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10432240 No.10432240 [Reply] [Original]

>known as a "hipster" because no one in my shitty town does anything interesting
>im not even that patrician
>ugly, square head
>know my current date is too pretty for me, positive she just didnt want to turn me down

lets get in here boys

>> No.10432457

>tfw bitch hips/love handles
I'm 6'2" 200 pounds with bitch hips. And I had them at 150 pounds as-well.

Is there any point on dieting/losing weight if the only part of my body I hate wont go away?

I dont think theyll go away ever...

>> No.10432459

Lower Abs workouts are key man
It feels good after doing them, like an accomplished sort of feel.
Also it makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.10432474


it's not the weight in and of itself that's the issue. it's the body composition. you could be 120 lbs and still have love handles if your body comp is high bf%

>> No.10432930

Had the same problem and same height as you we tall people tend to develop bigger hips but hit the gym do a fuck load of jogging and cardio and if You broaden your shoulders it will mask the hips and it will look very good also the v taper helps

>> No.10432936

nice blog post man
i'd love to read more, could you post at reddit?

>> No.10432975

>uncle got murdered a block away from my uni
>dropped out because of it
>addicted to drugs
>probably schizophrenic
>genetic condition that will kill me by 50
>love of my life hates me

At least I'm attractive right

>> No.10432991

why schizo

>> No.10433042
File: 85 KB, 306x409, faghead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dl tinder
>only use to confirm im at least attractive
>beta af have never even tried flirting w/ a girl
>finally hit up super qt
>have only sent 3 cringey messages in a week
>shes probably taller and wider than me anyways

ay fuck ppl w/ this experience and fuck younger me for playing wow, being effay aint shit if i dont have an effay qt on my neck
>addicted to drugs
whhich ones fam
idk if my addctn was for the better or worst, its def been a wild ride and withdrawal + sobriety being so shitty makes me never want to stop :'/

>> No.10433077

>failing school
>seeing what I planned to be my future slowly slip away because it requires a good education / qualifications

doesn't feel good fam

>> No.10433081

Jesus. I can't imagine knowing what it must be like to know when you're going to die.

>> No.10433110

Yea i know a dude who knows he's gonna die around age 20 cause of a heart problem or something. I feel like if i knew i was gonna die so soon id just do as much cool shit as possible in that short period of time, give up on materialism

>> No.10433293

>tfw no cute effay top bf

I want one of you to destroy my virgin boipussy

>> No.10433304


Stop being a little bitch. Believing it's a pity date essentially makes it true. And even if it is, that's all the more reason to not give a fuck about what she thinks and just be yourself and not shy on the date, and if you do you'll probably end up fucking that bitch

>> No.10433344

this board is 18+

>> No.10433375

i don't know what to do with my life

i lack any and all long term life goals and ambitions

my countries education is basically free, so i should probably go to college/uni, but im unable to think of anything to major in
nothing that has actual career prospects interests me
im not in the position to pick something that i want to spend the rest of my life doing

it feels bad

>> No.10433387


If you can find it, read the part in platos republic about education. Basically if your college is free you might as well just keep learning and learning until you find something

>> No.10433405

Electrical Engineering or Computer Science

do it if you want to make like 2x the median national wage immediately after graduation.

>> No.10433412

>>know my current date is too pretty for me, positive she just didnt want to turn me down
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If she's dating you, she's dating you. Blow her socks off.

>Is there any point on dieting/losing weight if the only part of my body I hate wont go away?
If hip width is a concern, go start lifting like crazy. Focus on shoulders, pecs, lats, etc - anything to counterbalance. Basically just go full bro routine and do shoulder presses, bench presses, bent-over rows, and shrugs all day.

I'm sorry to hear that, but stop blaming your addiction on your uncle's death. That's your own fault.

Stop overthinking Tinder. It's a hook-up app where you cast a wide net. Come up with a reasonably decent line and just spam it out to girls ad nauseum. It works.

You're gonna get rejected, but that's to be expected - remember, most of the girls on there are just on there for emotional validation.

