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File: 107 KB, 1200x1500, 8066329_fpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10424863 No.10424863 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread at almost 300
BBC perfume documentary (part 1 of 3):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=annRzLYrRwM [Embed] [Embed]
general info
various fragrance communities/review sites
w2c samples
on DIY fragrances

>> No.10424917

tuscan leather smells like cocaine 3 hrs in? anyone else get this?

>> No.10424923

never done cocaine but its a pretty strong scent that really isnt leather
everyone else says that so you're probably right

>> No.10425318

Try spraying it directly up your nose.

>> No.10425345

that's because you're supposed to spray it directly up your nose my nigga

>> No.10425359

Where'd u cop kokorico for $9?

>> No.10425460
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 26122640-1638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped. Any other anons enjoy this one?

>> No.10425509

What does cocaine smell like? And don't say Tuscan Leather.

>> No.10425770

What is the most 'masculine' of the Tom Ford Private Blend line in you guys' opinion?

>> No.10425785
File: 45 KB, 750x440, bottega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this isn't more popular.

>> No.10425793

Italian Cypress

>> No.10425812

I think the pine note gives it a very classic masculine smell that a lot of people probably find dated or 'old' smelling.

>> No.10425832


smelled it, it's pretty generic tbh

>> No.10426083

I've tried it and I enjoyed it. Not quite enough to buy it though, but if it works for you that's good.

>> No.10426154

Oud Wood or Noir de Noir?

>> No.10426198

Estate sale, it's the 1.7oz size. Have you tried it? It's a pretty big hit or miss.

>> No.10426216

Copped for autumn, right choice?

>> No.10426217

its shit

>> No.10426219
File: 292 KB, 650x650, issey-miyake-leau-dissey-pour-homme-yuzu.1000x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.10426225

For autumn?
I'm pretty sure this a Spring/Summer scent.

>> No.10426242

Sure, but I wanted to stay in fresh mood.

>> No.10426248


>Issey Miyake

You fell for the meme

>> No.10426252

I'm sure you could have but Issey Miyake's stuff is made for the sun and heat. Something you won't get much of in the fall. So you might get the maximum usage from it.

Not a bad fragrance though.

>> No.10426275

Does anyone have any experience with l'occitane baux? I've never thought I could love a cheap fragrance but damn, it smells so good. How's its sillage and longevity?

>> No.10426331

A lot of people like baux. Go for it.

>> No.10426372
File: 54 KB, 325x425, 36512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with this fragrance? Will I smell of A E S T H E T I C S when I wear it? It's expensive as hell.

>> No.10426385

If you mean Eau des Baux, it's a nice woody vanilla. Not outstanding, but decent for the price. Projection and longevity are good on me: average to slightly above.

>> No.10426480

why don't you wear what you like instead of liking it just because it's expensive?

>> No.10426526

>classic masculine
That's what endears me to it and probably why my gf loves it. Considering it's only £60 for 100ml, it's some of the best value for money for a masculine scent. Smells amazing on a windy autumn/winter day or a cool summer night and is very intimate; the sillage is close to the skin so only those who get relatively close will smell it (which is how I prefer my fragrances tbh). Downside is the longevity.

Thoughts on the original vs the newer 'Extreme' version (pic related)?

Did you try spraying or did you only smell the bottle? The drydown as the pine gives way to the leather is pretty good. As for generic, yes; but it's probably one of the more unique of the 'mainstream' scents amongst the endless Boss/Armani/Gucci/Chanel clones.

I don't see why everyone treats unique scents as the holy grail. Wear what smells good on you - even if it's generic - not what would make you special. I guarantee that there are so many human beings in this world that you could wear fucking Acqua di Gio down the street and at least a few people will never have smelt it before.

>> No.10426531
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Forgot pic.

>> No.10426567

Opinions on YSL Kouros/Body Kouros?

>> No.10426573

how's the noir de noir.

>> No.10426612
File: 351 KB, 1933x1933, Yves-Saint-Laurent-Kouros-Body-EDT-Spray-167694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the body kouros request.
I absolutely love the camphor smell, but I'm not sure how'd that work in a perfume.

>> No.10426703

Too sweet imo. It's just too cloying, I wouldn't be able to wear it for more than an hour

>> No.10426742

Oud Wood for sure

>> No.10426748

They're complete different. I own both, but I use oud wood as a day fragrance and I use noir de noir as a night fragrance. they're both great, but they have their own uses.

>> No.10427233

>Considering it's only £60 ($91) for 100ml, it's some of the best value for money for a masculine scent.
Holy crap, are frags that expensive in the UK?

>> No.10427238

In Europe in general.

>> No.10427243

Kouros is king, and BK is great. Always sample first, as Kouros is a very divisive fragrance.

>> No.10427273

I don't see much of a difference. If anything it seems to be more expensive FOR LESS in the U.S.


£215 = $326.37
4oz = 113.65ml

>> No.10427276


>paying retail for frags


>> No.10427278

It might just be the way Americans and Brits view money.

>> No.10427284

>buying some diluted shit off ebay


>> No.10427291

>only £60 for 100ml, it's some of the best value
There is a little-known retailer here in the US that has a presence in the UK where it seems many designer frags are in the £15-35 range, kind of comparable to the US, actually. Don't spread it around, let's just keep it between us.


>> No.10427305


Their clothes might be designer and very expensive, but Boss, CK, Armani, etc. are the average high street stores of the frag world - only one or two steps above frags released by celebrities.

>> No.10427312
File: 62 KB, 506x350, Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 3.55.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we were talking about a designer frag, so your point is...?

>> No.10427316

Noir de Noir

>> No.10427317


sorry you got ripped off

>> No.10427335

Good point. Let's take a look at BV shall we.


Yeah no.

>> No.10427339

wtf is botttega veneta
stop buying trash names because of a name

>> No.10427347
File: 88 KB, 300x256, Confused bleck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really seeing what you're getting at. It can't be the price tag...?

>> No.10427357

>paying retail for fragrances

Learn how to shop.

>> No.10427362

Yes, the price. It costs more on Amazon than from a high end department store.

