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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 585x461, 1443120473773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10440016 No.10440016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

god dammit /fa/ ive had it! IVE HAD ENOUGH!!!! im sick of the racism, the hate of my people, every thread i go into its "nigger this and nigger that" why does everyone hate us? sure we commit more crime, and yes we rape a lot, but thats the cumskin fault and we all fucking know it. so why dont you look in the mirror before posting some made up stats about black crime, you fucking kkk motherfucker.

with that said, ive had it, im done, you casper whitebred bitches is fucked in they heads and i aint going to fucking stand for it no longer. i was in tears last night reading one of these "nigger hate threads" all these okcupid reply rates and studies on how aint nobody wants to have sex with a brother, not even our own god dam women!? fuck that noise man.

im done, im out of here, i dont need the stess, im going to KTT and i suggest all my other black brothers do the same

>> No.10440021

cumskins amirite

>> No.10440026

pigfuck pls

>> No.10440028

>cumskin false flag

why are you so triggered, i just wanted to know why cumskins wear black clothes instead of white clothes

oh wait i know its because their girls wont fuck em if they wear blue jeans and plaid shirts lmao

>> No.10440041
File: 1.75 MB, 1072x858, not even hookers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw even the lowest of the low, not even the most pathetic, repugnant of all white women, used up, damaged goods, debased whores, even these women refuse to fuck niggers, even if they're willing to pay for it

why are niggers so repugnant?

>> No.10440044

I'm a cumskin, and I can clearly identify this as a cumskin masquerading as a negroid.
2/10 for making me refer to myself as a cumskin.

>> No.10440051

when will stormfags stop shitting up /fa/? >>>/pol/

>women refuse to fuck niggers

not really, go up on twitter and see how how much juicy 17 year old pussy employs the tag #blackboysonly

>> No.10440053
File: 112 KB, 600x407, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black clothing
>designed by white men

this is real black clothing

>> No.10440057

Isn't this usually because black dudes tend to be poorer and more likely to carry STDs? I've always kinda wondered about that.


>> No.10440060
File: 86 KB, 736x1334, 76b6d9ddfb6b01b4f61543e8aa401058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designed by white men
you mean this?

why are cumskins so delusional?

>> No.10440065


>> No.10440075

i see what you're doing r/asianmasculinity
dont think we dont know

silly limp dicked chinks are just as bad as niggers tbh

50% of all niggers in the US have an std, so its no doubt a contributing factor.

>> No.10440077


>> No.10440081

It's because they all have shit taste.

>> No.10440087

>/fa/ - Fashion
>Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.


>> No.10440107

/pol/ have been leaking in since Dylan Roof became a meme, just hide these threads.