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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 500x500, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10513025 No.10513025 [Reply] [Original]

Post your /fa/ related feels here and give advice to others

I'll start:
>slight acne
>no close friends
>i regret dumping her
>this new girl is showing slight interest but i am for sure going to fuck it up
>eating disorder
>no self-discipline
>no money
>i will never be attractive enough to be a model

>> No.10513048

>take meds for manic depression, anxiety and mild acne
>interview tomorrow at american apparel
>totaled my car but getting a new one next month
>been single willingly for over a year and denied having several relationships start
>recent girl I'm hooking up with used to model
>trying to take my time with it since I actually like her
>her roommate does runway
>entire rest of my band works full time right now and need new jobs before we can really fuckin go somewhere
>get requests or offers from people to photograph me regularly
>still not satisfied or happy with anything
>I'd rather do heroin and listen to music than be a stable 21 year old with a healthy life

guess weed, benzos and wine will do

>> No.10513063

>TFW stopped getting invited to places since I declined half the time.
>TFW I'd decline to stay home and post on /fa/ instead of having friends.

Last time I went out and spent $200 at a strip club.

Doesn't really feel bad, it's expected, if I invited the same person out 3 weekends in a row and got declined each time I wouldnt waste my time with them.

Oh Well.

>> No.10513084

just a question for you: do women find it odd or off-putting that you have no good friends? im the same as you in terms of being depressed and a loner ,and women have told me its a red flag

>> No.10513094

im not sure if my gf actually likes me

>> No.10513099

it's not something that usually comes up, but I assume they'd find it off putting

>> No.10513100

>tfw no qt trap gf

advice pls

>> No.10513112
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>Going to vegas in a few weeks
>Bunch of friends and our girlfriends
>Wear all of my best fits
>Pass up all club lines because on lists for every club whenever wherever at no cost
>Get handed expensive bottles of alcohol
>Have pics taken of me in public often when in any city
>Used to model but now have consulting career
>Girlfriends manages models
>Donald Trump has a shot at being president of this downward spiraling nation

Good feels friends.

>> No.10513124

Would you think a girl with no friends is off-putting?

>> No.10513137

Depends on their personality, some people are completely introverted and are entirely complacent about it. These are often the most level-headed people because they don't have to deal with drama, and often have hobbies that fill their time.

But if they're below average intelligence or have a messed up family life run for your fucking life.

>> No.10513164

>tfw (temporarily??) dumped by the cutest girl in our group of friends and now i see her all the time which works out fine cause we still get along great but i miss the intimacy
>only play videogames to fill the time I used to spend on her
>spending buckets of money on clothes so that when i look in the mirror at least i feel good about how i look for a moment
>tfw probably should get over her for my own sake but dont want to because even when i feel like shit i feel more alive

>> No.10513176

Can I feel with you?

>> No.10513201

>tfw gf
>tfw happy and haven't had a truly bad feel in days
>tfw she's cute and sleeping next to me
I made it bros, it's been almost a year now, I think she's a good one

>> No.10513205


>> No.10513209


hey anon, I am happy for you. Make fun times and solid fits come 2 u.

>> No.10513211
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>ugly as fuck

Cosmetic surgery here I come

>> No.10513213



shit fam tbh i fucked up

>> No.10513216
File: 89 KB, 682x614, 1436094131172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 yr old here

>tfw you have shit grades and no matter how well you test you still won't get into any good schools
>tfw you feel completely lost and overwhelmed with life and probably will never amount to anything
>tfw all your friends were a year older and are away at amazing colleges
>average jawline
>kinda week chin
>jew nose
>still not as fit as you want to be
>anexity depression ADD and zero self worse, can't bring myself to do shit
>also broke
>new school that sucks
>felt like shit the last two weeks

>qt gf of one year who loves me and vice versa (ill probably find a way to fuck things up eventually)
>new car
>Best dressed among friends (still second ugliest tho)
>new cops, finally getting some high quality peices
>finally kinda developing a cohesive personal style
>going to parties is fun sometimes
>lost weight, finally looking good

>> No.10513220

>cant pass calculus
>no friends
>no gf
>no self confidence
>7/10 at best

>> No.10513227

>too young


>still maybe have time to grow (probably not tho)

also older wiser anons was high school some of the better years of your life? Bc I hope its not all down hill from here things are pretty shit already :(

>> No.10513230

>recently single from like a 6 year relationship
>dont know how to date girls any more
>junior in university
>spend most of my time exercising or smoking weed
>short and asian

>> No.10513240

>start casually hanging w ex again
>tfw can do better but still going for it and dont know why

>> No.10513260

both high school and college sucked ass for me
but college was a little better.

>> No.10513262

Thanks man. The same to you

>> No.10513271 [DELETED] 

>tfw old fwb asks me about fashion advice
>tfw we have a lot in common but im ugly so it doesn't matter to them
>tfw broke
>tfw in immense paypal debt
>tfw have 3k in school bills to pay or i cant register for class next semester
>tfw will probably get a job soon

>tfw haven't been out in months
>tfw make halloween plans with friends but new job could ruin them

>> No.10513272
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>tfw chronic eczema ON THE FACE
>kill me now

>> No.10513280

>last line is best line

>> No.10513281

how are things now man. also where did you go to school?

>> No.10513293

Bruh did u ever lotion or wash in general fam good luck btw

>> No.10513295

things are ok. im pretty lost. not sure where my future is headed. somewhere awful most likely.
im in STEM but my GPA is trash.
i still only have 1 friend. same friend from high school.

ive managed to somehow to talk a few ppl into having sex with me

i go to a shitty state school.

so overall 6/10

everything that has went wrong so far is completely and only my fault.

>> No.10513307

>tfw old fwb asks me about fashion advice
>have a lot in common but im ugly so it doesn't matter to them
>in immense paypal debt
>have 3k in school bills to pay
>can't register for next semester until it's paid
>on academic probation
>might get kicked out of school

>will probably get a job soon
(only good feel tbh)

>haven't been out in months
>make halloween plans with friends but new job could ruin them

>> No.10513317

Go see a therapist tbh fam, doing it rn, working breddy gud

>> No.10513332 [DELETED] 

II used to feel insecure about having a small penis but now I'm just like yeah I have a small dick. I even feel like women think its charming when I talk about having a small penis.

Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.10513335

good luck man I hope things work out. and same.

I have on and off, never really found it helpful. same with various meds.

>> No.10513342
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I used to feel insecure about having a small penis but now I'm just like yeah I have a small dick. I even feel like women think its charming when I talk about having a small penis.

Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.10513351

It's not micro penis level. But its pretty small and thin.

>> No.10513885

No, but it's completely different for men than women.

>> No.10514859

wtf noone wants to hear about your dick size irl, girls usually havn't seen enough cock to think whats too big or too small for them

>> No.10514921

stop tanking em and with the withdrawal sexual powers will come

>> No.10514940

>live in 3rd world country with
>Uniqlo every fucking where.
>there's 3 near me.
>lemaire collab only available in flagship store in capital city.
>skip work and drive 3 hours
>out of stock except for a few in L.

