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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 21 KB, 500x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10469573 No.10469573 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told I have really beautiful skin many times (literally my only best trait) but it's white af.

How do I tan safely to keep it good and smooth, and just darken a little (not turn black or anything) ? Is there a /fa/ guide to it?

>> No.10469633

fake tans look terrible and you need sun exposure for mt2 to work

youre fucked

>> No.10469656

I've written most of the /skin/ faq.
Here's some info:

In order to tan safely to keep your skin good and smooth, you simply do not tan. But...

In order to keep your skin good and smooth:
Use sunscreen in the morning.
Use moisturizer in the night.
Do not smoke.
Do not tan (protect your skin from sun).

In order to look tanned anyways:
- Spray-on tan
- Melanotan II (it works, but it's not recommended)
- Changing your skin tone through diet (more red/orange - see the faq)
- Wearing lighter clothes to contrast your skin tone.

I realize that few people want to skip tanning altogether, so just keep in mind that you need to choose between a youthful tanned face for a short time - and a youthful paler face for a longer time (if you don't try to change your skin tone in another way). That's the trade-off. There's plenty of info to find about "tanning safely" (even though there's almost no such thing) online.

Oh, btw, even if you tan: use a sunscreen and don't go above the max recommended time in the sun for that time of the day. There's usually info to find about UV levels in your area at weather institutions.


>> No.10469666

yes first board a plane to the Caribbean

step 2- step off the plane and head to the beach

3- take out your reflector and soak up them dank equator strength rays

4- ?!??!?!?!? PROFIT


5-Return to home. Have tan. Be darker. Be admired. Successfully evade the reputation of you having "white skin"

6-Show everyone your new darker skin that is not white anymore

7-Do not tell them about the Caribbean vacation, just that you have superior genetics, and some physical traits, like mental illnesses, only manifest later in life

8-Tell them to be jealous

9-Repeat as necessary

.........anyway that's my idea. I can tell you it works. works really well actually. you'd never guess how strong the fucking sun is, but it is. not bullshitting you. the sun fucking works

>> No.10469668

>tan safely

>> No.10469692

10-Be diagnosed for skin cancer

>> No.10469703
File: 677 KB, 3872x2592, brit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun damage is over played. This guy is a pasty brit and he has been traveling the world in high uv zones for years. He looks fine, younger than his age even

>> No.10469717

the sun Just Werks©

>> No.10469735
File: 45 KB, 638x421, 1442975673050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.10469741

explain why he looks fine and other hollywood actors who have been tanning for years look fine too (Rob Lowe, Pitt, Tom cruise)

>> No.10469786

well golly gee bro I guess you're absolutely right then. I mean, here I am without a definite answer for you about those particular actors! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

gee I guess he is right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knew?

I mean, tbh Rob Lowe was the one that clinched it. I had all the answers until you dropped his name, and my whole argument fell apart. brilliant move.

Rob Lowe, perfect skin, years in the sun, no visible damage, ya just bamboozled me on that name. there is literally no alternative to the reality of him evading skin damage except you being absolutely and completely right and me being the exact opposite

>> No.10469812 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 570x844, trucker-sun-damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this
And to answer

Sun damage to the skin is not overplayed. Photoaging is one of the main factors to skin aging.

>Clinical signs of aging are essentially influenced by extrinsic factors, especially sun exposure. UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs.


>Many of the changes that occur in skin structure as a result of aging are expressed prematurely in photodamaged skin, a phenomenon known as photoaging.


>Extrinsic skin aging is superimposed on intrinsic skin aging
process and is due primarily to UVR (solar ultraviolet radiation) and partly by other factors, such as infrared light, smoking and air pollutants-

Those are the facts about it. I can fetch more if you want to.

Re. your examples:

The fact that sun ages the skin to a great extent does not mean that it makes people look noticeably bad in some way - not in the ages of the people you've given examples of, though. In the 30s-40s (sometimes 50s) it's just a matter of an extra amount of fine lines. The real difference is seen when you get into the 60s, and then you'll most likely look noticeably different to other people with less sun exposure. I can promise you that the guy in >>10469703 would not at all have as noticeable lines around the eye had he been exposed to less sun.

All of the people you've provided examples of would have had less wrinkles and fine lines /right now/ if they wouldn't have exposed themselves to as much sun. Then they can also pay for top dermatologists/plastic surgeons, so I wouldn't really use them as an example.