I agree with >>10433387. Also, keep in mind that you don't need to have an idea right now. Going to university will be a good way to expose yourself to different fields and jobs.

>> No.10433416

lmao @ this old loser making 400 word effort posts on 4chan

reddit cancer fuck off

>> No.10433419

I've been putting of to read Plato for a while now, I'll go and do that.
Do you have a favorite translation? /lit/ told me to read Bloom

Right now I'm reading the Meditations with the goal to understand Stoicism better, maybe it will help me cope with the fact that it's more than likely I won't love my job

Sadly I'm not too good at math.

I have been thinking about getting into business informatics, I'm not too sure about the translations but it's a bit of computer science and apparently graduates are well paid

Thanks /fa/, I'll try to be less of a sorry cunt and get my shit together

>> No.10433440

>pretty attractive 7/10
>socially inept
>not a single friend
>broke up with girlfriend
>fucking random guys now
>no confidence
>no motivation
>no long term satisfaction
>creative and intelligent but dont have the energy to apply myself
>fucking up in college again after dropping out two years ago
>good bone structure but ugly nose fucks up entire face
>awful skin and hair
>ill-fitting goodwill fits because I'm desperate for new clothing on a tight budget
>only one outfit that looks good on me right now
>wear that one outfit basically everyday
>working a shit part time job that pays $9 an hour
>living off of $70 for the next two weeks
>losing too much weight because I can't afford to eat

There's so much more to vent about but I'm not trying to make this a blog post. I'm heading out in a bit for an open call at a modeling agency.

As juvenile as it sounds, there doesn't seem to be a point in anything right now. I'm obviously not a happy person, but I can feel that unhappiness starting to become a really shitty mixture of apathy and numbness.

>> No.10433478
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sheit i know it's just some hook-up app but still can't help getting anxious when someone rly attractive thinks i'm attractive, yet i'm also amongst the +50 other guys talking to her.
i really just heavily rely on my looks and how i come off irl, where i can't overthink :/
smoke hella kush fam

>> No.10433483
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Will Smith ears
nigger lips
jew nose
weird chest deformity

If I were spartan I would've been discarded at birth...

>> No.10433491

>tfw got spotted by a model agency
>tfw my own style is finally comming along
Life's good anons

>> No.10433509

how did you got spotted anon-san?

>> No.10433521


>>PatrickBateman trip
>>reddit cancer

Hello newfriend :^)

>> No.10433532

holy shit this is pretty much me: the post except im like a 5 at best.

>> No.10433545

>2nd year of college
>socially retarded, no friends
>even answering a question in class makes me nervous, heart starts racing
>want to transfer to different university, don't want to go into more debt
>also just want to die, too much of a pussy to do it
>and the worst part
>i'm fat

fuck i hate everything

>> No.10433587

Be in a big city
Hang where agency's scout
Look good while doing so

Source: have received multiple offers from agencies while doing this unintentionally

>> No.10433603

join clubs or a frat or something, insta friends.

don't transfer, ride it out man it's not worth the debt.

>> No.10433626
File: 87 KB, 500x714, 1441652895879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'4" 200 lbs, strong, but former fatty and I have crippling body image issues
>Live in an apartment with my insane mother who hoards everything and I cant get her to throw anything away
>Men and women often show interest in me, but I have social anxiety and simply maintaining friendships is difficult for me
>Often worry that I have genetic or mental disorders. There may or may not be truth to my worries
>Dropped out of college
>Have an okay job as a cook but I still feel like it dead-end
>sometimes get affected by severe depression, and I just lay around in squalor, dont eat and chain-smoke cigarettes


>> No.10433633

There's never any info about clubs and stuff at my school, or at least I can't find it. And I seriously doubt any frat would want me.

>> No.10433666

Bummer. The drug addiction is on you though -- do something about it. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. You're better than that shit.

>> No.10433668

chest or GTFO

>> No.10433670

What university do you go to? I'll look something up for you - not a frat, but might have an idea.