>> No.10514963

>tfw doing good at school
>tfw probably drinking myself to death before I graduate

>> No.10514979

>good looking
>work part time minimum wage
>as a result I'm broke

>> No.10514982

>lost my glasses Sunday
>having to wear an old pair from high school
>waiting on new pair to come in a week
>sister is getting married Friday and I'm going to look like a turbodork in the pictures with these old glasses
>ex girlfriend will probably be there

At least I have a date to go with me

>> No.10514985

>tfw the only thing you look forward to are winter sales

>> No.10515035
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>naturally curly hair, looks shit imo, straighten it, sometimes comes out great, sometimes comes out extremely average
>patchy facial hair
>only thing I've really got going for me in the looks departments is tall/broad shoulders and a pretty face
>not enough self-confidence most of the time though
>still in love with an ex pretty much, don't know what to do about it
>dead end job
>no real promising future prospects
>all I look foward to is gigs on the weekend and getting high on mdma with m8's
>...and the occasion slut
>21 next month and haven't got my shit together in the slightest


>> No.10515093

It's about to be consistently 30 degrees plus daily in Perth, which means I have to wear shorts. I'd wear pants but nothing is less /fa/ then sweaty balls. I have no idea what to cop this summer

>> No.10515103

Your life sounds pretty good, if you cut out the opiates you might be able to see it

>> No.10515114

>girls usually havn't seen enough cock to think whats too big or too small for them
oh god. the delusion.

girls watch porn and if they have a tumblr then they sure as hell know whats big and small.

>> No.10515116

>above average height
>good looking
>good fashion (good enough for women, not you autists)
>nice hair
>all these ugly fucking manlets with these beautiful women wtf and im still single
>realise these women are kind of easy to get with, i just haven't been around enough

You white autists influenced me badly

>> No.10515124

>broke up with longterm gf
>no friends
>starting from ground zero, but meeting people seems impossible
>confidence is getting better, but still socially inept
>alcohol helps
>drink too much
>eat too little
>spend entire part-time paycheck on clothes that I don't get to wear
>not dedicated enough to my hobbies
>give up before finishing anything that I start
>don't see my life going anywhere
>scared as hell that I'll do nothing significant and die a nobody

honestly I'm so bored and unfulfilled right now. I don't know if I'd ever anhero, but I can see the appeal

>> No.10515129

>talk to this submissive paranoid vegan feminist leftist girl with daddy issues
>she's really into me, texts me about having sore thigh muscles from masturbating so much to the thought of me fucking her
>I'm not into her like that but think she's cute
>she asks me about twice a week what I'm wearing and googles all the pieces
>always compliments me on my style and how she wants to go shopping with me
>describes what she would wear for me if she was my personal prestigous whore etc
>decides that I'm a toxic abusive person because I'm not into her as much as she's into me and cuts off all communication all of a sudden
>demands me to not contact her again
>I feel the urge to talk to her about fashion, show her grails etc but don't want to be an asshole
>starting to miss her and getting paranoid whether this was a plan by her to make me attached to her the way she was to me
>mfw this has been going on for at least a year

At least I never stuck my dick in crazy

>> No.10515131

Girls are whores of course they've seen enough dicks.

>> No.10515149

my family went from upper middle class to elegible for social support in one year and i dropped out of engineering to study textile and garment design

not sure if thats good or bad

>> No.10515167

>Skinny as fuck (BMI 16)
>Enjoy the skinny aesthetic, feel like I could pull off pretty much anything I want to wear.
>Girls don't like auschwitz-mode guys though, at best I get tolerated because I have a pretty face to make up for it.
>Live in Australia - I can do winter fashion pretty well but Summer is way too hot to wear long pants/jeans and shorts make my legs look silly.
>Thick, dry, curly hair that is impossible to tame into any decent hairstyle.
>Been rocking a manbun for a few months now which looks decent on me but it's pretty much been done to death now - even by pleb standards.
>Too poor to afford SLP, when my dream is to wear that shit on the daily, hanging out with my fellow rich, young skinny friends, getting drunk, doing drugs and enjoying youth.
>Drink often so that I'm fun and sociable - pretty sure I'm becoming an alcoholic at 19.

>> No.10515181



>Talk to artistic girl that seems to have her shit together
>slowly, she starts to show her true colors
>mentally unstable as fuck and relis on social media for anything social
>dumps me once
>wants me back
>dumps me twice
>wants me back
>I had enough of the strain.
>somehow I'm the heartless bastard destroying her life

>> No.10515190

>awesome high school friends
>got into a good college
>no friends in college
>no one appreciates fashion or music
>avoiding shallow conversations
>roshes everywhere
>normies everywhere

I deteriorated during summer

>> No.10515207

>somehow I'm the heartless bastard destroying her life

This exactly. I was told I was "an abusive, toxic person invading her personal safe space" because I hadn't stopped following her fashion blog on tumblr since I only check(ed) tumblr about every six weeks.

Looks like we both kind of dodged a bullet.

>> No.10515271
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>lose 10 poinds in a month
>gain it back in 2 weeks

>> No.10515297

it's probably all water weight, I fluctuate a lot too

>> No.10515316

>do nothing all day everyday
>get called stupid by people everyday
>family tells me I'm way smarter than I think
>feel like a giant walking baby with the things I think about all day
>college is stressful and a waste of time equally
Tbh I just wish I was born a puppy or something

>> No.10515321


>> No.10515335

>big dick
>tfw it doesn't work
>porn has killed my dick

>> No.10515380
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>Selfish as fuck
>dumped ALL my friends because they're way too stupid, i dont find interest in new people
>No self-discipline, no work, no study
>Dumped 2 qt 9/10 who almost killed themself in this year, to this moment they still talk to me.
>no money
>started abusing drugs

On the other hand, i got free drugs, and there is a girl that i like a little, likes me a lot
man, i need a job and my life will be perfect

>> No.10515530

>porn has killed my dick
Damn forreal nigga? How often did you jerk off a day

>> No.10515537

It depends on the girl. For me is kind of the same, it really doesn't matter if you have or not close friends.

>> No.10515606

>not fat
>probably a 7/10 at my best
>a few very good friends
>weird nose
>kissless virgin
>not much money
>only happy when I'm on drugs
>funny and not autistic but no luck with girls all the same

Could be worse, I suppose.

>> No.10515608
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> tfw crooked nose

>> No.10515634
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>just graduated college
>starting new job in a city where i dont know anyone
>broke up with long term gf
>been completely alone for 2 months now
>dont know what to do


>> No.10515638


>> No.10515646

You'll meet people at your job, use them to springboard and meet more people, repeat this until you have a core of actual friends

>> No.10515647

>went to a friend's bday party
>qt shows up since he's good friends with my friend
>he keeps teasing me all night
>does shit like tweaking my nose and letting me touch his abs
>tfw don't know if he's interested or not because of cultural differences

>> No.10515663

start new hobbies
improve yourself in general

>> No.10515765

Don't do it. Jus don't ;__;

>> No.10515781
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>just started a new job
>none of the girls are cute or /fa/

well i guess its over for me lads

>> No.10515901
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>Last friday
>Job taking up too much time
>Most friends are studying and partying
>Come home late and log in to teamspeak
>Only one friend online who is not at the computer
>Can hear him having a party in the background
>Stay up all night alone browsing fits and listening to people having fun over teamspeak

>> No.10515919
File: 33 KB, 482x475, REEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'10" girl
>no Korean fashion fits me
>left with sifting through fast fashion and thrift shops to try and simulate the look

>> No.10515974

>not buying designer clothing that's designed for tall girls
You're wasting your potential girl.

