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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, nedc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10545917 No.10545917 [Reply] [Original]

What's your /edc/ like, /fa/?

>> No.10545933

Nice DS, you man-child.

>> No.10545969

Nice DS, you man-child.

>> No.10545973


Nothing wrong with a DS, anon. Unless you're a tryhard "I only play mature games for mature men like myself" faggot who bases their interests and hobbies around what other people might think of them, that is.

>> No.10546099

My phone and a water bottle

>> No.10546104

w2c wallet?

>> No.10546117

>no car keys
This is an 18+ website fam. You gotta go

>> No.10546119


>live in a city
>drive a car
Choose one, suburbo.

>> No.10546120


>> No.10546131


I live in a city and own a car even though I live a block away from a 24 hr train line. Stay mad poorfag

>> No.10546150

>call them underage
>then call them poor

For what purpose? I could easily afford a car, but taking transit, a bike, or just walking is so much easier and saves so much money it's ridiculous.

Also, I seriously doubt you live "in a city" if you have a car and somehow think that's a smart decision. Or you actually do live in a city and are just retarded.

>> No.10546196

>I live in a city and own a car

This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever read on this board. So not only are you spending as much on gas alone as the other anon is on his transit AND bikeshare passes, but you're also paying for insurance, maintenance and repairs, your car (assuming you don't own it outright), AND parking?

Not to mention the time driving around looking for a parking spot, sitting in downtown traffic, and the general clusterfuck that is city driving.

>> No.10546199
File: 423 KB, 1500x1125, P9250054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I actually live in the city but that city has shit mass transit and is extremely unfriendly to cyclists and pedestrians and everything is far away and you literally cannot live without a car.
I wish I could get by without owning a car, driving sucks.

>> No.10546225

American? Where I am you can get by without a car even in sub-100K "cities".

>> No.10546259

Yes. I know, europoors have it great with functional mass transit and I've been able to easily get around every city I've been to in Europe. Houston is a huge sprawl where nothing is in walking distance, very few streets have bike lanes and drivers are incredibly hostile to cyclists, the buses are exclusively for homeless people, and the light rail covers a tiny area.

>> No.10546313


Why even try to be /fa/, you'll just bake to fucking death no matter what you wear.

>> No.10546345

It's truly suffering. It took a god damn hurricane to bring the temperature down enough that I wore a sweater for the first time since last spring, and now that it's gone the temperature is back to like 80 degrees.

>> No.10546352


Canuck, actually.

>> No.10546686

>Artemis Fowl
I guess it's true that all nintendo fans are manchildren

>> No.10546694
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>> No.10546701

You won the thread, I'm trying to switch back to razer also iPhones are pretty fucking lame.

>> No.10546773

What fucking year are you stuck in, 2007?

>> No.10546779

any more and you're a manchild/neckbeard

>> No.10546881

>ricoh gr


>> No.10546935

thinking that people do that and choose their hobbies around what other people think to justify your DS and your unmature interests is what make you a manchild.

>> No.10546958

>that sentence structure
>still not giving a reason as to why 3DS is bad
>name calling

A valid opinion indeed.

>> No.10546987

TI-89 is love

>> No.10547000

3DS is not bad per se, it is the community around the specific device and social impact that cause in public what is bad for your image. Maybe is not fair but it is what it is.

>> No.10547016


>> No.10547026

phone, keys and wallet

tbqh fam

>> No.10547325
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>> No.10548355

2 knifes?

>> No.10548367

Two quite different knives for different tasks

>> No.10548373

just in case his dick gets any smaller

>> No.10548382

Hey now leave my small penis out of this. It gets enough flak

>> No.10548389

aw man, why wear the helmet??? you wont be able to show off your sweet fedora when your riding your moped!

>> No.10548396

It's a trilby you plebian. Would have expected the a board called fashion to be able to guess that.

>> No.10548404
File: 322 KB, 1000x1333, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with an anon that commented on this before - I should probably upgrade the shit I carry with me, at least to some degree.

Not pictured: iPhone in leather case.

>> No.10548457


>> No.10548471
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>Not owning a Ricoh manufactured pre-2000

>> No.10548503

Why do you have to stalk both /k/ and /fa/ ?

Has this pic become a meme?

>> No.10548574


good taste in pens

>> No.10548585


I've been thinking about switching back to an older phone, but just having google maps and bus schedules at my fingertips is such a game changer, I don't think I could live without them.

razers are definitely the most /fa/ phone

>> No.10548611

Nice 4chan faggot-child

>> No.10548705

>you're a man child/neckbeard for carrying things around with you

>> No.10548830
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44 replies 5 images? University student

>> No.10548937

What are the names of the pens?

>> No.10548968

Left is a Rotring 600 pencil, right is a Lamy Al-star.

