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/fa/ - Fashion

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10510264 No.10510264 [Reply] [Original]

So, how did you guys into fashion?
Me, personally:

>clicking on random boards
>click on /fa/

and that's how it happened.

>> No.10510275

That's really lazy and crass of you.

If you ever get famous or get interviewed for your "clothing line" this response will stirr criticism.

Int: "So what were some of your inspirations that lead you to design some shirts?"

OP: "I was just browsing an online Chinese tin-foil trading card site and found a fashion thread"

Int: "Ok so you're basically a hack"

>> No.10510280

designers are cucks, Lol

i just rock it brother

too busy w/ my bitches to given interview anyway lol, people see me in magazines they don read me

>> No.10510285

I came here four years ago to reinvent myself.

>> No.10510458

I meant to click /fit/.
Decided I liked skinny jeans.
They don't fit anymore.

>> No.10511395
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The time just felt ripe.

>> No.10511412

i just come here to make fun of all these idiots who really think anything they post here is any way fashionable

>> No.10511433
File: 38 KB, 245x320, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searching up hair tutorials, come across a male fashion channel.

>> No.10511444

>Listen to Odd Future
>Get into Supreme
>Start browsing /a/ and eventually discover /fa/

>> No.10511461

accidentally came from reddit. stayed for the memes

>> No.10511465

Watched some movies, read some books. Started paying attention to clothing... Etc

>> No.10511470

>"I was just browsing an online Chinese tin-foil trading card site and found a fashion thread"
Waiting for this to happen.

>> No.10511500

I got interested in what separated good quality clothes from bad because i'm poor

>> No.10511565

>loved kurt cobain as a youngin
>loved some of his outfits
>tried to be him
>thought it was pathetic to copy later
>became myself
>upgraded self and grew my own preferences on fashion over a few years
>ended up in this cuckfest

>> No.10511583

If you mean this board, I got referenced on other boards like go to /fa/ you fucking faggot.

If you mean fashion itself, it's just a hobby and fun to shop and mix styles to look good. Knowing how to dress is pretty valuable in life.

>> No.10511819

I think people on a /v/ thread were making fun of /fa/ and then I looked around a bit and I kind of liked what I saw. I stopped going on /v/.

>> No.10511852

>browsing /mu/
>click on "post wat ur wearin and guess wat music u liek xDdxD" thread
>wow these outfits are worse than /b/
>some anon gets told to fuck off back to /fa/
>decide I probably look just as bad and come here

terrible mistake

>> No.10511866 [DELETED] 

extreme narcism

>> No.10511868

>best friend was into fashion
>realize i look like SHIT

>> No.10511873

Delete this post now then, retard

>> No.10511988

I was overweight for a while and so didn't care too much about my appearance. Then I got fit and found I cared what I look like.

>> No.10512177

As an anti-social-kissless-virgin, I find it as an outlet to forget my disgusting life and I enjoy the diversity in designers. Also, Heidi says it's fine to be pro-ana male.

>> No.10513460

That boy's head looks like a penis

>> No.10513465

I started to really hate this chick who was my boyfriend's ex, and she was really into fashion, so I I stepped up my game to one-up her. Before that I was just casually into it

>> No.10513466

it's my penis

>> No.10513614

I've always liked clothing, so one thing led to the next and I ended up in this dump.

>tfw wearing skinny jeans for the last 8 years
>tfw I'll be old and and still wear them because I feel like shit in anything slightly baggy

>> No.10514054
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started with r/mfa tbh

>> No.10514095

I got dumped by a grill and wanted to change how I dressed. I read the sticky, became a basic bitch, and now come here for dank memes

>> No.10514100
File: 100 KB, 500x687, kanye_kanye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend works at modeling agency
>she asked me if I wanted to model
>uhh ok
>she was serious
>now I'm a model
>pic related it's how i feel now

>> No.10514159

started casually browsing i think 2009 when i was trying out a bunch of hobbies

fashion kindda stuck so i gradually browsed here more

my advice: this place is terrible for advice so learn to be self-reliant

>> No.10514198

Literally the same for me but on a Finnish site

>> No.10514354

>listerine is censored
shills everywhere

>> No.10514356

Same as OP, except i used to be really bored and wanted a hobby. i used to browse /g/ for like 3 years

>> No.10514357
File: 65 KB, 506x500, 4761570157_ae405c7fc4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>enter college and be really unfashionable
>skelly mode, Hurley shorts + Quicksilver shirts
>meet someone who browsed /fa/ and saw them wearing CP's and Our Legacy, after I learned how much his shoes cost I thought "who in their right mind would spend that much money on clothes?"
>start lifting and get interested in improving upon my appearances in hope I would no longer remain KV
>discover /fit/ and /fa/ my 2nd year
>continue getting stronk
>start shopping at H&M and buying basic clothing
>take up smoking cigs to ease stress and social anxiety
>Get job working in medical office (low pay but w/e it is a job and it's in my field of interest)
>buy Cheap Mondays, "wow $90 jeans!" it's the most expensive thing in my wardrobe
>using all my paychecks from work to buy clothes since my parents pay for my tuition and food
>stop smoking cigs and take up vaping instead because it's healthier
>still KV
>enter 3rd year
>finally buy CP's and Our Legacy from money saved up over summer from working
>still KV
People always comment how nice I dress and I'm getting more attention from girls but unfortunately my mental gains haven't coincided with my physical(appearance) gains

>> No.10514378

Just noticing people's clothes, and wondering why my clothes didn't look as cool

I remember seeing people in the city wearing what must have been rick/julius when I was in middle school and thinking they looked like anime/video game characters

>> No.10514383

Be antisocial gamer nerd

Reach peak performance

Get bored

Remember I need to lose virginity

Go to /fit/ and get fit

Realize I dress like shit

Go to /fa/ start dressing alright

Autism takes over and I start trying too hard

Start getting approached by gay men and start intimidating women

Start wearing fitting basics

Life improves

Gay men still try me but women do to

I've made a lot of enemies here also.