>> No.10516020

Yesterday i ate a lot and very late so i didnt go to my 8am class nor i went to meet my study group at 11am.

>> No.10516040
File: 371 KB, 1000x1500, TK-2015-04-12-006-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't really fashion related so please dont bully me
>take asian studies - japan gen ed class
>5'11 asian girl in the class
>wears sweaters amazingly well with jeans, sneakers
>constantly has bored or apathetic expression on face
>want to befriend but dont know how when we've never spoken to each other

pic obviously unrelated

>> No.10516068

this is me minus the free drugs

>> No.10516076
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>5'8 manlet
>ugly facial aesthetic
>shit hair
>cant grow and facial hair
>unproductive af
>end up playing video games all day instead of going to classes
>feel like ive stopped making any progress in my only productive hobby
jus kill me tbh fam my shits already fucked up

>> No.10516106

bad feels:
>feel like i'm growing away from close friends
>medium acne
>broke as fuck
>realising being an artist is going to be much more exhausting and depressing than i thought
>already starting to hate weed and drugs at 18
>becoming more introverted by the day, but do enjoy it

good feels:
>hair is looking decent and growing out
>decent facially
>get told i have good style a lot
>own designer pieces that make me happy and confident
>am decently talented artistically and working hard
>have a girlfriend who loves me and visa versa
>would generally consider myself a good person
>get on well with my family

>> No.10516126

become one ;)

>> No.10516780

not that often but I start jerkin when I'm only partly erect and I've unintentionally conditioned myself to not get full erections

>> No.10516831
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>got my dicc succed once but she was crazy so i paniced and lied about it
>havent done anything sexually since

>> No.10516844


I'm in the exact same boat, fam. We'll make it one day, I hope.

>> No.10516845

anyone know what a chubby person should go for, should I stick to the basic large shirt, and cargo with tims

>> No.10516851

lose weight and then buy normal clothes

>> No.10516860

ok brb imma ask the weight fairy to take if off

>> No.10516862

>eating disorder
>no friends

Those are good.

>> No.10516867

or you could, you know... expend more energy than you consume

>> No.10516874

>Eat one meal a day
>exercise for 30 minutes and walk for 2 hours

if you have more insight let me know

>> No.10516877

>caught a cold
>explosion of acne on my face

I'm annoyed because I've had it under control for a while and need a clean complexion for Halloween, now this fucked my shit up

>> No.10516894

30 minutes of exercise and walking around isn't going to do shit and one meal a day isn't healthy for your body either.

>> No.10516904

>30 minutes of biking and 2 hours of walking isn't going to do anything

well then only way to lose 10 pounds is going to the military i guess

>> No.10516936

>tfw extremely attractive
>tfw gf
>tfw better dressed than everyone I know
>tfw drug addiction
>tfw eating disorder
>tfw studying Philosophy and Literature
>tfw depression, anxiety, and developing schizophrenia

I've finally got the /fa/ life. I just need to move somewhere better.

>> No.10517114
File: 166 KB, 214x413, rafs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading/jacking off to some erotic korean comic books
>spot some guy wearing rafs
>stop fapping

>> No.10517136

Congratulations, you've met a bunch of arbitrary standards belonging to assholes who have no idea what they're talking by picking up self-destructive habits that you never needed.

Enjoy yourself I guess.

>> No.10517229
File: 62 KB, 640x960, gxEuwgV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is to you and everyone who obsesses about their weight...

Stop looking at weight, a mirror will always show you whether you're losing fat or not.

A number usually doesn't mean shit.

If you see yourself getting skinnier then that's all that matters.

>> No.10517248

Holy dillusional.

The exercise is 1%, the diet is 99%.

You want to lose weight? Then eat correctly. And that doesn't mean starving yourself. That means eat the correct amount of times, as in, not skip breakfast. Etc.

I have no interest in hearing whatever other excuse you want to come up with, so please don't reply if that's all you've got, an excuse for holding it off for another day.

Disgusting fat fucks.

>> No.10517254

Sweet Guy?

>> No.10517296

>fucking up my degree
>getting worse at skating
>see myself as fat despite getting told im not
>havent had sex in months
>no gf
>regret dumping gf
>cant talk to girls
>losing passion for everything

>> No.10517307


agree, weight (the number) doesn't matter, look in the mirror. muscle weights more than fat.

>> No.10517340


>slim with fast metabolism
>know how to /fa/
>high confidence
>generally happy person
>tfw broke
>tfw NEET
>tfw bipolar gf
>tfw get depressed sometimes and stop eating and become a 6'2 skellington

>> No.10517352

befriend or gf?

>> No.10517366

where do you live?

>> No.10517457

>not dumping after you've secured a new girl
You fucked up fam

>> No.10517462
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I'm feeling pretty bad.

Everywhere I go I keep hearing about how you should pick a career early, set yourself goals and work towards them if you aim to make anything out of yourself ever.
I have absolutely no clue what I should do with my life and it's eating me up
There's nothing I'm really passionate about and I lack any skills that would translate into a real career, I don't have any life goals or dreams I could go and follow either

For the last few months I haven't really done anything worthwhile
My sleep cycle is terrible, after not doing anything all day I have trouble going to sleep and even if I get tired I'm haunted by the notion that going to sleep would be an even greater waste of time than what I'm already doing
The only close friend I have messaged me like day ago and asked how things are going, and I really don't know what to tell him.
It makes me feel bad that I'm alienating the only person that actually tries to talk to me instead of just going "haha will you be @ the club on friday anon :)"

I still don't have my driver's license either

This Thursday I have an appointment with a government agency, maybe the man there will tell me what to do with myself.
I might also be able to engage in some wageslavery, since I'm living off of my parents right now I have no expenses and I could save up some money.
Uni starts in April, there's no debt here and my grades are reasonable so I will probably just sign up for some courses I have no interest in so that I'm at least doing something

On the bright side I bought a nice winter jacket and some sweet used books and I'm good looking so I got that going for me

>> No.10517476
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>tfw you spend money on clothes and care about your appearance, then have no where to go and no one to hang out with.

>> No.10517498

Just say you're a boxer fam.

>> No.10517503

Obviously he's into you holy fuck how hard does a brother have to try to give a bitch a hint these days

>> No.10517507

nah, fuck that

you should actually become a boxer and have someone punch your nose back in place

>> No.10517512

>financially decent for my age
>no debt
>bank roll saved
>getting off parole in 65 days
>had to stop drinking
>due to gaining some weight
>didnt notice, saw friend i havent seen in 6 months, called me fat in the face
>used to be 135
>Want to drink

>> No.10517516
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>go out wearing my sick fit
>people keep giving me looks
>panic attack
>get out and quickly drive back home

I can't handle the attention

>> No.10517530

Befriend only

>> No.10517586

>all these cops and nowhere to go

>> No.10517656

is that why /fa/ ususally dresses so bad in the WAyWT? Becuase everyone is having panic attacks about how good their fit really is so they dress down?

