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/fa/ - Fashion

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10476563 No.10476563 [Reply] [Original]

>Come to /fa/
>stack my wardrobe with designer clothes
>all my friends think i'm weird, no interest from girls
>get rid of it all
>Switch to normcore(raw demin, CDB's, ralph lauren polo)
>Interest from the opposite sex through the roof, loads of new friends

lmao why do you dress up?

>> No.10476581

this never happened
the thought of me ditching all of my julius for some "acceptable" clothing makes me want to puke my brains out

>> No.10476594

yeah op i get where youre coming from. people who spend shit loads on bizarre pieces from rick or ann and look like freaks, are only alienating themselves from people, not to mention spending a ridiculos amount of money they probably dont have on something that isnt especially well made

>> No.10476624

respect from less fashionable people? I personally don't have any yearn to splash out on rick because I wouldn't want to dress like that in public, it's a little try-hard, but I find a lot of high-end stuff still pretty nice and /fa/ is useful to stay on top of trends.
I browse the board mainly because I like clothes though, not because I crave attention.

>> No.10476636

/fa/ is a subculture like any other. The people who post here are a more or less self-selected group of people into fashion, and some within that group tend to take it in weirder directions. This is especially the case considering a lot of posters feel that they are too ~special and unique~ to dress like a "normie."

The reality is that SLP, Rick, Yohji, etc. are not going to get you laid among normal women, and in many cases those outfits will be considered more weird than attractive.

>> No.10476656

I think what was at play was you weren't actually comfortable in what you were wearing, you basically wore certain clothes because the internet told you to.

Another thing to assess is the crowds you were trying to attract. If you were aiming for a bunch of typical plebs then they're not going to like your haute couture garbage anyway. They're infinitely more impressed by what big name apparel companies and publications tell them is fashionable, in other words #menswear GQ style shit.

Believe it or not but how you dress has a major impact on the types of people you attract. So you dress plebby, you attract plebs. But it looks like you're pretty happy so I'm guessing you were a pleb to begin with.

>> No.10476687
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Fucking nailed it

>> No.10477924

hey man who gives a fuck abt plebs if ur dicks wet

>> No.10477945

going deep into any subculture alienates you from the general population, and things on 4chan only exemplify this because everyone here wants to take their hobby to the absolute extreme and make it as obscure and different from what its original intention was in the first place.

you could replace OP with anything and it'd work. "come to /tv/ , stack shelves with art house films, etc", "come to /g/, stack my thinkpad with linux, opposite sex just wants macbook", "come to /mu/ stack my record shelf with vaporwave/fotm, girls only want radio pop" you could do this for every board and your overall result will be leave 4chan if you want normal shit to happen

>> No.10477965

Why wouldn't SLP get you laid? Rick is pretty out there but some fits don't automatically put off normies. Yohji is okay in terms of weirdness

>> No.10477982

I have met some really interesting people because of what I wear. I have also met plenty of people who tell me that they thought my style was very strange when they first saw it, one of my friends even said my clothes looked like a costume. But if the people who think it is weird at first come around to it, or dgaf if it's weird you generally weed out the people who aren't open-minded. I met an actor from Stockholm, a few DJs, all of them really like my style and vice versa. It's common ground and people who dress well and differently are generally interesting.

>> No.10477996
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/thread so fucking hard

>> No.10478064


>> No.10478091

I'll never understand why people dress up like fucking monks or buy all that high fashion shit. Even if you're super attractive, people are just going to think you're fucking weird. Nobody is going to want to talk to you. Nobody looks at you and thinks 'i respect that guy for being passionate about fashion'. People look at you and think you're fucking pathetic. And they're right too. You can be fashionable without socially alienating every person within a 30 meter radius of you.

>> No.10478093


> can't dress
> get dressed by the internet
> can't dress
> go back to being a pleb


>> No.10478100
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absolutely wrecked

>> No.10478411
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>> No.10478441
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>> No.10478461
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Oh, this thread again...

>> No.10478468
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>Be paramedic
>Wear paramedic uniform
>Hook bitches right and left
>Wear works comfy P.E sweatpants and polo while at home
>Buying clothes

>> No.10478470
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>Dress like Harry Styles
>Have underage girls wanting my dick

Pretty basic tbh but I like it, I could never go back to wearing normal shit, I've reached a point where I don't even do it for attention, I just like fashion, couldn't care less if girls like what I'm wearing or not. It's kind of hard at the beginning though, going from wearing normal clothes to wearing women's jeans and cowboy boots with heels, I swear my parents think I'm gay lmao.

>> No.10478476
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Yes, chelsea boots and skinny jeans is such flamboyant normbreaking fashion.

>> No.10478479


My mom had to explain to my dad that im pretty mild as far as fashion goes.

>> No.10478484
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It is if you live in the middle nowhere

>> No.10478518

I get hit on by the same sex alot now, thanks /fa/

>> No.10478533

You were a rickfag weren't you?

>> No.10478598

thats not fucking normcore
fuck you and fuck this thread.

>> No.10478892
File: 3.69 MB, 1242x1841, 1443126978522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wear jeans that were actually designed for women, then yes, you are fucking gay and your parents have every right to loathe and resent you.

What the hell is wrong with some of you?

>> No.10478993

Feels thread?
>out of town at a convention
>best fits selected
>after two days, huge blisters
>here another 5 days
>wearing flip flops
>look like absolute rabble

>> No.10479003

>>out of town at a convention

An anime convention? :^)

>> No.10479015

You have to balance "fashion" and not looking like a complete outcast though. Believe it or not there's a time when out there stuff like Rick is more acceptable. If you go to school at noon dressed like a full on rick autist, people are going to treat you like one

>> No.10479025

Nah, business.