The significant discounts on Amazon only seem to apply to the most common 'designer' frag houses, presumably because their stuff is far more mass produced.

At least with retail you have a better assurance of quality and authenticity.

Yeah, let's talk about Tom Ford and Aventus.

>> No.10427382


The price is controlled per the house's choice

Abercrombie's Fierce is more expensive on 3rd party sites than from the store itself.

>> No.10427384

>Yes, the price.
So, sorry if I'm having a hard time understanding this, and I'm assuming you're the anon who posted >>10426526 to begin with.

OK, so you say this designer scent at £60 is "some of the best value." I say, "not really," and your counterargument is to say, "but it costs more than your average designer?" Which debate team were you captain of?

Look, I'm not saying it's a bad scent; Ive never smelled it. If you had said "£60/100ml for this was a bargain to me," that wouldn't have raised an eyebrow.

>> No.10427407


Even on a frag by frag basis.

Ralph Lauren's polo line gets discounted everywhere. Their Purple Label frag is never discounted though, and also more expensive from 3rd parties, if available at all.

>> No.10427417

You say 'not really'. >>10427233
I point out similar retail prices between the UK and US. >>10427273
Someone mentions Amazon, where 'many designer frags are in the £15-35 range'. >>10427291
I show not all. >>10427335

I was never debating the value, just that not all frags are magically cheaper on Amazon.

>> No.10427430

Ah, so you are not >>10426526 then. OK, have a nice day/night!

>> No.10427445

Based kind Anon.

>> No.10427451
File: 16 KB, 500x500, h_chanel_allure_homme_sport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been my favorite for plenty of years now.
any others close to this experience that you know of?

>> No.10427457


>> No.10427489
File: 35 KB, 657x665, o.6795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people say Versace pour homme is similar

>> No.10427519
File: 17 KB, 729x410, armani-prive-bois-d-encens_729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig this. It's pretty simple. Smells like I read books. Anyone like this? Suggestions? Not a summer scent but Nordic wintertime... nice.

More info: I wear black

>> No.10427595
File: 1.48 MB, 1483x4615, Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 17.34.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

article from WSJ last night explaining the 3rd party discounters and even Target/Walmart.

jpg since the article is paywalled.

>> No.10427609

How long does tom ford oud last? I've heard it's a good fragrance but it only last two hours is this true?

>> No.10427610
File: 10 KB, 350x350, l'instant de guerlain pour homme eau extreme eau de parfum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does L'Instant de Guerlain Eau Extreme live up to the hype?

>> No.10427630
File: 35 KB, 500x750, black-afgano-30-ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the weather to cool down for this gem

>> No.10427636

Not imo, but I'm not you.

>> No.10427655

Tuscan leather>
London >
oud wood

but as you can mix them probably a combination thereof would be the most masculine

>> No.10427902

ive never had any problems with the tom ford private blend or memeventus so i dont see whats the problem poorboi

>> No.10427910

I apply around 6AM and by 2PM there's still some left
Definitely doesn't last as long as something like tobacco vanille and I don't think it'll last 12 hours
I also live in hot weather which should make it last even less

>> No.10428009

Oh okay I don't need it to last for 12 hours just 6 hours is enough I will try a sample looking for something woody smell even though I am loving noir de noir.

>> No.10428564

>be me
>in a restaurant earlier tonight
>smell Memeventus
>turn around
>it's some gray-haired middle aged dad with his family

top kek. this is what you fuccbois want to smell like?

>> No.10428783
File: 113 KB, 1082x962, 824-1078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One I've been enjoying. It's different.

>> No.10429209

You let him pound your boipussy though, right?

>> No.10429632

Of course... ;)

>> No.10429668
File: 137 KB, 900x900, Gucci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been almost exclusively using this for the last 7-8 years.

I like the fact that the scent is very subtle. Rather than announcing itself to everyone who walks 5 feet past you, it's only something that few people really close to you will discover.

It's the only scent that has consistently netted me compliments from the opposite sex.

The bottle is also really cool. Could easily be used to smash some asshat's head in. In self-defense, of course.

>> No.10429788

Anyone else experience quick olfactory fatigue with Penhaligon's Endymion?

Moments after applying, I literally could not smell it anymore so I splashed a bit more on since it's an EdC and I've read about many claiming poor performance, and still I couldn't notice it after about 10-15 minutes.

Turns out I was projecting like crazy, though, which made me a bit self-conscious but everybody around me loved it. Got me more comps than Aventus (which I thoroughly dislike tbh). Great scent, the only terrible thing I can say about it is that Robin Thicke and Chelsea Handler both love it, so if you believe in good things becoming shit by association...

>> No.10430507

I've been meaning to try this.

>> No.10430534

It's good and definitely a pleasant, inoffensive scent but as I've gotten more into fragrance stuff it's started to smell a little synthetic to me.

>> No.10430535

Anyone have this? Opinions? Similar stuff?

>> No.10430547

If there are any britbongs in this thread, will just point you towards:

Got 50ml of a Tom Ford Private Blend for £80, absolutely legit stuff, just not in the original bottle. Good selection of other samples too.

>Paying retail for fragrances
pretty much

>> No.10430589


>> No.10430641
File: 54 KB, 544x517, 1392927683187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>exclusively using this for the last 7-8 years
>It's the only scent that has consistently netted me compliments

>> No.10430950

+1 for scentsamples
really good experience with them

>> No.10431717

you sound like a shill tbh

>> No.10431833
File: 76 KB, 600x934, jon-kortajarena-for-jean-paul-gaultier-kokorico-fragrance-malemodelscenenet-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else try Kokorico?

It's very "badboy-esque" and smells dirty and edgy, pretty fitting with the theme.
If you put your nose up to it's strong of course, but if you lay off it and smell it from a distance it's a pleasant cocoa scent.

It's nothing like Le Male.

