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File: 55 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10475181 No.10475181 [Reply] [Original]

How do I go about growing my hair out longer? (Conditioner, oils, etc) and more importantly, when I do grow it out, how do I go about styling it? 90% of the people I see with long hair look girly or weird. (Like metal heads or neck beards) Lots of people do the man bun now but what else can I do with it?

>> No.10475351

Be attractive. I have never seen anyone, regardless of facial aesthetics, who I thought really looked better for having long hair. The only difference is that attractive men can get away with it.

>> No.10475370
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What about this guy?

>> No.10475386

keep it super clean and shiny. the problem with neckbeards is that they part it in the middle if their head and keep it crusty af and flat across their faces. you gotta take really good care of your hair and make sure its wavy and not disgusting

>> No.10475463

>How do I go about growing my hair out longer?
there is nothing you can do but wait. dietary changes won't really do much unless you're deficient to begin with

Damn his hair does look way better like that

>> No.10475529

Oh yeah, I know it's a long wait, I meant in terms of hair quality. Like do I condition daily or do no poo? I don't wanna have a head full of straw.

>> No.10475933
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>> No.10475939
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>> No.10475942
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>> No.10475947
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>> No.10475956
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>tfw takes long for hair to grow
how long will I have to wait? a year? two years!?

>> No.10476003
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x1834, Snapchat-4670008281151400963-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently at shoulder length and it took about a year and a half. worth the wait imo.

>> No.10476022

Here is a question. I got hair loss from crash dieting. Is it possible to get hair gains? Also, how?

>> No.10476067
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>> No.10476074
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recently started bleaching, waiting for it to grow out lil more hoping to achieve this. Solid goals?

>> No.10476090

Stop being malnourished and it should be fine, worry more about your hair thinning, there's no coming back from that

>> No.10476140

if you bring your diet back to normal then your hair should go back to normal, not really hair gains considering it won't improve it over your natural amount or whatever

>> No.10476189
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I've decided to grow my hair out for the first time in my life. My goal hair is picrel but how do i achieve this hairstyle if my hair are very straight with very little curl? Also, what hairstyles should i go through while growing my hair out? Right now i just have a basic side swept hairstyle nothing fancy

>> No.10476264

my hair looks good at the front (p wavy) but gets REALLY waxy towards the middle and back of my hair, especially on the roots. I can scrape at it and my hands become sticky and smell bad, pretty disgusting.

I use low poo shampoo + coconut oil once a week and use a wide-toothed comb. Where am I going wrong?

>> No.10476281

what do u lads do regarding sideburns? They are pretty long right now but i dont think i can tuck them behind ears yet

Or do i trim them>?

>> No.10476420

>be me
>be 19
>hair hasn't grown any longer than it was when I was 17
Should I just off myself?
It's neck length cand only brief forehead coverage with hairline in shape of v.
>tfw pulled off long hair at 16 amazingly well.

>> No.10476460


>> No.10476467

I have medium sized sideburns, almost like mini mutton chops

>> No.10476615

Stop using shampoo or at least cut down a ton. Shampoo is meant to strip extra oils and dirt out of your hair and scalp. It really fucks people with curly or wavy hair. Most shampoos are too harsh on curly hair and your scalp is working extra to put all the oils you're taking out of your hair back into it which is why your hair is greasy as fuck. Also the coconut oil is just doubling the oil in your hair, adding to the grease.

What a bunch of people with curly/wavy hair do is co-wash, which is just using only conditioner to wash your hair. It's nopoo but actually cleaning your hair and scalp instead of being a dirty hobo. Find a few different sulfate-free conditioners to try out. Use each for a week or two and see how it affects your hair until you find one that you like.

Source: I have curly hair

Is the buildup on your scalp dry skin or just grease from your hair? Also how do you dry your hair?

>> No.10476697

Sleeping with walnut oil in my hair once a week made my hair grow much faster

>> No.10476923

Can confirm. I have long hair and look creepy. I actually plan on cutting it tomorrow

>> No.10476932

Saved for the daily reminder not to get an undercut

>> No.10476973

my hair grows hyper fast and I had it down past my chin in 8 months from a buzz

>> No.10477029

honestly I'd never said "WOW" out loud unintentionally until I saw this

>> No.10477234
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I really wanted long hair, haven't had a cut in about 7 months, it grows kinda slowly.
But the longer it gets the curlier, drier, fuzzier and generally shittier it gets.
Is there any way to straighten it up a bit and make it grow similar to these?
If I can't I'll probably just give up and get a haircut in a couple of days.
I've tried no poo, shampoo everyday, currently doing it 3 x a week. Always ends up looking pretty much the same.