>> No.10549046

thank you, anon!

>> No.10549271
File: 1.13 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stuff. Check out my pens and lighters. I'm gonna post more tomorrow

>> No.10549276

Audio technica mx50? The one for about 100 yurobucks I mean. Is it really that good or do you think you could have gotten ao something better?

>> No.10549287

nice pelikan
what are the other 2?
how do you like the pelikan
i want to buy a montblanc 146 but im thinking of getting a pelikan too

>> No.10549364

The other two are Waterman (middle) and cerutti (right).
I absolutely love the pelikan but the Waterman is a tad smoother
I have good experiences with Mont Blanc and they are aesthetically pleasing as hell.

>> No.10549385
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>> No.10549412

for how cheap they were im more than happy with what i paid + theyre so durable its just perfect.

>> No.10549453
File: 988 KB, 2000x1555, edc copy 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Missing cigs.

>> No.10549455

those are the best fucking pens

>> No.10549459

the new ones with the chord you can switch out are life

>> No.10549463
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>tfw /g/

>> No.10549470

what kind of bmw?

>> No.10549486
File: 248 KB, 1128x752, everyday carry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10549489

why do you have a USB 3.0 hub when everything you have is a bottleneck?

>> No.10549492


hey sieg, it's mendicant

it wasn't much more than a 2.0 hub and it was more future-proofing than actually being useful.

>> No.10549499

Not sure you've got enough stuff there, man.

>Just in case any hoes wanna get funky in the back of my Civic hatch
Here's how I know you're taking the piss:
>No wallet to pay for the drink you're going to buy her (him?) first.
>No Rohypnol to sneak into said drink in order to lure her (...him.) into the back of your Civic hatch.

>> No.10549501

> future-proofing

it's not tho?

everyone is already on USB-c since it supports 4k display which has been the standard for over a year now?

>> No.10549507

same 4 married women each time, not going to bars

>> No.10549510

Er, why wouldn't he? Maybe he'll eventually buy 3.0-compliant devices down the road... it's not really a "bottleneck" if the slave device in the USB chain is the slowest, it's slow from the get-go. He's smart for not wanting to potentially have a middleman bottleneck in the future.

>> No.10549515

>Four women
>Only two condoms
Is this happening two at a time, or are you dangerously underprepared for these situations, boy scout?

>> No.10549527

i mean he could get rid of the system down the road, now since he paid extra for the hub he's less likely to adapt to the new stadnard.

all of his cables are 2.0, not like he has a samsung galaxy s5/6 or a note

he was a 3 generation year old middle of the road phone, and he's plugging his entire network of shit into a think pad

i mean it's like putting a spoiler on a jetta

>> No.10549528

Holy FUCK, nigger. You have a laptop, a tablet, AND a phone. Anna Kerenina is VERY much in the public domain, and here you are carrying around half a fucking tree along with a zillion pounds of other retarded shit rather than finding a fucking FREE .pdf.

C'mon son, lightweight or nothing.

>> No.10549533

3 of them fluid bonded, one is a fetlife whore who is young enough to conceive

>> No.10549534


You're saying manufacturers will start issuing USB-C devices before USB 3.0 floods the market, therefore skipping USB 3.0 entirely?

Additionally, all of this stuff is meant to solve general IT-related issues if they arise around me/my friends. If anyone has a 3.0 device it'd be useful.


The cables aren't meant to be used directly with the hub. It's just one piece of the toolkit.

>> No.10549545


>Not reading the superior Pevear and Volokhonsky

>> No.10549547
File: 1.08 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of his cables are 2.0
Oh, I missed that part. Nevermind.

Are you saying you don't like my Jetta?

>> No.10549551

the one device i have in my picture is USB-c....apple's newest version of their chromebook utilizes a single USB-c port

so do several other phones on the market and HDMI is already being phased out since it doesn't support the new High definition format

>> No.10549558

>Pevear and Volokhonsky
ayyyy my kinda person. That's the translation I was recommended too, but I ended up getting it off of #bookz, admittedly.

>> No.10549608

2013 S1000RR

>> No.10549668

Nice DS, you man-child

>> No.10549672
File: 35 KB, 471x560, 17944ba2c5d0ae2c4465efd6f7043eab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only play mature games

I don't play video games

>> No.10549685
File: 96 KB, 241x228, 0000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have same phone
>same Honda key
>same Kwikset key
>no condoms, no gf, not ever

What did I do wrong

>> No.10549717

a4? or s4?

>> No.10549727

A7 Prestige.

>> No.10549805

Is that a flip phone?

>> No.10549825

One problem I have with them is that the headband and the cushions are all made of synthetic material and it cracks and peels so easily.
Another is the fact that it looks plasticky and just doesn't look too good in public.
But in terms of performance, I have no complaints.

