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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 498 KB, 1200x801, P1050216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10534682 No.10534682 [Reply] [Original]

What does your apartment/room look like?

Iäm moving to an apartment and need ideas.

>> No.10534730
File: 84 KB, 700x700, 1440966566388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you german

>> No.10534794
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>> No.10534881

Nope. Why?

>> No.10534898

oh wow, this is so cringe-worthy

>3 screens
>tech everywhere on the desk
>3 IKEA lamps
>a just as shitty IKEA carpet
>A FUCKING SWORD in the table
>graphics card boxes in the shelf
>shelf overflowing of manga/fantasy
>some kind of dragon at the window
>warhammer figurines or whatever

and someone is actually proud enough of this to take a picture... fucking hell.

>> No.10534902

comffyyyy, don't like the table placement though, i'd rather have it against the wall

>> No.10534934

Can't believe you took the time to look into all the details of the room.

>> No.10534944

>implying I have anything better to do

it's sunday m8. try going out once in a while and you'll see how you feel on these days

>> No.10534974

seriously i hope you don't sleep in that room. If you bedroom has a computer that's not a laptop then you're fucking up/10

>> No.10534998

Yeah come on, try going out more like this guy and realize nobody wants you around. Gives you a lot of time to analyze 4Chan posts.

>> No.10535027
File: 344 KB, 6182x1910, IMG_2220 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved into a new place in Brooklyn. Nice flat with a private backyard area from my room. I still need to decide what color to paint the accent wall (behind the bed) and get a nice rug because the tile will be freezing in the winter.

Any ideas or recommendations?

>> No.10535036

>and realize nobody wants you around

well, that's a completely unfounded statement.

try to make your insults more substantial next time. they burn more that way.

>> No.10535741


>> No.10535769
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>> No.10535770
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My new Apartment
It is small but in the city
Wanna get a bigger tv and häng it on the wall

>> No.10535780
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>> No.10535793

Buy a different rug and also hide those cables

>> No.10535827

I already took Card of the cables
What Kind of rug would you suggest?

>> No.10536062

that comically sized mirror(frame) and astro turf rug makes this look so weird...like shitty suburbia ikea showroom model house

>> No.10536083

really bad, too much boring ikea all crammed into one small room

>> No.10536237

If you have the money, buy a screen and a projector.

>> No.10536243

Maybe they make music? The fuck are you crying for. Post your room.

>> No.10536245

just buy fucking kartell

>> No.10536259

It's all very obviously Ikea, but not in an offensive way, especially if that's really your price range anyway. I really, really like the simplicity and organization. Could definitely use some stuff on the walls and/or general decor, though.

>> No.10536274

W2c nice bed spreads/sheets?

Also, I think I lost my mind recently and let my room go to shit. So I'm looking to do a complete redesign and actually keep it clean this time.

>> No.10536410

>manchild cave

>> No.10536429

I've got to know:

How many girls have seen that room before they had sex with you and still had sex with you?

I'm not trying to be a dick. A good buddy of mine has begun collecting fucking Madoka figurines because he claims it's an "action" show and not some magical girl bullshit. According to him, girls will still fuck him with the figurine(s) in the room because it's "totally an action show that they'd respect" or someshit. I don't believe it.

>> No.10536515
File: 387 KB, 833x606, bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the bedroom of a 700 sq ft apt.

we usually sleep 2 in this bed.

there's also a black clothes drawer in this room, out of pic to the left.

gonna move soon tho to a bigger place.

>> No.10536832 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 3648x5472, rpwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fav part of my room + dog, gonna get some artwork / poster to hang in between the two windows

the rest of my room isn't that interesting tbh

>> No.10536891

fuck you

>> No.10536905

the only thing wrong with this is the chair

>> No.10536911
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>> No.10536917

angry neckbeard detected

please don't stab me with your katana

>> No.10537077
File: 1.28 MB, 3822x1282, PANO_20151025_161844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick panorama of it. I put everything on wire shelves from target. Clean and simple.