>> No.10477321
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Haven't seen a barber since 1998

>> No.10477344

>tfw you have an undercut and the rest of your hair is 4 months long

im in that weird it's not long but it's not short phase. the fact that my hair isn't straight makes it worse

>> No.10477379

This is what I'm afraid of as well.
You have any special routine or did your hair just grow out like that?

>> No.10477403
File: 780 KB, 1440x2560, 20150111_044215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let it grow.
I shampoo but don't condition; I'm greasy enough as it is and I'm rather low-maintenance. Towel dry a little and comb, put it into a ponytail to dry. Once it's dry I let it down and it looks like that.

Don't have many decent pics with my hair down at my disposal

>> No.10477462

Alright cool thanks. Your hair looks majestic as fuck btw.

>> No.10477475


It's a simple mid part, but is the natural way to do it but it does get a bit boring.

>> No.10477489

2/10 beard, 9/10 hair
Shave that shit on his face and he'd be pretty good looking.

>> No.10477490
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Like I said, I'm low maintenance.
Still looks nice in a ponytail, so I get a little variation.

>> No.10477760

nice hair

>> No.10477885

I haven't got my hair cut in over 12 years. It used to be thick and wavy and now's thin as a rat's and even though I really want it short now I developed an irrational fear of losing it. Help.

>> No.10478346

hey guys I have a weird problem.

So I have semi curly hair that gets really dry when I shampoo it (even if I i use confidtioner) and really greasy if I don't. On top of that my hair is extremely prone to "clumping" together into curler strands especially in the back. It's so bad that even when I comb it, an hour later it becomes tangled again.

I'm also mixed race, quarter African, quarter Native American and I don't know if that has something to do with it. Some strands are curly and some are straight, but I don't have any nappy hair.

Sorry if this is typed badly I just woke up.

>> No.10478357

Try no poo

Right now your hair will obviously go greasy as shit if you don't shampoo it for a day. If you start shampooing less and less and just use conditioner on some days then it will become soft and slightly oily which isn't even noticeable after a few months.

>> No.10478365

I use shampoo about twice a week and condition every other day. If I do no-poo how often should I condition?

>> No.10478372

Whenever you feel necessary. I do it very rarely, like three times a month

>> No.10478400

Oke more question; should I be using a wide tooth comb? Anyways thanks man

>> No.10478547

How do I get more volume

More of

(I think you look good, I just want more volume for myself)

>> No.10478557

shampoo 2-3 times a week, condition your hair every other day for nourishment. cold air blow drying won't damage your hair so that's a good way to ease the curls a bit. that's what I do and I have pretty wavy hair that shoots out wide.

>> No.10479023

it's a low poo shampoo especially for curly hair, so it's fine

Forgot to mention that the ends of my hair get really dry for some reason. Like greasy scalp, dry ends. It's a fucking mess, and it's also really odd since, as I said, my fringe is literally exactly how I want it to look. Wavy, soft, malleable, generally very comfy looking

>> No.10479050

Is there a website where you can upload your photo and shop your hair or something? I cba to use photoshop, want to see how i would look like with short hair

>> No.10479083
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2 and a half years since last time I visited a barber

>> No.10479107

You are literally saying low shampoo shampoo. What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.10479121

no chemicals/sulphate, only natty ingredients

>> No.10479266

>sulfate-free conditioners
What product do you recommend?
I have long curly hair and I'm tired of it looking like shit.

>> No.10479274

photoshop isn't too hard to learn but if you can't use it maybe try getting a wig or something and just trying it on. Either do it in the store or buy it and then return it.

>> No.10479332
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my hair journey
>grow long hair
>get dreads naturally
>comb out dreads
>get sidecut
>realize how much I hate having short hair
>grow out again

this is where I'm at. dropped the no-poo since the water where I live is hard as fuck, meaning my hair gets greasy really quick even after months of no poo.

current shit is shampoo every 3-4 showers, conditioners every other shower and I use hand-lotion to get some volume after shampooing, and whenever I feel I need it.

>> No.10479345

>no chemicals
fuck this chemophobia everything is chemicals

>> No.10479356

>no chemicals
>natty ingredients
>implying nature has no chemicals
>implying your body isn't composed of chemicals
>implying the best hair comes from never washing it even with water

nah but I getcha, fuck shampoo and what not but don't be afraid to put shit in your hair. don't impair yourself just because you're afraid of harsh shit. there are less harsh shampoos to use (baby shampoo whats up) and no-poo works p good as long as your water isn't fucked up.

letting your life revolve around your hair will only make you depressed mate

>> No.10479384

Looks dope dude!

