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10403533 No.10403533 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General.

Post everything related to skin care ITT.

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/wojuyazibo
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN


>> No.10404695

Guys help

I started getting this tiny sebaceous cyst on the underside of my penis shift. Gave it a few squeezes and some shit came out a few times but it's pretty swollen. It's no bigger than a pea or even smaller.

Wat do, how do I get rid of this fucker. I'd rather self treat before going to a doctor since it's embarrassing.

>> No.10404753

Let me hear what you guys do directly before bed. I feel like I need a better night routine to make a difference. Thanks guys

>> No.10404762


>> No.10405073

any product to get rid of dark under eyes or atleast make them look better?

>> No.10405117

vit C or niacinamide
I use vit C all over my face. Like all products integrated into your routine, its hard to tell if its ACTUALLY doing anything, but I like to think it is

>> No.10405403

>tfw eczema

>> No.10405529

CeraVe products are very good in my experience, I use the lotion and the shower cleanser

>> No.10405536
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CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
La Roche Posay Toleriane Ultra Moisturizer
Retin-A Micro (Once every two days)

Occasionally, I'll apply a bit of Paula's Choice BHA 2% on my T zone to keep the pores clear of sebum in order to prevent acne.

This routine actually took me a good year to come up with. It takes so damn long to arrive at a set of products that actually less harm than good.

>> No.10405538

Oh, and I apply CeraVe Lotion Bebe over my body because I like to have nice skin. It has niacinamide unlike the normal version of the lotion, which helps brighten and even skin tone.

>> No.10405543

Do you apply the CeraVe Foaming Cleanser in the shower or right before bed using a cloth? I've always used it in the morning during my shower, but I'm not sure what's the best method.

>> No.10405545


>> No.10405552

I have p bad, relatively visible eczema, but am generally percieved as attractive by most of my peers. Just keep the face kinda nice nd yer golden.

I do have naturally nice skin despite being a smoker and a malnourished vegetarian, but a little routine and regular cleaning should be pleanty unless you're old as hell.

>> No.10405560

yeah my only bad hotspots are usually covered up by cloths, it is embarrassing when a girl asks why your ass/thighs is scabby and scared.

>> No.10405573


The skin under your eyes is extremely delicate, nothing that is suitable for your face should be applied under your eyes lest you want to screw them up by the time you're 35. Same goes for face cleansers - no matter how mild it is, just stay away from the eye area at all times, water is sufficient for cleansing.

I use Aesop's parsley seed anti-oxidant eye cream, it's pf good. I might be "biased" though, i started using it around the same time i quit smoking and started imposing a more regular sleep cycle onto myself. Either way good results

>> No.10405574

I'm scabby as hell and kind of scrappy in terms of personality, so it becomes me, I guess.

>> No.10405750
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nice dubs

>> No.10405785

post pics mane

>> No.10405895

I have little white bumps under the corner of my mouth on both sides that seem to be eternal and always full of stuff. Wtf are they and for do get rid of

>> No.10406270

any tips against acne?

>> No.10406282

... did you read OP?

>> No.10406702

So it turns out rosacea isn't a disease but an evolutionary adaptation


Even though I still don't like having it this makes me feel better about it.

>> No.10406882

Same here. On my face and hair ...
My doc wants to give me some isotretinoine medicine but it seems pretty drastic to me.
Any advice ?

>> No.10406951

Wash your face once or twice a day with filtered water only and apply lotion. A huge mistake people make is using acne wash or scrub, subsequently drying out the skin and forming acne

>> No.10406991 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10407010

Chico's skin looks really bad in that pic tbh

>> No.10407016

Salycilic acid (or stuff containing it) is actually good for breakouts. As long as u moisturize after or rub some vitamin e oil in ur skin you will b fine

>> No.10407053
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acne: open and closed comedones + active and healing pustules. nevi/moles. periorbital puffiness. plucked eyebrows (reduced monobrow). the redness visible by the nose is something that should be more prominent in the rest of the face as well, but that's covered by a foundation and/or spot concealer (visible on the nose). minor amount of eyeliner. smile lines. some superficial and visible blood vessels next to the eye (covered by make-up but visible on the sides).

and he's a model.
very few people have 'perfect skin'.