>> No.10432206

what a dumbfucking bottle

>> No.10432218
File: 95 KB, 640x480, kokorico2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty unique and looks goof in my collection. If you turn it sideways it looks like the iconic JPG torso

>> No.10432250

good* in my collection


>> No.10432260

lol why would anyone wanna be masc

>> No.10432298

just a protip for people looking to read paywalled wsj articles for free: just copy and paste the title into google and click on the resulting link. you'll be able to read the full thing.

>> No.10432376

so no one would pound my boipussy

>> No.10432406

versace is better in my opinion of the two

>> No.10432441
File: 40 KB, 481x500, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is YSL La Nuit De L'homme?

>> No.10432450

It's JPG's thing.

>> No.10432503

Love it. Probably gonna wear it tomorrow.

>> No.10432504

The original Kouros is fantastic. It got me more compliments than any other fragrance I've had, but more negative reactions as well -- some people absolutely hate it, comparing it to piss or urinal cakes. Definitely not safe for a blind buy, it's a rather bold and divisive scent but I absolutely love it.

>> No.10433112
File: 35 KB, 437x437, parfum_lalique_encre_noire_52db16cb48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this for a year
Only wore it out twice
I don't think people would like how it smells
But it might be my absolutely favorite
0 sweetness (or as sweet as pines wet grass and moss could get)
Yet really warm and alluring (at least for me)

>> No.10433129

You missed the word "almost", for some reason.

You're welcome.

>> No.10433236

GpHII is lovely. Not mind blowing, but just lovely. I have a 2012 batch, and I get decent middle of the road performance out of it, contrary to some peoples' complaints about it poor longevity and sillage.

>> No.10433242

I wear it at home from time to time, but rarely out, as well. I think it's a special occasion scent. Like an undertaker's wedding or something.

>> No.10433244

i don't like the syrup-y sap note in it, is that the vetiver?

>> No.10433257

Not that anon, but I'd guess you are smelling either
or an accord of both. Funny, I've never detected a note like that. The nose is a funny organ.

>> No.10433548

vetiver is dry and woody, a bit musty and bitter

>> No.10433882

Fucking meme-tier. Smells like incense and incese with a touch of incense and gay semen.

>> No.10434216

>this ignorant nigga

once again, incense isn't a particular smell. you should be saying it's like gay semen-scented incense

>> No.10434236

No matter how many times you say it smells like incense, it will never smell like incense.

>> No.10434292
File: 87 KB, 1200x1200, hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiancee and I went shopping at Sephora about a month ago and I picked this up for myself. It has a really nice elegant wood smell to it, it's become one of my favorites.

>> No.10434361

Glad you like it. Love the drydown on TdH

>> No.10434660

It's a classic, one of the best designer scents ever. If you get the chance you should give its flanker Eau Tres Fraiche a try, absolutely love that one for summer

>> No.10434688

God this is so good

>> No.10435528

Any fragrances that taste good? I've been experimenting with adding perfume to drinks and as a spice. So far I know that Dior Homme Intense and Molecule 01 are horrible, but I'll keep trying.

>> No.10435813


i blind bought this since I don't know anywhere around me that has it for testing.

first spray I thought I fucked up. I'd never smelt something so "dirty". a few more tries later and I'm starting to warm up to it. Very very different from the regular crowd pleasers.

>> No.10435823

Secretions Magnifiques by Etat Libre d`Orange

>> No.10436205
File: 186 KB, 509x477, 1364500187578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10436260

I can't speak with great certainty, but ime perfume has never tasted anything but very bitter in the handful of times I've gotten some on my tongue. I suppose it could be the perfumer's alcohol, so perhaps try oil based frags? I wouldn't get your hopes up though. Strange, as taste and smell are closely linked, you would think most things that smell good would also taste good.

>> No.10436369

Have you checked out Encre Noire Sport? It's not nearly as good as the original but it's a lot more versatile.

>> No.10436421

i want something that smells like Iced Tea/Sweet Tea but yet masculine.

>> No.10436481

It's netted me more compliments than anything else I've worn. I will note, however, that it's not teen-friendly. Very much 22+, as it's usually "older" women that tend to love the smell.

>> No.10436599
File: 18 KB, 565x374, 65detgw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good temperature for Fall fragrances?

>> No.10436668
File: 43 KB, 900x675, zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Eau de 4chan smell like?

>> No.10436686


>> No.10436688
File: 69 KB, 1080x700, EauMy-42228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10436729

Almost, I'd recommend waiting until highs are in the low 60s at the warmest

>> No.10436853


santal 33

>> No.10436866
File: 150 KB, 852x1041, Dog wacky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10436878

Very bitter

>> No.10436904

What are some good samples to try if I know nothing about fragrances? I've only ever had cheap cologne, most recently Victorinox Swiss Army Classic and Polo Double Black. Ideally staying away from anything too strong or overly masculine as that wouldn't really make sense for me. Looking mainly for an every day scent for autumn/winter.

>> No.10436966

What;s your budget? What stores do you plan to go to?

>> No.10436989

I was intending on ordering samples off Lucky Scent or something first then seeing if any local shops in Vancouver carry my selection(s). Budget is <$200 for a larger bottle if possible. Cheaper or sale pricing would be appreciated though.

>> No.10437093

Cool. First off, I am not one one who believes that price has any correlation with quality, only exclusivity, so do not think that my more expensive recommendations are any "better" than the less. So on the more affordable side, go to a Sephora or decent department store and check out:

A*Men Pure Malt or Pure Havane
Bulgari Black
Burberry London
Dior Homme and its flankers
Gucci Pour Homme II
Midnight in Paris

Higher-ticket ones to try:
Ambre Sultan
Knize Ten
L'Air du Desert Marocain
New Haarlem

>> No.10437664

I'm not a big fan of Fahranheit but thanks for the reccomendation.

>> No.10437692

>Budget is <$200
try sampling from some of the cheaper niche houses. my favorites are L'Artisan, Diptyque, and Etat Libre d'Orange (this house can be really hit or miss though). prices should range from ~$80 to ~$150 depending on scent and bottle size

as for particular scents, some suggestions:
L'Artisan: Fou d'Absinthe, Passage d'Enfer, La Chasse aux Papillons Extreme
Diptyque: Eau Duelle, Volutes, Tam Dao
Etat Libre d'Orange: Le Fils de Dieu..., Fat Electrician, Jasmin et Cigarette

for a citrus fix, try Acqua di Parma, same price range as the others: Colonia, Essenza di Colonia, Colonia Leather. They also have a Blu Mediterraneo line worth looking into.

