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/fa/ - Fashion

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10534783 No.10534783 [Reply] [Original]

>asking for fashion advice on a board that shares a website with /r9k/, /pol/ and /mlp/ and is filled with 16 year olds

>> No.10534877
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>a board that shares a website with /r9k/, /pol/ and /mlp/

guilt by association fallacy.

>filled with 16-year-olds

mean age is 19 to 20 here.

0/10 troll

try again

>> No.10534884

I don't ask for fashion advice here though
And to be honest specific threads like Rick general actually are good places for advice because the sad fucks who dress to get girls don't visit those threads.

>> No.10534885
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>more 16 year olds than 22 year olds
>majority of 18 year olds

this is literally teenmfa 2.0

>> No.10534899

>voluntary response

>> No.10534918

>majority of 18 year olds

that's not how the graph works, anon.

the fact that 18-year-olds is the biggest single group doesn't mean that it's a majority.

a mode variable =/= a majority

>> No.10534922

Yeah Rick threads are filled with the top 3% of shit dicks who dress to catch dicks with their mouths.

>> No.10534924

le ep1c sekert club!! XD

>> No.10534935

>coming to /fa/ for anything other than a laugh

/fa/ is for shit posting and telling ppl to cop ugly shit in cop or not

>> No.10534936

>more 18 year olds than any other single age

better you fucking dweeb

>> No.10534951

forgot about >>>/b/

>> No.10535096

Look guys! Im better than you!

>> No.10535119


>> No.10535167


>tfw 27

every once in a while there is some decent inspo or fragrance threads, but most of you are faggots who haven't even finished college.

>> No.10535177



>being a virgin

>> No.10535184

yeah - its a bunch of 19-20 year old virgins.

really not the kind of guy you want telling you how he thinks you should look, cause the chances are he looks like shit.

if anyone uses /fa/ for ANYTHING other than inspo and w2c, they are deluded and should consider spending their hard earned cash on other, cheaper memes.

>> No.10535192

You are 27 and a virgin? Wtf man, how?

>> No.10535202

over 25 crew confirmed objectively only fashionable people on board

I don't even use /fa/ for inspo because it's too dated and behind the curve fashionably. The trends are always a year+ behind. When there's a new one I'm always laughing because it's not new. Luckily there's private communities that are better, and while perfectly acceptable for college aged kids by all means, aren't behind /fa/ which is on par with reddit, sf, sufu, ktt, ct, etc on being the flyover states of internet fashion culture.

>in b4 secret club
>in b4 people guessing it's a forum it isn't
>in b4 /fa/ not realizing it's never been named once on here
>in b4 I'm lying

I just come here for fragrance threads and to watch the slapfights tbh

>> No.10535214

i always imagined /fa/ was pretty close to current trends.

you have to admit, /fa/ catches on to shit before the vast majority of people, including stores like h&m and shit.

>> No.10535236
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yeah, but even reddit catches on before the masses does. I'd put /fa/ at the front of early majority at best tbh

>> No.10535497

took you nearly a decade to finish your bachelors?

>> No.10535522

get that smug cunt elon musk out of here. creating paypal and spending your money on space exploration instead of dope fits is not effay

>> No.10535533
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dude overpriced commodities lmao

>> No.10535617

the fragrance threads are a waste of your time. may as well just leave the board altogether.

basenotes is far better for discussion, and fragrantica for research. some basenotes posters have started their own blogs that are worth following. most frag threads on /fa/ are like

>which fragrance that i can buy at a mall under $100 will get me the most number of vaginas closest to my face?

>diesel fuel for life is the greatest scent of all time. gets the bitches wet. one time a girl at a club smelled my neck and gave me a compliment. ask me anything

/fa/ fragrance threads filled to the brim with thirsty fuccbois and casuals

>> No.10535670
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>I dont like place lets go to place tell them i dont like them that will show em

Please spare /fa/ from becoming a shitposting central by ignoring these threads.