>> No.10407119

It really depends on your skin type and what your trying to accomplish

Im male. I use product in my hair. I have an oily skin type with large pores in my T zone. I never had strong problems with acne in my teens, the occasional pimple here and there. currently in my early 20's trying to shrink my poors and stop the occasional pimple from popping up.

I shower every morning and night before bed (wash the shit outta my hair as well as off my face). I also change my pillow case every 3 days.

Im currently using a cheapo facial moisturizer/sunscreen (Eucerin). 30 spf, from what i hear 30 spf is all you need, anything higher is just over kill.

I use Cerave face wash in my morning and night showers.
In the mornings i use a micro fiber clothe for exfoliation, at night i only use my hands.
I shave daily in the mornings and use a refrigerated wet/cold rag to wipe away the leftover shaving gel/close my pores

/r/SkincareAddiction/ is a good place to start. their beginner section has a questionnaire to see what skin type you have. from their you can determine what products you want to use on your face and why.

BHA vs AHA products.

For the most part it is good habits. Wash your face, re hydrate your face. Use SPF products during hot seasons

>> No.10407137


If you use hair product you want to shower before bed to get the stuff out of your hair and prevent it from getting on your pillow/face. washing hair multiple times a day means really caring about hydrating your hair

>> No.10407193
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What do you guys put on open pimple/scabs that no longer are filled but are just bright red and trying to heal? I've been using neosporin, but I feel like there's probably a better option.

>> No.10407205
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp, ppl say I'm a shitskin

>> No.10407324

I dont have too much experience with repairing broken skin. best bet is to do your best to stop it from being broken in the first place.

if that isnt a possibility i would look into creams prescribed after mole removal. if you ever get a mole removed they give you some crazy super neosporin shit that heals up your face with absolute minimal scarring. i dont know what its called, but if you have a problem with lots of busted pimples on your face and are trying to avoid acne scars i would look into that shit

>> No.10407403
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What is the minimum shittiness your skin can be to get accutane?

My skin sucks but I seldom even have face acne (most of it goes to my back) and it's just shitty oily skin with wrinkles out the wazoo with a nose caked with bullshit ass sebaceous filaments.

>> No.10407407

this is bullshit. sorry, anon

your eyes are definitely more delicate but if you don't use harsh cleansers and exfoliants on your undereye area, you'll be okay. most fancy eye creams are scams

"First, it's important to realize there's no research indicating that eye-area skin needs ingredients different from those you use on the rest of your face. You may be wondering: "But isn't the eye area more sensitive?" And the answer is, yes, it is more sensitive. But it's also true that skin everywhere on the face should be treated to formulas that don't cause irritation or a sensitizing reaction."

paula's choice

"According to most dermatologists, eye cream is an unnecessary luxury. “Your face moisturizer has basically the same formulation and ingredients that you get in any eye cream,” says NYC dermatologist Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas. “It can hydrate the delicate skin around your eyes and help treat fine lines just as well as it takes care of the same issues anywhere else on your face.”"

the cut

>> No.10407422


accutane has so many side effects and health risks, i wouldn't recommend it unless you have severe cystic acne

what have you tried already?

sebaceous filaments: try using a BHA chemical exfoliant. i can suggest some if you give me more info

oiliness: you may be under-moisturizing, it's a common issue lots of people have. alternatively, use a BHA to tone that shit down

wrinkles: do you wear sunscreen regularly, is your skin hydrated enough (you may have creases because your skin isn't as plump as it should be)

>> No.10407439

I have bad filaments too, I would appreciate having a lead on the fix.

