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File: 158 KB, 475x653, Tab_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10421491 No.10421491 [Reply] [Original]

most eff-ayy soft drinks, /fa/?

>> No.10421501

Imagine going over to someone's place and saying "Hey do you have anything to drink?"

And the motherfucker says "Ya I have some Tab"

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.10421505

this is for girls and soft drinks are bad for you fatty.

>> No.10421523
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>> No.10421725
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>> No.10421740

Seltzer. Alcohol and soda are empty calories and absolutely terrible for you

>> No.10421756

This and an occasional Spezi as a treat.

>> No.10421759

But there aren't a lot of calories in gin and tonic

>> No.10421774
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>> No.10421778

Alcohol has more calories than sugar does

>> No.10421789


>> No.10421790


>> No.10421819
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>> No.10421835
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git gud

>> No.10421840

The only /fa/ drink is everclear, if you don't drink 64oz of it a day you can't be /fa/
sorry i don't make the rules

>> No.10421844



>> No.10421857

literally the soft drink version of Nike SB

>OK Soda was a soft drink created by The Coca-Cola Company in 1993

>> No.10421872
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>> No.10421886
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i like tabs

>> No.10421964

>carbonated jew

Not even once

>> No.10421969
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I don't drink fizzy sugar water but
>drinking anything other than ginger beer
Yeah, double no

>> No.10422038
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>> No.10422046
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>> No.10422049
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>> No.10422054
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>> No.10422060
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>> No.10422071
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Fuq u meen?!

Literally best fizzy drink of ever.

>> No.10422096
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>> No.10422101
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>> No.10422450
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>not slurping down some pussy at the local under-18s night at a disco in Essex

>> No.10422460

in general, I avoid soft drinks, but San Pel is pretty good

>> No.10422473
File: 40 KB, 446x192, la-croix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sparkling water in general, but la croix is good and cheap. made in michigan.

>> No.10422485

german detected

>> No.10422512
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>> No.10422520
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The most effay drink

>> No.10422533
File: 51 KB, 600x600, Euro_Shopper_Energy_Drink_250ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking one of these on the way to and from school every day.

>> No.10422539

ma boy

>> No.10422541

unflavored seltzer is the GOAT. Lime flavored if I'm feeling frisky. Cutting soda made me feel better and look better. Now when I have it, its disgustingly sweet.

tonic has calories and alcohol is loaded with them. a shot of vodka still has roughly 100 iirc.

can't go wrong with a classic.

nothing wrong with cheap in this context, my office had these free in the fridge this summer and I had roughly 6 a day

glass bottle only

lame 10th grader tier

>> No.10422553

Water or sparkling are the only accepted soft drinks.

Red/White/Sparkling/Champagne are the only accepted alcoholic drinks.

>> No.10422593
File: 20 KB, 403x403, 00f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the fact that the general belief nowadays is that you have to be as healthy as possible and live as long as possible. Fuck that, I'll rather live 70 awesome years where I do what I want than live 70 boring years, and 20 more as a fucking old and weak vegetable.

>> No.10422596

I'd rather live 70 years healthy and happy

>> No.10422598

And I hope you get cancer and die at 30.

>> No.10422602

I hope you grow up and stop being so angry

>> No.10422603

C'mon man, you know it's not a binary choice. You can be healthy, splurge occasionally, and live 90 very awesome years.

The real unhealthiness comes from doing dumb stuff like eating McDonalds every day.

>> No.10422610

Tell me what awesome stuff you want to do when you turn 90 and can't take a shit without a nurse

>> No.10422615
File: 445 KB, 640x345, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's inevitable

>> No.10422618

Wait for the release of death. Don't listen to that faggot trip, he's clueless.

>> No.10422620

>when you turn 90 and can't take a shit without a nurse
That's pretty rare and actually usually associated with being in ill health anyway. I do free wills for people in nursing homes occasionally, and you'd be surprised how active they are - i.e. sex parties and shit.

(Or just hit on the nurse)

>> No.10422627

I worked with old shitheads for 4 years and they fell all the time and broke their entire body.
They were angry/sad all the time, and I think I only saw 1/10 of these elderly I worked with in the 4 years even smile.

>> No.10422633

in fact, STD outbreaks are a common issue in the nursing home!

and assuming you're young enough to be posting on 4chin, this generation living til 70 will be a short life. Average Life expectancy isn't what it used to be.

>> No.10422635

confirmation bias? If you worked in a nursing home, the active and healthy probably aren't your clients.

>> No.10422640

See >>10422635
But yeah, it also helps that I was going to relatively nice nursing homes that would go to the effort of reaching out to lawyers to arrange for wills (though the people were obviously still poor as f). May be confirmation bias on my part as well.

>in fact, STD outbreaks are a common issue in the nursing home!
Haha oh man why am I not surprised

>> No.10422697

yeah my grandmother is in an upscale nursing home and I always tell her I'd trade her nursing home for my college. They eat well, socialize, and the rooms are great. If that's how getting old goes, so be it. y'know, except the senility part.

>> No.10422703

which nursing home is the most eff-ayy?

>> No.10423273

Not drinking any delicious soda because of health reasons is ridiculous.

>> No.10423360
File: 322 KB, 1271x1522, 20150925_120534-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 4 until one broke in public

>> No.10423368

arizon green tea

>> No.10423675

Why would you buy this many?

>> No.10423691

Because they are that /fa/
I need more than one

>> No.10423887
File: 25 KB, 440x594, Blk-Energy-Drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10424030
File: 8 KB, 133x300, coke-longneck-lrg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the jesus fuck is wrong with all of you

this is the one and only /fa/ soft drink

>> No.10424201
File: 754 KB, 640x629, IMG_4416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10424206

Mexican Pepsi is better.

>> No.10424552

There is no such thing as empty calories

>> No.10424590


My blessings upon you

>> No.10424659

water isn't a soft drink

>> No.10424677
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 black

>> No.10424840

there's no alcohol, so yes, it's a soft drink