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/fa/ - Fashion

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10459690 No.10459690 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking /fa/?

>> No.10459694

Can we just put
"yes, smoking is /fa/"
in the sticky

>> No.10459697


For the quintillionth time. Yes, as long as you're under 27.

>> No.10459711

I want this to be joel

>> No.10459712

"Is smoking /fa/?" seems to be more of a thread opener than an actual question.

>> No.10460014

how? how the fuck is asking a yes or no question any kind of ice breaker/opener?

also dont pick up smoking because an internet fashion board says it cool. smoke if you like cigarettes. faggots.

also stop making these threads trying to find out if the brand/flavor you like is cool. if it tastes good to you, smoke that shit. if you're actually trying to find out which cigs to try, it MIGHT be okay to say
>been smoking X Cigs but they're a bit too harsh, i like the taste though, any recommendations?
But this "Are Camel Blues /fa/?"
"Marlboro Reds effay?" bullshit really needs to stop.
You're getting cancer for a bad reason and you're giving it to the board simultaneously.

Ruin your lungs in faggoty silence like everyone else.

>> No.10460030
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Vaping could be so /fa/ if "vape culture" didnt exist.

>> No.10460033
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>> No.10460034
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>> No.10460038

these look like shit fam tbh smh

>> No.10460042

>smoking robot cocks
>sucking mouth fedoras
>blowing clouds of smoke in children's faces
>still being addicted


>> No.10460043
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>> No.10460045
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>> No.10460046
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>> No.10460048
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>> No.10460051

Meh, I like nicotine, but I also like not have tar lungs. Seems like a good option to me.

>> No.10460087


>> No.10460093

Get some Tarblock. About five bucks for a pack of 30, and each one can be used ~3 times.

>> No.10460107

>"m-muh vaping is healthier!"
>"there's no combustion!"
>"it's just water vapour!"

These are all fucking retarded arguments. You're still getting nicotine. It's not "just vapour", it's chemicals, flavouring, and more. You know, carcinogens. And as for the "no combustion" argument...fucking what? Just because there's no fire doesn't mean it doesn't still heat up! That's like saying it's healthier to use your car's cigarette lighter than a Bic because "there's no flame lol". You don't blow smoke clouds without some kind of heat, and the very fact that your liquid will BUBBLE (read: boil, as in get hot) before you inhale should be proof enough.

Also, there's no proof that it DOESN'T give you cancer! They've been a thing for what, half a decade now? Just because "it's not a cigarette" doesn't mean it's not as bad for you, or worse.

Is the argument the smell, then? Because last I checked, that's an entirely subjective thing, and there are fruity flavoured cigarettes too.

>> No.10460111

what chemicals do they put in vapor

>> No.10460120

Propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine, and flavoring.

>> No.10460125

which of those causes cancer

>> No.10460126

Varies depending on the company, but basically nicotine, a lot of the same chemicals they put into cigarettes, the flavouring and whatever chemicals that entails, the colouring and whatever chemicals THAT entails, and then whatever else they feel like.

>> No.10460131

What in cigarettes causes cancer?

>> No.10460132

There have been several studies on the carcinogens emitted by electronic cigarettes, the ones using realistic usage scenarios have shown significantly lower carcinogen levels than cigarettes. Idk who is arguing there is no heat used in vaping, but nothing is actively on fire in an electronic cigarette.

>> No.10460135

>lower carcinogen levels than cigarettes

So...still carcinogens? It's like drinking light beer instead of actual beer. Just fucking drink.

>> No.10460137

nope not really, the only real difference between each brand of e-liquid is the flavorings. I don't think you really did much research into this.

>> No.10460142


E-liquid begins with the main base, vegetable glycerin. most manufacturers use certified organic VG—the glycerin doesn't carry flavor very well, but does produce a lot of vapor. The next ingredient is propylene glycol—this is usually cited by alarmists as being a "main ingredient in antifreeze." This is incorrect, as they're willfully confusing it with diethylene glycol, which has actually been found in mass market e-cig products.

Propylene glycol—or PG—is a main ingredient in albuterol, or asthma inhalers, and is perfectly safe to inhale when vaporized. PG is thinner than VG, and carries flavor very well—the next ingredient, flavorings, are usually suspended in PG. Flavorings are food-grade, can be natural or artificial, and are limited only by the imagination of the juice maker.

The final ingredient is pharmaceutical-grade nicotine

>> No.10460145

>the only real difference between each brand of e-liquid is the flavorings

>I don't think you really did much research into this

You're one to talk. If you honestly think every single company makes all their liquids EXACTLY the same except for the flavour, you're completely deluded.

