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/fa/ - Fashion

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10481551 No.10481551 [Reply] [Original]

So, first time on /fa/.
I want to dye my hair gray(or white), is this possible? And would my hair die?
I mean, i really take a lot of care, use hydratating shampoo, hair mask.. ecc, would they be damaged beyond repairing?
I'm a guy btw with long hair, i really want to impress the grils.

>> No.10481557

You can't just dye it grey. You have to bleach, tone then dye it. Just go to a salon. Better products and professional application will mean less damage for your hair.

>> No.10481561

depends if you have lightish hair already.

Also your hair will defo be damaged, but no clue how bad for you. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

Gray is a bit out there too, you mean platinum blond meme color?

Also, next time ask in the fuccboi thread and don't do shit to impress grils, do it cos u wanna do it or you.

>> No.10481578

I mean grey like the picture, but i don't want them to be really damaged, there is way to repair them?
I have brown hair, so i don't know how much would it be possible.

>> No.10481602

time repairs it I guess, or there's special shampoos you can get. I have platinum meme color hair and my hair is mousy/light brown normally. My hair is bad for the first few days to a week after bleaching then it becomes okay.

Something that would be different for you is the length. My hair is pretty short and fine, so not sure what it would be like for you having it long and if your hair is very thick.

Going into a salon and asking them if you're suitable might be a good idea (you could be allergic to the bleach, hair color too dark etc).

>> No.10481605

You have to gradually bleach it.
Depending on your salon, you might get 4 or 5 appointments in order to make it clearer every time and avoid damaging it too much(done wrong it can make your hair to literally fall down)

Around the 3rd appointment they will let you know your max clarity and if you will reach your desired tone.

Also, don't ever do anything for bitches, they can't even tell what they want for themselves, much less what they want on someone else.

>> No.10481617

platfag here, I only needed to go once whats the deal with multiple visits? Is that for people with really dark hair or something?

Damn that shit must get expensive.

>> No.10481622
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Well, that's a lot of appointments, how much would it cost? I live in italy, and currently don't work. BTW that's me, is it possible?

>> No.10481640

Dont do it anon, don't want to sound rude, but your face is too ugly to try something this adventurous

>> No.10481642

I am going grey.
i am 20
halp /fa/

>> No.10481651
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not sure bro, that's pretty dark compared to mine. Also I can't vouch for >>10481605 with the multi visits as personally I've only needed one as I said but with your color you probably would need multiple visits.

The salon I go to is £50 for cut & color.

Pic is me for reference

>> No.10481670

Yeah, that depends on your original color.

Still, I feel doing it all at once might be too risky.

>> No.10481721

bad bad idea. You have to look very obviously young for the grey trend. With the shit facial hair you already seem 35. it'll will make you look like an alcoholic homeless man

>> No.10481722

Too olive and chubby in the face. Try something else. Your current hair works well for you, apart from the ridiculous chin fluff.

>> No.10481797

don't do it man, doesn't suit your face and your hair will be fucked up. had to cut almost everything of after bleaching it

>> No.10481954

post pics

>> No.10481975


Just be sure you're not doing it because you want to look like an anime character

>> No.10481976


Dye your hair gray but with one streak of whatever your original natural color is

>> No.10481985

if asians can do it with their super thick black hair, then whites with brown hair can do it no problem

>> No.10481994
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r8 but don't h8

>> No.10482006


i'd kiss your feet cutie

>> No.10482013

another dude looking to do it OP - I have long length hitler youth cut (very thick though) I was quoted 300 Australian to pull it off. Not worth with the growing out bullshit.

>> No.10482040

$220 usd

l o l

>> No.10482100

having to get it re done ever 2 weeks :SS

>> No.10482169

Doesn't work with your complexion/build. I'm sure you still get plenty of compliments though: weird hair always gets them.

>> No.10482310


Not a fan of that shade of gray, especially combined with your natural color coming through it looks too much like aged gray hair instead of bleached white

>> No.10482357
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step up

>> No.10482545

its really easy to just bleach a few times then tone with grey or purple pravana or other dye

do it yourself

>> No.10482550

yas/yas esp. roots lookin good

>> No.10483351

beautiful, would there be a way to achieve this loom without black hair. could i like get by roots died. want to get platinum blonde but only if i can get dark roots

>> No.10483366

yeah do it, you will totally be like an anime character and get a harem of cute girls immediately

jesus christ what would even make you think anyone would be impressed by long hair dyed in a completely unnatural color

>> No.10483382

Yeah, pity compliments from friends who know you're desperate for validation. Same as how everyone will always say how cool your new tattoo is even if it's something retarded like a skeleton fighting a video game character.

>> No.10483476


seriously it looks like a mop

>> No.10483478

guy in the pic here, yeah, not sure to be honest. You would have to dye your hair (or part of it) black first then bleach the rest of it, which is possible I suppose if done by a good salon but will damage your hair a lot I would guess. Also your natural color would come in fairly quickly again ( roots start showing after about a week) so that's something to take into consideration as well.

>> No.10483514

I'd have sex with you, but it wouldn't be because of your hair

>> No.10483554


>> No.10483647
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>> No.10483655
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>> No.10483693
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>> No.10483702
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>> No.10483706
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>> No.10483715
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>> No.10483726

wtf are u doin

>> No.10483751

I remember this guy in highschool, brown skin and dark as my soul hair, pretty sure he was Mexican, anyways one day he shows up with half hair platinum/ white, everybody stared at him all the time.

Thanks for the nightmares.

>> No.10483843


>> No.10483844

Guy fieri tier

>> No.10485604
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i have white bleached hair normally and tried some semi-perm grey mousse shit and I couldn't get it to spread evenly through my hair so it looks retarded, JMFSU.

>> No.10486262

Muh German synthpop>>10483351

>> No.10486487

Very difficult to pull off

If you're gonna do it then I hope you're pale with a shallow and chiseled face, and always dress semi-formally in peacoats/similar. Black should never be less than 75% of your fit with white hair, make the rest red, orange, or gold (red undershirt for example)

Don't have lazy days or you'll look emo, and stay far far away from anything remotely revealing (hands and neck only) or you'll look tumblr

oh, nevermind don't even dye it

>> No.10486751


>> No.10487006


>> No.10487018
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my goal hair

>> No.10487055

would grey look good on a nigger? :S

>> No.10487065

im actually not a nigger just brown.

>> No.10488614