>> No.10517684

Do you ever notice her reading any books?

If so, pick one of the books she's reading and thoroughly study a summary and analysis of it on the internet.
Then buy the book, pretend to read it in public and in class and shit.

At this point you engage phase 2.

"Hey", you say with a smile, "I've seen you read [book]. What do you think of it? Do you love it? Do you hate it? My girlfriend (subtext: I do not view you as a romantic interest!) gave me a copy for my birthday."

If you did a bad job she will tell you to fuck off or, alternatively, roll her eyes and look at her phone.
You lost the battle, man up and concede defeat.

If you did a good job she will tell you what she thought about the book and you agree with her and use the knowledge you have gained from the internet to expand on the things she said.
Example: "I really like the "prose" (fancy word for words the author used) and [character], I can really relate to her."
"I too like the "prose" and [character], she is very "complex"", you respond.

If you did a medium job she will say "It's alright I guess."
Don't push too hard, but sit down and something like "I liked [that thing the internet said was good about the book]."

And now you are on your road to friendship!

Good luck in all your endeavors anon!

>> No.10517694

> Love wearing expensive shoes
> lifestyle where I'm bound to enter a situation where shoes are liable to be scuffed/get shit on them unless I'm just chilling with friends.

>> No.10517721
File: 75 KB, 640x1136, Ru77rhC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow anon, you are such, what do say, intelligence. you really glow with your words, and i can tell by your speech that you also have read this book too. this book im reading. it is quite a coincidence anon that you also are reading this book. i think i take it this means we are, what is the word, compatible. you speak well. i really enjoyed listening to your opinion on this book im reading. why, im quite excited and pleasantly surprised you have decided to approach me and use this book as a subtext of conversation. the discussion of this book has surely given you an ideal forum not only to talk to me, but express our similarities and also our same style of thinking. you know, i like people that also read the books i read. i should call you a friend. you are very friendly, and should be my friend, and we can read other books at the same time. thank you for approaching me. i do not however take this coincidence as message from the universe that I should allow you to stick penis in my coochie. in fact, i feel quite sorry for your girlfriend, as i think it would be quite awkward to be on the receiving end of your frantic thrusts anon, despite you glowing about this book that we both have read. i do not wish to see you in such a ecstatic, pleasured, and uncontrolled animalistic state. my coochie is only turned on by certain males. and you are, and can never become that kind anon. but you are nice. thank you for talking to me, I will see you casually next class, and i will no longer see you after this class is over. and i will be indifferent to not seeing you. goodbye

>> No.10517750

>tfw girls only talk about other guys with me

Fuck that shit

>> No.10517754

you are someone's gay best friend


>> No.10517790

What the fuck man this is the nicest anyone on /fa/ has been to me, thank you

The only issues are I havent seen her reading any books, and I forgot to mention we only have 2 more classes together before exams. One of those classes is like a group study tutorial so maybe then but I dunno.

Guess Ill just have to make the most of what I can. I'm gonna do a favor for another /fa/ggot now though that I was previously a dick to. Thank you based dude

>> No.10517797

>don't want to stand out so much that I get negative attention

>don't want to look like everyone else and be an unfashionable unoriginal normie

>> No.10517806
File: 186 KB, 702x1024, 1444348307385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek. Please be stale pasta.

>> No.10517808

wow bro you're just in a bind aren't u?


>> No.10517829


>> No.10517844
File: 14 KB, 404x304, 1363154775028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been waiting for the mailman to deliver new cops all day

>> No.10517851

>tfw no gf
>all other feels are subordinate to this feel

>> No.10517855

10/10 would smash

>> No.10517860


>> No.10517869

>live in third world shitty Mexico
>having money issues lately
>most stores dont ship to mexico
>when they do its 30-50 dollars shipping
>live in small city
>my closet looks like shit
>not sure if i really like my gf

>> No.10517936

ha!!!!!!! ace pic choice

>> No.10517939

At least you have that amusing gif

>> No.10517943

My exact feels man, Perth is heating up ;(

>> No.10517948

haha nice green text man!

>> No.10517961

Is this pasta? If not please write more...

>> No.10517980

lay off the maccas for a while, tubby
if you seriously cannot handle that then you should neck yourself

>> No.10518042

>no money
>other than that i am fine

>> No.10518047
File: 460 KB, 1600x1200, 1444507445582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck dude I think you are me

>good jawline
>can be funny
>in college and doing somewhat well

>one friend in my area, and I don't really like him plus I think he is gay and thinks i'm gay
>no sex for like 10 months
>no female interactions at all
>regretting breaking up with gf but also hated being with her
>no friends
>acne that is bad enough to be consistently noticeable despite medication and good skincare

Fuck this shit man.

>> No.10518154


>> No.10518179

>your clothes smell like cigarettes
>dont want to quit smoking
>atleast I dress more effay

>> No.10518227
File: 43 KB, 421x482, 1417836457390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dad
>abusive mom
>hate what i'm studying
>no friends

i don't know how i could possibly disappoint my mom any more than i already have, so i guess that's a positive

>> No.10518277

i know that feel

>> No.10518337

If you want to be friends you should really just talk to her, no matter the subject

It's easier to make friends with someone when you are both drunk (at least for me it is), but I'm sure you will manage without crutches like that.
It might seem difficult to take the first step or to find a way to express your desire to be friends and just that, but you will find a way.

There is really no harm in trying if idealy you make the best friend you ever had and the worst case is that nothing changes and you remain strangers.

good luck anon

>> No.10518340

Fuck your mom TBH. You don't owe shit to her. I hate when people who are related to me assume just because I'm related to them that they deserve something from me.

>> No.10518352

>Be adopted bastard mullato trust fund kid

>live in third most racist state in America

> Be handsome

> Be very intelligent (in relation to how inhumanly stupid everyone in this state assumes non whites are)

> Make everyone (pasty weak white kids, the ones that think consensual interracial relationships are classified as rape) jealous unintentionally

> enemies everywhere

> Everyone wants me to be gay

> Have gay men pretend to be straight to get me to talk to them

> become extremely homophobic and paranoid

I'm a threat to the American status quo by simply existing. And if I don't comply they will most likely make an attempt on my life, which I'm ready for.

> they want me sterilized

> Americans wouldn't have so many enemies if they weren't attacking everyone.

> try to gain acceptance amongst blacks

> can't relate

> decide I can't have male white or black friends

> begin search for girl friend

> people cross deserts to cockblock me

> I will not lose.

Anarchy forever

>> No.10518380

>nobody in your family is someone you would hang out or would want to have anything to do with if you were not related

I guess we are all stuck with each other

anon is right, you shouldn't let her brin you down.

Her thoughts of you are outside of your control and you should do your best not to be influenced by them in a bad way

>> No.10518391

i feel like i owe her everything, even if she never really treated me the best. i don't know why but it kills me to know that she doesn't really care for me, all i want to do is make her happy

>> No.10518401

Shut the fuck up pussy, not everyone gets a happy family. The world is cold it's not fair to anyone and if you can't handle that kill yourself now. Do not hold onto ANYTHING or ANYONE that isn't helping you get where you know need to be.