>> No.10437851

Thx, will try. Can't wait to see the face of the people at the perfume store when I lick my wrist.

>> No.10437934

that's good enough as long as the sun isn't bearing down and/or it isn't humid out, probably better to wait until the mid-60s tho

>> No.10438151
File: 197 KB, 658x370, Dave-Bautista-Drax-the-Destroyer-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10438213

Good recs, though re: Acqua Di Parma maybe consider exchanging either the Colonia or Essenza with Colonia Intensa just for variety's sake

and Diptyque Philosykos should definitely be samples, it's their most famous scent

>> No.10438349
File: 32 KB, 600x584, 1057M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it a a friends place and I loved it!
Wanna hear /fa/s opinion

>> No.10438362

i love it homeboy
its a men's fragrance but chicks think its a bit feminine too, either only wear it if you dont have sexuality issues or wont mind that...

>> No.10438367

well La Nuit de L'Homme seems feminine to some females as well so im cool with that.
I'm loving the vanilla part of it so much I just copped it anyways.

>> No.10438396

just bought this two days ago, extremely underrated for how good it is.

>> No.10438450

im gettin some shiz from surrender to chance right now.

can i get some similar suggestions on other things i should check out?

right now ive got:

tobacco vanille

tuscan leather

creed aventus

cdg dover street market

i hate perfume burning leaves

anything else with those same scents? i tried tom ford noir and didnt like it. smelled like grandma i thought.

>> No.10438663

How very meme of you

>> No.10438668


who makes that? :^)

>> No.10439361

damnnnnnn want some thing like this for the US
need a TF Oud tbh

>> No.10439634
File: 169 KB, 812x540, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 6.08.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10440003


Oh wow that is a lot of suggestions. I'll start doing some research on all of those and try to locate some samples. Thank you both!

>> No.10440252
File: 67 KB, 1000x1000, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try No. 8 By Brent Leonesio? It's absolutely disgusting in a kind of good way. Super musky and kinda fecal.

Also, anyone try Black by Comme des Garcons? I have a sample and I like it (smells of black pepper, leather, and bitch tar) but I don't have any leather scents to compare it to. I'm kind of new to the whole fragrance thing. Is Tom Ford really worth it? Creed? CB I Hate Perfume?

Sorry for so many questions

>> No.10440276

I love Brosius' scents but keep in mind they're not super wearable and they don't last long. They're more personal experiences than scents for others. I keep a few around just to smell and to wear on certain occasions. Very nostalgic though and expertly crafted.

>> No.10440327

I'm honestly more into the personal experience thing than scents because I'm likely not to wear stuff often anyways. Thank's for the recommendation and response.

>> No.10440334

err more into personal experience/scents than wearing it for others. That's what I meant.

>> No.10440346

My pleasure.

>> No.10440706

tbh fam that shit is hella overpriced
shouldnt people not jew you and give you watered down samples on ebay?

>> No.10440737

Luxury item. Luckily there are tons of outstanding more affordable designer scents to choose from.

>> No.10440752

its literally cheaper to buy a sealed bottle off ebay or probably even brand new in store is what i meant
my sample of OW makes me too happy to not have to buy more

>> No.10441669

>its literally cheaper to buy a sealed bottle off ebay or probably even brand new in store is what i meant

cheaper than buying a sample/decant? what the are you talking about?

>> No.10442115

I'm the guy he was replying to, and I just left it alone tbh...

>> No.10443319

>Colonia Leather
just smells like leather to me. the citrus notes disappear much too quickly

anyone else know a good citrus+leather combo?

>> No.10443341
File: 239 KB, 1000x667, 5921672487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10443863

Hermes Bel Ami
Hermes Eau D'Hermes
Versace L'Homme
Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa

>> No.10443933


>> No.10443949

what is this? google is failing me

>> No.10444862
File: 100 KB, 523x374, 01_1399726080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Versace Eros worth trying at a store? I am getting mixed opinions from different people.

>> No.10445080


>> No.10445093

Spray it on yourself m8. It will go from a fresh, cucumber smell to a very deep vanilla. Don't just spray it on a sample piece of paper. It projects like crazy as well

>> No.10445503
File: 36 KB, 550x447, cdg-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is everybody's favourite from Comme des Garcons? I'm having a new frag bought for me as a gift, so I'm taking it as an opportunity to try something completely different and i guess a little more challenging than the usual one's i've bought over the years.

I've got samples of CDG 2, Blue Santal and Amazingreen coming in soon, pretty excited since i've only heard great things about the house.

>> No.10445956

It's because I haven't started selling it yet.
The notes are mandarin, bergamot, vetiver, leather and tobacco - quite classic i would say.

>> No.10446003

I just blindly bought Aventus online. Did I fuck up?

>> No.10446016


>> No.10446108

2 Man
Incense Avignon

>> No.10446143

How much for how many mL from where? If you bought a full bottle at retail, you likely fucked up hard unless you really, really love it.

>> No.10446185

I like 2 and Amazingreen, also the whole Incense line. Kyoto and Avignon get the most praise, but I like Ouarazazate best

>> No.10446259

I am 19 and have only been lurking in these threads for the past month or so. I am looking for something I can wear to work everyday and one I can wear for when I go clubbing. I am not a manly man so I dont think something too masculine will suit me. What would you recommend for me to try?

If it helps I live in the UK and the weather has been around 15-17°C for day time although it will probably drop soon-ish.

>> No.10446267

Standard is my signature, already in my second bottle

>> No.10446273

>I am 19 and have only been lurking in these threads for the past month or so. I am looking for something I can wear to work everyday and one I can wear for when I go clubbing. I am not a manly man so I dont think something too masculine will suit me. What would you recommend for me to try?
>If it helps I live in the UK and the weather has been around 15-17°C for day time although it will probably drop soon-ish.

