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/fa/ - Fashion

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10491588 No.10491588 [Reply] [Original]

Should I start smoking to get effay?

>> No.10491596

cancer isn't fashionable.

>> No.10491604

No, it's a shitty habit.

Smoked a pack a day and nearly got emphysema, luckily i kicked it (thanks to vaping) and its improving.

>> No.10491605

who /emphysemacore/ here?

>> No.10491612

yes as long as you dont get addicted (you will)

>> No.10491614

vape my man

>> No.10491628


Every smoker I talk to said they got addicted. I have pretty good self control tho

>> No.10491631

you will get addicted, dont lie to yourself

>> No.10491639


>> No.10491640

yes. if you're dumb enough to smoke you deserve cancer tbh (to be honest)

>> No.10491668

I smoke once every other week or so. Hardly ever feel an actual craving for it; rather, I do it as a pivot to integrate into other social groups which are too retarded to realize the hazards of chronic smoking.

>> No.10491674

Vaping is far more /fa/ than smoking.

Enjoy your cancer gaybois. Enjoy being in a wheelchair relying on your oxygen tank to survive.

>> No.10491679


If the dude in that picture is you, go ahead you fucking faggot.

>> No.10491688



Enjoy looking like a faggot.

>> No.10491700

enjoy a slow and painful death wherein you regret every decision that led up to and including smoking

>> No.10491703

>implying smoking cigs isn't sucking on a nicotine cock

>> No.10491711

>o i am laffing

>> No.10491755

if you start smoking for the sole reason of looking cool, you're a faggot

if you vape and aren't an addict or former addict, you're also a faggot

i almost went with "autists" but even people who suffer from disabilities that cripple their social ability make better choices than that

>> No.10491761
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But if smoking is effay then how am I supposed to not try smoking? You make literally zero sense.

>> No.10491763

enjoy also getting cancer from vaping, also OP is a huge faggot.you have to already be fashionable and attractive to make smoking look cool.

>> No.10491773

it's not

you have been lied to by Big Tobacco, who sponsored fashion icons such as (insert any james bond actor here) to promote their product as fashionable back in the 80s and the idea stuck

>> No.10491790

for the past several years it's been universally agreed that cigarettes are shitty for your physical health, mental health, and financial stability
for decades doctors have worked to save people's lives and try to prevent other people from ruining more
but i mean your self-image problem is more important right lol "am i effay?"

>> No.10491791

brown teeth and prematurely aged skin are not effay

>> No.10491798

I smoked cigarettes like 4 or 5 times a week last year for maybe a few months and never got addicted.

I haven't had one since the summer. If you aren't a week minded fool you won't get addicted.

>> No.10491814

this faggot (OP) cant be more than 20

he will

>> No.10491816

I was 18/19 when I started smoking though so I don't think it has much to do with age.

>> No.10491819

If he has to go to Laotian Tie-Dying Board to make life choices he will get addicted.

>> No.10491860

How dangerous is smoking like 1-2 only one day a week. (Usually when I'm out or studying hard)

>> No.10491863

>cancer from vaping
Show me one research article that isn't from some sensationalist news source

>> No.10491875


prolly not bad, although why would you?

>> No.10491877


Not the guy you responded to but no one knows the long term effects of vaping on the lungs. Your arguement is the same one tabacco companies used to push their "healthy" product on the market because the medical community lacked evidence to prove them wrong.

Your argument is fallcious because a lack of evidence doesn't make your point valid. We do know however that ingesting any smoke or inhalants is not going to be exactly good for you. It's not a far stretch to warm people that this could lead to cancer.

>> No.10491885

Smoking itself isn't effay. Rather, it's self-destructive habits as a whole.

>> No.10491887

please don't

>> No.10491892
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Vape, get the shit with no nicotine and you should be good.

I know a few jacked dudes at the gym who vape daily for appetite control.

>> No.10491907

the nicotine is what controls your appetite

pretty sure at least

>> No.10491912

It helps, but it's mostly a stimulate.

I think it's the flavor and oral fixation more than anything.

>> No.10491920

>oral fixation

Why don't you fagggots just suck dick? It tastes good too

>> No.10491922

I periodically smoked with my friends starting at 15 but I never got addicted, neither did any of my friends.
Apparently if you only smoke like once a week or two you'll be fine, but don't take my advice

>> No.10492083

what about us who vape because we like the nicotine "high" but don't want to cause our body any more unnecessary harm by smoking tobacco?