>> No.10518405

Tell you're friend how you're feeling. They'll be there for you, trust me. It'll help even if you don't really come to a conclusion it gets a huge weight off your chest. As for courses just sign up for whatever you might like and you'll figure it out eventually.

My own feels
>gf thinks I'm hot as hell but other people just walk up to me and tell me I'm ugly for no reason
>spent all my money on clothing and about to cut into savings for more before I have to work for my own living
>friend group is /fa/
>complimented on my style (if not my face) often
>smart so I probably won't ultimately fail in life
>TFW not gonna have real money for designer clothes till im too old to look good in rick
Good and bad things.

>> No.10518413

Consider moving?

>> No.10518423

Trying, everyone's been fucking with my head here. Not sure what states are safe although I'm sure the only other worse place I could live is in Texas.

>> No.10518440

>Be handsome young mullato much like you

>white kids threatened cause I fuck their bitches

>black kids threatened cause I get more opportunities cause I'm light skinned

>hang with people much older than me and people I grew up with

>realize most of my friends are either Asian and older than me or mixed up
Mother fuckers like me

Honestly Anon. Black people are fucking wild. But so are white people

#mullatomafia we in the bitch. Shouts to Barack one time the king of this mullatomafia shit.

>> No.10518442

>I fuck their bitches
this is /fa/shion, not /fa/ntasy

>> No.10518450

If you're not a broke boi moving to almost any major metropolitan area will benefit a milky nigga like you

New York
New Orleans

All p dope places

>> No.10518453

pure savagery

>> No.10518455

>implying 80% of chicks aren't into light skinned black dudes

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.10518461

Yes it's all down hill from here. I miss middle school the most tbh. 7th grade I was on top of the world. 11th grade is a close second tho. I had some really great friends growing up, but now I'm 100's of miles away and my only friends are my coworkers.... Feels bad.

>> No.10518462
File: 25 KB, 339x360, 1441859886648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever gets you off bro.

>> No.10518472

You saying that makes me believe you tried to make her happy, and that's all anyone could ask of you.

It's clear that focusing your life's effort on another's happiness is unhealthy, any debt you might imagening you have to your mother is paid.

It's time to try and make yourself happy.
Even if you, for whatever nonsense reason, feel yourself unable to let go of the ridiciolus notion that making her happy is your job, how could you make somone else happy without first being happy yourself?

>> No.10518476

>TFW people keeps looking at you
>panic attack
>fuck I think I cuffed my pants incorrectly

>> No.10518491

If it helps, 99.99% of people don't care how you cuff your pants.

>> No.10518528

bullshit, since cuffing my pants i keep catching people looking at my feet

>> No.10518529

P A L E W A V E m8

>> No.10518533

its cause they mad jelly of your dope style

>> No.10518544

you get anxiety over bad cuffs? how the fuck do you function?

>> No.10518565

I feel ya Bad feelings m8

>> No.10518571

I happy for you and yeah I could probably use some older friends but, even when I was seventeen I got into a fight with a 40 year old white guy for what I can only assume intimidating him by walking too proudly?
> think you're better than me?
> If you had to ask.
I had a group of "friends" in highschool but I found out later they were only hanging with me because I had money, found out later a few of them were even in the kkk (like 7 KKK chapters here in Georgia). Scariest thing is how open minded they pretended to be. Southern hospitality is a terrifying thing man do not come to Georgia, I've seen them run the same schick on white kids from out of state they've felt threatened by. My "friends" managed to spread quite a few vicious rumors about me to keep women away (I intimidate most girls so they usually run to ask the last person they saw me talk to about me jealousy usually sets in and they usually say whatever it takes to make them stay away) they managed to isolate me for a little over a year while feeding me drugs and trying to convince me that I was gay, which just didn't work. Whites and blacks have this awful hive mind mentality here. I like most aspects of white culture and the way it's structured but disgusted with how insecure they can be, if you're really the best you wouldn't be intimidated by a seventeen year olds confidence. Blacks don't stimulate me as much mentality on average and they try to run mind games also but they aren't quite as vicious but overall there is no full acceptance from either side as a mullato in Georgia, you have been warned.

>> No.10518578

Thanks needed this.

>> No.10518637

>talk to girl at work who I went to school with
>she walks to other aisle and all her friends talk and say that i am super hot
>she walks over and say "you should put your number in my phone'
>we text and she wants to meet up that same night
>I kinda put it off because I was sweating from nervousness

Girls keep on coming after me, but I can't bring myself to do anything back

I am so fucking nervous of like trying to get with girls, they constantly show interest, but I just can't go out of my way to do anything with them

Like that makes me the definition of a pussy, and I know the way to solve it is by getting experience so I am less nervous, but I am nervous to the point where I CAN'T get experience

>> No.10518645

this might sound absurd, but think about it like you're an anon posting on 4chan. just say whatever the hell you want to say and you'll be surprised at the positive results you get.

>> No.10518653

PS people cry about generalizations but i can confidently say that girls love a guy with a "good" sense of humor. i've gotten laid several times by being completely sarcastic through text. all that matters is getting her out IRL.

>> No.10518656

hmmm, the problem mainly is that like, she wants me bad, but I have no experience with sex and won't know how to progress or anything and it will be awkward as fuck

she has had like 2 boyfriends, is fucking really really hot, and will probably expect me to know what I'm doing. I don't even like know how to organize it

She asked me if I have a car and if I could pick her up tonight, but I just said I was busy

what the fuck is wrong with me

I am already basically laid, I just am to nervous to put my cock in

>> No.10518660

cry some more.

>> No.10518663 [DELETED] 

My entire first year of university has been a flop. I can barely put any attention into individual assignments, passing at 40% in most classes, and being carried in group assessments.
Should I just drop out and get a job before I get stuck in an eternal loop of failing papers till I pass them?

>> No.10518665

My entire first year of university has been a flop. I can barely put any attention into individual assignments, passing at 40% in most classes, and being carried in group assessments.
Should I just drop out and get a job before I get stuck in an eternal loop of failing papers till I pass them

>> No.10518676

haha it's all good. girls like getting guys off and they are usually extremely insecure when fucking a new guy, especially if she isn't a huge whore. what do you feel like doing the most?

do you want to eat her out or do you want to stick your dick inside? just do that and you'll be fine.

if you really don't know what to do, make out with her, kiss her tits and stomach, then unbutton her pants, kiss, and lick her panties and/or start fingering her. if you want to go down on her do it, or put her hands on your hard cock and see how she reacts. verbalize what you want her to do if you can't lead yourself. you will be surprised how obedient she is.

>> No.10518690

I would email you advice but now that you deleted the post I'm not sure if I should

>> No.10518691

Ok ok, good advice, but I still have trouble envisioning myself doing that.

Also my room is just my mattress on my floor and my computer. Not sure if her house would be available or not.

Also there is a 3 year age gap, is that worth stressing about?

>> No.10518694

I accidentally put my email up, its just my grailed one
you still can if you want

>> No.10518698

Got fired today for accidentally scratching a piece of finished trim with a belt sander. Would've taken me an hour to buff out and re-stain. Rent and electric is due in a week and I blew $300 last night on a gtx 970 so I can play Fo4 with 4K titty retextures.

I'll be fine.