>> No.10407459


products with salicylic acid (which is a BHA) will minimize their appearance.

cheapo version is the stridex daily care acne pads (red box). if you're sensitive to it/can shell out more money for something more delicate, try the paula's choice 2% BHAs. i like the skin perfecting one, haven't tried the others. (ps: the paula's choice for men and paula's choice normal stuff are basically the same). the coxrx blackhead power liquid is supposed to be really good but i haven't tried it yet (asian brand)

clay masks. these also help minimize their appearance. i do one once a week. if you have oily skin regular clay masks are really helpful for keeping things under control, maybe stalling/slowing down new pimples. if you do this shit, you have to remember to moisturize afterwards and pamper your skin.

if you have both of the above plus an oil cleanser, this is a really helpful quick fix to substantially minimize their appearance http://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2015/03/28/how-to-shrink-pores-temporarily-plus-3-pore-myths/

>> No.10407496
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>what have you tried already?

Cleansers, moisturizers, exfoliators, masks, gels, creams, prescribed acne medication, different strengths, different ingredients, different brands, etc, etc.

Nothing works. Again, my skin isn't SEVERE (All though it's immediately obvious my skin isn't even half way to being flawless) but nothing else works.

Fuck the side effects, I've read all about them and I'd risk it.

>> No.10407513

especially after a workout
>wash with clean water

>> No.10407516
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>tfw i get accutane if doxycycline doesnt clear up my face in 6 months (5 now)
>tfw spots were/are relatively tame
>tfw there is a guy at work with horrific cystic acne who isn't on anything (that i'm aware of)

>> No.10407528

I can tell you're damaged by 4chan

>> No.10407550

>been on doxy a year
>shit still isn't fucking clearing up
it is happening less though

>> No.10407569

i've been thinking about asking for retin-a instead for the anti-ageing properties
but i wouldn't want to wait another 6 months if it didn't help/made it worse
thinking of asking for a shorter period if i did decide to go for retin-a
either way im glad to be finally getting it sorted before it descended into horrible cystic acne (centre of my cheeks just below the cheekbone i had some cystic areas that keep recurring, also get bad spots on chin area and have previously on nose (like boils pretty much))
(and the worst thing is that if i dont squeeze them and get out the hard bit then it never really goes away there is always the lump left and it can reoccur as long as its there)

anwyay /blog

>> No.10408002

a c c u t a n e

>> No.10408078
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Why is this man pretending to be STHLM

>> No.10408280

!EFFAYoZx0A is an old trip of mine. Just used it a bit during spring.


>> No.10408293
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and this is the mobile trip confirming this.
for background check, search warosu for !!6Gk3cvqPqbL as tripcode.


>> No.10408409

I second this

>> No.10408620

benzoyl peroxide
maybe moisturizer
this should be common knowledge : (

>> No.10408627
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>tfw i have pot inflammatory erythema
>no idea what to do

>> No.10408632


>> No.10408640


fucking loser

>> No.10408965

Who did you hang out on irc with

>> No.10408967

a year? Isn't that awful for your gut flora? I mean so is accutane, but you aren't on that for a year straight

>> No.10409010


>> No.10409505

tl;dr where can i go to get some cunt to give me all the products and exact skin routine specialized for me.

>> No.10409523

If only it were this easy. I'll try to help

At the very least you should get
1. Exfoliator BHA/AHA
2. Face cleanser
3. Face lotion
3.5. Face sunscreen

If you want some product recommendations I can try that too. I'd like to know your skin situation though.

>> No.10409530

Oily, none to little acne

>> No.10409677

mostly some NEET from /g/. seemed very adrift.

for OC on this trip, see:

the redness you see are lingering superficial capillaries from the healing process.
it will generally heal and disappear with time.
protect it from sun until then, and use a spot concealer to keep it from showing.
if it's not gone after like more than half a year (up to a year), then it could be motivated to ask a derm for laser treatment.
it will heat the blood vessels and break them up, and the redness will go away.

>> No.10410436

REMEMBER TO BUMP, /skin/heads!

>> No.10410519

Recommend some good exfoliators that aren't $$$?