Oh I forgot to specify that I work in an office.

I would prefer to try scents that may appeal to younger women rather than the middle aged men in the office and clubs.

>> No.10446356
File: 48 KB, 600x600, kenzo-homme-100ml-edt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody tried this?

>> No.10446396

Young women are the biggest plebs in the known universe. You could wear pretty much whatever.

La nuit is one obvious choice for going out (even though I personally don't care for it, but girls seem to).
In the office, literally anything that isn't cloying is fine. I don't know what girls prefer here. I cycle between Rocky Mountain Wood, Terre d'Hermes and Allure Homme. Basic stuff, but at least it's not Old Spice, scented deoderant or b.o, which is probably what a lot of other people in your age group are rocking.

Most important thing: go to the mall and try them on your skin.

>> No.10446406

It's not that they're plebs, it's that men on average try so little that even catching a whiff of 1million will get their hopes up that maybe, just maybe, you aren't as much of a loser fuccboi as everyone else.

But we all know the real truth, don't we Paco.

>> No.10446411

Tom Ford Grey Vetiver - yes or no?

>> No.10446495

Office: Bleu de Chanel
Night Out: YSL La Nuit De L'Homme or Versace Eros

>> No.10446508

definitely yes, maybe a little more mature smelling (I think vetiver in general just presents as more mature) but it's still wonderful

>> No.10446708


Thanks m8s. I actually had la nuit on my bookmarks but I was a lil hesitant because people from reviews seem to say its more suitable for 21+ rather than teens. I'll definitely still try it out though when I can be bothered to go to the mall.

For everyday use I was looking at L'homme since thats apparently versatile and leaning more towards unisex rather than manly man. Thoughts?

Also have Versace Pour Homme and Perry Ellis Red on my list to try but is it worth buying those now that it's autumn?

Are there any more scents which cater to young people that I should check out?

>> No.10446749

1.You can definitely rock La Nuit
2. L'Homme would be a great choice, like you said its super versatile and not extremely masculine, everyone is going to like the way you smell
3. Those are good choices but yeah, they're both definitely fragrances for the warmer weather
4. FWIW, designer houses aren't really making extremely masculine/mature fragrances anymore, most everything out there will be suitable for you, it's just about sampling whats out there and finding what you like best

One that just came to mind as far as an office scent would be Dior Homme. Straight up masterpiece of a fragrance, the main note is Iris which definitely leans feminine. Also, not many 19 year olds are going to be wearing it so you'll smell unique

>> No.10447299

this is your scent? nice1
shoot man with a sample fam

>> No.10447421
File: 68 KB, 900x1122, cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most underrated fragrance ever????? Got my sample 2 weeks ago and i'm rationing it. The stuff is some damn good juice. Copping soon... Anyone else have experience with this stuff?

>> No.10447472

u wot m8

they are Amouage-tier re: rep. if you don't see them posted itts a lot its because they are fucking expensive (and like 80% of these threads are centered on designer fragrance)

>> No.10447497

Oh okay thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.10447643
File: 54 KB, 300x363, nd.2056[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so good I sprayed some on my wrist just to smell it.

>> No.10447854

memeventus is #1 dw fam
everyone who says otherwise is jealous

>> No.10448102


not blind buyable. try it first. Shit was way too sweet to me.

>> No.10448126
File: 176 KB, 720x720, 1187957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you /fa/gs into candles? Of course they are usually way more linear, but I think there should be some good scents out there that you just want rooms to smell like. Any recs?

>> No.10448195

It's amazing smelling, but poor performance has kept me from buying a bottle, alas.

>> No.10448281

If you haven't already, check out:

Burberry London
Terre d'Hermès

24 Gold
A*Men and its flankers

360º Black
Bulgari Black
Gucci Pour Homme II

>> No.10448713

Man Eau Fraiche or Versace Pour Homme?

>> No.10448760
File: 42 KB, 350x350, loccitane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stick by L'Occitane. Long lasting, not powerful at all. Using it super sparingly (2 spritz 3x a month max) it's definitely lost some potency from sitting on the shelf after 2+ years, but that almost makes it better.

Used to wear Drakkar Noir in high school because I apparently wanted to smell like a dad.

>> No.10448767


On some real shit I want ham at the Yankee Candle Factory once, it was like a scent orgy. You can make your own candles and shit, you can get your hand dipped in wax, you can look at knight armor in some medieval themed room and shit. I fingered my girlfriend in the parking lot while we waited for her mom.

Clean Cotton is my favorite year round, but for winter months I prefer something sweeter. If they still have Jelly Donut, get it, you won't regret it.

>> No.10448786
File: 67 KB, 648x376, candles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these from a Marshall's and they are the best candles I've ever had. Pretty much every one there made by DW Home was really good, though (they made the Warm Tobacco Pipe candle in the pic)

I'd really like to try L'Artisan, and especially Diptyque and Le Labo candles, but I have a hard time justifying $60+ for a candle

And does have recs for incense as well, or reed diffusers or heating waxes/oils? I've only used cheap incense, but that changes the air in the room and makes my eyes puffy; reed diffusers don't really work in my experience.

>> No.10449702

Pour Homme

>> No.10449787
File: 189 KB, 744x688, o.35430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else seen this? Apparently just released. No reviews that I know of but from what I can tell it has pretty much the same listed notes as the Sport flanker. I'm really interested to see how it turns out

>> No.10449789

The small Diptyque candles are just $30. According to them, they should last about 30 hours.

>> No.10449807

yup, I have it

>> No.10449816


>> No.10449821

It's really salty and strong for summer fragrance
one friend of mine said it smells like hospital
apparently it's what many people think (check fragrance comments)
I still like it

>> No.10449914


lol sound interesting, will try it, thanks

>> No.10450089

Sample of tobacco vanille came in and I understand the praise, smells fucking divine. Probably going to be the next thing I add to my collection.

>> No.10450184


>> No.10450200

Bought some tom ford samples from surrender to chance.
Noir de Noir
Costa Azzura
Mandarino di Amalfi

NdN smells pretty good, but honestly they all smell a little like walgreens cheap cologne. However combining mandarino with NdN smells pretty damn good.