>> No.10480015
File: 65 KB, 800x600, rowrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on headbands? Just got this one

>> No.10480054

First spill the beans on your hair washing routine.
[spoiler]It looks pretty cool

>> No.10480091

No poo since last year, no combs of any kind, finger brush daily, don't brush the towel against my hair, only tie it around it for a couple of minutes while i put on jeans and shit, let it hair dry

Oh and a couple of drops of jojoba oil mixed with a handful of water a couple of times a week, but i ran out of it like two months ago

>> No.10480093


>> No.10480116


That's some majestic hair, but I think what most people are looking for a voluminous medium length to the shoulder hair.

>> No.10480119


It fits you and that kind of curly long hair.

>> No.10480574
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>> No.10480598

that anon said be attractive

>> No.10480657


>> No.10481624
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>> No.10482119
File: 119 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-11-15 at 12.53 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how to get through the awkward mid length phase? Should I get a slight cut to style it?

>> No.10482131

you should stay at that length.

>> No.10482160

i mean i can always cut it back to this lngth, i want to grow it out fully to see which length suit me the best. last time i had long hair i was 13 and it was biebers front and long at the back

>> No.10482166

it looks good at that length

>> No.10482211

Hey guys, i have mid-long hair, and i need to know
There's this one strand of hair that keeps going in the middle of my face, right on the nose-brow.
How the fuck do i stop it from dangling infront of my forehead?

>> No.10482238

Looks fine to me

>> No.10482246

use some kind of product, maybe a mousse, it helps your hair stay in place while retaining that natural look

>> No.10482364

a lot of it is hair type. Thinner hair tends to get flat when its long. Thick wavy hair grows how you would like it.

>> No.10482367

Yo can you post more so we can see your hair. My goal length tbh but I have black wavy hair. I think it would pair well with my blue eyes.

>> No.10482390
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Has been about 1.5/2 years but get it trimmed every couple months to keep it around this length

>> No.10482400
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>> No.10482424

Don't wash your hair too often
Blow dry your hair upside down
Put some argan or coconut oil in your hair for softness

You can try adding volume powder to your hair, too

>> No.10482426

10/11th pic looks best

>> No.10482441

you'd look a lot better without that shit facial hair, have a nice facial structure
rly like your hair in the 8th pic. with a clean shaven face you'd be very attractive

>> No.10482505

9-10 look nice, ponytail looks hideous imo

>> No.10482997

Mirin. Routine or tips? How long did it take you?

>> No.10482998
File: 22 KB, 300x413, 1443911682807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this

>> No.10483549

#9 Looks the best imo

>> No.10483580

severe gayface

>> No.10483703

would, and i wouldn't feel gay about it

>> No.10483740

That's entirely lighting.

>> No.10483746

Would look so, so much better with short hair. Please believe me on this one.

>> No.10483803
File: 220 KB, 600x454, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked about hair and beard maybe few weeks ago, but now I'm just letting it grow. Beard I did cut really short though. I'm kinda liking it.

>> No.10483834

hair looks really nice. not liking the ginger beard though, but it is very interesting

>> No.10483836

Hello ladies.
*tips fedora*
Wink wink*

>> No.10483878
File: 107 KB, 928x1189, t74d8rF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else with curly hair wish they just had normal textured hair? Im so insanely jealous of people with straight hair but i dont want to straighten mine and damage the shit out of it. Tfw.

>> No.10483948
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>> No.10483956

all very nice hair

>> No.10484054

thanks man, you ever try to bun or braid it?

>> No.10484056

That actually looks pretty dope dude.>>10480015 that guy also has curly hair and he pulls it off well. You just have to play to your strengths.

>> No.10484079

Pics of this phenomenon

>> No.10484097
File: 12 KB, 295x131, 1442284269908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. His doesn't look quite a s thick as mine, mine kinda all curls up together like im like that disney princess from brave.

>> No.10484111



I use these 2 everytime I wash my hair. The generic to clean and the other as a leave in.


My ex had really tight curls and she used this in the shower to keep the shape of the curls.

>> No.10484161
File: 1017 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mdlqtvup9N1rwx1who17_r5_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair goals for me is pic related. I have more curly and polynesian-like hair though.. All I need is to be a little more athletic..

>> No.10484178
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>> No.10484312
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>Shoulder length hair
>Get tired of looking like a faggot whenever the wind blows in the wrong direction
>Cut it off
>Jawline and cheekbones explode out of my face

Just stop being fags, guys. You'll feel much better for it.