>> No.10433671

>popular musician/producer
>skipped uni to pursue music but it isnt making me any livable money
>i just want to get into mobile design stuff
>moved back home and diagnosed with major depression and i have a hard time feeling any emotions and it really fucks me up
>i dont enjoy anything and have been turning down opportunities because theres no point if i cant enjoy it
>finally got help for depression and am starting meds this week
>5'9, 135lbs, apparently attractive

honestly i'm glad that i have great friends

>> No.10433675

eastern michigan university

>> No.10433683


I think its worth noting that Frat's aren't necessarily the end of the world. There a plenty of non bro-y ones that will introduce you to a new set of people. I joined one freshman year because I liked the dudes in it, not because I wanted to get drunk and try to take girls home. I always joked that there were more competitive smash brothers players than actual athletes in my frat.

But the parties and stuff we did have opened a lot of doors to new friends, not to mention the guys I'm in it with did become my very close friends.

>> No.10433687

Don't call Morrissey a faghead

>> No.10433689


Contact them and tell them you are specifically interested in competing in Dancesport. Say you have no experience but are willing to work.

If they don't have a team, drive to Mich. State, which has a PHENOMENAL team that wins like it's their job:

(They practice about 1 hour away from you - easy drive, worth it)

If you have a dick, you will almost certainly be waived on and trained because there is always a surplus of women. Dancesport is legitimately tough and requires a lot of athleticism, but it requires an equal amount of aesthetic sensibility, and you'll be surrounded by very nice, very athletic, surprisingly intelligent girls. Dancesport teams have a very unique ability to take nerdy but nice guys and turn them into confident, athletic, genuinely sociable people.

You are unquestionably gonna feel uncomfortable the first few times you go, but that's the point and that's the barrier to entry. Ball the fuck up and do it. If you move fast, DCDI newcomer might be doable.

>> No.10433693

ur a cool trip

>> No.10433697

hey Bateman I'm taking the lsat on saturday any tips

>> No.10433699



>> No.10433705

>tiny ankles so all trousers look baggy as fuck around my ankles unless I go super skinny
>get judged by family for spending more than zara prices on clothes
>because of this wasted so much money on mall-tier clothes until I got effay

my /fa/ feels are pretty vanilla tbh

getting in to uni dance things when you're a bloke is ez-mode, they have a serious shortage of guys like you say

plus it's good for getting in shape

this, volunteering and casual jogging clubs are my recs for people who want to make friends at uni

>> No.10433713


The best advice I can give:

You need a zen-like calmness for the LSAT. Keep in mind that the test isn't about rote memorization, but about stressing you the fuck out in every possible respect. People can and will leave in the middle of the test because it's ~too hard~ or ~too stressful~ or something - and that's intentional, because legal practice is at least partially about stress management.

Do a fuck ton of practice tests beforehand and just understand the fundamental pacing of the test. The day before, genuinely relax your brain - don't cram, don't obsess, don't do an all-nighter. Get a good night's sleep and go into the test with a fresh, sharp, clear mind.

Think of it this way - the LSAT is like an Olympic sprint. You can't get better at the sprint the day before - all you can do is carb load and make damn sure that your body is ready to explode when it's required.

(Incidentally, law school finals are like this, so get used to it)

>> No.10433714

you seem like nice guy

>> No.10433728

yeah I've been prepping a few hours a day since june with multiple practice tests. The stress is setting in more on the "hey pal its the rest of your life"

that being said, time hasn't been an issue for me at any point yet, save for Logic games and I've been focusing almost exclusively on them since the last practice test.

>> No.10433735

Genuinely relax. You can re-take the test, and a LOT of people do. Fuck, most of the people at my law school did, and law schools I know of don't frown on it (most of the time, they view a poor past score as just test nerves - which is exactly what it is).

That said, if you've been prepping that much, you're gonna do great.

>> No.10433738
File: 21 KB, 80x110, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 4.08.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Weird chest deformity
>>Jew Nose

Confirmed holocaust survivor in your gene pool

>> No.10433743

thanks guys. you're pretty good people.