I currently just use Black Orchid and I like it, but looking for something less floral as I am getting older. I may give Tobacco Vanille another try, didn't like it when I tried it at sephora, but it has been a few years now.

>> No.10450489
File: 167 KB, 1024x1195, dge5sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody owned Midnight In Paris? What are your thoughts?

I can get it ridiculously cheap right now online and I've read loads of good stuff on fragrantica/base notes. Considering a blind buy, only thing I'm wary of is the fact that I've seen people say it's too feminine

>> No.10450509

I bought the parfum for $18. Great deal. I only tested it once but I liked it, and yeah it's more unisex.

>> No.10450552

Isn't black orchid for women? Is it a more unisex/men scent, or you just don't care if it smells feminine? What do you think about it?

You really have to love such expensive fragrances to justify the cop, like >>10450089
I mean shit, you can buy 2-3 designer frags for the same money.

>> No.10450607



keeping my eye on this

>> No.10450748

I got in on that $18 EdP amazon deal too. While I always recommend trying before buying, I don't take my own advice when something is that cheap and well-reviewed. It's a beautiful tea, leather and vanilla fragrance, with a hint of powder, which I dislike in large amounts. Reminds me of Bulgari Black and PE 360º Black. I wouldn't say it's rugged lunberjack levels of manly, but I wouldn't say it's too feminine either, but I own several "women's" scents myself. It's just marketing.

>> No.10450915

since there's an entire general for fragrances now, i'm assuming there's a lot of info besides "this smells good" and "this smells bad"

so for someone who just wants some good smelling cologne, what would you guys recommend? are traditional brands (tom ford, armani, gucci, Saint Laurant, etc) safer to go with or are there some more underground cologne makers that are better? and lastly, what's a good price to pay for a bottle? i honestly don't think i could justify paying over 100$ for a tiny bottle of cologne.

thanks guise

>> No.10450968

I think all of TF fragrances are unisex, but if it is for women, it works really well on me for some reason. To me it doesn't really smell feminine at all, but maybe I have just been wearing it for a long time.

>> No.10451047

YSL L'Homme and La Nuit seem like some of the safest bets. Gucci Pour Homme II, Terre Hermes or whatever are generally always reccomended

>> No.10451055

do some lurking basically

>> No.10451065

so overall, big name designer brands are pretty good? Gucci usually gets a pretty bad rap for being generic new money kid clothes, so i didn't know if there was a similar subculture for fragrances, haha. i'll check these out though thanks

yeah will do, i havent ever really noticed these threads until the past day or 2 so i'll pin this thread and keep watching.

>> No.10451124


Most of the newer Gucci frags (post-Tom Ford) are considered "phoned in" by fragheads, but if you just want to "smell good to girls" then they do the job fine. Stuff like Gucci Guilty Black, Made to Measure etc. More respected designer houses by fragheads are Chanel, Hermes, Dior, YSL, Thierry Mugler.

>> No.10451140

only a few TF frags are not unisex, and black orchid is quite strong
I wouldn't want to see a lady wearing BO, seems like a sweet man fragrance to me
Personally I've found myself falling in love with the more expensive fragrances, with the cheaper fragrances I just feel satisfied, not in love with it.

>> No.10451141
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thanks for the info though, the YSL one looks like my favorite so far. i'll research a little more into the other ones. but yeah i pretty much just want to smell good for girls lol

>> No.10451142
File: 50 KB, 300x319, nd.154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this today. Anyone else have it? Is the bottle/rubber supposed to smell like shit when you pull it out the box? Smells like it's been in a dumpster all day.

>> No.10451252

I sampled this fragrance and I absolutely can't stand the opening.

The rubber opening put me off so much that I decided against blind buying Midnight in Paris.

>> No.10451279


Yeah I'm not sold on keeping it since it smells kinda similar to MiP and Avant Garde which I already have. But I'm asking about the bottle packaging rubber puck part itself since it smells foul, not the juice.

>> No.10451618

>big name designer brands are pretty good
Hermes and Chanel are pretty good across the board. Prada isn't mentioned much here, but they are solid, too. I'm not a huge fan, but Dior and YSL scents are decent and have a decent following. Personally, I think Gucci, Versace, and Dolce & Gabbana frags are mostly shit.

>> No.10451644

This whole post is truth, and especially agree with
>Chanel, Hermes, Dior, YSL, Thierry Mugler
as being the better of the designer houses. I'd add Guerlain and Aramis to that list. Of course there are bad scents from these houses and great scents from bad houses...

>> No.10451660

It's been a while since I pulled the puck from the box, so I can't comment on the "unboxing odor," but there is a definite rubber accord in the top/middle notes, which is actually lapsang souchong tea, apparently, but that dies down and it's quite a nice smoky vanilla/tea/leather fragrance.

MiP does not have the smoky rubber note, and it adds some nice spices, including anise, so if it's the rubber putting you off, don't let it. It it's the whole vibe then skip MiP, because they do live on the same block, so to speak.

>> No.10451689

i almost ordered it, i have a sample from the EDP
for the first time i really liked it, but after wearing it twice, i wasn't able to wear it anymore, it's too sweet & nauseating, only cop for cold weather
it's cheap as fuck, so it's up to you, one of the best price quality ratio out there imho if someone likes the scent, it lasts pretty long too

>> No.10451820
File: 183 KB, 800x1600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just got into fragrances and I'm trying to find one that I'll enjoy. I tried Dior Homme Intense but awkwardly I have a colleague who wears it. I tried YSL La Nuit De L'homme recently, liked it, though I did find it a little similar to the Dior.
I've just ordered samples of these two fragrances, what kind of thing should I be expecting?

>> No.10451849

not too feminine, wouldn't worry about that honestly, i bought it for $30 or so, really good deal.

>> No.10452041

Valentino Uomo has also been compared to DH/I. It does open with an iris note that gives it that "make-up bag smell," but it's toned down and soon swallowed by hazelnut, coffee and chocolate. Very nice, but not exemplary, imo. Haven't tried the CdG.

