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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 329 KB, 611x594, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 10.46.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10408483 No.10408483 [Reply] [Original]

fuckboy status? Kinda want a pair.

>> No.10408485

streetwear shiacuck

>> No.10408772

My pair will be here in a couple days, I'll tell you if it was worth it

>> No.10408887

Honestly you'll be over them within a month of owning them, they're not very versatile.

>> No.10409903

>not very versatile
you can wear them with anything for anywhere

>> No.10409923

Stolen valor

>> No.10409930
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>> No.10409936

the only good thing about those boots is that they are slim

>> No.10409939

Sicc fit reddit

>> No.10409946


>> No.10409968

if you like them, then buy them. why does it matter what status a shitposting image board holds them to?

>> No.10409970

Thank you, I haven't laughed so hard at something on here before.

>> No.10410015

holy FUCK

>> No.10410099

oh my god

>> No.10410136

where did u find this? i must know

>> No.10410186

Don't buy them if you're expecting operator status with them. They make cool winter boots/streetwear boots though. I like my pair and have gotten complements in them, but I'm a hungry skelton, so if you look like this


fat autistic piece of shit, just stick to Rick Owens core

>> No.10410192

Napoleon Dynamite-core

>> No.10410198
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>> No.10410209

Honestly this would be a completely fine, normal outfit if it wasn't for the shape of this dude's body

>> No.10410301

okay i had a laugh

>> No.10410531
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>> No.10410566

I bought a pair around the end of August.
I get compliments on them everytime I wear them honestly. Pretty neat.


But like he said, I'm a skinny dude, so don't wear them if you're a fat fuck with no sense of style.

>> No.10410649

What were these called again?

>> No.10410692
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Nike SFB

>> No.10410701
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>> No.10410744
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A challenger appears

Really though i haven't worn mine much and would regret buying if they weren't so cheap

>> No.10410762

Are these genuinely good for snow ? Like actual walking in it ?

>> No.10410776


looks infinitely better than the fatty

>> No.10410779

I wouldn't think so because they have ventilation holes near the instep

>> No.10410790

Thanks anon

>> No.10410837
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep your logo from bleeding? I had to dry clean it recently

>> No.10410899
File: 828 KB, 1125x2000, IMG_20150922_133419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is bleeding? never heard of that. when is yours from?

Kinda going overboard with the dry clean imo. If I had to wash one of my box logo hoodies I might dry clean but not on a tee. Is the tag fading from the dry clean?

Mine is stained in a few spots but you can't tell thanks to the natural c/w (mine is 20th anniversary release)

It always surprises me how quickly the box logo graphics crack when I have supreme tees with large graphics that have been through the wash with a dozen times with no cracking. Pic related has only been washed three times. I let that shit get rank before I wash it

>> No.10410909

What kind of pants do these look good with? I'm thinking of picking up a new pair of pants for winter (all I own are a pair of black jeans and black cropped chinos) and can't decide between some grey jeans (similar to Shia's, but lighter), tapered cargos (in a military, forest color) or just regular ol' chinos. Obv. they should be skinny.

Plz help.

>> No.10410949

Just the box logo itself, my guess is from washing and using a bunch. The screen printed part is spilling into the "Supreme"
It's a 20th anniversary box logo. I don't want it to bleed anymore because I can still resell about $150

>> No.10411015

That depends on the color of SFBs you're looking at and what color your shirts and shit are, I just recommend a small leg opening/taper so you don't get your pants blousing over the boots. I hate it when mine do that

I think it's from the dry cleaning. From the wikipedia page on dry cleaning:
>Some textile dyes are "loose" (red being the main culprit), and will shed dye during solvent immersion. These will not be included in a load along with lighter-color textiles to avoid color transfer.

I just wash mine inside out in the washer with a load of old neutral color clothes. Hang dry. I use soap that's free of dyes/perfumes/etc

>> No.10411043

hmm thanks dude, ill keep it in mind. I appreciate it, i learned something today

>> No.10411090

tie the top of the boot tight as fuck and wrap the excess lace around the back then to the front again then fuck it in

post another pic after doing it

just look at shia pic above for reference

>> No.10411535

Are you serious? They're timeless.

>> No.10411561
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>> No.10411567


V-nice. What pants?

>> No.10411578

where can i get a pair of these in the UK?

>> No.10411591 [DELETED] 

thrifted levi 511, but the previous owner must have done something to them because they don't fit like any of my other 511 (they are tighter)

>> No.10411596


thrifted levi 511, but the previous owner must have done something to them because they don't fit like any of my other 511 (they are tighter)

>> No.10411602
File: 183 KB, 500x250, 1442101134617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>see these when they came out
>buy boots for shooting and op3rat0r status
>think "hey, I like Nike shoes, maybe they make good boots!"
>no support
>shit construction
>grip is so-so
>no ankle support
>wears out quickly

Really only good for literally walking in the street.