>> No.10537113

So effay is actually filled with stingy ass judgemental gays. This thread confirmed my suspicion. Seriously who gives a fuck if someone has an ikea lamp in their room. This is the only place ive seen people care about that shit. Isnt this a fashion board

>> No.10537130

you're the guy who originally posted that pic right? and you're mad?


>> No.10537161

I have that hamper too. It's durable as hell but seeing it here it's not all that effay

>> No.10537169

Nope havnt posted anything in this thread. If im mad at anything its that people actually get personally offended and upset that someone would dare to put a cheap lamp in their apartment. Everyone acts so above everyone else on this board, its sickening really. Its a place to come and vent personal frustrations and be rude to people. And i know its hypocritical that im here too but whatever, this place isnt for me i guess

>> No.10537180

About as unfounded as your inference that poster doesn't go out

>> No.10537202

this board is a destructive ocean of piss, and if you can't deal with the banter you should get the fuck out

(seriously: stare into the abyss... just get out while you can)

>> No.10537230

Ha yea i figured that out within about ten minutes of checking this place out. Thats cool i guess, id just rather actually discuss fashion rather than shit on anyone that doesnt have the exact same taste as yours. Every thread here is just one upping, bickering, making fun of "poorfags" or insecure people asking if somethings effay, unable to think for themselves. Its so rare to see an actual discussion or positivity

>> No.10537258

Yeah. I think there's a list of other better sites that has been posted here somewhere. I sometimes chat in the /fa/ irc... #effay on Rizon

not at all as hostile... and some people there actually now stuff about fashion. just slow sometimes.

>> No.10537271

"the man with a stick up his ass"

kek, what a blowhard

>> No.10537283

Goddamnit shut thfuck up bateman

>> No.10537383

Cool ill check that out

>> No.10537426

Mildly Harram

>> No.10538954
File: 707 KB, 2456x1632, DSC00248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10538960

not as angry about it as you but I agree that this is pretty bad

>> No.10538974

How much for this ?

>> No.10538979


>that chair

your back must hate you

>> No.10538990

oh god why i'm not even envious, do you work at home?

>> No.10538991

I can't understand why anyone would want their room to look like this. 90% of the stuff cluttering up the room is useless novelty shit (seriously, all three of those sets of shelves could be removed and it would make no difference to the functionality of the room), so it's clearly not any more functional than something like
Which just plain looks better too, so even aesthetics can't be a justification for having that shitty of a room.

Not to mention if you need to move, or simply move the furniture in your room around, it's going to be a huge hassle.

>> No.10538997

Looks like you spent your chair budget on toys

>> No.10539068
File: 533 KB, 2456x1632, DSC00262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10539101

paint the fan white or orange

>> No.10539114

don't listen to these other sperglords, by the looks of your room you seem like a happy individual. you've got to have a decent paying job, and you've spent your money on things that you enjoy and make you happy. it's not my preferred style, but i respect anytime i see a happy person

>> No.10539184
File: 73 KB, 495x499, 1431981401091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this triggers the /fa/ggots

>> No.10539186

Nice Resonator dude, how you like playing it? I've always wanted to pick one up but I always talk myself down.

>> No.10539198
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting inspo

>> No.10539201
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>> No.10539222
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>> No.10539225
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>> No.10539241



tbh most of the haters are unemployed NEETs who are just jealous you can dump money into setting up your room in your preferred style

>> No.10539256

not necessarily
more cluttered rooms can look pretty nice / be pretty functional, like:


but all of his clutter is just toys and videogames. Not only is it not appealing to me but odds are if he invited any female into his home they would assume he is a weeb

>> No.10539262

how is it having all black everything for your bedding? in terms of keeping it clean

>> No.10539282

Orange is the new black?

>> No.10539294
File: 418 KB, 1280x1280, 1408832697082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10539296

I made the mistake of buying black bedsheets. Problem is that on a black sheet you can see all the dust, hair and whatever comes off you very easily so it looks pretty disgusting.