>> No.10452290

Thanks, that was a helpful summary. appreciated

>> No.10452326
File: 1.20 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I didn't see the general. Bought this a while back. Did I do good?

>> No.10452471

Anyone around 18 here? What are you wearing?
Bleu de Chanel is too citrusy I wanna feel more seductive tbh

>> No.10452576

Dior's Privee line is GOAT

>> No.10452577

Dior's opening a boutique in the next month or so near me. Can't wait to try them

>> No.10452717

Uomo doesn't have that make up smell, it's the iris that gives it that note, which Uomo doesn't have

>> No.10452733

Had a tough time deciding between that and Ambre Nuit but I'm happy with my choice. First fragrance I find I enjoy more as the day goes on.

>> No.10452906

I really want to try their new gourmand Feve Delicueuse, supposed to just be incredible

>> No.10453036
File: 211 KB, 600x362, nilam-2059-patchouli-pogostemon-cablin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dad likes patchouli incense and was talking to me about how him and his friends at school would wear patchouli like a uniform. It's his birthday coming up and I had the idea of getting him a fragrance with patchouli. I considered Tom Ford's Patchouli Absolu, but quite a few of the reviews on Fragrantica say it is far too overpowering.
Any other suggestions or thoughts?

>> No.10453176

Montale Patchouli Leaves
Givenchy Gentleman
Dior Patchouli Imperial
Nicolai Parfumeur Creatuer Patchouli Intense
Serge Lutens Borneo 1834
Prada Amber Intense
Molinard Patchouli Intense
Santa Maria Novella Patchouli
Ermenegildo Zegna Javanese Patchouli

>> No.10453190


Seconding the Givenchy Gentleman, nice fragrance. I definitely think Patchouli Absolu is wonderful too, even if it is rather strong.

>> No.10453230

Have you smelled it?

>> No.10453249

Please stop. My wallet doesn't like this kind of talk.

>> No.10453256

If he's talking about the "patchouli oil" that hippies smell like, the closest I have smelled to that is Etro's Patchouly. It's such a common ingredient in fragrance, and ime usually smells nothing like the hippie oil version.

>> No.10453258

Yeah I had a sample

>> No.10453265

Weird. I know it's not listed in the notes, but as a fan of the DH line, I get a distinct iris note, and I'm not alone judging by the reviews. The nose is s funny organ.

>> No.10453690

>I just searched for "patchouli" on Fragrantica and chose some at random

>> No.10453970
File: 30 KB, 402x604, 1396050110216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something really cheap to wear around the house or to smell good after the shower.
It must smell very comfy not intruding.
Any suggestions?

>> No.10453975

has anyone used byredo?

>> No.10454752

Sex? Any preferences other than comfy? Will you want to wear it outside of the house ever? If so, what weather? It's OK to say year round if you don't care, but knowing if you live in a desert, swamp or tundra would help.

>> No.10454827

hate the latex note in it, glad i sampled before i bought into the hype

>> No.10454842
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, 61jtoHAahDL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wearing this recently. What do you think of it? Also, what's the best Polo fragrance?

>> No.10454928
File: 15 KB, 378x378, Thirdman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped this.

Great inoffensive summer scent.

top notes of Iris, mid notes of Neroli orange blossom, bitter orange and base notes of leather and soft woods.

Have had a few compliments on it, pretty minimal and low key even if you go nuts on the spray volume, effay bottle too, dipped in a matte rubber

>> No.10454934
File: 12 KB, 240x196, ahuehuehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a fragrance that is best worn only around the house

>> No.10454947

I'm male. I just don't like too sweet and citric fragrances. For me the perfect dragance is a balance betweet something sweet something fresh and something manly like leather musk or smoke.
I'm looking for something very versatile I would wear it outside too like for shooping and doing not important stuff.
I already have creed aventus for go out and work. I like it pretty much, but it's too expensive to use it for just smell good when I'm alone.

>> No.10454952

From what I have heard Polo is kind of generic, though I don't have any experience with them. I am interested in Polo Red though.

>> No.10455028


I also sometimes wear Polo red. It's good, but I'm relatively new to the world of fragrances tbh.

>> No.10455406

you would probably want 4711, it is cheap and it is refreshing (rub it on yourself after a shower)

>> No.10455413
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, carnal-flower-100ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your guys taste in designer fragrances is repulsive. Carnal flower is what i have and it shits on your Valentino's and YSL la nuit.

>> No.10455525


i got a big ass bottle of 4711 and decant it into a $1 plastic 50ml sprayer. sprays dont last more than an hour just fyi

>> No.10455783

Yeah i know, eau de cologne is meant to refresh your hankerchief. You pour some onto your hands and rub it on your neck and wrist. You pour some on the hankerchief as well. I don't know why anyone would want to wear fragrance in the house. Just get the frederic malle fleur mecanique and let the fragrance dissipate into the air.

>> No.10455863


update: i was in the mall today and came across YSL L'Homme, i really liked the smell so i impulse bought it. Hopefully this 100$ will get me noticed by some qts because it was either the cologne or a used Helmut Lang denim jacket on grailed.

now i'll just keep lurking so i can spend more large amounts of money on small bottles of fragrances

>> No.10455916

What's it like?

>> No.10456007


return it and order it online for like $50 less. cmon man

>> No.10456028

it was a gift box that came with the 3.3 and a second 2oz bottle. not a bad deal but i didn't really have a choice for just the one because it was 88$ for only one or 2 for 100, why not right?

i still am having a bit of buyers remorse but i got paid today so hopefully once i use the cologne it will wear off

>> No.10456033

you sure it's an actual 2oz bottle of EDT and not some shitty aftershave? Usually that's what's in those dumb gift boxes.

>> No.10456040


well fuck me they do actually make 2oz bottles of l'homme http://www.beautyspin.com/yves-saint-laurent/lhomme-eau-de-toilette-for-men/

that's weird af

>> No.10456045

yeah it's definitely not aftershave, the bottle looks exactly like the 3.3 just smaller.

yeh that looks like the one.

