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10511031 No.10511031 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effay personality type? I was thinking for guys enfp or infp, and for girls maybe intj or entj

>> No.10511033

ENTJ for guys

>> No.10511045

anything with t as the third letter

>> No.10511050

I say enfp because rick owens seems like one, and michele seems like an intj, and their relationship is so effay and rare. entj for guys seems too common

>> No.10511711

I'm an INFP guy. What makes you say we're /fa/?

>> No.10511719

Le immaculated pussis are fah

>> No.10512302 [DELETED] 

I'm a retentive hysteric INTJ... So... Retentive hysteric INTJ.

>> No.10512307


>> No.10512321

>implying myers-briggs isn't complete bs

>> No.10512339


it takes eight factors and explains the potential interactions between the four factors to explain sixteen potential options

it's not all-encompassing, but it's simple enough that it can be fairly accurate within it's scope

it's not exactly 'science' but it's not complete bs

>> No.10512440
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Ni is the god tier function

>> No.10513267
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I'm going to go with non-autistic INTJ's, both genders. Slightly socially inept is good though.

Then again, I'm an ENTP/ENFP and want to argue and have sex with all of them. Simultaneously.

>> No.10513316
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damn that sounds fun

>> No.10513318

but personality types don't really exist

>> No.10513322
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Not the OP, but intelligent INFP's have some really cool brains. A bit cringy every now and then though. Not strictly effay, but very interesting nonetheless.

Now learn to dress yourself and get away from this hellhole.

>> No.10513336
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Hey, what can I say, you fuckers typically have me beat though, either out-fucking me or successfully proving your point.

Sometimes both, never neither.

>> No.10513340

>but it's simple enough that it can be fairly accurate within it's scope
so can horoscopes
"today may not be your best, but that's okay"

>> No.10513348

what about us intps

>> No.10513355

>holding MBTI tests to any sort of reputable standard
Theyre the literal equivalent of something like a "which character are you most like" quiz an aspie girl would share on facebook.

P fucking embarrassing. Why the fuck would you want to pigeon hole yourself in such stupid personality traits anyways?

>> No.10513370

You guys are in desperate need of a foil.

Seriously, do the social tag-team thing, preferably with someone that has a good emotional read on you.

Otherwise, nothing but turtles and autism.

Getting to know you fucks is a delight though.

>> No.10513379

literally the most beta mbti

>> No.10513392

Ive taken meyers brigg's countless time and every time I get ENFP or ENTP because I always only favor feeling or thinking by 1 or 2 %. So i guess I have traits of both?

>> No.10513399

intp here. Its k I guess

>> No.10513405

ayy ENTP/ENFP's we out here

>> No.10513441
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Yes, but I'd rather learn how to grow phallic shaped vegetables and feed them to my friends.

>> No.10513444

itt: teenagers and stupidfags who believe in pseudoscience

>> No.10513448

And people who like it for its game value.

I like to play "spot the INTJ."

>> No.10513478
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I'm ISFP, what does that mean for me

>> No.10513481

feeling is for cucks

>> No.10513486

You start. What does it mean for you?

>> No.10513489

INTX here. I fluctuate.

>> No.10513494

actually not really. Emotion is important to understand. socially disabled people are often over logical and not very empathic

>> No.10513557

I appreciate you taking the time to tell me that.

But seriously though, you'll get lots of mileage out of treating the MBTI as a social profiling simulator, plus getting good at it has the bonus of facilitating communication. Though it may be a bit horoscope-core, even blatantly incorrect at times, it does give you greater accuracy,since you can zone in on the type of communication that a person might understand better.

Plus, I've made several friends by playing "spot the INTJ."

>> No.10513577
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Who /ENTP/ here?

>> No.10513586

I don't like calling myself an artistic person because, frankly, i don't have that much talent when it comes to actually creating and building. but i'm okay when it comes to problem solving subjects like math, and pretty much everything else the websites said about ISFPs resonated pretty well with me.

>> No.10513594

INTJ master race. Get fucked faggot.

>> No.10513628

I know an ISFP that studies applied physics. Committed fellow, really chill guy too.

In terms of being effay, go for simple. If the MBTI even has the smallest degree of accuracy, you won't want to want to dress flamboyantly, well made basics and a clothes with a good fit should do enough for ya.

You point your focus to something cool now, can't have you doing less cool shit than you could be doing.

>> No.10513644


>tfw people have no idea what to think of you because you argue extremely complicated points against people vehemently but in actually you don't even care and are completely chill about everything

>> No.10513649

I've studied MBTI quite a bit and IME it's a bullshit system that too often insecure people use for affirmation. Got a bad personality trait? Good news: it's not your fault! Being a cunt just comes with your personality type.