>> No.10539298
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>> No.10539355
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>> No.10539360
File: 487 KB, 599x599, Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 12.03.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taken from @fredrikrisvik on instagram

I'm pretty sure the duvet is from ikea

>> No.10540690

So much this.

>> No.10541420
File: 680 KB, 2512x964, room70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10541467 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 1080x4912, DSC_1284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my first 4 rooms, 2 storey house earlier this year.

this is my room, its L-shaped layout is just so awkward i can't get anything to work.

>> No.10541480
File: 237 KB, 2456x540, DSC_1284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my first home earlier this year, my L-shaped room's layout is just so awkward i can't get anything work. shitty furniture brought from parents home doesnt help too.

>> No.10541534

I really like it. I have a similar carpet and I'm trying to make it work. This is v helpful

>> No.10541677

I was looking at buying that same bedframe. how has it held up? IKEA says its real wood but i wasn't sure if thats true for the whole thing.

How about sex on it?

>> No.10541817

whered u get the clothing rack? v nice

>> No.10541855

>dat REX


>> No.10541861

Don't stack yr records like that, mong

>> No.10541873

any body have recommendations on /fa/ bed frames that aren't super expensive other than IKEA?

>> No.10541953

red, always red

>> No.10542555

I don't care what these other /fa/ggots say...the Frostmourne is sick.

>> No.10542591

you're not having sex. don't worry about it

>> No.10543156

This image made me really depressed

>> No.10543288

V nice, clean, kinda interesting. How's entertaining in a room like that?

>> No.10543314

I don't own a bed like that, but dated a girl who did.

The wood holds up okay. Not well. The iron ones hold up better for that sort of thing, but are still cheap.

IKEA's weird. Their couches are made extremely well, but their beds are weirdly low and limiting and everything they sell with a drawer is unrelenting shit.

>> No.10543510

>we usually sleep 2 in this bed.

>1 pillow

This is fucking depressing, like I want to cry.
Tell me you're alright anon.

>> No.10543696
File: 258 KB, 644x483, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I'm quite depressed from time to time so that may have something to do with it. but I tend to feel more bad though when my apt is cluttered, so I like the lack of things.

I'm okay for now! As you can see from the original pic, there's something hiding underneath the blanket - pic related.

>> No.10543714

Hug someone you care about or something.

>> No.10543721

literally what's wrong with ikea

>> No.10543753

NEET implies unemployed just ftr

>> No.10544169

Best ITT

Unfortunate situation. If possible, I'd suggest choosing another room for your bed and turning this room into an office or something

>> No.10544209

what is that fuckhuge tablet thing op?

>> No.10544236
File: 792 KB, 2448x3264, B7eG4K4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a few shots of my apartment

>> No.10544237


sort of curious aswell tho

>> No.10544241
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>> No.10544246
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The reason I have hanging knits is that they like to shrink in the crappy washing machines we have. I have to stretch them back to normal size

>> No.10544264


>> No.10544273

It is, I'm laying on one now, it's ok but the button things piss me off, 5/10.

>> No.10544374

Seriously? Ran out of money to buy one or two more of those cheap ass shelves, so you had to stack your sneakers atop each other?

>> No.10544489

>fake brick
>tiny canvas
>canvas doesn't match anything

It had potential but I'd change that canvas

>> No.10544602

The brick isn't fake. My apartment has brick on the two internal walls. I'm considering buying or making a new piece of art whenever I have the money to blow

>> No.10544606

Nothing as long as your entire place isn't ikea

>> No.10544684

are your shoes normally pointed that way or was it just for the pic?

>> No.10544734
File: 433 KB, 4000x1537, Dangerously Comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10544767

>how's entertaining in a room like that

Well I haven't lived here long but so far it's good. People always want to stay for longer than they plan. People appreciate the decent sound system as well. Although I am a bit obsessive about people using coasters on my coffee table because marble stains pretty badly.

