

ur on a fucking anime fashion forum bumping consecutive threads to 300, entirely dedicated to discussing and defending cigarettes

and u genuinely think u havent been indoctrinated or manipulated into liking them




>> No.10546910

Why is it that EVERY SINGLE THREAD gets flooded with anti-smoking nutjobs? I'm not talking the "smoking is bad for you" types (everyone knows smoking is bad for you), I'm talking the "oh man one time I saw some guy smoking and he smelled like death and looked like a bum and the TV told me that single puff will give me cancer and wow he's so addicted poor him" types.

Okay, we get it, you don't smoke. Good for you.

But just an FYI: caffeine is just as (if not more) addicting, alcohol is more damaging to your body, and exclusively buying designer brand clothing is a more expensive habit than smoking could ever hope to be.

Also to note, SMOKERS LITERALLY DO NOT AFFECT YOU AT ALL. That puff of smoke outside your favourite store? Nothing. If you live in a city and breathe the air, you're "smoking" the equivalent of a pack a year. Good job. And no, smokers aren't costing you any money. The extra taxes paid by smokers, plus the fact they generally die sooner, means they actually contribute MORE in taxes than anyone else (5x IIRC). No, the media isn't somehow brainwashing people into smoking. If you see fucking Wolverine with a cigar and that's why you pick up the habit, that's got more to do with you being an impressionable little shit than the media trying to control our habits.

If you don't like smoking, WHY DID YOU COME TO THE SMOKING THREAD?

>> No.10546911

Subliminal messages (current in medias and ads).

>> No.10546914

Vapes are literally mouth fedoras

>> No.10546915

>and u genuinely think u havent been indoctrinated or manipulated into liking them

So...has everyone been "manipulated" into liking anything they think they like, then? Does nobody actually like anything on their own, be it for the feel, the taste, or the look of something? Is the mass media controlling us all?

Are tin foil hats effay?

>> No.10546916

Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold.

>> No.10546921

Well meme'd friend, but no it's not. It's a good way to quit smoking regular cigs. By the time a cheap chinese eGo-like ecig breaks you usually don't have a need for nicotine at all.

>> No.10546922

drug addiction is a mental illness

>> No.10546923

Caffeine is a drug.


>> No.10546925

>Why is it that EVERY SINGLE THREAD gets flooded with anti-smoking nutjobs?

because for whatever reason you complete losers have coopted a FASHION forum to talk about your shitty ciggies

go to fucking reddit.com/cigarettes or some shit if you want to be left alone

yeah buddy im sure some girl is going to ask for your lighter and suck your dick someday, keep making these autismal threads

>> No.10546926

>a FASHION forum

And smoking can be related to fashion, much like drinking, or sandals.

>> No.10546928

>yeah buddy im sure some girl is going to ask for your lighter and suck your dick someday

Not them, but literally every woman I know except one is a smoker. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, and they like being thin.

Also, I'm married, so...you know.

>> No.10546931

I don't think that smelling like an ashtray can be considered effay tbh.

>> No.10546934

And 4chan addiction is a mental illness, yet here we are.

>> No.10546937

>Cafeine has been proved (scientifically) healthy and good for your neuronal system (and other pros that I don't have the motivation to list).

I don't like to repeat, plus we can give our opinion as long as we argue.

To >>10546910

>> No.10546941

>no new IP

You the same one that doesn't understand that SMELLS ARE SUBJECTIVE? I mean, I know it's hard to understand that not everyone likes and dislikes the same things, and - surprise surprise - you won't notice most smokers because they actually take a shower now and then (like most people, who you can't smell the sex on, or the dorito scent, etc.), but at least try.

>> No.10546947

You probably love the smell of shit and piss, they are also quite subjective, right? The smell of a smoker is disgusting.

>> No.10546948

>make a claim
>provide no proof

Though even if you did, it's probably bogus. It's like those people claiming wine or chocolate are good for you, citing a single article (the writer of which misinterpreted whatever study they based the article on), and then downing a bottle a night while stuffing their faces.

You could claim cigarettes are good for you because they help you lose weight (which they do, being an appetite suppressant and all) and sooth your throat (certain ones do, because of certain ingredients), but that doesn't mean smoking a few cartons is going to do much good.

>> No.10546951

>smoking can be related to fashion, much like drinking

yeah buddy literally everything is fashion including anime ciggies architecture and whatever autismal shit you and your autist friends feel like discussing at the moment

fuck off retard

>> No.10546952

Why would you assume I love the smell of shit and piss? Where is all this anger coming from? Did a smoker turn you down for a date once? Christ.

Smells ARE subjective. While you and I might not like the smells of shit and piss, there are definitely those that do. And while you might like the smell of mint, I might hate it. What is so hard to understand about different people liking different smells?

>> No.10546954

Well, I mean, we do have threads about interior design and shit all the time, so...

>> No.10546964

Haven't there been a few?

Welcome to the thread.

We have architecture threads all the time, though. Same with interior design, battlestations, etc.

>whatever autismal shit you and your autist friends feel like discussing at the moment

>> No.10546980

I totally agree with you, but when you read this claim +100 times, with scientists' researches and shit, I'm probably sure that it's true.

Also, cafeine it's good WITH SMALL DOSES (like 2 cups a day). Of course if you drink thousand cup a hour, you will freak out, which is quite the opposite of smoking, who became dangerous at the first cigarette (I don't said it became lethal, it became dangerous only).

>> No.10547007

Shiiit you are a retard

>> No.10547015

>other people are making off topic shitpost so i can too!!!

congrats on being the underage cancer that ruined this board, fucking faggots

at least theres some solace in the fact that you have limp dicks and will probably develop lung cancer eventually