>> No.10492101

It's as bad as heroin, you will get addicted.

>> No.10492258

any particle in your lung can cause disease.
there ya go bud

>> No.10492278

Have fun breathing in dust and dying from cancer fag

>> No.10492299

>I have pretty good self control tho
I said the same thing before I started smoking, i'm addicted, go figure

>> No.10492360

Your anecdotal evidence is not gospel truth. Most people will get addicted.

>> No.10492700

Because sitting outside chatting drunk whilst smoking is really enjoyable

>> No.10492709

14 yo kids shouldent smoke.

>> No.10492740

>tfw you quit a year ago but still crave cigs all the time

Don't even think about pills or booze after the first month of quitting but ciggs are just so delicious

>> No.10492898
File: 24 KB, 399x388, 1442218120851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out with those cancer sticks fam

you will stink, have a sore throat with slime in it and dry lips. then theres the lungcancer and the cost

>> No.10492904

Lost 20kgs since i started, so yes

>> No.10492915

I smoke 1/2 cigs a week, sometimes i don't smoke at all, it depends. It's def not /fa/:
-you get wrinkles (if you have a babyface you should kill yourself already, cigs won't make you better)
-you lose breath
-you and your clothes start smelling
-lungs and mouth cancer in the long run
-heart collapses
-cough with that yellowish fluid which i don't know how it's called in english
-you lose lots of money
-your teeth become yellow and then start to rot

Smoking is not /fa/ at all, stop sucking tobacco little dicks to feel socially accepted

>> No.10493353
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>> No.10493369

As a former heroin addict, no, it isn't.

>> No.10493380

bruh there are people with great self control.

i did heroin with my deadbeat friends last year for a couple weeks, but stopped cold turkey when i started college and didn't have a problem coping.

never had a problem quitting weed and cigs too.

if u have an addictive personality u shouldnt touch any of that shit though.

>> No.10493431

there's no such thing as an addictive personality, only weakness

>> No.10493444

you're already considering it, why not just get started already? do you think you have what it takes to quit when the time comes?

>> No.10493478

Smoking decreases test and you look about 12 so you need all the help you can get.

>> No.10493643

This has to be bait

>> No.10493656
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Smoking can be cool as long as you don't give a fuck

it's rebelling against the modern health meme that you should live long. gotta be a little bit edgy to be /fa/

>> No.10493932

shoulda just died instead of vaping and looking like a faggot tbh

>> No.10493934

I smoke reds for weeks at a time on and off whenever i feel like it and never got addicted. I've also done alot of drugs and never got hooked on anything. If you're not a pleb you should be good m8.

>> No.10493945

yes man

>> No.10493991

it won't make you look cool. you'll just look like a 15 year old faggot smoking

>> No.10494010

how harmful/10 is smoking without inhaling like once a week or even less often?

>> No.10494011
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You're all a bunch of fucking pussies. I can't tell you how many girls told me how they hate how I smell when I come into the room after a cigarette and we ended up banging after.

Then high school ended and I quit. But still, it's alpha as fuck.

>> No.10494024

I've done a lot of drug, especially when 19/20 and I'm in no way addicted.
I like weed at live shows/sleepless nights and dark beer most weekends

>> No.10494070

It's honestly not as addicting as people think. Been smoking like half a pack per week for 4 years and I'm not even close to getting addicted

>> No.10494081


>> No.10494092

it's not. what'll happen is you'll accidently inhale and then cough like a bitch in front of your friends. That's what happened to me when I was 16, then I got buzzed and then addicted

>> No.10494335

Heroin user on occassion reporting in.

Heroin is just a strain of morphine, you can make your own morphine from poppy seed bulbs, bleed the bulb and dab with cotton, then dump cotton onto spoon and cook and inject.

That's nothing like smoking you faggot.

>> No.10494396
File: 206 KB, 500x364, 1441312269869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so opium?

>> No.10494537

See line 2 of original reply

>> No.10494552

heroin is/was a brand of opium you mental case

>> No.10495379

To be honest it kind of is.
Pleasant? No.
Fashionable? Yes.

>> No.10495412

Those ads are so scary, sad loser Ill live to be 150+