>> No.10410719

shitskin reporting in

how do i make my skin lighter / brighter

>> No.10411458

this is overcautious. you can put vitamin c (ascorbic acid) on your undereye area. in vitro studies show vitamin c exposure stimulates collagen production in dermal cells, HOWEVER, all vitamin c serums are innately unstable because ascorbic acid degrades once its wet. you're better off ordering the powder form cheap from amazon and making your own serum (dilute carefully) weekly to keep it fresh. otherwise your serum will just degrade into weakness once opened.

>> No.10411525

have you tried elimination diet. a lot of acne is either caused or seriously worsened by either shitty food, deficiencies, or straight up allergies. i feel like all nerd bastions of clothing like /fa/ are so totally focused on symptoms and a quick fix that they ignore very very basic shit like "do i eat like a dumpster" and "am i washing my face correctly", which has less to do with brands than you think

>> No.10411643

Have milia eyes. What do? Doesn't really bother me that much but it's like they are starting to spread.

>> No.10412059

1. skin brightener. look for it on amazon.
2. sunblock.
3. foundation

in that order.
you're welcome.

>> No.10412070

What should I use for my face? I use cetaphil acne control foam wash, and I don't know if that's enough. I get white heads a lot and they get to the point where I can't leave them alone, I think its because I rub on them when I wash my face. Also I have a bunch of bumps on my forehead and cheeks that are the color of my skin and some of them are like remains of a popped white head how do I deal with those? I'm not really sure what I'm doing.

>> No.10412072

I live a very healthy life style, so I've tried different diets. I eat very little junk food, eat just mostly vegetables, meats, and drink water. My skin is just as bad as it was when I drank nothing but soda and ate a fuck ton of dairy products and junk food.

>> No.10412480


salicylic acid. At least daily. do it.

>> No.10412557

/fa/ I have a weird situation.

I get razor bumps ALL the time, but I use bump patrol twice a day (one for preparation in the morning, one post-shave at night).

My cheeks are covered with red spots where I used to have acne. Even though I exfoliate each day and use a facial cleanser, the red spots stay. My skin on my cheeks is very smooth and moisturized but it is still discolored.

I currently only get between 7:30 and 9:00 hours of sleep a day and I don't drink a TON of water... That might be the obvious solution. I just want to make sure I can't just buy a product that will fix things.

>> No.10412841

Gonna try the OCM

Is castor/sunflower/neem a good mix to use?

>> No.10414243

This might be a strange question, but does anyone know the german word for exfoliator?

Google translate gives me nothing and I don't know what to ask for in the shop.
Is it the same as peeling? Because they know that word in Geemany.

Bonus points for the names of decent skincare
products in germany

>> No.10414259

So i'm taking Accutane since two years.

It worked of course. I don't have zits on my face anymore but now i'm stuck with the side effects (perpetual depression and fatigue, perpetual dry lips, face, and reddish skin) but i can deal with them.

The doc told me it's time to stop the treatment, so i'm taking less and less pills until none. Right now i'm at two pills per week. And i noticed that a lot of zits are coming back but... under my fucking hair. On my scalp. It's hopefully not very visible, but jesus christ does it fucking hurts and scratch.

Any idea ? It's a living hell, my scalp is red as fuck, scratch all the time and i can barely move my head around.

>> No.10414377

>german word for exfoliator
abschälen or abblättern is closest thing I can find

>> No.10414481

yeah, but there are no pruducts named that.
If I want to buy an exfoliator in Germany, what do I say to the salesperson?
I want to buy a ???.

Nobody knows the word exfoliator here.

>> No.10414507

When I use ceraVe moisturizing face wash sometimes my skin is visibly try if I don't immediately moisturize it. I don't exfoliate enough so I imagine I just need to get the skin off in the first place?

Any recommendations for face towels to wash with?
Should I get a harsher cleanser like ceraVe foaming?

>> No.10415189

I used head and shoulders shampoo for a while to combat it. It helps but I've since leaned off of it and do no-poo now. Been 2 years since accutane and I get it if I itch/touch my hair too much. Excessive blow drying when styling my hair makes it irritable too.