>> No.10460146

its like drinking a single mikes hard lemonade instead of doing shots of everclear. I would rather get my nicotine fix with as few carcinogens as possible.

>> No.10460147

this post is intellectually bankrupt

>> No.10460149

I mean you think that they put all of the same chemicals that are used in cigarettes in ejuice, which is pants on head retarded.

>> No.10460152

So...why would you even bother with the hard lemonade at that point? Just drink lemonade. Or better yet, water.

Honestly, why bother smoking if you're going to do it "light"? It can't be to save money, since an e-cig and the parts, liquid, etc. cost the same or more than cigarettes, and it can't be for any kind of convenience. The only "argument" for vaping seems to be "it's healthier", even though it barely is, and even then...why bother? If you're going to quit, then just quit, and stop beating around the bush. If you're using a vape and have never smoked...kill yourself.

There is literally no reason for e-cigs to exist.

>> No.10460156

Literally where did I say that? I said they put a lot of the same chemicals in, which is true.

You're being purposefully obtuse and are putting words into my mouth. Fuck off.

>> No.10460160

Which chemicals are shared between the two? Nicotine is a given, what else?

>> No.10460165

its called gradual tolerance decline

>> No.10460174

A recent study by the UK department of health showed electronic cigarettes are 95% safer than traditional cigarettes, so it's not "barely" safer as you put it. People like nicotine, and if there is a safer way to enjoy it, why wouldn't you?

>> No.10460178

Ammonia, Catechol, Nickel, Propionaldehyde, and a bunch of others. Honestly you should have read up on this shit before deciding e-cigs were amazingly healthier.

Just Google "chemicals shared between cigarettes and vapes" and you'll get lists upon lists.

Also, the flavouring is shit. It's meant to be ingested, and there haven't been studies to show whether or not it's safe to inhale. It's like menthol for cigarettes (and e-cigs).

Everyone knows cigarettes are bad for you, nobody's arguing that. And yes, e-cigs are better for you...but they're still pretty bad. The thing is, nobody knows HOW bad, because no studies have been done, and retards like you are acting like you're just sucking on water.

>> No.10460188

idk what the fuck company is using ammonia in their juices, but there is no way that shit tastes good. I know for a fact that the juice I use contains four ingredients; propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine, and whatever flavor I decide on

>> No.10460190

Have you read that new UK department of health study? There are studies out there for sure.

>> No.10460197

And the WHO says circumcision is good for you, that doesn't mean it's true.

A handful of doctors at one organization in one country saying something is safer isn't that amazing.

>> No.10460198

And I said "it varies by company" you fucking retard.

>> No.10460200

Well then it's not actually relevant. That's like saying "SOME Chinese restaurants MIGHT use dog meat in their food." if you are that paranoid about whats in your e liquid you could just mix your own, shits not hard.

>> No.10460202

>retards like you are acting like you're just sucking on water
you almost are, compared to the chemical/additive cocktail of a cigarette. nigger are you dense its a perfectly safe suspension fluid & then some flavoring

>> No.10460215

Coffee and cigs, breakfast of champs tbh.

Cigars are nice too, but it's they take so long and I don't have place to smoke inside so I only smoke them in summer.

>> No.10460282


Enjoy your yellow, decayed teeth and crippling caffeine addiction, moron.

>> No.10460493

This is what every model sustains themselves on. As a Beautiful Person, I too must follow suit.

Stay ugly, peasant. I'm going to go for a Timmies run and hack a dart while i'm at it.

>> No.10460665

I usually smoke Luckies but they didn't have them today where i was buying so i went with Marlboros, but WHY THE FUCK DO MARLBORO USE SOFT PACKS?
I'm feeling like all my cigs will be destroyed in a couple of days.

>> No.10460778

Benzene and formaldehyde among others.

>> No.10460783

Marlboros come in hard packs too, anon. Stop being autistic.

You say you normally smoke Luckies but are bitching about soft packs? Do Luckies have some mystical hard packs that I'm not aware of, or are you just being an autistic faggot?

>> No.10460794
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>As a Beautiful Person

>> No.10460808
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>Smoke thread
>Only discussion no pics
Who else Luckies here?

>> No.10460832
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Am I /fa/??

>> No.10460835
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>Lucky Strike

Benson & Hedges (Deluxe 100's) master race.

>> No.10460838

>mouth fedora


>> No.10460843

Luckies here are hard packed and Marlboros are only soft packed

>> No.10460848
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>tfw my teeth are actually stained
does tea stain your teeth?
I only drink coffee because it's a nice hot drink to take small sips off

>> No.10460859
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All my complaints

>> No.10460869
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Enjoy your disgusting teeth, nails, lungs, fingertips and physical ability smoke cucks!

Feels good having never smoked a cig in my life.