>> No.10549868

why are you even here?

i fell for the bait.

>> No.10549891

>nintendo ds

>> No.10549897

You have a girls handwriting, all neat and pretty. Faggot.

>> No.10549956

based don

>> No.10550764


>> No.10550902

The whole thing is autism.

>> No.10550938

>smokes and lighter/matches
>sunglasses during summer

that's about it, living in nyc is shit

>> No.10551091

J'aime manger des pneux

>> No.10551101

you've let items define you
you dumb frogposter

>> No.10551119

>vape (cringey but it's a healthier way to get high)
>something to read
>water or cold pressed juice

>> No.10551138

then please leave, fucking import autist poorfag

>> No.10551288
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>> No.10551434

I used to have really messy hadwriting then one finals week my gf talked me into taking 4gs of addy to help me write this paper. Changed my handwriting forever lol

>> No.10551885


>Bank decoder for online transactions.

Very handy to have a calculator without a single calculating function.

>> No.10551917


>Nerd glasses
>Shitendo TurDS
Virgin detected

>> No.10552580
File: 44 KB, 500x281, pepe 51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>these people rate your fits
>these people give advice
>these people use /fa/

so many autists leak from other boards.

>> No.10552627

>"The whole concept of /fa/ is to not get fashion advice, but to act autistic!"

>> No.10552634
File: 466 KB, 540x960, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that laptop. Sucks tbh

>old man glasses
Just what are you?

Nigga. That is a purse lmfao

>> No.10553440
File: 911 KB, 250x187, hello its me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw he didnt tag me

>> No.10553522
File: 407 KB, 756x756, 2015-10-29-22.55.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u me?

>> No.10553534

Yeah but all at the cost of privacy, which is priceless. People got around without smart phones before, we can do it now.

>> No.10553568
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>> No.10553638
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i bought mine like 3 years ago before they got that changable wire and im so mad! I like white because they're different from all the basics on my campus and im black. know anywhere i can cop grey replacement pads fam?

>> No.10553658

What kind of watch is that?

>> No.10553667

>med student
>smokes cigs

literally cuck
also, w2c those post its

>> No.10553825

>med student
>smokes cigs

...you haven't spent much time around doctors, have you.

>> No.10553860

>tfw you drop your Rotring 600 and now the tip is bend and unusable
what kinds of math are you DOING?

>> No.10553885

I carry around two knives. Albeit the smaller is in a multitool. I can vouch for the pic poster when he says "two knives for two different tasks"
You see, people (pussies, soccer moms) have a tendency to over react when they see someone take out a knife any bigger than 2", especially here in Commiefornia, that it helps to carry around a smaller knife for smaller tasks.

>> No.10553886

Yeah the tip thing on the Rotring is stupid and I kind of regret paying that much for a meme pencil when it turns out my girlfriend's graphgear is a better pencil for half the price. But it's not that big a deal if you just don't drop it, which I haven't.

I have two calculators because the ti-89 is way more useful but on most tests I'm only allowed to use the piece of shit scientific one. It's funny because I rarely use either anymore because outside of tests I'll probably use a computer instead. Literally every class I'm in requires some sort of math, it depends.

Do you know any doctors? All the ones I know smoke or drink or do both.

>> No.10553900

actually, i dont even want to know. i would like to keep my innocence

just bend it back. i dropped mine and it bent, i bent it back almost straight and it works 90% as well. only have issues with it sawing off a bit of the lead each time because the tip is a tad crooked.

well, had that problem. fuckin lost the pencil yesterday

>> No.10555068

Patrick wrote the old sticky new fag

>> No.10555181

i haven't replaced my pads (probably will soon tho kinda uncomfortable after about an hour or so of wearing them). I hear the brainwavz hm5 pads are good and I think they have a few color options too

>> No.10555186

wow you are an insecure little bitch afraid of big bad blacky

>> No.10555471

guys look at my gun key
do you have a gun key?
no you don't
are you jealous?
you should be
I have the most effay keychain
I am even in the Ikea family
love me /fa/ love me

>> No.10555478
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>> No.10555490

Hey Cucky the Cuckold

>> No.10555504
File: 28 KB, 420x600, door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so few of you carry a pistol?

>> No.10555560

Must be 18 and older to browse 4chan

>> No.10555563
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>> No.10557093

a shitty one

>> No.10558170

Do you live in the woods?

>> No.10558337

>would rather pay hundreds a month on a car than risk social interaction with strangers


>> No.10558351

this is as normie as it gets desu, and all that hate.
probably this guy gets more pussy than all of us dressed in some weird shit

>> No.10558354

Jokes on you, my mommy gave me my car.

>> No.10558367

I was just talking shit and felt bad for that other dude

My dad gave me a car being rich is awesome

>> No.10558392
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>> No.10558790

Putting gum or mints in your edc should be punishable by death.