>> No.10518701

i understand why you're stressing because i used to do the same thing but that stuff doesn't matter. the most important thing is to be the leader and be confident. act like your floor mattress is the coolest shit in the world and she's lucky to experience it. just make it as comfy as possible.

the age difference is nothing, especially if she's younger then you. if she's older it could be an issue but her high interest level makes me believe it isn't. unless you're talking about some illegal shit...

>> No.10518703

No money. Average or below average face.

>> No.10518712

good advice bro i really appreciate it

so you think I should try to get with her tomorrow night? And yeah she's younger, I am still nervous as fuck though for some reason haha

>> No.10518713

>realising how much money you've spent on clothes that don't realistically fit the aesthetic you're going for anymore

>> No.10518726

there isn't any advice i can give you to make you not nervous, you're just gonna be nervous.

but if i had to guess, i would guess it ends up being really chill. and even if you completely fuck up you'll still learn that this stuff isn't so serious.

>> No.10518729

Hope it all works out okay for you brah

>> No.10518741
File: 120 KB, 500x651, 1439767080953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to mcdonalds at 1:30am
>tfw i got bathory motives

>> No.10518744

whats bathory motives

>> No.10518746

Thanks dude
I don't really talk to anyone (Ive made no friends at college and this is the end of my second year here) so this is going to be a bit of a mission but I guess I'll do my best
I really just dont want to give off an autistic impression or something
guess ill wear conservative clothing, dumb of me to only want to do this when i have 2 days left of classes

>> No.10518749

Are you me?
You pretty much just retold a part of my life, right down to the artistic part.

>> No.10518750

>short legs compared to torso

All my fits look whack for that reason. Can't wear long tops or boots ;_;
I'm not even a turbo Manlet, I'm 5'9

>> No.10518751
File: 1.21 MB, 320x234, 1445409539673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was depressed
>300 pounds
>excersized/diet cut down to 170
>fell for a gorgeous ginger model bitch
>expensive clothes
>expensive drugs
>girl left me after plenty of fucked up events
>addicted to heroin with/after ginger bitch
>fast forward one year
>kicked out of apartment
>heroin addict roommate steals half my clothes and 3DS
>in rehab again, this time for a year
>gain 40 pounds because of sleep meds
>i just want a beer and a joint man

>> No.10518790

>medicated depression and anxiety
>friends all moved away
>finished college but regret choosing the major
>rejected from both jobs and internships
>dark rings under eyes from insomnia
>shit face shape and features

>> No.10518810

that stupid shit is so common, and it's really a reoccurring theme with dating girls in general. don't expect her to ever admit fault.

it's important to learn how to read between the lines with women. any type of excuse means "no" and the reasoning really doesn't matter.

>> No.10518835


>> No.10518870

>waist too small to find jeans that fit
>chronic slouch makes t-shirts look bad on me
>don't have any bitches
Cept for this one gyal that keeps asking me for gossip but she can fuck off fo real.

>> No.10518897

Man, a lot of broken people in this thread. I'm just very introverted and low willpower, so it's all the same to me, no downs, no ups. Work, home, hobbies, simple life. I'm somewhat jealous of your "adventures", but I'm glad I don't have to deal with bullshit you're going through.

>> No.10518922

lmao do you live with your parents like some uneffay little cuck

>> No.10518947

I work at best buy and all of my coworkers are very un-effay, and like around the 25-35 age which scares me because I don't want to end up like that

I need to become a cool entrepreneur who makes money independently and gets to travel, how do?

>> No.10518958

easy. lose all social anxiety and insecurity, quit 4chan entirely, and otherwise limit recreational internet use to 1-3 hours a week. go to business school. work alot (50+ hours a week) on top of school to soak everything in. save all your money towards that, which means no more cops. do this for about 8 years and you're set.

>> No.10519431

thx bro so you're sure the age different doesn't matter?

she keeps texting me but im still scared ;(

>> No.10519458

You are such a pussified idiot, I honestly feel sorry for you dude.

>> No.10519500

m8, unless you're like 15 years old there's nothing wrong with seeing someone 3 years younger than you. My friend's parents have an age gap of 17 years and got together when the younger of the two was 26

>> No.10519509
File: 30 KB, 594x410, tumblr_n8f5ep7d051tga27vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's beautiful
>she's funny
>she's one of the few people I can talk to one-on-one without going full autism
>she's into BDSM
>she said no
Kill me m8s

>> No.10519594

>easy. lose all social anxiety and insecurity,

You lost me there. I've been trying that for the last 4 years. I have gotten better, but I still get super nervous and awkward when I'm talking to this qt who sits next to me in class

Also I gotta get out of community college before going to business school

I was hoping more along the lines of "entrepreneur who was so good he just dropped out of college and made more money than he ever would've with a degree"

>> No.10519601

life isn't a movie and if you're socially crippled and dumb enough to be stuck at community college you should settle for your shit wageslave future because you're already too far gone to make it unless people magically wake up with impossible skills and opportunities they didn't have the day before (this doesn't happen literally ever)

you could also get addicted to the lottery or even better just kill yourself

>> No.10519627

Highschool was amazing for me. I had an older brother that sold dope as a junior when I was a freshman so nobody fucked with me. I got lucky with my highschool but trust me if you think highschools shitty stop giving a fuck and have fun, as long as you take college serious you'll be fine anon. Worst comes to worst switch schools and go into school being a better, less insecure version of yourself. Godspeed.

>> No.10519642

fuck man

>> No.10519651
File: 189 KB, 278x302, 1438614759415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's some Elliot Rodgers shit right there

>> No.10519748
File: 370 KB, 1752x1703, 1429351855955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's perfect
>start talking every day
>gets really personal with me
>even kisses and snuggles with me
>"let's stay friends anon"

>> No.10520135

I doubt anyone was ever visibly threatened by Eliot Rodger

>> No.10520145

Stop talking to her. If you aren't willing to just be friends, then don't fake it, it's just asking for you to resent her and bitching about the friendzone on /pol/ in like a month.

>> No.10520308

ITT: /r9k/ and college freshmen being pathetic

>> No.10520348

God damn you dodged a bullet. She probably would have cut your dick off

>> No.10520363

That is so tragically hilarious

>> No.10520408

good feels
>been weightlifting and getting fit
>somehow passed my drug test for a new job
>getting slightly less socially inept
>Super wicked jawline and gaunt face

bad feels
>Dont have any money because i barely work
>kind of in relationship with girl i dont like anymore
>jew nose
>very socially inept, if there is a qt gril in the vicinity, i turn into a nervous awkward autist
>want to meet new people but dont know how
>still dont have drivers license
>forced myself to throw up after eating almost an entire pint of gelato because i lack self control
>dont know what I want to do with my life
>all i want to do is have sex with qt grils because im a disgusting animal
>need more pairs of pants
>new sunglasses I ordered dont fit my face
>desperately need a new computer

>> No.10520417

>no money
>cant find a fucking job

guess i'll be poor forever

>> No.10520644


u seem like a fun guy, anon

>> No.10520667
File: 4 KB, 125x116, 1425228128498s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10520673

yeah dude u probably didn't do anything wrong. she sounds like she's borderline and is tryna manipulate u. not her fault shes fucked up but AVOID dat shit and get away fast.

>> No.10520723

are you me

>> No.10520816

I was at one point, now I'm dead set on revenge.