There's no doubt that I'm an INFP according to MBTI theory, but forums or other places online where INFPs congregate make me want to vomit. They're nothing but hugboxes where people willfully indulge in being special snowflakes, constantly reaffirming eachother's weaknesses, and I really can't relate to that horseshit. The idea that I should, simply because I happen to primarly use what Jung described as introverted feeling and extroverted intuition, is fucking bananas.

>> No.10513668

INTP for guys
Girls can't be /fa/.

>> No.10513674

I keep on taking the test and the result is always INTP, which isn't very accurate.
Is it because I'm an aspie?

>> No.10513680

holy fuck thats me dude

>> No.10513695

It makes me feel so bad because some people are apprehensive of me when I can be so extremely and sincerely kind. I just want to be good to the people I like.


>> No.10513705

maybe you're subconsciously lying to yourself :^)

>> No.10513743

okay m8

>> No.10513766
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I'm only good at conversation when I'm working or being extremely sarcastic. otherwise, I'm a stuttering aspie who get flashes of anxiety because I can't forget the past.

>> No.10513777

I N T J B O Y Z W W @

>> No.10513810
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>> No.10513827


>> No.10513838

i s t p

>> No.10513951

its okay except for the crippling DFW-like awareness

>> No.10513992

fuck personality tests

scorpios are the most effay star sign

>> No.10514013


Scorpio is a feminine sign

>> No.10514016

Aries master race.

>> No.10514017

whats DFW

>> No.10514023

I still don't know what any of this personality type bullshit means

>> No.10514139

aries: dadcore
gemini: mallcore
libra: techwear
scorpio: effay
cancer: wanna be effay but never will be
aquarius: keeps on asking if things are effay
sagittarius: ninja
leo: thinks they're effay
pisces: p a l e w a v e
capricorn: $500 shoes with wallmart tshirt
virgo: memecore
taurus: earthtone

>> No.10514220

intp here

a-are we effay

>> No.10514352

switch leo with taurus and youre good

>> No.10514363

i'm ENFP but i'm a girl so does that mean i'm not effay

>> No.10514366

If I was self aware enough to know my personality type people would actually like me.

>> No.10514406

taurus here, can confirm.

>> No.10514442

I'm intj/intp female - good to know I'm /fa/? I fluctuate between the j and p.

>> No.10514445

Same. I just can't do small talk.

>> No.10514450

im a infp boy. why wont anybody fuck me?

>> No.10514455

enfp girl (sunglasses emoji)

>> No.10514815
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>I'm literally perfect
>Feels good man

>> No.10514867

ENFJ here.
/We're all going to make it/

>> No.10514902

infp guys tend to be both rare and the tortured artists, despite what anyone might say it's pretty effay.

>> No.10515374

non-autistic INTJ's are INFJ's

INFJ master race reporting in

>> No.10515576
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Fuck no. I feel like the depths of my mind are being probed when I lock eyes with an INFJ. I enjoy being naked on my own terms. INTJ's, on the other hand, just stare right through you. Want recognition? Gotta demonstrate some value first.

The latter is preferable to me, it's great to see an INTJ gradually close the arm's length at which they keep everyone.

>that initial rigid posture when you hug them for the first time.
>tfw you notice them expecting hugs on subsequent occasions.

>> No.10515656

is literally no one but me esfp? I never see it posted

>> No.10515830

>pseudoscience is a bad word
How the fuck can classifying people's personalities be based on refutation over confirmation when all of psychology is just grasping at apparent patterns? Finding any similarities at all is pretty decent when dealing with something as varying and fucked as the human brain.

That said, I stopped trusting these tests after I took one a day for three days and got different results each time.

>> No.10515928
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We can see through you but we're not that bad fam. >>10515576

>> No.10515950

My last two gfs have suspected me of cheating, told me I was hard to read, and suspected me of being a player despite them both coming onto me.

>> No.10515957

Define being a cunt. It sounds like you're just a pussy.

>> No.10516008

I always score INTP-INFP, i'm like the king of the edgy beta males

>> No.10516029

Wait, are you an INTJ or an INFJ?

Will provide a more nuanced explanation upon reply.

>> No.10516062
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but I'm left-handed and that balances a lot of shit out

i love socializing and meeting new ppl, my social skills and confidence and wahtever goes thru the roof in performance situations (probably narcissistic side), so like giving talks, presentations, whatever, i do amazing cuz that INTJ sensitivity to pick up details/cues

basically i'm INTJ but in real life i don't act like an INTJ cuz i'm balanced out by narcisssism and left--handedness

i'm a medical student but i don't even into science, lol shoulda gone to art school

>> No.10516147


>> No.10516151

intp master personality here o/

>> No.10516162

ISTJ here.