>> No.10484372
File: 552 KB, 917x510, whatsittoya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some days, if my hair dries right, I can get somewhat thorough curls throughout my hair.
Other days it tends to straighten out a bit.
Overall, my hair gets similar to Jimmy Page's, but is usually quite frizzy.
Recommend some techniques for maybe one of these styles to aspire for. Like, it's naturally like Jimmy Page, but some days I want it to look more like Rachel Bolan's or Dimebag Darrell's.

>> No.10484379


Jesus sweg unlocked tbh

>> No.10484404


>> No.10484410


Yeah I do braids, but then I look like a woman. I took 4 inches of my hair since that photo though.

>> No.10484706

>the water where I live is hard as fuck

>> No.10484726


Is means there are a lot of ions in the water like calcium for example

>> No.10484769

I don't think I have any photos tbh

>> No.10484836

>that soul patch Kappa

>> No.10484837

How can you tell if you have hard or soft water? I know it comes down to the amount of minerals but how do you measure that?

>> No.10484841

you need facial hair or something bro cause you look like a chick.

>> No.10484859
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current hair. growing is a pain in the ass. still not long enough to stay behind my ears or to tie back properly. forced to use headband at the gym

curly hair sucks especially. takes twice as long for it to get long looking

>> No.10484865

This is mostly true, and the inverse goes the same for chicks. However it's much worse for men because dudes don't know how to take care of their hair so they grow it out, never treat it or style it and it ends up looking stringy broken and just shitty. Like a metalhead highschooler.

>> No.10484903


>> No.10484972
File: 39 KB, 640x360, WIN_20151008_015741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started growing from a hitler youth. Looks like shit? Sometimes I wear it in curtains just to look stupid on purpose. It's extremely annoying though and I'm afraif it'll make me go bald. My mom's a hairdresser and she said that if you dont wash your scalp, the pores will clog and hair wont grow. And when im in the shower I find it hard to wash my scalp because my thin trump hair is covering it. And if I scrub too hard it may fall out. Also, I feel my long top tangles with my medium hair on the sides more often, and stress us put on my already fragile hair. Lately when I wake up in the morning I notice several medium length strains on my bed sheets. I think I need to stop playing with my hair, but it's hard because it's always in my ears and it's annoying. Ready to give up.

>> No.10484987
File: 32 KB, 640x360, WIN_20151009_193923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dj khaled voice* Another one

>> No.10484992

why are your sides so drastically shorter than your top, fucking proportions fam

>> No.10485001

but you look pretty trashy to be honest bro. sorry to say. you just look unkempt

>> No.10485040
File: 68 KB, 500x663, bieberroastpaulwalkerjokes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I waz it back it's not that noticeable. Like pic related but the sides back too. Bieber looks retarded in this pic but it's p much what i have.

>> No.10485102
File: 154 KB, 424x759, 2015-10-11 22.02.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am letting my hair grow long, what style can I have considering my big templates? I am in the phase where is not short and not long.

>> No.10485247

androgynous look is ok in 2k15

>> No.10485443


Looks fine.

Just weave your fingers in carefully. Don't scrub so hard with your NAILS, use the soft pads of your fingers, you fool.

Also, hair falls out every day, you know what, right?

>> No.10485476

Does your 1st name begin with E

>> No.10485618
File: 142 KB, 451x600, image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I'm Jesus.

>> No.10485748

Google your area and ask

>> No.10485781

No poo is fucking disgusting and a terrible idea for long haired people

>> No.10485783

u have makeup on

>> No.10485784

Not attractive though...

>> No.10485788

What's your bun tying method?
Was doing the pony tail fold in half then tie method but hair grew too long making that difficult & it's the only way I know to bun

>> No.10485796

My method is the exact same, just pulling and adjusting. I'm in that situation too and no idea how to do something different. Maybe youtube helps.

>> No.10485801

I had mine long for my whole youth, but never took care of it properly. Now I want to grow it out again. I'm actually a big fan of updos and feminine hairsyles. Best i ever looked was french plait either side and the rest put in a bun.

>> No.10485810

Literally cannot tell if this is a pretty man or a handsome woman.

>> No.10485814
File: 60 KB, 480x600, know-johnny-depp--large-msg-133229085457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Want to grow it out for the first time, wondering what is the best route to keep hair smooth, silky and shiny without being greasy?

>> No.10486134
File: 14 KB, 236x305, f587fce7cefebd5b4a453d6b726c38e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had long hair since i was a child and throughout school but i never really took care of it. heres my problem:

I shower and condition every 2-3 days, and shower everyday. my hair is slightly frizzy and dry and looks like shit. when I down't shower at all for a few days, like when I am outdoors, my hair is nice, smooth, I don't need to brush or comb it at all and it doesn't look like a less curly robert plant. how do i replicate the look of my hair when i don't even shower for a few days without not showering (i don't mind smelling when i'm outdoors but in the city i can't stink)

help pls

>> No.10486138

Riff Raff where did your roid gains go?