>> No.10558824

>translated Tolstoy
only cucкs still haven't learned russian in this day and age

>> No.10559176
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>he owns a samsung phone

>> No.10559288

I have the same lighter but got it as a gift, what is it?

>> No.10559516

Has anyone here ever had to pull their sidearm?

I was robbed at knife point before I started carrying, nothing since.

>> No.10559533

Just wait til some copper is gonna bust you for that cheeky knife. Fucking wasteman innit bruv.

>> No.10559941

>Unless you're a tryhard
What if I carry around a dsl just to play tetris on my poop break? Like... It's actually a part of my process, I know how fast I can do a certain amount of lines so I don't take too long in the bathroom and I'm pretty regular.
fug tmi sorry desu senpai.

>> No.10559947
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>he owns an iphone

>> No.10560380

Why? Offensive breath is a deal breaker imo

>> No.10560453

>Phone case
>Camo quilt

Back to your board fake army man

>> No.10560473

samefag harder

>> No.10560490

I would kill you in real life if you said that to me.

Note that, due to this damage, I have become significantly more sociopathic. as someone who previously wasn't at all (too concerned, really) I can tell you with the utmost certainty that your life is a pale shadow of a decent persons. You lose out, so, so much - something which you won't be able to comprehend. Those factors that give one a moral caring disposition, are intimately intwined with those that make life meaningful. The less you feel, the less sympathetic you are, the less you live. Those born as sociopaths just don't realise it. You, to repsond like that, are verily almost as bad as me, both now so far from grace. Your mothers love was a lie. Nobody will care when you die. You don't exist for them just as others don't exist truly for you. Worthless. I would kill you but you'd suffer more being alive.

>> No.10560593

>I have become significantly more autistic
fixed that for you, also stop projecting so hard.

>> No.10561107

weed lmao

>> No.10561324
File: 1.38 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missing in this pic are my wallet and davidoff cigarettes

>> No.10561331

Cringe if it isn't a copypasta

>> No.10561397

It's a jacket and I am in the military. Sry if I offended.

>> No.10561485

Nice cumstains on your bag
Congratulations, your watch alone made me cringe
Nice pasta

>> No.10561498

at least you got one pen right

>> No.10561537

And which one would that be?

>> No.10561539

Green pen looks nice, that's some sort of Pelikan right? The president day-date always seemed a bit too flashy for me, though.

>> No.10561596

It's a pelikan souverän, Thanks. The watch is a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust. I too, came to the conclusion that it's too much.

>> No.10561670

Its you,but in another universe.

>> No.10561762

I'm in Houston too. What neighborhood are you in?

>> No.10561874


>> No.10561924

I need to buy a good bag now. Any suggestions?

>> No.10562380
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Sorry about the shit camera

>> No.10562400
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>oneplus one
Is it your weekend with the kids and you want to make balloon animals

>> No.10562438


>"going to try to score with a 14 year old but mom says she needs the car back by 8" starter kit

>> No.10562470

>has an irrational fear of firearms
>comments on the penis size of others

>> No.10562501

Because they're all sensationalist, hipster faggots.

>> No.10562567


Actually a small penis is safer against flak as it presents a smaller target and contains fewer blood vessels

>> No.10562607

Why are your notes so neat and orderly? Does your professor have a speech impediment?

>> No.10562615

Good luck getting that clipper to work, anon, lol. They're the worst. I love the pen on the left, though. I went through four of the all-black version when I lived in Britain. So slim!

>> No.10562813

what watch?

>> No.10563406

The ride never ends anon

>> No.10563414

>That dust

>> No.10563448


Why do lefties have this strange fascination with other guys' dicks?

>> No.10563459

need the car back by 8 inches

>> No.10563467

tfw i lost all my silly edc images
dang it

>> No.10563494


Really hope you're having a laugh mate

>> No.10563706

No he's trying to mend the burn

>> No.10563811
File: 7 KB, 249x243, pepe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never leave the house desu

>> No.10563980

What is being filtered here

>> No.10564307

up to duel brah

zoom zo om

>> No.10564475

tea bee 8ch

>> No.10564660

What model Vic is that?

>> No.10564683

Are you in any case Dutch?

>> No.10564685

fumer dans l'auto nuit à tous. je suis francais, je mange le dicks oui oui

>> No.10564688

I fucking love that lip balm

>> No.10564875

nikon. goat.

>> No.10564880

those condoms are the worst, always break

>> No.10565474


My Russian is poor.


It does the job.

>> No.10566498

wallet, phone, lighter

>> No.10566534

Yes yes, they're both shit.
Sony masterrace.

>> No.10566724

For dual wielding bro. Need those double strike power attacks for maximum dps.

>> No.10568008