I fucking hate slackers at the office. I guess that makes me un/fa/.

>> No.10516165

I got ISTP, but that description is off by fucking miles

>> No.10516177

my mum is an esfp

>> No.10516246


It's not that INFJ's are bad. I would even argue that it's significantly harder to be bad as an INFJ. My point is that the very act of someone looking straight through me is somewhat. It's pretty damn confronting, especially when it seems like there's no end to it. Which there isn't because each moment of eye-contact with an INFJ feels like that.

So to summarise, beautiful people, but hard to be around for me.

>> No.10516351

Ayyy entj fam

>> No.10516383

Wow I'm infp too, I'm usually one of very few on these threads on r9k. That's really interesting, probably something to be said about similar personality types having similar interests

>> No.10516469
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Are these even supposed to work if you have a personality disorder of some sort? I always have a strong "I", but everything else can go either way and never extends beyond 15% or so.

>> No.10516622


you can't prove me otherwise

>> No.10516745

istj. would seriously pref more extraversion and intuition, but istj is ok.

>> No.10516793

Meh I'm an ambivert ntp. I get literally less than 5 either way for i or e.

>> No.10517033

was meant for: >>10515928 & >>10516147

>> No.10517041
File: 126 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nqdewhM3Gx1r8gjlmo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgo can confirm

>> No.10517271


>> No.10517522

I'm an INFJ but I'm not entirely sure why we are inherently the most effay type. I mean, yeah, one of our guys did create the most fashionable empire in history but he was also a total dick so who cares?

>> No.10517536

I went from enfp to entj to enfj lmao

>> No.10517548

Shiiiiit, you're right about he virgos, they buy a lot of memes. I'm a Pisces and am starting to gravitate towards some pale clothes

>> No.10517592

Sagittarius here, I must confirm that I've had an affinity for ninja-esque clothes even though I havent worn a ninjafit.

>> No.10517804


just because people use their MBTI to justify their flaws doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the system itself. I mean, if it can accurately predict their flaws then that's a good thing right? Mostly the problem is that immature teenagers use whatever profile they get to give themselves a sense of self and try to act too archetypal.

>> No.10517990

>boring coworker who keeps to himself
>submissives who let people walk all over them
>holier than thou ideologues
>ADHD, will likely fuck everything up just to see what happens
>Annoying liberal arts students
>NEET, the guy who acts smart but never does anything productive.
>dirty hippies
>your boss with a stick up his ass
>status quo and image are everything, your stereotypical "normie"
>extreme autists, have a dictator complex
>Maternalists, they always know what's good for you better than you do
>The guy who puts Everest on his resume
>Attention whore
>An neckbeard who somehow gets a job. Hated by everyone for arguing over pointless shit, thinks they're way smarter than they are
>Generic hipster/MPDG, spends all day taking pics to upload on Instagram

>> No.10518611

INTP virgo standing by

>> No.10518628

Is someone mentioning John Green on /fa/?

>> No.10518867

>Everyone is a cunt

Love it.

>> No.10518929

enfps overthink shit so much in my experience
and complain a lot.


>> No.10518935


>> No.10518948

enfp, can confirm. we are aware

>> No.10518975

Just don't be autistic

>> No.10518976
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>> No.10518993

autism is pretty effay

>> No.10519004

I am you!

>> No.10519012

its hard not to be seen that way as intj, but dressing well and having a wide variety of interests and hobbies that matter (eg not video games) certainly helps. I just hope my talking irl comes out more mysterious and sparse than stuttering autistic

>> No.10519034

INTP reporting in
I kinda like it, although sometimes I wish I was more extroverted

>> No.10519045

> stans
> cdg x cons

>> No.10519237

are you me ? im like in the exact same situation .. like 100% .. im in med school too but people keep thinking im in art or designer school

>> No.10519258

its >>10519237 again , do you often make friends and relationships that you regret/cannot stand anymore

happens all the time, people just bore me to death

>> No.10519268

are you a scorpio?

>> No.10519271

>personality types

literal autism

>> No.10519273

I'm pretty sure I'm an INFP but I can be pretty cold and get INFJ on these tests too

>> No.10519279

found the intp

>> No.10519334

aquarius here
i'm the most uneffay little cocksucker on this entire board
i'm so fucking insecure and i buy a new shirt like once every other month

>> No.10519403

nope, Leo

>> No.10519502
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>personality type