>> No.10514386

From a friend

>> No.10514391

>Was underage
>Realised I was going to be an adult soon and I couldn't dress myself, couldn't cook and wasn't fit
>Started browsing /ck/, /fit/ and /fa/
>Still can't cook
>Still skinnyfat
>Have a half decent wardrobe and throw together some decent fits when I can be fucked

>> No.10514393

>be into music
>enjoy bleep bloops
>bleep bloops turn out to be /fa/
>like bleep bloop fashion
>get into fashion

>> No.10514415

my mom would always watch FashionTelevision as a kid and sometimes I'd watch, slowly grew from there. ONTDFF on livejournal was the first fashion community i got into lma o

still like clothes etc but i don't closely follow designers anymore

>> No.10514643


>> No.10514826

Aaap rocky

>> No.10515162

Lemme c pics

>> No.10515176

Honestly Daft Punk and Asap Rocky

>> No.10515204

Well I was goth when I was 15 and ever since I've gotten more and more into style and clothing, basically I've always admired people, boys and girls who dressed somewhat eccentrically and even a little edgy, I'm interested with the way clothing can give off vibes as a way to express who you are. I'm also an artist, and since everyone has to wear clothes why not put a little artistic effort into your day to day outfits? It all comes down to it's just fun and satisfying.

>> No.10515293

>begin to care about my appearance
>start out with pretty chad-like clothes
>start high school
>don't want to be like everyone else
>started a hipster phase (better than brocore tbh)
>discover that I liked being genuine more than try hard different
>start buying clothes I personally like and not what urban outfitters is selling
>introduced to 4can
>stay in /co/ and /tv/ a lot
>hey I like clothes let's try /fa/
>now I dress more like a dad than before

>> No.10515317

Btw I'm not underage this happened over the course of like 5 years

>> No.10515690

well I'm a /b/ fag and I knew there were other threads so yeah I was looking what other ones there were and came across this one about 10 minutes ago. And no, I am not some narcissistic loner who wears video game merch and airways hi tops. I am actually quite a fashionable person, and I mean that seriously, I'm not a newfag either.

>> No.10515715

>always interested cause my mom is in the biz
>start buying shit I think is cool in my teens
>start paying more attention to what I wear on my late teens
>start researching internet for designers and general fashion shit in early 20s

>> No.10515849

2/10 made me reply

>> No.10515905

>No confidence
>Read how to be confident
>Step 1.Get clothes that fit/look good on your frame
>Research, experiment, ect.
>Get few quality pieces that I like wearing
>Get compliments
>Still not confident
>Stopped trying to build a better self
>No point
>Buy purely for superficial comments

>> No.10516484


>> No.10516567

This is me but also for music and guitar as well geez

>> No.10517698

>not into fashion
>just into looking good

>> No.10518241

>skated since i could remember
>listened to odd future freshmen year
>got into supreme and went from there
>got complimented on my style
>was a 4chan user, stumbled on /fa/
>now self-conscious, hard to pursue girls because picky of how they dress and constantly judging the public based on their fits

kinda wish I never came to /fa/ idk tbh

>> No.10518248


>> No.10518250

who the fuck still skates

>> No.10518270

I have since I was about 8. stopped doing it to the same degree as I once did at around 16. 18 now and I'll fuck around on a board like once a month or so.

>> No.10518464

>be me
>be long haired pot smoking loser
>realize one day how shitty my life is
>decided I want to change
>startes with appearance
>friend introduces me to /fa/
>kinda like it
>3 years later
>still bitter and angry
>but not a long haired pot smoking loser

>> No.10518471

>likes girls
>merely stumbled on /fa/
>listens to bad music
not-/fa/ at all tbh

>> No.10518474

the movie drive

>> No.10518477

bet you wish you kept the hair tho

>> No.10518482

Lol this is why fa is in decline

>> No.10518495

bring back casemods

>> No.10518497

>went to to /fit/ for a year
>realized it was a waste of time if I dressed poorly
>still don't listen to half of what is said here
>shitpost here more than there because the banter is better

>> No.10518643

Not really. I regrew it in my second year back when the manbun was the goal ever /fa/ggot on here. Now I don't know what to do now that the manbun is dying out

>> No.10518647

long hair will always be fa if you can pull it off

>> No.10518705

why do y'all do this thing where you lowkey say you dress too good for women. "intimidate" lmao like you wanna be with a girl that gets intimidated at someone dressing nice? find that girl that appreciates it.

>> No.10518728

>listen to yung lean
>somehow this led me to /fa/
>end up here
>now about to order some palladiums and fjallraven parka

>> No.10518733

>>still don't listen to half of what is said here
wise decision

/fa/ is terrible for actual advice - remember the sydney meetup and keep in mind that those people are offering advice as fact like its going out of fashion. /fa/ is excellent for inspo and w2c, shit for everything else. except banter.

>> No.10518863

fuck off, christ

>> No.10518864

you sound really insecure