>> No.10520843


well, i wish u the best of luck on ur revenge mission, friend

>> No.10520849

>used to be 120 pounds at 5'10"
>looked 2spoopy
>made an effort to eat more
>now 150 with a 31 inch waist
>tfw ham hock thighs

I just want my skelly stomach back tbh

>> No.10520867

>crotch drop pants will never be accepted
>you will always get laughed at for wearing them

feels bad man

>> No.10520928

Fuck, that nearly made me cry. I've felt the same way for more than a month before she broke up with me. She didn't really like me after all

>> No.10520960


>> No.10520964

>trying to meet girls at work

some people never escape the high-school mindset and try to turn a job into more high school and it's pathetic

why don't you go out and meet girls without using your job or the internet as a crutch you faggot cuck bitch

>> No.10520982

why????????????????? wtf is with u

>> No.10520997

ive literally never been sure that any girl who has been with me has actually liked me

self fulfilling prophecy or w/e

>> No.10521005

fucking this, crippling social anxiety and depression what do i doooo

>> No.10521036
File: 308 KB, 1600x1200, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top-tier jawline
>jew nose

>> No.10521116

Holy fuck is that real?

>> No.10521119

are you literally fucking autistic

>> No.10521121

it looks shopped, I can tell by the pixels and by having seen quite a few shops in my time.

>> No.10521226


>> No.10521235
File: 782 KB, 1824x3264, IMAG0385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i want to wear a shirt by an artist but theyre viewed to some as a nazi & so are other artists like them
>girl im into doesnt want to talk to me anymore, basically dropped me as a friend and my birthday is coming up
>all but one forgot about my birthday
>i cant stop losing weight and i can barely eat a full plate of food
>cant make friends
>ex k addict and i really just want to od on it rn
>my life is a horrible joke
>im going nowhere in my life

>> No.10521269

>really fat
>short legs
>broad shoulders
>no money
>tumblr lied for me about relashionships when I was 13
>my don't get over his ex
>not that good at school
>missing my mom

but fuck it all because i still having a pussy

>> No.10521292

This is me besides wicked jawline and new computer.

>> No.10521298

Happy birthday man.
Everyone's life is a joke.

>> No.10521302

>broad shoulders
>having a pussy

my condolences...

>> No.10521356
File: 138 KB, 579x570, 139535814978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know

>> No.10521383

Thanks you

>> No.10521859

>faggot detected
Mind your buisness you angry faggot.

>> No.10521877

you seem extremely mad and upset about getting btfo

putting you on suicide watch tbh

>> No.10521911

I haven't felt this good in years. You're not wrong I'm extremely pissed off, but I'm definitely not sad.
Go suck a dick worthless faggot.

>> No.10521916

Never ever put your dick in crazy it doesn't end well.

>> No.10521964

when you're low growth (157 sm, female) and clothes does not fit.
sorry for my english, я нe из aнглoгoвopящих

>> No.10521994


>> No.10522027

> I have no friends
> do not know how to make friends
> I want to be part of the cool kids

>> No.10522097

This year hasn't been great. I took the bar in February and failed it by one question. GF broke up with me 2 weeks after I found out I failed. Studied for the next 3 months and I took it again. Been searching for a job since August 3rd and I've had 3 interviews. I've heard it gets easier once you pass the bar, but man... I am feeling so worthless just sitting in my apartment all day applying for jobs. If it wasn't for my family I would killed myself a long time ago. I know things are going to turn around, but this waiting period is driving me crazy.

I am going out with a 9/10 Puerto Rican girl to a Halloween party. That is one of the only things I have to look forward to. The catch is that she is the daughter of an attorney I worked for in the past, who I want to work for in the future. He likes me and wants me to date his daughter, but there are serious reservations...

I get my bar results November 6th. Life could be great or bad. But I got a new Brooks Brothers suit a few weeks ago and got it back from the tailor. So there's that.

>> No.10522102

I hate my nose. what can I do /fa/? I'm too broke for rhinoplasty

>> No.10522170
File: 167 KB, 636x426, 1437949917172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw halfway thru first semester at dream school
>loving it so far, much more active social life than hs
>made friends with a bunch of cool guys that are into cool music and clothes
>party pretty much every weekend
>actually talking to girls now
>got my first BJ a couple weeks ago

life is good brehs

>> No.10522194

Sounds like a big load of shit tbh

>> No.10522481

Nope sorry

>> No.10522581

Everyone itt needs a Xanax

>> No.10522653

>>got my first BJ a couple weeks ago
how young are you /fa/ggot?

>> No.10522720

Hang in there bro! You'll get through it

>> No.10522729

I've put off going to a therapist because I don't trust them and I'm poor.
What worked in the meantime was reading books on psychology.
I recommend adler, his writing is pretty straightforward and geared towards normal people, not specialists.
It helped.me understand and deal with a lot of shit that grew in me.
Good luck

>> No.10522743

>young, tall, pretty, rich, smart, sense of personal style
>midterms next week, feel like i haven't learned shit this semester
>falling hard af for this 10/10 girl who lives 4 hours away, p sure she likes me back even, seeing her thanksgiving
>sicc cops arriving by post tomorrow
Can't complain tbh, I'll study hard early next week and begin looking forward to hot chick

>> No.10523541

severe cystic acne that has scarred me FOR LIFE FUCK

>> No.10523592

Will hit it big though :^)

>> No.10523693

>depression, anxiety
>not sure if prematurely aged from past eating disorder, or just paranoid and over-analysing
>few friends
>worried about the future

>hobbies keep me busy I guess
>antidepressants have helped a lot

>> No.10524710

>want a career in filmmaking
>not creative enough to write screenplays and music videos
>not dedicated enough for documentaries

Who /Hack/ here

>> No.10524729

>want a career in music tech
>not creative enough to write catchy tunes
>not dedicated enough for studio work

know that feel

>> No.10524730

go outside and to crowded places without playing on your phone. limit internet use to 1-3 hours a week

>> No.10524736

how about have some willpower and appreciation of delayed gratification you faggots

>> No.10524766

>slight acne
If it is actually slight, most people aren't actually going to notice it.
I am convinced that there is no real cure for depression, for a lot of people it just comes and goes with time. Just wait, and do the best you can do in life until then.
>no close friends
Hit up an old friend from high school or get to know an acquaintance better. The best way to make friends is through other friends.
>i regret dumping her
get over it
>this new girl is showing slight interest but i am for sure going to fuck it up
better to fuck up than do nothing at all
>eating disorder
do you have any idea where you are
>no self-discipline
cant help you there lol
>no money
get a job hippie
>i will never be attractive enough to be a model
probably not, most people aren't.

>> No.10524787

body dysmorphia and paranoia

what a lovely combo

>> No.10525184

u can be like yams or soemthing

>> No.10525218

>167 lbs of fat and muscle

>> No.10525278
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Trying this today and not expecting anything
Wish me luck

>> No.10525938

>too white for the black kids, too black for the white

I know this feel all too well

>> No.10526171

>too white for the black kids, too black for the white
Isn't that a Sweatshirt lyric?

