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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 380 KB, 1280x1547, 1437243436463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10536623 No.10536623 [Reply] [Original]

How do you respond to someone calling you gay for trying to be fashionable?

>> No.10536653

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.10536659

Doesn't happen to me because I don't dress like a bitch

>> No.10536660

I actually want to know. Not op, but I live in the hood (not quite, but separated by one street).

>> No.10536666

Move somewhere else. Plebs will be plebs.

>> No.10536667

Get bigger

>> No.10536668

Post fit, bitch

>> No.10536671

depends who it is

if it's some normie basic then I'd roll my eyes, ignore them and walk away. if it was like Yohji Yamamoto I'd tear up and kms

>> No.10536673


get a bad bitch

>> No.10536674

Welcome to /fa/, /fit/. Will you be staying for a while?

>> No.10536678

You don't have to dress like a bitch to provoke this reaction.

>> No.10536681

fuck him in the ass, that'll show him who the gay one is

>> No.10536687
File: 102 KB, 200x298, 1444526414734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea... right

>> No.10536688

What is considered gay is merely a social construct. No clothing is inherently female. What makes it seem feminine is the gender that predominately wears it - women.

I don't know why it's of any bother to you what they think of your sexuality. Unless being considered gay is negatively affecting you somehow, it's not a problem, thus it shouldn't bother you.

>you're gay, dude

Uh, okay? What's the point?

>> No.10536697

Fucking manlets when will they learn?

>> No.10536708

Honestly. In hs people used to ask if I was gay. I used to ask why it mattered and never give a reply. Then a girl in my english class tried to hook me up with her gay friend and I ended up dating her.

>> No.10536710

Hey tumblr!

>> No.10536711

If I could I would. I've got crippling anxiety. I just act like an asshole to girls to get them out of my sight, but the fucked up part is, thats what gets them wet & hot. The thing that eats me up is I KNOW I could slay pussy (based on my appearance/ what I've been told) but I want a loyal girl and I know with 100% certainty they don't exist. So I'm stuck with being a virgin. Maybe I'll fuck a hooker soon. But damn this kills me... I know what I want but can't have it. Not now, not ever. This is why I stay inside.

>> No.10536712

It doesn't bother me, I'd just like a way to respond to people to help them understand.

>> No.10536736

>Implying to have to dress like a bitch to get called "faggot"

>> No.10536738

I'd ask what their point is. Don't bother to even deny anything. It's also best to not sound like an expert on the subject because they'll use that to justify their claims that you're a gay and has thought way too much about this subject.

Imagine if someone mentioned it was raining. Astute fucking observation, Chad.

>> No.10536744

Quads speak the truth

>> No.10536756

i´f you had a resting bitch face this wouldnt happen to you

>> No.10536757

Ah, okay thanks.

>> No.10536762

fuck i need to sleep

>> No.10536764

gayest post of the thread, congratz

>> No.10536775

Dude it's just banter, take it easy you fucking autist.

>> No.10536777

Fuccboi the thread

>> No.10536782

i'd rather be gay than have bad taste

>> No.10536787

the poop emoji

>> No.10536788
File: 245 KB, 402x417, 1444420546535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking roasted

>> No.10536794

I like this.

>> No.10536797

hey jared how r u

>> No.10536861

damn nigga just get some pussy already

>> No.10537040
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why i fucked yo bitch you fat mother fucker WEST SIDEEEE

>> No.10537044
File: 202 KB, 453x435, 1443286319858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out.

>> No.10537162

well if your outfit was gay looking then thats pretty much what you get. dress less gay or stop giving a fuck what strangers think of your jimmyjams ffs

>> No.10537171

All gay men have taste,
But not all men with taste are gay

>> No.10537203

>I just act like an asshole to girls to get them out of my sight, but the fucked up part is, thats what gets them wet & hot.

LOL no. this is what boring motherfuckers with superiority complexes think. the thing about being a dick is that it IMPLIES you have confidence, social status, and, you know, things actually going on in your life. once she discovers that you have none of these, she dries up like the sahara and you're pretty much just a clueless prick.
all i'm tryna say is, if you think you're a mysterious attractive misunderstood brooding genius you're probably just a dick. maybe give sluthate a try, you'd like it there

>> No.10537224


>> No.10537607

Suck his cock. That'll show him!

>> No.10537630

If that picture is you, you do look pretty gay.

Dress like a conservative, upper-middle class gentleman if you want respect.

>> No.10537632

This is the dumbest thing I've heard. If people say you dress gay, then you deserve it

>> No.10537640

yo guys wtc pale, slim jeans like this without shitty pre-fading and distressing?