>> No.10544847


>> No.10544851


>> No.10544857
File: 42 KB, 199x216, spookyghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10544871


>> No.10544914

Tips for bedsheet colours? I have a white one that I really have to replace soon. Red seems so whoreish, but most alternatives strike me as dull.

>> No.10544927

get the Ralph Lauren bear covers

>> No.10545021
File: 651 KB, 3104x1746, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make the most of my shitty little room, any pointers?

>> No.10545042

Too much clutter, too many cables.

>> No.10545046

The cables are only out when I'm using my laptop, it is fairly cluttered though.

>> No.10545311

>Just stack my records up, fam
>mattress on floor

I like my spine the way I like my music. Creaky and warped.

>> No.10545477

Looks like a Cintiq.

>> No.10545820

White. You can bleach them

>> No.10545891
File: 2.22 MB, 2150x4318, Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 square foot studio.

>> No.10545914

>all that vidya shit out in the open

pretty vomit-inducing, went from 8/10 to 3/10 because that's a cardinal sin

either you're a legit social autist or you're a mega-tryhard

>> No.10545918

dig the tanks

>> No.10546007
File: 143 KB, 1080x1920, 12177496_10205801953422656_1515363406_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to take a pic but heres my bed

>> No.10546016
File: 2.14 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20150625_163138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does your apartment/room look like?

Renting a room in a town just outside Toronto. Pretty comfy for 500$/month.

Upsides are that internet and TV are included, and I don't have to pay utilities. Downsides are that I have to share a washroom and a kitchen.

>> No.10546024

hell to the nah nah o the nah nah. nah

>> No.10546067

best ITT

>> No.10546081


why are you calling someone else an autist when you're getting so worked up over somebodies hobby lol

>> No.10546185

It's a Regal RC-2 and sounds purrrdy. I love it. Fingerstyle is very pleasant.. but a nylon pick just makes it glow. It was hard to get used to the chunky neck at first, even coming from a traditional-style Les Paul.

You can see all the lint/dust that accumulates on it, but I lint roll it every few weeks so it's not noticeable.

>> No.10546224

Nice place, but what's your internet speed?

>> No.10546229
File: 33 KB, 630x303, speed (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good tbh.

>> No.10546379


looks good. any more stuff and you'll have tipped over the cluttered edge, though. you're already teetering.

/fa/ will hate it because you have an interest other than minimalism that you display (vidya corner). but honestly looks like a cool spot. i like the gustav klimt print. i fucking hate the painting of the green hill in your kitchen.

would chill with/10

>> No.10546530


Like it's not even a cringeworthy display of vidya either. (Go look at a battlestation thread for that shit.)

>> No.10546544


Nice Klimt, man! I like your place!

>> No.10546547

I notice people deride Ikea, how come? I think my favorite rooms in these threads are the tidy minimalist Ikea ones.

>> No.10546627

Really nice

>> No.10546646

Because they are too stupid to put up flat pack adult lego furniture.

>> No.10546731

because a lot of the furniture looks and feels cheap

>> No.10547097

My mattress isn't on the floor

>> No.10547116

Looks cozy anon

Is that a peace lily on your desk? I'm trying to find some good plants to put in my room.

>> No.10547118

It's H&M of furniture

>> No.10547553

So where do you go when you want nice clean simple minimal furniture?

>> No.10547751

Eh, I think it's kinda fun. I try not to take myself too seriously, plus all of my friends are just as into vidya as I am so I don't really have anyone to hide it from.

Thanks, yeah this picture is a little old so I've been working on decluttering the kitchen and it looks a bit better. I like minimalism in a lot of areas of my life, but I prefer a place that looks lived-in. Green hill is a WIP that my husband gave up on; I don't like it but it's exactly covering an ugly ass breaker box so it'll stay for now.