>> No.10433744

>weird chest deformity
marfan's syndrome?

>> No.10433747

hey thanks! yeah I had a 152 on my most recent practice test but I only answered 4/22(ish) questions in the logic games section so I'm cautiously optimistic about my chances.

>> No.10433749

listen to this, get muscular and your hips won't matter

>> No.10433752

height and ankle size?

>> No.10433758


its no biggie, I really struggled my first semester freshman year but after a certain point in the spring I told myself "if you don't get out there and make an effort you're going to regret the 4 years and $200,000 no matter how well you do." Granted though, I go to a school of ~1700 people so its a lot easier to make a name for myself here

>> No.10433763

yeah my school has about 20k people and I also commute from home so it's a bit harder for me.

>> No.10433768

pls dont h8 the b8

>> No.10433781

oh yeah commuting can make it a bit more tricky. it definitely wouldn't hurt to try to make a friend whos cool with you crashing on their floor once in awhile so you can take part in the college weekend festivities. One of the guys in my frat is a commuter and it makes life tougher for him for sure but he's around a decent bit.

>> No.10433795

I would try, but I've got a job at home in which i work nearly every day F-Sun

>> No.10433909

i have a very intricate vision for my wardrobe but no money

some day..

>> No.10433920
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>too short
>too black
>black people think I'm a fucknigga
>white people are white
at least I have taste

>> No.10433934

if it makes you feel better i would keep you as a token black friend/manlet sidekick

i was once told that I'm pretty black for a white person and I accidentally called a black guy "nigga" once and he was cool with it, so all in all I'm not too white

>> No.10435394


im 23

I know a dude who's 17


>> No.10435640

>only a couple of friends
>in love with a girl whos taken
>want 2 get skelly but dont know how
>dont talk to girls
>no job

got 1 year left until university but probably gonna kill myself by november

>> No.10435748

if you do it ill be so pissed. dont. talk to your friends.

>> No.10435791

at this point i dont give a shit only 2 people know how i am and 1 of them is an internet friend lol

>> No.10435822

At least he wont deal with the pain of life, Ill be blind years before he dies.
I live with my pain, he gets release

>> No.10435834
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>6'1 140 lbs
>attractive id say
>couple friends
>smoke weed way too much (bad amounts)
>now doing bad in school
>start staying home out of sadness
>want to find things enjoyable other than buying clothes and smoking weed
>girl i like is a lesbian and anti drugs
>worst part
>only a lesbian when i ask her out
honestly these seem pretty generic idk why i post

>> No.10436136

>there's a pretty good music scene here
>the only two friends that even go out with me (sometimes) (like a couple times a month at most) never want to go with me to anything
>not ugly but I can't seem to have enough motivation to talk to girls I'm attracted to
>when I do I usually get their numbers but they stop replying after a while
>the only thing that brings some happiness to my life is using the internet, smoking, listening to music and watching films/series
>lately they aren't helping, I'm just using them to make the time pass
>broke as fuck, no money for clothes, or anything really
>every job in my area I'm unqualified for
>problems at home
>anxiety comes and goes
>starve myself until I'm falling one week, couple of days later I'm eating like a pig
There's more stuff but this is enough

Sorry I needed to vent

>> No.10436155

Seriously, get help. The suicidal ideation isn't healthy, the desire to get skelly isn't healthy, and the general worldview isn't healthy. There is no shame in talking to a therapist, and if you are in university there is likely a free option available to you.

Also consider taking a break from this board, as it isn't exactly the best for your confidence.

>> No.10436199

>Took a semester off before going to college
> Worried like all hell that this late start might fuck me
>The girl I love lives 2000 miles away
>She loves me too, but had a prior relationship

Hold me, /fa/

>> No.10436216

>but had a prior relationship

are you 12 years old

>> No.10436223

She's in a relationship. Dunno why I phrased it that way

>> No.10436227

>Legs and ass always too big to fit into straight fit chinos and jeans

I don't want to stop squatting and deadlifting, but this is making it tough.