Take cooler showers (doesn't have to be cold water, just not hot hot), avoid itching your head, and try some dandruff shampoos to see if anything helps

>> No.10415200

Avoid rubbing your skin. Cleansers are just meant for removing excess oil and dirt. I guess if you want to get more dirt off you can try a toner or something?

I'd personally recommend buying a 2% BHA or something instead of a "harsher" cleanser. That would exfoliate your skin without straight up ripping off a layer of it

>> No.10415307

Hmm, good to know I'll test some shit out

Thanks anon.

>> No.10416049

I think I have some of that, its called clearasil ultra acne pads. I guess I'll try those again.

>> No.10416115

anybody have some tips for bacne/acne on chest and shoulders?

>> No.10416151

you can make them pretty easily. just make a sugar scrub

>> No.10416160

it could be dairy if you're eating that

>> No.10416182

anyone in canada here who went on accutane for cystic acne?

i'm considering it but i'm poor as fuck and want to know how much it costs with/without insurance

>> No.10416193

>My skin is just as bad as it was when I drank nothing but soda and ate a fuck ton of dairy products and junk food.
I don't eat much dairy. Obviously it'll slip into my diet but I don't drink milk and other dairies are uncommon.

Fudge me

>> No.10416313

Is proactive a meme treatment or is it worth using? My brother gets it so I use it sometimes but haven't improved much. I don't have horrible acne just minor blackheads in the typical areas. My skin and hair is also mad oily, gets bad fast, and stays there no matter how often I wash up. Any advice for long term fixes - lifestyle changes, diet, etc - or am I probably better off sticking with products? I already avoid oily foods and try not to touch my face, but I think it's genetic and I'm screwed.

>> No.10416528

i used it for a little over half a year for cystic acne and it was really inconsistent, sometimes it would prevent them and other times it wouldn't do a fucking thing. also doing it every morning and night was a pain and the ass.

it's really only for people with really minor shit who get one or two small breakouts a month.

don't look at it as a permanent solution.

>> No.10416560
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Proactiv is mostly based on low concentrations of benzoyl peroxide (and salicylic acid in the milder version). That's something most acne sufferers get prescribed/buy OTC. It's harsh (drying, irritating) but it works to some extent for certain types of acne. Proactiv is a very expensive product based off what you get ingredients-wise.

Even though it may work to some degree for some people, it's unlikely that it would work for you if you only use it "sometimes". Both BP and SA are both recommended to be used at least once daily, especially at lower concentrations.

High oil production, one of the key reasons for acne, is mostly hormonal. There's generally nothing you can do about that but waiting until hormone levels subside (end of puberty, and a bit onward). Steroid use + pregnancy are also moments where you get that kind of action. Only about 30% of all people who had acne in their teens still have acne in their 30s. Accutane can decrease oil production by literally killing the oil producing cells.

There's other things to do about acne, though, other than decreasing oil production. It's all about killing bacteria, clearing the skin from skin debris, and making the skin less inflamed in general. That's where benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, antibiotics, retinoids, et c come in.

As for lifestyle: You don't have to avoid oily foods. Avoid dairy, though (and to a lesser extent: high GI foods). The oils you eat should preferably contain more linoleic acid than oleic acid. Regular sun exposure (but not excessive) helps skin barrier function and decreases acne somewhat.

I'd say that one of the most best & basic things you can do, hygiene-wise, is to simply wash your face daily with a pH-balanced soap (see the faq) and lower skin pH daily using salicylic acid (for example).

>> No.10416705

Still can't trust you tbh, not after he publicized his pw

What did STHLM tell adrift when he was quitting?
What -core did you start?

>> No.10416738

Solid, thanks man. That actually sounds easier than what I'm doing now.

>> No.10416754
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/ms read last

lol. read your last msg just now. didn't get all of it tho. too long.

Cheers. I'd probably wash + apply salicylic acid twice a day though... Good luck.