Klimt is legit my favorite painter. My only beef is that there aren't any prints that have the gold leaf depicted with shiny ink. I have two of his pieces and I'm thinking of getting a third to replace ugly kitchen painting.

>> No.10547983
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English-Japanese Dictionary
Of course

>> No.10547990

Those are books retardo

>> No.10547997

typical german autist

>> No.10548308


i find that with furniture it's even more of a crapshoot than clothing. i can never really find a reliable source of furniture that i like, that is made well, and that is within my price range.

and tbh it's probably for the best. i think part of the critique of matchy ikea rooms is that you can tell all of the furniture was bought together. instead of a room's collection being organically grown over time, piece by piece.

there are some pieces from ikea that i like. a lot that i don't. you really have to be open to finding a thing anywhere, from ikea to artisan boutiques to estate sales etc.

>> No.10548318

Lumber yard for furniture-grade plywood.

Woodworking is so fucking simple to do legit retards make careers out of it doing the work for lazy people.

>> No.10548343

an autism to surpass big boss
w2c sik mtlgerrex

>> No.10548986

*stabs him in the balls* back the fuck off??????

>> No.10549077

This. It'd open up the room.

>> No.10549250

god you people are so fucking bland and boring.

>> No.10549313

Then post shit you find interesting.

>> No.10549678

do you actually sit in that chair?
it looks like it could be ok to read in, but it's so starkly placed

>> No.10549692
File: 1.54 MB, 896x1784, Haus collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My student house of two months (so far)

>> No.10549723

how is this inspo?

>> No.10549811
File: 310 KB, 1632x918, WP_20151028_23_04_37_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to share half of this room with a roommate so this is the best I could do.

What the hell should I do with it?
Please, give me as much criticism as possible.

>> No.10549834
File: 305 KB, 2000x1333, 1399574089748.cached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally realized what this looks like.

>> No.10549841

Please stop. I'm laughing so hard I peed a little.

>> No.10549903

how did you smuggle a camera into the cellblock? you hoop it? hope you touch road soon dog

>> No.10549968
File: 251 KB, 2048x1536, 12183963_654365624705184_7663209326900037122_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll cowards don't even interior decorate

>> No.10550022

>there are some pieces from ikea that i like. a lot that i don't. you really have to be open to finding a thing anywhere, from ikea to artisan boutiques to estate sales etc.

Like this, thanks

>> No.10550034

you just lost.

>> No.10550065

lol that's my sketchy east european wiring on the roof there, landlord is gonna LOVE me

Also I was planning on hanging that picture on the wall, rather than hanging it on the floor

>> No.10550116
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>> No.10550119
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>> No.10550164

this is how my bed is, it's fucking terrible. my toe gets fucked up all the time hahahaha

>> No.10550219

>>10534730 6/10 would be higher with nicer view
>>10534794 3/10 involuntary celibacy
>>10535027 4/10 you get +1 for the sweet fan
>>10535769 1/10 probably bait
>>10535770 5/10 would putt on carpet
>>10536515 0/10 looks like a lunatic asylum
>>10537077 4/10 are you on welfare?
>>10541420 7/10 clean and minimal
>>10541480 2/10 get a bedsheet you filthy slob
>>10544236 4/10 laminate flooring is cheap and also not a festering hotspot for bacteria, filth, germs and insects then again duvet covers and pillowcases accomplish a simliar thing you filthy filthy filthy dirtbag
>>10544734 7/10 you're doing poverty right
>>10545021 6.5/10 I had those kendo speakers, they're pretty crisp now clean up your liquor bottles you drunk slav
>>10545891 8/10 w2c chihuahua
>>10546007 3/10 move out of your mom's house
>>10546016 7/10 bright and cozy, love the windows
>>10549692 2/10 you couldn't even fuck a fat chick in that room
>>10549811 1/10 The only people who share bedrooms are pakis, heroin addicts and children below the age of 7, re evaluate your life choices
>>10549968 9/10 if this is your actual flat
>>10550116 3/10 this is where dreams go to die

>> No.10550324


>> No.10550334

georgetown fam?