>> No.10436234

If she's in a relationship then you have to man up and let her go champ.


it's really not worth feeling bad about this

>> No.10436237

as someone whos had to redo 3 years of college youll be fine bro

honestly, its probably better for you anyways. get a job and learn some discipline if you havent yet

>> No.10436247

She asked if I'll wait for her... I really dunno, man.

>> No.10436250

>Large muscular quads and calfs combined with skinny ankles means no jeans/pants ever fit right at the opening
>Don't have any cohesive "style", I'm interested in so many styles that none of my clothes can go together

>> No.10436252
File: 326 KB, 500x575, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save up for PS, get it done August last year
>backed out on getting a couple procedures last minute since I was a bit scared (IN FOREIGN COUNTRY) of getting too many things done at once
>while recovering blow the leftover $ I had on dumb things
>heal, results are good but just a tad bit too subtle
>should have got the extra procedures while I had the chance
>trying to save up again


>> No.10436269

Go intro a trade, learn to hate what real work is, then you'll know what you want to do with your brain in uni.

>> No.10436273

How is she in a relationship to have fun, but she wants you to sit tight and "wait"


>> No.10436291

bateman i want a reply where can i get one

>> No.10436336

>good music scene here?
where are you from fam?

>> No.10437095


>> No.10437122

holy shit you sound like me

except instead of being a manlet I'm losing my hair

>> No.10437129

atleast you get matches


>> No.10437142


>> No.10437304

>tfw fall is ruined because you bought the wrong jacket and can only afford one

>> No.10437308

return it you spanner

>> No.10437323
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>> No.10437325

>anon why did you paint hearts on your converse?

>> No.10437390

I am afraid it's too late for that. What the fuck was I thinking

>> No.10437395

>my class hates my guts
>my best friend is a lazy exploitive dolt,but i feel sorry for his ass
>academic performance is good,but there's still pressure
>girl i truly like have mixed feeling about me because of her bitch friends,she's one semester above me and i'll probably never see her again

my feels are relatively light,but it's there

>> No.10437410

here's another one I usually get by grills
>aww how cute!

>> No.10437447
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>hair loss
>ugly fingernails
>asymmetrical lips

>> No.10437449

this thread makes me feel physically uncomfortable

>> No.10437453

>tfw half southeast asian
>tfw will always have round face

>> No.10437555


>> No.10437578

>lose 54 lbs. to look better in clothing
>don't look like a fat shit anymore, still want to lose a little bit more but feel comfortable in my skinniness
>realize I live out in the middle of nowhere and buying expensive clothing would be pointless since no one cares

>> No.10438549

>tfw marijuana induced anxiety \ depersonalization
how can i into dank fits when i feel like shit all the time?
any other anons living with it?

>> No.10438851

just wear what you want man, does it honestly matter? no one would comment anyway and if they did why does it matter to you fam? they probs look like shit all day everyday

>> No.10438954
File: 75 KB, 633x758, 1442876915195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21, still look 15
>tfw you will never be effay no matter what you wear

>> No.10438964

>25, look like I'm 14 without a beard only 17-18 with a beard
>already starting to bald
>don't think my head shape will be good when I inevitably shave it all off

Horrible, I'm going to look like a teenage cancer patient one of these days.

>> No.10439002

You should probably take a break from smoking.

>> No.10439127

hi birthday

>> No.10439155

protip: they think you're gay

>> No.10439163

All of you need to stop thinking about reasons to be sad and start thinking about reasons to be happy. Every single person in the world has something they are insecure about, deal with it and move on you can change anything about yourself with hard work; which may be hard at first but once it kicks in you'll be all good.

>> No.10439220

i have man. only smoked like 5 times, just freaked out this one time and haven't been the same since. this was back around easter

>> No.10439336

>tfw severe agoraphobia
>meds aren't doing shit
>only way I can leave the house is if i'm drunk