>> No.10526175

yup it's off chum

>> No.10526222

>shit skin
>low-life with no direction
>socially awkward
>never do anything with friends
>attractive but too awkward to be intimate with anyone

At least I've managed to start looking confident so I don't look like a total fuccbitch all the time so we getting better boiz

>> No.10526638

>23 yo kissless virgin
>5'7 manlet
>local girls eye fucking me every day
>complete opposite with white/international girls
>no interest in local grils

Fuck all i have ever wanted in life is a beautiful blonde wife with blue/green/grey eyes

>> No.10526676

I'm starting to like my best friend.
>kinda /fa/ clothes, really thin, short hair
I mean, she is driving me crazy, and I really love being with her, but she still attached to other guy who doesn't even know how to fucking dress. And I hate that, because I used to be a "sad" guy who doesn't have self-esteem and now, now that I have a big ego, I want to just pretend that I don't care about that. But, I'I've been always with her, and the other guy haven't, she think that she is in love with him because they both play basketball, and he said to her only one time that with him, she won't ever be afraid of anything.

Should I try with her? Or should I move out, leave everything here and find someone else?

>> No.10526696

>haven't had a friend in 6 years
>have become so socially inept I can't figure out how to make or keep friends
>do good in school but it's community college and worried that real college will kick my ass
>cannot shake my laziness
>I think I'm a retard or something idk everything is just so hard and scary
>doctor wants a second opinion on the lump on my head :(

>> No.10526699

Stop being a cuck and leave

>> No.10526702

The fact that you seem to judge ones worth based on how they dress really says a lot about your personality and why she'd rather be with him than you

You should probably do a lot of growing up before considering being with a girl

>> No.10526744

18 fam, I was just an awkward beta in high school

>> No.10526912

That's a birthmark, retard

>> No.10526917

We all know a girl like this

>> No.10527157

this was a nice change of pace. That's good anon. I'm also at my dream school. First year was a shit show because of my depression. But I'm on antidepressants now and I feel better. I joined clubs and made new friends. Just looking to get my grades up now.

>tfw on vyvanse

the comedown is going to suck

>> No.10527160

I love these threads, you know why ?

Because you can smell and tell they're made by insecure 17 years old teenagers. They're exactly like the average /r9k/ poster, and technically they should create these shitty threads on /r9k/ but they refuse to do so because they still think they're special snowflakes, superior to the average /r9k/ poster, while acting and speaking exactly like one.

Fucking pathetic.

>> No.10527169

kek, true

>> No.10527315

Wow, you added absolutely nothing to this thread by stating the obvious. Pat yourself on the back, you're much more mature and superior to those special snowflakes and totally not a narcissistic attention whore on an anonymous chinese cartoon imageboard! But I love these posts, you know why ?

Because you can smell and tell they're made by insecure 17 years old teenagers. They're exactly like the average /reddit/ poster, and technically they should upboat their shitty posts on /reddit/ but they refuse to do so because they still think they're special snowflakes, superior to the average /reddit/ poster, while acting and speaking exactly like one.

Fucking pathetic.

>> No.10527334


>> No.10527348

really lovin the amazing lack of self awareness in this post

you ever consider tripping bud?

>> No.10527378

>Anti depressants
>Mad appetite
>Gym > Life
>Shit Car
>Hate Job
>meh facial aesthetics

>qt 3.14 gf
>Anti depressants are goat
>Got $$
>not receding

>> No.10527390
File: 19 KB, 795x301, 1317300008871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speech impediment
>therefore shy and low confidence especially around girls

>> No.10527397

what's your band called?

>> No.10527399

>when you're low growth (157 sm, female) and clothes does not fit.
>sorry for my english, я нe из aнглoгoвopящих
this is so adorable

>> No.10527403

what school fam

also, blowjobs are something you should first get out behind a shed or in a closet at age 13 or something

>> No.10527408

are you in high school?

>> No.10527413

this tbh fam

>> No.10527415

>speech impediment
me too fam. i have a stutter where I get speech blocks often on certain sounds.

but life gets better the less you worry about it (i know that's easier said than done), and just power through it. how bad is it for you?

>> No.10527424

It can be pretty bad at times, most times just a bit of stutter. But it happens almost all the time.

Yeah I've been worrying less about it but to build up the confidence and not being as shy is something that is not easy for me.

>> No.10527439

nigga that's how eating disorders happen

>> No.10527615

That's what I want to do, maybe I will in a future.

>> No.10527623
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>allergies that get set off at the slightest change of air pressure
>frustrating speech impediment and constant tongue-tying makes conversations very hard
>horrible hair dimensions thanks to botchy cut by an ex-friend

>constantly spending days trying to look fashionable and getting high and never really getting anywhere in life
>sure to lose gf soon
I just want to get rid of this pot addiction guys goddamn it's horrible in the ways I didn't think it would be

>> No.10527630

I'm not judging him, well, I don't know, maybe I still being kinda insecure.
He doesn't even like her, he dumped her.
And, yeah, I guess I'm being kinda immature, I will work in that aspect, thanks.
But, I guess that I will be with her as a friend for a long time, I like being with her.

>> No.10527650

Why did you started with smoking weed, that's not effay

>> No.10527654
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>no desire to really socialize
>have a falling out with crush,not willing to move on
>cash strapped until chr*stmas

damn im already 19 i shouldn't have teenagers problem right now

>> No.10527665

because I was a stupid kid anon

>> No.10527680

At least you have a spiderman gif.
Man, just start to think that everything will get better only if you do your best, even when you don't want to

>> No.10527690

Hey OP, one of the things you listed is the root cause of your problems

>> No.10527736

Made this mistake of getting involved with a girl like that. So true, I feel bad because she really liked me and I think I was the only friend she had. I just couldn't do it though, she was too sad ALL the time. Shit takes a toll

>> No.10527743


>> No.10527748
File: 961 KB, 500x250, when-youre-drunk-and-trying-to-look-candid-for-a-photo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people under 24 which are objectively the most inferior people culturally ON EARTH put on suicide watch tbh

>> No.10527750

>Hey OP, one of the things you listed is the root cause of your problems
110% agreed. Fuck, like 95% of the issues in this thread could be fixed with self-discipline.

That's part of the reason why guys on /fit/ improve so much once they begin weight lifting seriously. Lifting teaches the discipline to do shit you don't want to do on a consistent and unvarying basis. That's a skill few people have nowadays.

>> No.10527838
File: 46 KB, 309x470, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandmother is dying
>she saved money to buy me a scarf
>she knows i love scarves
>spends $150 on a beautiful yellow scarf
>80% acrylic

i still love you grandma

>> No.10528068


hey bateman I don't know if you remember but we spoke briefly about the october LSAT's and scores got released last night. Looks like another sad weird asshole is going to law school

>> No.10528126
File: 315 KB, 491x373, 1403070656234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy I remember that thread.
Good for you man!

>> No.10528364

>be 19
>came to denmark to study uni
>separeted from family, friends, gf
>trying to make most of it
>long distance relationship with gf ive been with for a year
>not sure if it was worth it
>feeling like living another life
>holding feelings back to everyone just thinking about it alone
>want a tesla before 30 so they can all suck my dick

>> No.10529072

Where in Denmark brah? If Aalborg lets hang out

>> No.10529364

>want to go to art gallery
>friends insist on coming
>make noise the entire time