>> No.10550347

>7/10 bright and cozy, love the windows
Thanks, anon.


>> No.10550403
File: 44 KB, 960x397, 11079773_636076016496371_364964696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think I do okay for student/pizza boy

>> No.10550418


sweet kung pow mask replica

>> No.10550427

Are those spices on your fridge? I like.

>> No.10550442

hahaha okay

>> No.10550451

You don't know that this person is happy.

>> No.10550466

This is the kind of person my little brother talks about when he says that even adults with good jobs play video games. The kind of people that consider talking to a 13 year old about atheism on a headset while playing online with him to be a worthwhile use of leisure time.

>> No.10551381

you have a trust fund

>> No.10551388

Who /NYC/ here?

Just moved to Upper East Side need these inspo threads for life.

>> No.10551639

Just move the other TV bro why the hell is it not facing the couch in the first place? Why would you need two TVs right next to each other?

>> No.10552444

how old r u, how much is yur salary and how expensive is the rent?

>> No.10552457

Yo I'm in ues, what neighborhood you in?

>> No.10552506

rich fucks gtfo

>> No.10552573

>tfw barely surviving
I live in a shit hole. Its been two days since I last ate , and I must pay my rent. I hate my life tbh.
Gonna need to find an extra 200$ somehow

>> No.10552595

Suck my cock

>> No.10552599

It's mostly for when I have people over.

>> No.10552604
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taking the piss out of poor people
r00d tbh

>> No.10552607

Let me ask you guys something, the bottom cushion of my bed broke, is it alright if I just sleep on just the top cushion? My fucking back is starting to kill me in the morning.

>> No.10552613

Nice hair.
Post a pic of yourself with the date and my post number written on your forehead with a sharpie (red or black), holding up a printed image of my post, and attach your PayPal email to it and I'll give you $50.

>> No.10552614

just sleep on the floor

>> No.10552640

Dont have a printer, dont have a sharpie, barely have any lighting. Im also on my phone. Thanks for the offer tho

>> No.10552642

In the 70's between 1st and 2nd

>implying I didn't get my money from military buckz
GI Bill $$$

>> No.10552643

You have no ambition. You deserve eviction.

>> No.10552646

namefag is right, move back to portland, slacker

>> No.10552662
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>> No.10552670
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>> No.10552673

nice taste my mom has got the same chair not jk

>> No.10552709

wow... someone offers you 50 dollars for such a simple task when you're in dire need of money... you find an excuse not to.
utter failure.
and yet you are preoccupied with fashion.
nice priorities, retard.

>> No.10552723


very comfy

>> No.10552724

nice im 72nd and 3rd. we probably awkwardly pass each other on the street sometimes

>> No.10552727

n-no homo

>> No.10552729

Why is there a gun

>> No.10552732

This exactly, you pathetic fucking retard. I was going to hope your living space burns down with you inside, but I sympathize with the landlord. Fuck you

>> No.10552786

...m-maybe a little homo?

>> No.10553464

I wish they were fake. My housing department says that one row of bricks is good enough to separate apartments, so I hear everything everyone else does.

>> No.10553465

Not laminate flooring. Shitty carpet that I can't change.

>> No.10554168

no trust fund lol

>> No.10554907

Only good ones in thread.

Also >>10544734 w2c 10/10 blanket?

>> No.10554951

what does that mattress lie on?

>> No.10555158

well for fuck sake cover it, that's a hotbed of diseases, I can practically see the mites and parasites crawling around in that disgusting carpet. I reccomend several layers of cling wrap

>> No.10555606
File: 3.65 MB, 4896x3264, DSCF4073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dorm 1/2

>> No.10555618
File: 3.32 MB, 3264x4896, DSCF4074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is autorotation

>> No.10555620

Whatcha' printing?

>> No.10555730


not the guy who posted it, but i think the point is that it forces you to improve your posture