>> No.10486183

Currently growing mine out now. What's the minimal length for an acceptable ponytail?

>> No.10486465

Same problem

>> No.10486470

yeah me too

>> No.10486523

Dry shampoo?

>> No.10486533

For a man, you have girly hair. Which is a good thing, it looks neat.

>> No.10486560

Curly hair is useful for volume play. Straight hair doesn't have the same perks as curly hair in the "awkward" stage. If you get it trimmed the right ways the awkward stage can give you some real potential for lion's mane-type styles, almost like a curly Patrick Bateman.

>> No.10486587
File: 1.51 MB, 1564x2826, 2015-10-12 18.57.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad quality but you get the idea. And being light haired hair products or grease show up extremely easy.

>> No.10486608

How do you guys stop 'tats' and knots forming? Like i condition my hair and brush it but it always clumps together and gets knotted, any suggestions?

>> No.10487086

I'd say around 10 inches for it to look decent

I was able to bun mine after a year of growing fit out but it only look good a few months later

>> No.10487101


Literally looks like James Franco in this pic

>> No.10487141

maybe hydrate more?

Condition it everyday

>> No.10487160

Dude no!

>> No.10487303
File: 117 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this going?
this is my hair all natural, but I can keep it a lot straighter and flater if I shower or use some product.

>> No.10487406

hobbit-core hair

>> No.10487584

Thanks i guess, well if 4chan of all people like it I guess i wont cut it.

>> No.10487775

gorgeous tbh. would bang

>> No.10487881
File: 124 KB, 719x893, hairplz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to do with this.
Should I go for something more curly or straight?
How should I be parting it? Or push it back or what?
Tips bitte.

>> No.10487905

i like it

>> No.10487926
File: 30 KB, 720x438, 1441244277368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487987

First time posting on /fa/.
Is it good idea to shave off the sides if I have 7 cm over shoulders long curly dark brown hair?
I gues I have a slightly "better" (or less cleaved if you wish) hairline than this fellow. >>10487881
It's not like I want to jump on that "lol manly bun, bruh" bandwagon, but I think my hair grew fucked up and this could be a nice change for a while and it could be easier to maintain.

What do you think? Any tips, recommendations, wrnings etc.?

>> No.10488146
File: 161 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing this from a 4-length for about a year and a half now (idk whether that's normal growth rate or mine just grows slower). This is the intermediate stage before it gets long but I'm happy with the way it's going.
It's also not always this tall lel

The real issue for me is getting it to lie correctly, getting all the curves and waves to look good and not just like awkward kinks. My hair grows in pretty frustrating ways tbh

>> No.10488289

Hair looks fine, please shave upper lip.

>> No.10488308


dw that's an old picture i did, i noticed just before leaving the house that i looked like a Hispanic crack addict

>> No.10488405

Hey /fa/, I've got a photoshoot with a talent agency on thursday, I have long as semi-curly hair and it has the annoying habit of going frizzy as fuck. The interview's at 1:30, I'm gonna be showering in the morning before going to a 12-1 class then walking over to the agency, so my hair will be subjected to wind and stuff quite a bit.

Tl;dr what should I do if I have frizzy hair that needs to be not frizzy for a photoshoot? I have argan oil which i put in while my hair is still damp but idk if that'll do it

>> No.10488417

is that a mouth or a beak

>> No.10488422
File: 24 KB, 362x466, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he ever get a haircut?

>> No.10488451
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That's pretty much my goal length.
How long till I get there?

>> No.10488463

V bad fam

>> No.10488536
File: 229 KB, 1800x799, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months growing it, but not really all that happy with results.

Back looks like I'm wearing a helmet or something. Thinking of going back to my old cut

>> No.10488599


>> No.10488639

so no poo is the way to go? iv'e gone a couple weeks without shampooing and i feel like my hair may be weaker although the consistency is silkier and not so dry

>> No.10488667

The old cut is very qt, it works very well. The current hair isn't bad but I think I just prefer shorter hair.

>> No.10488753

4 - 5 months

>> No.10488867

I have decent volume after a shower, but my problem is thickness.
Is there any way to increase that, or am I cursed to the baldness of my father?