Pic related is my anecdotal evidence.
A trucker who has had much more sun exposure to the left part of the face.
That's photoaging for you.

>> No.10469819

pls remove that image immediately its bothering me


anon #2349872349

(I was the one who responded to you in that one thread that one time if you remember)

>> No.10469821
File: 162 KB, 570x844, trucker-sun-damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this
>>10469735 (You)
And to answer

Sun damage to the skin is not overplayed. Photoaging is one of the main factors to skin aging.

>Clinical signs of aging are essentially influenced by extrinsic factors, especially sun exposure. UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs.


>Many of the changes that occur in skin structure as a result of aging are expressed prematurely in photodamaged skin, a phenomenon known as photoaging.


>Extrinsic skin aging is superimposed on intrinsic skin aging process and is due primarily to UVR (solar ultraviolet radiation) and partly by other factors, such as infrared light, smoking and air pollutants.


Those are the facts about it. I can fetch more if you want to.

Re. your examples:

The fact that sun ages the skin to a great extent does not mean that it makes people look noticeably bad in some way - not in the ages of the people you've given examples of, though. In the 30s-40s (sometimes 50s) it's just a matter of an extra amount of fine lines. The real difference is seen when you get into the 60s, and then you'll most likely look noticeably different to other people with less sun exposure. I can promise you that the guy in >>10469703 would not at all have as noticeable lines around the eye had he been exposed to less sun.

All of the people you've provided examples of would have had less wrinkles and fine lines /right now/ if they wouldn't have exposed themselves to as much sun. Then they can also pay for top dermatologists/plastic surgeons, so I wouldn't really use them as an example.

Pic related is my anecdotal evidence.
A trucker who has had much more sun exposure to the left part of the face.
That's photoaging for you.

>> No.10469825


understood, but once you get into your 50s-60s you basically wont have sex appeal for reasons other then skin quality.. Even 40s is pushing it since most people are cueballs by then

>> No.10469827


>> No.10469830


>> No.10469844

oh you mean shiny bald.

I have a fetish* for shiny bald.

so I guess your argument about sex appeal goes out the window doesn't it?

*not even a normal run of the mill fetish either. like a straight rabid salivating fetish for shiny chrome domes, I can't keep my hands off em.

>> No.10469846
File: 11 KB, 215x300, dennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me give you an aecdote for that ;----) pic rel is dennis rader young looks full of youth

most people would agree that a head of hair is better then none.

>> No.10469855
File: 36 KB, 244x402, rader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here he is 32 (no joke its the same guy) I would go on a killing spree too if I went from that to this

>> No.10469856

yea well MOST PEOPLE are missing out on the supreme pleasure of shiny bald fetish play

oh well, more for me :P

>> No.10469862

is this guy hotter than the young version of the guy to you? its not the skin damage that made him ugly it was just aging


>> No.10469874

well, he also gained weight, got glasses, got wrinkles, and grew a ugly mustache. not like hair is the only variable.

>> No.10469877

well in general I find "students that later became serial killers" to be a hotter look than "baby powder smelling school principle" so you have a point

>> No.10469878

I'm arguing that sun damage isn't what kills your looks... its just biological aging. Without the moustache hes still ugly

>> No.10469888
File: 35 KB, 384x480, Dennis_Rader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and HERE HE IS in his late 60s!

Looks much better than in

>> No.10469889

obviously you haven't see him without his moustache.

not merely a few married women have been seduced by his unbelievable transformation post-shave

>> No.10469891


>> No.10469895


This is ridiculous. Some old dude you see on the street could have been a major pussy wetter when he was younger

>> No.10469896

pure stubbly sex machine

>> No.10469913

ageing is like 50% genetics, plus like >>10469874 said, he kinda fucked it up himself

OP if you want to tan a little go for it, but put on sunscreen and go out jogging or something, and make sure to wear a sleeveless shirt so you don't get tan lines. that's what i do, anyway, although my skin is a little darker naturally and i tan pretty easily

>> No.10469921

Legendary eyebrows

>> No.10470103

>Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe looks like the he's a child raper.

>> No.10470535

There's nothing wrong with being pale, I actually try to keep pale if I can

>> No.10471244

is this seriously news to you

>> No.10471266

Take it from someone who lives in the mediterrenean and has, compared to "white people", a year round tan (I go white if I don't get sun). Fake tan looks horrible, you need to get a good sunscreen so you don't burn and go tan for a while, it will take a couple days at the beach in summer to get a nice even tan.