>> No.10416899

how much UV protection do i need? my moisturizer has 15 fps and it's the first time i get anything for skin care

>> No.10416900

Nothing you can do. I have them. They are there forever. Enjoy your chicken skin.

I've heard accutane makes it go away temporarily, but Ive yet to hear of a permanent solution.

>> No.10417099
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Anyone have experience with these?

>> No.10417852

Not really a skin question,,but whats the bestbway to get whiter teeth?

>> No.10417862

*best way

>> No.10417874

does accutane remove redness of acne scars?
i don't even have hardly any pimples but my cheeks are really red tbh

>> No.10418096

Anyone know if Muji skincare profucts are okay for a basic routine?

>> No.10418126

yes, they're fantastic.

>> No.10418127

crest 3d professional effects strips work like magic

>> No.10418130

I have a problem with open pores and sebaceous filaments on my nose. It looks like the surface of a fucking orange. Pls help!

>> No.10418133


>> No.10418778

Used Clean and Clear full set up like 4 years ago when I had my worse acne in life.

Didn't help at all, so beware of spending your money on nothing.

>> No.10418877


Oil cleanser (innisfree juicy apple or banila co clean it zero)
Foaming cleanser (hada labo gokujyn - pH balanced so does not disrupt your skin barrier/and minimises waiting time to apply acids+chemical exfoiliants)
Vitamin c (skinceuticals ferulic if I'm not poor or c20 ost if I am)
Acids: bha then aha (cosrx brand - preventing acne/speed up skin cell turnover? etc, still unsure of the order I'm supposed to put them in)
Toner/lotion/essence - toner in this case is Asian style which provides moisture (hada labo gokujyn or cosrx galactomyces)
Serum (Neutrogena retinol serum or missha night repair)
Every few days I use a face mask (my beauty diary/whatever)
Then moisturiser (nothing fancy - cetaphil or whatever works)
Nexcare acne patch on any pimples


>> No.10418883

Chemical exfoiliants - look into cosrx bha/ahas

>> No.10418886

I post this all the time. no one cares

>black head scrapper
>indian healing clay
>10 min on
>wash off
>AHA lotion every night

I mix the healing clay with green tea and charcoal.

good stuff. also I find tanning helps too.

>> No.10418891

Based fiddy

>> No.10418892

yo how is the indian clay any different from any other mask?

not criticizing i genuinely want to know

>> No.10418903

You need to be using the amount the size of a quarter. And anything under 30 is useless. I use biore aqua rich gel or essence spf50. Invest in a good sunscreen, its bascially the best anti ager.

>> No.10419290

I have these dark spots where mosquitos bit me. I've been exfoliating very well, but are there othere ways to get rid of them quicker?

>> No.10419336


Recommend some AHA lotions?

>> No.10419346


I have these too. It's the only problem area on my face.

Any tips?

>> No.10419803
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>> No.10420454

>AHA lotion every night
>tanning helps too.

>> No.10421089

its stronger / the strongest.

Alpha Hydrox

obviously not on tanning days / before.

>> No.10421291
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adrift: see msg in chat.

if you're not able to reach me there,
try sthlm.effay @gmail

>> No.10421527
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How to even facial skin tone

>> No.10422421


>> No.10422646
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After showering my skin is so fckn dry and becomes like pic related

>> No.10422712


>> No.10423204

are you showering like really really hot?

>> No.10423224


>> No.10423235
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How to get good skin for real? Buying loads of products seems like a scam tbh

I've seen people in third world countries with perfect skin, obviously they don't use skincare products.

>> No.10423606

oh thanks ill try applying cute blondes to my face daily.

>> No.10423620

>I've seen people in third world countries with perfect skin
Confirmation bias

Just ask your dermatologist. Many products can be a scam, but ultimately don't blame certain products if they don't work for you.

It boggles my mind why many people don't just bite the bullet, save money on products and just ask a dermatologist. They'll figure out your shit, put you on some meds like minocycline, doxycycline or the holy grail accutane and all you gotta do is just moisturize, shower, and be happy.