>> No.10488894

short is preddy qt (as >>10488667 said)

that being said, if you trim the back and continue to grow out your bangs, your hair has enough volume to look even better

>> No.10489038

You're still in the awkward stage, give it at least another year

>> No.10489041

As long as you don't have male pattern baldness, i.e. receding temples and shit, thin hair shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.10489057

I like it

>> No.10489065

I don't think I'm going bald, and the only thing happening around my temples is the hair has been going dark, but my hair is thin enough to see the scalp.

>> No.10489354

eliot rodger / 10

>> No.10489726

Long hair is definitely not for you

>> No.10489738

bowlcut or shut up

>> No.10489748

fuck off you attention whoring fag

>> No.10489760

This looks like a shop. That face is out of place and look at that 7 head
3/10 made me reply

>> No.10489788

>cut hair back to shoulder length from lower back 3 times in the past 5 years
>cut it a year and a half ago and now it's already brushing a hypothetical tramp stamp again
Thinking about cutting it back to around shoulder length again for a tight manbun since summer is starting. I don't like it having too much freedom since it can give me facial/shoulder acne when shit gets sweaty. I like it longer for winter months though since it's comfy as fuck with a scarf.

>> No.10489956
File: 809 KB, 3920x2204, DSC_0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this effay

>> No.10489963

Breakage at the front of my hair. I heard the hairs are more sensitive at the front. When I put hair into a ponytail it dangles. Is this normal or can I fix?

>> No.10490028

Yea that's what happens when you try to tie it up too early. Leave your hair down.otherwise the only way to "fix" it is to wait for them to grow long or trim them. However you could always use some sort of hairspray or hold to keep them back.

>> No.10490050

I used gel in combination with a ponytail when it was too short to tie it all back. Worked more or less but it gets greasy fast.

>> No.10490383

Not in the slightest
Guessing this is b8?

>> No.10490390

Yeah, thanks for biting. Now my family will eat tonight.

>> No.10490437

what's with the barbara streisand poster? holy shit

>> No.10490594
File: 25 KB, 640x480, snapshot(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bangs, you mean like this?
Still thinking it's too puffy

I like her music,
Poster came with vinyl

>> No.10490703

How so

>> No.10490767

tell us your secrets.

>> No.10490769

Stay alive for a period of time and your hair will get longer.

>> No.10491001

Holy shit are you hipster Rust from irl?

>> No.10491514
File: 60 KB, 720x721, 2015-10-13 20.21.38-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind managed to mess it up perfectly, I have no idea how to get it back to this state but I love it.

>> No.10491549

you look more masculine with the long hair

>> No.10491571
File: 202 KB, 1500x1256, moldingclay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GF got a jar of this for free from her shop. Any use for long hair or eh?

>> No.10491731
File: 241 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-14-15 at 2.36 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do poo for a while but my hair just greesy and stank, now I just wash it once a week.

>> No.10491813 [DELETED] 
File: 2.69 MB, 1910x1164, Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 9.11.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any clue what I can do with this mop on my head? I want long hair but I have no clue what to do with it.

>> No.10492005

I have a corporate job. I'd like to grow my hair out to my shoulders like it used to be in high school.

What's the best way to keep my hair in a professional setting?

>> No.10492134


>> No.10492371

I put about two to three drops of baby oil (or any neutral oil) through my palms and then run it through my hair very thoroughly. Baby oil is just cheap and unscented.

You really want only a miniscule amount. It will make your hair less frizzy and it probably helps your scalp from drying out. My hair looks like a puffball when it's dry after a shower, no matter how much conditioner I use.

I have medium length hair - 8 inches long at it's max, and 6 inches on average. Maybe if you have shoulder-length you could use a few drops more.

Keep in mind, this method may mean you have to wash your hair more than often -- at least every two days for my hair. I used to be able to get away with longer, just showering my body and maybe running water through my hair.

The only negative I find is that my hair is less voluminous, but I prefer that to being a puffball.

>> No.10492375

I meant to say: I do all of this sometimes within 3 to 4 minutes of getting out of the shower, or sometimes within around half an hour.

Either works, but it's handier to do it just when you've towel-dried your hair.

I don't know what your hair would look like if you when blow-dried it when you had completed my (simple) process, as I don't bother with it. In winter, I just pop on a woolly hat to avoid getting a cold outside due to my wet hair.

>> No.10492379


where is your chin?

>> No.10492529
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently shoulder length.

>> No.10492672

You could use pomade and slick it back

>> No.10492752

Don't use hand lotion use hair oil. Pick one that compliments your hair's porosity.