They aren't even approved for Army dudes either, because they're made in some 3rd world shithole apparently

>> No.10411666

They tend to shrink over time and I feel like 511s were skinnier 5-6 years ago

you could at least stick to the facts. they aren't approved because the midsole is foam, which is also why they are so lightweight. Has absolutely nothing to do with country of origin

>> No.10411685

Shia would be proud

>> No.10411695
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they look p good to me

>> No.10411704

Army /fa/ggot here.

I owned a pair. They were very light and pretty comfortable, but you may want some thick socks or insoles because the heel doesn't have much padding. Also, you have to be pretty gentle with them. They are meant for garrison wear, so they aren't very rugged. If you wear them actively like I did then they will fall apart in 6 months.

As a parting note: military dudes will think you look like a tool wearing combat boots in street wear. Not that our opinions matter, but there it is.

>> No.10411707

see kids wearing these all the time. Look horrible imo, super try hard

>> No.10411712

What color is this?

>> No.10411769

I don't like the fit at all, but I'm mad jel of your hair

>> No.10412791

sage green (airforce green)

>> No.10412809

Air force guy here, please don't. One of the better parts of my day is taking off by ABU boots.

>> No.10412959

The problem was the use of synthetic leather. I don't know where this midsole myth comes from.

>> No.10413045

They worked great for me for my 12 mile ruck but yeah they aren't meant for winter or wet weather, they look kinda retarded outside of milshit

>> No.10413055


>> No.10413060

Those boots are cool. If I saw someone wearing them I'd think they were cool

>> No.10413105

are those 6" or 8"?

>> No.10413144

No, it wouldn't.
The wash on the jeans doesn't go with the shirt, or shoes, and the shoes dont go with the shirt or pants.

Also, he's fucking fat.

>> No.10413202
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>> No.10413208

I think these are a great buy if you can get them under $100.

>> No.10413232

lmao you took a graphic print tee to the dry cleaners? are kids really this retarded these days? your mommy never teach you how to hand wash clothes when you were young?

>> No.10413376

copped the original sfb's for $50. they seem decent at that price.

>> No.10413421

Why do yours looks so bulbous?

>> No.10414766

does anybody know where i can get SFB in europe?

>> No.10414802

don't hate these, but don't love the materials being used. Looks cheap.

>> No.10414894
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Boot name? In class rn and cant reverse search

>> No.10415176
File: 143 KB, 970x1477, shia-labeouf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nike Special Field Boot

>> No.10416729

Keep your head up bro and ignore the haters. Its very easy for people to hate, and those people are probably weak-minded and live lives with no purpose. Because if they did they wouldn't put so much focus on your flaws to uplift their own ego. Be Happy Enjoy Life

>> No.10416744

HAHAHA $150 for a t shirt HAHAHAHHAA. Bro even if your rich thats stupid as fuck.

>> No.10416750

he also dry cleaned a graphic t shirt so yeah

>> No.10416901

proof that even though the fit is good you still need to lift to pull off this aesthetic

>narrow shoulders
>scrawny arms
>hips wider than everything

>> No.10416925

pretty sure hes black, look at those orangutan arms, his ancestors were swinging from trees not too long ago...

>> No.10417497

As an Army infantryman, is like to say to all the people who buy tactical boots and tuck your pant legs in, pretty much every service member is laughing at you.

>> No.10417502

I'd like to say*

>> No.10417515


ok boot

>> No.10417601


>> No.10417693


oh no i'm being laughed at by a demographic subgroup of GED-tier losers who make $25,000 a year in exchange for working like 300 days while their wives fuck half the base without even trying to hide it

god bless america

>> No.10417857

And god bless it's countrymen.

>> No.10418009

holy fuck BURNED ALIVE

>> No.10418257
File: 60 KB, 1276x161, Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 15.34.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any reaction faces but if I did it would be one of shock and admiration

>> No.10418268
File: 2.00 MB, 1080x1776, 1443069729258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my fit?

>> No.10418279

tapered cargos look great with these. drop crotch joggers look good too

>> No.10418283


>> No.10418310

bruh stand up and check where your hands reach mid thigh..
im pretty sure thats normal proportions

>> No.10418450

get tighter pants and tie the boots way tighter

>> No.10418474

looks good but you're tiny as fuck

>> No.10418533

I'm 170lb 6', the mirror is shit tho

>> No.10418547

Huh. Weird.

Maybe its just the photo/mirror

>> No.10418983

As a service member I'm glad that the shitty boots I wear all day are finally cool even if only temporarily.

>> No.10419687
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>> No.10419779

Where to cop them in Europe?
Do I have to import them and pay taxes?