>> No.10537644


Stop hanging out with 14 year olds?

>> No.10537647


that picture has been palewave inspo on here for a pretty long time

are you new?

>> No.10537661

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.10537698

To this board, yes.

I usually stick to /biz/, /b/, and a couple others. I just came here to ask a question and started browsing a few posts.

>> No.10537749

I'm actually Bi, so I couldn't care less. Also, I'm tall and muscular, so I could wear a skirt and not look "gay".

This guy knows what he's talking about.

>> No.10537757

if ur getting called gay, either youre dressing gay or you just look effeminate - you should be dressing masculine to make up for it

yeah i know its easy to laugh it off n cry yourself to sleep alone later, easier to just to call everyone who doesnt like your cropped mom jeans and pink shirt a "dumb redneck hater", etc. but if youre getting called gay on a regular basis there is a 99% chance that you look fucking gay and stupid. and it may come as a shock but throwing your social life away for internet fashion is also pretty fucking gay

>> No.10537915

what do you do when you both fall in love tho???

>> No.10537926

>I usually stick to /biz/, /b/
Kill urself

>> No.10537933

Offer him to tell him all your fashion secrets if he sucks your dick.

>> No.10537936

This is good too.

>> No.10537957

Has never happened to me.

>> No.10538115

Go fuck yourself buddy

>> No.10538130

Nigga with the busted face is talking?

But I'm attractive

>> No.10538457
File: 91 KB, 600x798, 1443590869057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"lmao look at his clothes, what are you a fag"
*looks at his outfit starting from the shoes until you meet eyes*
"thanks dude, you too" anon says chuckling, simultaneously turning around

what also works is just start violently start making out with gf until they get so unconformable they leave/anything sexual to gf like slap her ass as hard as i can
these all kill the poorly dressed

>> No.10538466

Come out of the closet OP

>> No.10538481

maybe you should just try being gay and see if u like it

>> No.10538484

"It's never happened to me so it's obviously never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever happened!"

>> No.10538489

seduce his gf, qt sister, or someone he knows

>> No.10538492

no one's really called me gay for it

however i feel like a lot of people don't want to fuck with end up not wanting to approach me anyway so idgaf

>> No.10538495

Damn G u hit him hot, but yeah the whole he wants a loyal girl they dont exist. LITERALLY DROP YOUR STANDARDS LIKE 2 RUNGS. The personal connection is most important fuck cares what she looks like (6+) pussy is pussy.

>> No.10539168

If it's posed as a question, I'll say "No, I'm not gay"

If it's posed as an insult I'll say something like
"I'm not gay, You're just swine."

>> No.10539181
File: 1.86 MB, 300x298, 6553-lookatme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I give my number, fam.

Call me for a good time.

>> No.10539227

>I want a loyal girl and I know with 100% certainty they don't exist
This is really sad and pathetic. Your internet "experience" has totally betrayed you.

You'll never meet someone with this mindset. Girls are never "loyal" when they're attracted to you for superficial reasons. Girls are loyal when you mutually love and care for each other. When a girl really loves you she's not going to cheat on you with anyone - no matter how attractive or seductive they are.

That type of relationship takes time and confidence, two things that the r9k mindset completely lacks the ability to comprehend

>> No.10539252

the gays are on the loose again

>> No.10539278

Haha oh man you don't know shit, try going outside instead of watching anime love stories.

>> No.10539284

I get called high maintenance all the time by women. Kinda annoying

>> No.10539290


You really must be if women are calling you that.

>> No.10539302

I take care of myself. I honestly think its an excessive use of the word

>> No.10539313

"So I care about how I dress and you care about how other people dress. And I'm the faggot?"

>> No.10539316


Show us a picture of your eyebrows.

>> No.10539318

>implying I actually do them

>> No.10539321


>Getting defensive

>> No.10539322

how old are you that words still hurt you?

>> No.10539327


How white privileged are you, cis-scum?

>> No.10539348

well what do you do?

>> No.10539354
File: 112 KB, 800x640, american-apparel-brendan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god it's this kid

>> No.10539359

Fucc bois

>> No.10539389

Only ugly or poor people don't care about being fashionable

>> No.10539402

Young Thug plz go

>> No.10539406


oh my god he is the most fab kid ever

>> No.10539552

suck his dick

>> No.10539570

>implying he likes women

>> No.10539600

Fuck their girlfriend.
Whose gay now?
If it's a girl, fuck their bestfriend.