>> No.10492756

Go short, bro

>> No.10492762

Drink more Jagerbombs and it'll come naturally

>> No.10492765

80s Skid Row hair is peak /fa/ long hair

>> No.10492786
File: 51 KB, 307x551, rb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 months since bleach
about to do it again, want to keep some outgrowth tho

>> No.10492871

s h a v e

>> No.10492901
File: 1.38 MB, 1265x578, fml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /fa/!

ive gotten compliments on my hair for being wavy and curly and thick and stuff

but its obviously thinning in places and i have a rapidly receding hairline

80% i run my hands through my hair it gets stuck and pulling it out usually gets some strands of hair out with it. this goes for using a hair tie and etc too. i think that's why i'm thinning/receding. any tips on stopping that shit? hopefully my hair will thicken back up, thin out more slowly.

or should i just cut it all off? i usually have a side part going but i'm afraid that will just show my huge receding hairline more. the long hair kind of hides it.

thanks guys.

also sorry about the pubey facial hair. midterm season, i will shave soon.

>> No.10493122
File: 24 KB, 640x480, snapshot (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really was about time I looked in the mirror and faced that I'm genetically unable to grow a decent beard. 2 years since I've last seen my chin.

What about the hair though?

>> No.10493151
File: 159 KB, 600x688, ChristianBaleLongHair9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm growing my hair for something like this. I have a similar hair type (relatively little curling, wavyness).

>> No.10493223

it probably looks horrid. get the split ends cut.

>> No.10493273



>> No.10493312

cheer up bro

>> No.10493316

can you please stop reposting this fag?

>> No.10493363
File: 24 KB, 650x366, 879464-130607-wish-best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go full Tom Piotrowski

>> No.10493366

I'd love if I could get my hair like Bolan's, but my hair's curly and I can never figure out how to part it or anything.

>> No.10493383

Looks fine as it is but see a doctor just in case

>> No.10493409

have a buzz atm
do I go to the barber while growing it out or only after it reaches my desired length

>> No.10493423
File: 68 KB, 388x606, 12011230_10156093782365383_2384169994841208035_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10493533

Like the hair, bu the dace doesn't fit. That's the face of a bald man

>> No.10493551

bones is so sexy

>> No.10493614

aside from shampoo/conditioner, should i wash my hair with hot or cold water?

>> No.10493625

a simple google search could have answered this you fuck

>> No.10493809

Bolan was peak of hair /fa/. Dude from a band called Temples kinda does a modern day version.

>> No.10493865

i take warm showers

>> No.10494073

Ahh sorry, was responding about Rachel Bolan of Skid Row, not Marc Bolan, my bad. The dude from Temples does have cool hair though.

>> No.10494187

who 1 year mark here?

One more to go baby

>> No.10494196

Should I see a doctor specializing in hair or just my same ol' doc?

>> No.10494198

greasy unkept metalhead core

>> No.10494207
File: 1.24 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151014_152621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a undercuck
I like the way it squares off the top of my head when I wear it like this and don't memeknot it, what does /fa/ think?

I've thought about growing it long and would like some 2nd opinions.

Or should I just leave it like this or get a completely new hairstyle?

>> No.10494210

Depends on how much money you have. You could visit your regular doc and ask him, he might refer you to a specialist
You could just go to the specialist in the first place. Though if you do this he might try to sell you something right out of the blue.

>> No.10494225

I like it anon, and you should grow it out for sure! You got great hair type for it

>> No.10494246
File: 466 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-359870570908139719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, but full head or nah? Like I said I have an undercut rn, and this is what happens when I comb it back while wet and let it dry, I also had a had on so it's less frizzy

Pic related happens when I shower and go to sleep to let it dry overnight

I look like an alpaca smh

>> No.10494252
File: 270 KB, 1284x912, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my hair from growing for a year, i usually always have it bunned because i think the back of my head looks really dumb when its down.

>> No.10494257

viggo mortensen is this you?

>> No.10494267

looks way better down than up

>> No.10494283

maybe from the front, but the back is a mess that i can't handle

>> No.10494676

Eh, it's hard to moisturize right and keep it styled decently. It's actually almost never greasy, my ends are curly and get dry as hell. I just never know what to do with it. Ah well.

>> No.10494834

I've got the same hair as this guy and have no idea what to do. It looks retarded all parted to one side.

>> No.10494846

you literally showed us a pic of the back and it looks fine

>> No.10495075 [DELETED] 

why doesnt my hair do this

>> No.10495085

why doesnt my hair do this

or this

>> No.10495125
File: 90 KB, 573x769, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting a haircut since my hair is in very bad condition and it's only going to get worse now that it's nearly winter

What do you guys think?

>> No.10495136

Problem is you don't look like Christian Bale

>> No.10495149

christ, fucking shave
hair isnt as bad as facial hair

>> No.10495153

I'm on it.