>> No.10460879

enjoy your shit empty life without any addictions

>> No.10460889

>disgusting teeth
You also get that from coffee, tea, sugars, too much fruit, genetics...there's no winning.

What? Your nails are more affected by chewing, diet, or profession (construction, digging, etc.) than anything you smoke.

Fair enough, though it's not like smoking's the only thing that hurts internal organs. Drinking fucks up your brain, kidneys, and liver. Big deal.

See the nails thing. All I can think is that you somehow think holding a cigarette by the filter will make your hands a different colour somehow, which doesn't actually happen.

Keep trying, newfriend. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to come up with actual points since you're living a healthy, productive life free of vices or sins.

>> No.10460898
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Weird, I've only ever seen Luckies soft packed. Marlboros come either way here.

>> No.10460904

Tea stains your teeth worse than cigarettes, yes.

Source: I drink one or two cups of tea a day, and my boyfriend smokes about five cigarettes a day. His teeth are beautiful while mine are gross and yellow.

The kicker? I brush my teeth two to three times a day, floss, use a tongue scrubber, mouthwash, and so on. He usually doesn't even brush once.

>> No.10460905
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>B-b-but all these other things c-cause these too!

Nice try smoke cuck, keep on living a lie

>> No.10460907

Nice rebuttal, faggot.

>> No.10460923
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Same to you nigger.

>> No.10460924

I don't mide vape or people who vape. Unless they are obnoxious about it.

>> No.10460926

Bitch why the fuck do you think that is? He doesnt brush so a little layer of stuff is formed over his teeth, protecting them from the smoke.

Or maybe its your brit genetix

>> No.10460927

You date someone who doesn't even brush their teeth once a day. Fucking disgusting, how do you kiss him without throwing up or even stand within 5 meters of him?

>> No.10460941
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>He doesnt brush so a little layer of stuff is formed over his teeth, protecting them from the smoke

This is, hands down, the single stupidest thing I have ever read in my entire life.

>> No.10460942
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has anyone tried this?

>> No.10460978

What's this about "UGH VAPE CULTURE OMG"? What the fuck is vape culture? Are you basing all of this on some pictures of fat people using a vaporizer? Ugly people smoke cigarettes too and probably more so.

>> No.10461003

I picked it up because it looked cool, and now I like it because it can give me a little energy boost when I need it.

>> No.10461006

>big ass clouds of shit
>blowing it in people's faces
people who vape are usually pricks, but it looks kinda cool

>> No.10461029

No combustion in your lungs, you fucking tard.
With cigarettes, you're taking in CO2. With vaping, you're taking in flavored vapor. Just saying chemicals doesn't necessarily mean it's a carcinogen, and there's chemicals in literally everything. Everything is made up of chemicals.

>> No.10461034

>So... still carcinogens? It's like getting organic cigarettes, which have less harmful chemicals, instead of just smoking Marlboro Reds. Just fucking smoke.

>> No.10461038

>lucky strike
>not being 12 or in 1947

>> No.10461040

Lol you are definitely some faggot who vapes then.

>"mad clouds bro"
>"brah im vaping at 100 Ohms"
>"Yo what juice should I use, Cumshot or mountain dew doritos"
>blowing fucking ungodly amounts of smoke into peoples faces

>> No.10461054
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You are fucking retarded. Even if cigarettes didn't cause cancer your breath and clothes would smell like smoke. Lmao you think you know more 5han scientist that actually did a test to see the carsigenics in cigarettes.

>> No.10461082

you could just move somewhere that isn't shit and buy weed

>> No.10461089

Your breath smells "like smoke" the same way someone who had coffee in the morning's will smell like coffee. It's no big deal.

As for the clothes...don't chain smoke and do laundry. Wow, so hard.

And honestly, smell is subjective. I personally love the smell of gunpowder and gasoline, and hate mint and lemon, and some people are the opposite. Some like smoke smell, some don't. Get over yourself.

>> No.10461117

I guess some people love lung cancer too

>> No.10461143

Lmao ate you trying to say some people like the smell of cigarette smoke. Everyone I've met who smokes has been a disgusting poor fag.

>> No.10461184

no one /rollup/ here?

>> No.10461265

With that box mod?Haha,no.

>> No.10461388

See >>10460859

>> No.10461425

Except that's exactly how most smokers think.

>> No.10461458

only weed

>> No.10462165

Cancer is pretty /fa/, yea.

>> No.10462245
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Everyone I know that vapes is a massive douche that constantly talks about their rig or actively blows smoke at you. Just from personal experience it attracts insecure attention whores that are practically yelling "look at me" by blowing huge clouds of smoke into a group of people.

>> No.10462309

fedora tier
