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File: 36 KB, 590x590, Mens_Contemporary_Collection_Cufflinks_round_platinum_finish_onyx_inlay.det.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10437408 No.10437408 [Reply] [Original]

I know I shouldn't piss my money away but I have grown to like the Montblanc quality. I was Googling for Cufflinks and other products when I came across this website: http://www.themontblanc.com/ - Can I assume these are all counterfeit? Any way to tell? The prices there are a fraction of the actual costs that I'm seeing in the physical stores. Are the stores marking up their prices or are these just fakes marked down?

>> No.10437455

Why do people wear things with big ass logos on them? Those cufflinks are literally only a logo

>> No.10437459


Why not just inherit some nice, white gold with onyx cuff links from your grandfather?

>> No.10437513

Montblanc is a Kraut company built upon the marketing affectation of having Swiss prestige and heritage. Pleb tier dogshit brand as they come.

>> No.10437524
File: 143 KB, 583x868, mont blanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have some silver mont blac cuff links with onyx

so why you gotta hate?

also anything you inherit from your grand father is prob going to be some "swank" brand catalog shit from the 70's

or thomas pink since they produced a ton of crap back then

i wore these to my undergraduate gradation ceremony

>> No.10437584

I've got two MB ball pt pens, what do I do with them?

>> No.10437606

Write stuff?

>> No.10437625

I cant think of a brand more featureless and bland.

Celine maybe

>> No.10437633

That website is so goddamn sketchy - I wouldn't buy anything from them.

>> No.10437721
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 101393-1__97315.1403118321.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone here wear these? Montblanc platinum plated cuff-links with pink topaz crystal inserts. Too feminine? Remember that pink used to be a mans color... is it coming back?

>> No.10437732

Hahahaha nigga what are you doing
You get MB for status, not quality. I don't know about their other products but their pens are shit.
There's tons of higher quality pens, both cheaper and more expensive if that's what you want.

>> No.10438889

If I wore cuff-links and had those laying around, I'd probably wear them.

Coming from a guy with over 15 Montblanc pens (most inherited), not a single one can be considered anything less than good quality.

Status is a plus.

>> No.10438920

The problem is people just paying a lot of money to be a walking billboard.

Buy understated, classic stuff and don't decorate your body with ostentatious tasteless logos. It's the mark of the insecure and those who want to look 'rich' unless they're nouveau riche so by definition tasteless.

>You will never see a billionaire wearing louis vuitton shirts and true religion jeans and a gucci watch. Remember this the next time you have an impulse to buy a 'luxury' product because of the status you think it will give you.

>> No.10438924

a fucking pen does not give you status

>> No.10438929

>a fucking pen does not give you status
No, but a lot of older business types think it does.

Hilariously, the older businessmen I know (who are, honestly, multi-millionaires, so much richer than I) barely know how to use their Montblanc pens. I've seen them fuck up and spill ink all over themselves multiple times.

>> No.10439063

It does, but to a small degree.

As somebody in sales, a good quality pen gives a good impression when offering a proposal on paper. It needs to have a solid feeling in your hand, it shows professionalism. It sounds crazy, solid proposal + solid pen = solid decision. Makes closing easier.

A $30 Fisher AG7 has been my weapon for years.

>> No.10439598
File: 204 KB, 750x750, 28378-ecom-osis-sq-03.png.adapt.750.750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As somebody in sales, a good quality pen gives a good impression when offering a proposal on paper. It needs to have a solid feeling in your hand, it shows professionalism. It sounds crazy, solid proposal + solid pen = solid decision. Makes closing easier.

I've seen the classic "black with gold/silver trim" Montblanc pens used by all the major studio executives in Hollywood. They use them for client meetings and to close deals all the time. The other place they seem to be showing up is in the hands of real-state agents and advertising studio executive staff.

Seems a lot of serious people handle and use these pens. What's interesting is that this series of pen (the Meisterstuck series from Montblanc) is a design from the 1940s.

>> No.10439605
File: 114 KB, 1024x572, DF0_7212-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't know about is the benefits of paying over a thousand dollars for one on Montblanc's higher-end pens. They've started Platinum coating brass-core pens lately (see 'Blue Hour' series) and lacquering over them with a patented process. I was dubious about it until someone handed me one and got me to look at it with a magnifying jeweler's loupe. Underneath the clear lacquer/resin was a surface that had been cut to form a pattern of minuscule pyramids, all of which reflected the light. It actually looked kind of magical to handle it. Now I want one but can't bring myself to throw that much money down on a farking rollerball pen.

I don't need it. But I know nobody else will have one. If they do we'd be buddies for life. And poorfags.

>> No.10439614
File: 90 KB, 991x902, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying and using ens with the Jewish star on them
Good goyims

>> No.10439637
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, FakeMontblanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying and using ens with the Jewish star on them

Only the fake ones have Jewish Stars on them.