>> No.10495311
File: 11 KB, 480x432, received_1619686818291656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having long hair is basically suicide

>> No.10495407

is the long hair in due to man buns or something because i hopped into the train for the first time just days ago and now this thread

or maybe there are people going all out all the time and i didnt notice

helps that the undercut is deceased i guess

>> No.10495421

Mine are long enough but I can't pull it off. I'm in the middle of losing weight but I've still got a lot of it in my face and if move the hair out of the way it just accentuates how bulbous I look. I can't grow a good enough beard yet to offset the effect, either.

>> No.10495437

You look good... but if you weren't dressed like that, I'd assume you were a smack addict.

>> No.10495448

front is beautiful im saving this for reference

>> No.10495453


>> No.10495475
File: 233 KB, 490x490, D1040Vw0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10495490

The struggle of long-ish curly hair. It can looks so good in certain conditions and then you try to recreate it and you wanna die.

>> No.10495526

Just experiment combing it different directions (left, right, back, half & half, etc.) right after a shower and at night when it's sufficiently oily and find whatever you like. Also try different combs and your hands; I learned I could control my hair much easier with a round comb then a normal bristle.

>> No.10495534

agree with>>10495149
hair is plenty good, facial sux

>> No.10495538

ppffftt really
do you even understand aesthetics

>> No.10495542

I'm going on two years, still working out the layers from when it was short
takes dedication

>> No.10495548

try argan oil or coconut oil
either shampoo/conditioner infused with one of them or apply a very slight amount after showering

>> No.10495565

I use a fingertip amount of american crew fiber (haven't tried molding clay) and a tiny amount of hairspray, works wonders if you want a slight amount of frizz

>> No.10495586
File: 94 KB, 1090x556, picture744 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm not gonna make it

>> No.10495697

nxt lvl

>> No.10495755

I take warm showers to wash my body, cold to wash my hair and only wash once every three days, condition every day tho and either wear a hat or use paste because I'm /jewish/

>> No.10495961

Holy shit you nailed it.
I literally see a bald man with hair photoshopped onto his head

>> No.10495968

Make it ur style

>> No.10496050
File: 44 KB, 490x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go for pic related.

But I have a big mass of hair in the back of ly head and to much hair on the sides too.

What I'm supposed to ask to the barber. To just cut some of it or to make me a (I don't know the words in english but it's like fades but with long hair) ?

>> No.10496074
File: 1.46 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20151012_012644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10496265

Hit me with some alpaca inspo then fam

>> No.10496271
File: 38 KB, 400x388, 1436549229225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was white

>> No.10496289
File: 44 KB, 499x500, Sebastian-and-Rachel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baz and Rachel are ultimate hair goals
Just show a pic fam
Shave that stache. Rest is p. good

>> No.10496733
File: 47 KB, 800x600, ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy here, I want to get it cut in the back, any recommendations of how should I do it?

>> No.10496740

fuck off cleary ugly shit

>> No.10496896
File: 25 KB, 640x480, snapshot short.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already have. Came to the conclusion that long hair just isn't for me. My hair is too wavy and looks too bulky to grow gracefully. Went with a new shortish style. Digging it so far.

Hate how dry, hair looks after shampooing. Gonna pickup some moroccanoil after work.

>> No.10496911

he is clearly not ugly, stop being insecure

>> No.10496931

my hairline is shaped like letter M
there is still hair growing down to hairline
there are tiny strip of newly grown hair
is it normal
should i shave it

>> No.10496961
File: 103 KB, 640x960, arse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long from this length 2 chin length

>> No.10496967

at least 1-2 yrs dawg

>> No.10496969

Really depends on you and how you take care of your hair. My hair was similar to yours 10 months ago and now it is chin length.

>> No.10497006

RIP dime :(

>> No.10497018

What was your routine?

>> No.10497092
File: 64 KB, 1024x624, metal-gear-solid-1024x624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this effay?

>> No.10497219
File: 63 KB, 480x640, IMG_6847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shampoo my hair every night and use a hair brush, I have no idea at all how to style long hair, first time having it this long. Any suggestions/thoughts?

>> No.10497275

Pretty /fa/cking fa

>> No.10497296

W2c ashes of fallen comrades

>> No.10497483

asa akira's tranny double?

>> No.10498572

Nothing special really although it seemed that rubbing the scalp when showering helps. Might be a placebo effect

>> No.10499097

I hope that's a grill, because I just got a boner.

>> No.10500581

only if you were my boyfriend....

>> No.10500590

i just want you to cum inside me

>> No.10501829

alex scally/10