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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 5 KB, 260x193, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10432177 No.10432177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you:
- post in, read or make W2C, "is XXX effay?"
- if you actually ever made, read or used an infographic
- you use phrases such as "elder-god tier"
- you sit in the WAYWT for hours a day but are too cowardly and insecure to post your own fits (seriously if you can't post a fit here among your peers then how do you even wear them outside around plebs? stop wasting your time if you are this autistic)
- you offer advice without any justification (this is an anon board and only a few established trips have the rep to offer critiques without detailed explanations)
- you post under the trip Patrick Bateman; you are a fucking cancer and honestly the biggest loser I have ever seen online. get a life, you are even lower than Sieg because at least he is funny and he has an excuse being an unemployed handicapped faggot

get the fuck out and go back to reddit. the majority of anons on the site are sick of your reddit opinions and reddit behaviours. you are fucking cancer and need to fuck off

>> No.10432185

i agree with you on everything except the sticky thing. i mean dude, if your totally new to fashion then its a good idea to get basc knowledge on things like color coordination, how to layer, names for certain styles of clothing like mandarin collars etc...

>> No.10432204

the fuck is wrong with infographics?

>> No.10432208
File: 1.12 MB, 290x218, 1442550948880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- if you actually ever made, read or used an infographic

>> No.10432214
File: 408 KB, 898x1998, 1443307600411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bad news for you. You don't own other people's actions. /fa/ doesn't belong to you.

>> No.10432239

sure is reddit in here
fuck off

>> No.10432256


Just go to 9fag then, a lot of cool pictures and 10easy steps for everything!

>> No.10432268

>complains about criticism without reason
>gives criticism without reason

I agree with must of what you said otherwise

>> No.10432273

redditors deserve no feedback
if everyone told the redditors to gtfo every time they posted cancerous off topic shit, this place would clean up pretty quick

>> No.10432278
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, H_1438356966480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck a dick you fucking clown.

I've been on this board since 2008. Don't give a shit about claiming old fag status, but allow me educate you for a minute.

This board is more about fashion in 2015 that it ever has been before. I guarantee you that you didn't even know what the fuck reddit was before 2013 and you also probably started browsing /fa/ around then. There is no standard or culture to adhere on /fa/ besides being silly, angry and critical. Thread ideas, generals, tripfags, content, and trends change every season, and you're a fool to think that anything in your post is going to change because you made this thread. It will change as people move on or become bored. Those that lurk will continue to watch as the board changes, and you will continue to rage at your keyboard while not changing anything.

>> No.10432282

>responding to a bait thread

>> No.10432283

Nice blog, why not take it back to reddit? You cancerous old cock sucker. What are you even doing wasting your time here? Loser..

>> No.10432285

>contrarian bullshit
>highly offended so makes a 300 word reply
>uses "old fag" like it means anything on here (sure sign of a newb redditor trying to blend in)

sounds like u'd be right at home on.. reddit?

>> No.10432293

"im gonna use an anime image board as my main fashion outlet and get mad when people who use more than one site use it too"
because I'm sure there seriously isnt a single better forum you could go to if you truly hate it that bad

>> No.10432294
File: 202 KB, 462x453, patrick understands b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10432303

hm this might be the most butthurt redditor we've encountered so far
shape up or ship out reddit pleb

>> No.10432307

>nobody can possibly unironically think this way

>> No.10432336

true, this thread is pure 100% unadultered columbian b8

>> No.10432344

awww is the little redditor getting upset?
if you cant take it, then fuck off? :^)
good solution for everyone

>> No.10432345

Oh look someone got called a redditor

>> No.10432348
File: 17 KB, 350x250, 0037 - Id7mca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10432352

how do you manage the time to make all these wonderful posts on /fa/ all day while still maintaining your minimum upvote quotient on reddit?

>> No.10432355


>> No.10432357

trying so hard to fill pigfuck's place
you fucking suck

>> No.10432364

god damn, some redditors getting really pissed off here
i have a thought: get the fuck out? then you won't be so upset for being called a redditor anymore
what a novel idea
go back to your home redditor :^)

>> No.10432368

Patrick is a pretty cool guy. I think you're just jelly

>> No.10432379

you're just as reddit as he is
everyone hates you here dude
oh.. you didn't know that? lol...

>> No.10432391

>you're just as reddit as he is
whatever the hell that means. I've never even been on reddit. Come in me.
>everyone hates you here dude
Nah, I'm loved by all except for you.

>> No.10432396

another redditor feeling threatened
sorry bro, no upvotes for you here

>> No.10432411

lol ok then

>> No.10432418

>he keeps replying
obvious reddit tell

>> No.10432426

wasnt effay created in 2009?

>> No.10432429

>he keeps replying
Great logic there

Here's another reply

>> No.10432430

yep, just a redditor who can't keep his facts straight trying to defend his pathetic existence
amazing the lengths to what these plebs will go to

>> No.10432451


>> No.10432485


>> No.10432545

Nope, it wasn't. Google for screenshots of the first thread on /fa/ fucking newfags. Thread started by Moot himself. 2008.

fucking pathetic man

>> No.10432988

i <3 you

>> No.10433005

nice same fag
do they have those on rebbit?

>> No.10433008

Fantastic post

>> No.10433010

>those that lurk will continue to watch as the board changes
wow that's deep man
so insightful

>> No.10433079

you forgot a few

>if you use the word cuck
>if you like kanye
>if you like the h&m kanye sweatshirt
>if you like minimalist white sneakers
>if you like chelseas or jodhpurs
>if you have any interest in slp, rick owens, palace, or supreme

you need to go back to reddit

>> No.10433089


>> No.10433101

nice post
let's add some more lads
>if you ever use the letters x and d next to each other unironically

you need to go back to reddit

>> No.10433195

samefEg not even trying m8. srsly tho what the fug. how does this shit even make anybody //mfa/? huh? thanks bruv. i'm autismso. kthxbye bb.

>> No.10433498


First off, let me tell you that I'm a major 4chan addict.

/mu/ has given me a lot of good music to listen to
/a/ has given me quite a few high-quality torrent links and wallpapers
/v/ is full of video game tips (well it is when I go on)
/r9k/ is a great place to rant about your day and other stuff that's on your mind
/pol/ is a great place to discuss what's on your mind about politics
Hell, even /b/ can teach you something if you go into the occasional info thread.

But, despite the stereotype that all 4chan users hate Reddit, I'm just as addicted to Reddit as I am to 4chan.

/r/atheism - despite some unsavory threads blocking up the area, it's a good place for discussions about things like the universe.
/r/dolan - if the only phrase you laugh at is "gooby pls" then this board is for you.
/r/imgoingtohellforthis - this board makes me glad that i'm not the only one who enjoys tasteless, obscene, and otherwise offensive humor.

tbh i believe it's ok to browse both sites.

>> No.10433513

What a great thread. Outstanding work OP.

>> No.10433529
File: 472 KB, 943x1749, HuSjVUm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive you are a fucking idiot. I hate you.

Pic related, this is massive.

>> No.10433615

post hair

>> No.10433619

>if you use the word cuck

it's so easy to spot you faggots, you're too easy

>> No.10433622

i made an infographic on /fa/

however that was before lady gaga even had a career in music, do i still have to leave?

>> No.10433632

you're not relevant anymore and haven't been for years

>> No.10433638

i was never relevant tbh

>> No.10433639

redditot reeddddiot reddiotr you're all redditors

>> No.10433662

>implying relevance on a korean meme wang shill board has any value whatsoever

stay reddity man haha :^)