>> No.10419972


>> No.10419988
File: 141 KB, 858x990, God_bugger_the_queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey, somebody has to fight sand people on behalf of the queen.

>> No.10420124

Well I think that military men that wear their uniform or backpacks or anything outside of actually being on the job look like fucking try hard retards expecting people to thank them for their service. Shoes are just shoes, but honestly wearing nearly full uniform when off duty and your a fucking fag

>> No.10420326


like they expect you to drop all your shit and salute them, as if they dont have any other clothes

>> No.10420336

>Drycleaning a t shirt
>Probably spent over $100 on it
>yet still so cheap that the logo's dye comes out
>thinks he can resell


>> No.10420339

>Those narrow shoulders

Almost had it

>> No.10420393

nah, fam

>> No.10420398



not bad but consider bulking a little, twinks can't pull them off very well


>> No.10420425
File: 2.64 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1947_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wearing these combat boots I bought for £15 at a military fair thing for outdoorsy stuff. Cheap as fuck and I don't care about beating them up. Comfy too.

>> No.10420436
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reminder that shia completely stopped wearing them bc of the following

who would of thought antifashion would become such a hit?

>> No.10420452

pants make the fit

>> No.10420466
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>> No.10420469

Look a bit big on you tbh (unless that's lens distortion)

>> No.10420480

>The wash on the jeans doesn't go with the shirt, or shoes, and the shoes dont go with the shirt or pants.

kek, that's just fucking wrong

>> No.10420486


>> No.10420501
File: 8 KB, 251x206, 10014701_642003619188718_4369873088024320720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're in the military they really don't seem to go well with anything and even then some chain of commands don't let their troops wear em.

But hey they might make you slightly more operator so why not.

>> No.10420510

>military dudes will think you look like a tool wearing combat boots in street wear.

Yup, I've seen a few other guys in the Army wear them in civilians and even some at my college. They look tryhard af

>> No.10420518

Only time where tucking jeans into socks looked good.

>> No.10420523


the fucking supreme shirt


>> No.10420526

Which is exactly why the idea of camo apparel and overly hooah/oorah whatever the fuck clothing is retarded.

Like if you have a life outside of the military you have the common sense not to wear that stuff. Not that it's wrong to have pride in your service, but there's a time and a place yo.

>> No.10420544


>> No.10420609


511s used to be way skinnier, and higher end 511s still are (the 511s sold in jcpenney's and shit are lower quality than the ones on the Levi's website)

>> No.10420615


he doesn't wear them in really hot weather, it was probably hot af that day

>> No.10420698

>(the 511s sold in jcpenney's and shit are lower quality than the ones on the Levi's website)

I don't know if bullshit.

>> No.10421064

godbless lmao

>> No.10421172

it's definitely true there was an infographic that i read from like 2009 or 2010 that said this also i bought some 511s from ross around 3 years ago that were definitely sub par

>> No.10421194

I buy mine from Macy's, idk. Seem pretty nice to me.

>> No.10421310


>> No.10421323

how could any reasonable person rock those

have you ever felt the inside of a vagina, you beige fuck

>> No.10421329

youre the only one high enough to be positive

>> No.10421594

I have these for work lol. The instant I get off work I tear off my monkeysuit.

Btw everyone in the military makes fun of the brand new privates that wear that shit off post.

>> No.10421627


>> No.10422316

w2c socks

>> No.10422529



>> No.10422538

any branding on them? would buy

>> No.10422556

>military boots

>not looking like a tryhard, ever

good luck with that one dudes

"i'm so op3r@t0r"
nah, you're not

>> No.10422567

they're not terrible if you're doing work outside

>> No.10422587

holy shit btfo

>> No.10422617
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>> No.10422623
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>> No.10422746

Sounds like some redditor hivemind shit because some retard botched the difference between levis outlet and levis

Levis outlet 511s are cheaper. Levis 511s are the same no matter where you get them

>> No.10422842
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1357098448620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn

>> No.10422930

Not sfbs

>> No.10422938

What color are those?

>> No.10423128
File: 22 KB, 269x94, youreanigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even look at the site m8

>> No.10423138
File: 50 KB, 677x583, 1440950206792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill to get these in Aus

The only place I know where to get them is ebay so I'm checking it every day. Waiting patiently for a size 9 black to show up.......

>> No.10423211

aussie post does mail forwarding for us to aus.
its not that expensive either, go to the post site

>> No.10423266

pretty good, but get the new iphone,the 5s is for grandpas

>> No.10424288
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>> No.10425337
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nike.com won't ship to aus though and nike.com.au doesn't stock the sfb.

maybe another us shop sells them and I can get them forwarded.

>> No.10425342

oh wait my logic is fucked up. nvm i can just order from nike.com