>> No.10456162

OK, without knowing your climate, these should be close, and all worth checking out:

360º Black For Men
Eau des Baux
Midnight in Paris

>> No.10456223

UK, looking for something versatile to wear to uni or a date. Already got Terre D'Hermes and love it but its running out, should I rebuy?

>> No.10456266

nice really inexpensive, will try them

>> No.10456484


Going to Barneys & Bloomy's (59th & Maddy) today to try to some frag out

Anything else nearby I should scout about?


>> No.10456534
File: 340 KB, 1024x1024, sand_and_driftwood_large_22oz_woodwick_candle_2_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer Woodwick candles. They use actual wood sticks to make the fire with crackling sounds and the scents are more mature and denser. My favorite is attached - sand and driftwood, smells really classy.

>> No.10456600

post pics of your collections /fa/m

>> No.10456609

how do you guys decide if you like something? you order a sample and then what's your criteria? e,g how many people comment on it, if you like it personally etc

>> No.10456629

lol wtf

If you dig it, you dig it

>> No.10456631

>if you like it personally
this mainly

if longeavity is bad though, then'll it'll discourage me from buying it unless i really love the scent; don't really care too much for projection and sillage.

and i try not to consider others' reactions to the scent at all, but i think it's impossible to not be swayed by that even a little bit

>> No.10456752

I bought my La Nuit giftbox for like $60.
Return it and go on FragranceNet

>> No.10456813
File: 1.39 MB, 3232x1996, 2015-10-04_11-41-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only recently gotten into collecting so I really only have summer frags, working on expanding my fall/winter wardrobe. Pretty much focusing on designers for the time being, educating myself on what I like plus I don't have a huge budget, I add about one a month.

>> No.10456894
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to get them out

>> No.10456901

And of these, how many do you actually like?

Also, isn't the Lanvin one sort of fall/winter smelling?

>> No.10456912

i'd post mine, but it's mainly samples/decants

>tfw poorfag
plus side, they last much longer than i'd thought. 1 mL can last a couple weeks of regular use (applied once a day, ~5 days a week)

>> No.10456920

Oh I like and use all of them. Yeah Lanvin Avant Garde, Mont Blanc Individuel and Gucci Pour Homme II are fall/winter, I guess L'Homme could be all seasons as well.

>> No.10456952

Have you tried HiM by Hanae Mori? Heard it's similar to Gucci II, which I want to try, but HiM is cheaper

>> No.10456984

What's a good summer time fragrance to wear during the day? Are "sport"y fragrances meant to be suited for this?

>> No.10457563

>1 mL can last a couple weeks of regular use
Damn, that's pretty good. So a small 50 mL should last me about two years?

>> No.10457581

1ml for a couple weeks of every day use is VERY generous, it's about 3-5 sprays per ml, depending on the sprayer. 50 ml should last you maybe 8 months with daily use.

>> No.10457716


Invictus by paco

>> No.10458020

You didn't specify a price range, so I'll go with one of my favorite summertime cheapies: Set Sail St. Barts for Men. And yes, generally, fragrances with "sport" or "fresh" in their name are less heavy and thus better suited for heat and humidity. By no means should you limit yourself to frags named as such, however.

>> No.10458026

>3-5 sprays per ml
Did you mean applications? The average number of sprays per ml is 10.

>> No.10458469

got a little bucket list of samples i am going to order online and try. am i making good choices?

Creed - Green Irish Tweed
Versace - The Dreamer
MDCI - Invasion Barbare
Montale - Black Aoud Eau De Perfum
Tom Ford Private Blend Tobacco Vanille
Creed - Millesime Imperial

>> No.10458521

Thanks m8s. I have no idea what these things cost never bought any before, so yeah didn't specify price range sorry.

>> No.10458619
File: 75 KB, 477x477, yves-saint-laurent-lhomme_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy even if I have La Nuit?
I love La Nuit as well

>> No.10458735

It's most likely just me, but MI smells just like water with barely any musk in it and doesn't last.
Not familiar with anything else on the list except for TV, and that's a must have.

>> No.10458949


I definitely get the salted watermelon vibes from my MI sample

>> No.10459007

I mean, it depends. If you love the smell, then yes. They're different enough that it wouldn't be a redundant purchase. That said, if you already have something like Bleu de Chanel (an all occasion, 4 season scent) then I would say that you might be better served picking up something else

>> No.10459059

I haven't but I've had it described to me as being the 'less classy' brother of GPHII. Apparently there is just something about GPHII that makes is come off as more refined. They don't smell exactly alike but certainly close enough that if money is an issue then you wouldn't be disappointed having to settle for HiM. FWIW, HiM does have better performance, literally my only complaint about GPHII

>> No.10459222

I decided to cop it since I think I got a good deal.
2 fl oz bottle for $30.

>> No.10459600

>drive all the way to the mall, walk across the store to return something, order something online and wait 2 weeks for it to ship + shipping price and tax to save $30~

really not that worried about it tbh fam

>> No.10459605

>2 weeks for it to ship + shipping price and tax to save $30

lol no but whatever

>> No.10459613



>> No.10459614

>still bumping past 300

Wait, are bump limits higher now? Well, fuck me.

>> No.10459802

hey nik

>> No.10459858

yeah, when did this happen?

>> No.10461160

Recently, I'd guess.

>> No.10461286
File: 49 KB, 600x706, Soon Turban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10461291

Holy crap, picture limit not hit either. Why'd we make a new thread?

>> No.10461349

I didn't know the bump limit had increased when I made the new thread. Don't know which should die as the new thread has several posts already.

Let's kill this one.

>> No.10461363

Agreed, but what are the new limits?

>> No.10461743

Bought a 2oz of YSL L'homme after testing it out on my wrist in the store for my first fragrance.Did I do good?

>> No.10461765

Also I have gym first period in the morning. Is there any way I can bring a small amount in my locker that could apply after gym?

>> No.10461788


finally on auto-sage, must've just been a temporary bug or some shit (unless 310 is the new limit, in which case, for what purpose?)