>> No.10423748

do it, works wonders. If the one you're taking is anything like the brand I used, though, take the precautions.
DO NOT drink any alcohol while you're taking it, take care of your lips so they won't get insanely chapped, moisturize, use sunscreen and be mindful of the fact it will affect your capillaries and you coagulation , IIRC. I had to stop a tooth extraction halfway through because I almost had a severe hemorragy and the only time i shaved with a razor while i was on it I bled for quite some time.

>> No.10423786

yo, always moisturize when you get out of the shower. When you get all wet and junk the water evaporates and leaves your skin really dry, if you moisturize right after you save a lotta skin

>> No.10423795
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>Acne Vulgaris - A Disease of Western Civilization

It's an interesting read

Mostly seems to be related to diet, judging from:

>Diet and acne: a review of the evidence

in short:

no dairy
less high GI food
less acne

>> No.10423799

have you used them? how was it (if you did)? one of my friends said that her gums hurt after using it.

>> No.10424534

Chemical exfoliants (BHA/AHA) and/or sunblock.

Mind you this could lighten your skin tone but it should even it all out over time.

>> No.10424615

Just go to a fucking doctor, holy fuck some of you people are dense when it comes to this shit.

>> No.10424641

So I recently bought a 25% tca peel from ebay. Did my homework it looked like the best choice. I applied one layer yesterday, left it on for 4 minutes, slight sting but no frost. Today I applied 2 more layers for a total of 4-6minutes. No frost either, whats happening here?

>> No.10426291


>> No.10426330

is benton snail bee high content essence any good or is it just placebo

>> No.10426355

I had one on my vaginal lip once and it went away after a couple of days, I wouldn't worry, the skin there is thin so the turnover is also faster.

>> No.10426371

Didn't work for me but there's so many damn positive reviews. I leave it in the fridge and it feels pretty good after a hot shower, but I guess any cold thing would.seems so calm the redness down but possibly that's because I leave it in fridge

>> No.10426375

If u get it leave it in fridge because I've heard it doesn't have any preservative at all

>> No.10426505
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I cut my hair fairly recently and have had my worst acne in years since. I wore it long and back for about two years and my acne problem went away completely but it has since come back. Even growing a beard has given me some acne around my mouth, which is why I shaved most of it today. The only downside of shaving (aside from the poor mustache) is the razor burn on my neck.

This is taken fresh out of the shower, I currently use a cleanser, exfoliate, astringent and moisturizer and put some product in my hair while wet.

What hair products and skin products would you recommend to make this hair caused acne to go away?

>> No.10426831

My nose blew up and its red and it hurts

wat do pls help I have SA, put it on?

>> No.10426888
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What is good exfoliator?

>> No.10426902

wtf the fuck that pic...

>> No.10427127

I'm using a 10% Benzoyl Peroxide gel for spots, been using it for nearly two months, I don't really get much anymore as I also eat properly, drink water etc.
I have some darker blemishes left and I would like to get rid of them. Should I buy a 2% BHA gel and use it before going to bed? Should I still use Benzoyl Peroxide for occasional pimples?

Also, can you recommend any everyday creams for rather oily skin (I'm eighteen so it's still not perfect).

>> No.10427134

if this started when you cut your hair then youre probably allergic to your hair product/s

>> No.10427206

An autistic girl covered in peanut butter.
Now answer my question.

>> No.10427215
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What I'm talking about; that's my forehead.

>> No.10427635

pls respond

>> No.10427806

I have pretty sensitive skin and the majority of sunscreens irritate it, I currently use Biore watery essence which is fine apart from the first hour or so after initial application, any suggestions?

>> No.10429362
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anyone got experience curing keratosis ? nothing ever worked for me :(

>> No.10429721

Biore has a lot of alcohol content so that may dry out and irritate your skin.
This post isnt helpful at all sorry.just wanna say those japanese biore sunscreens are goat for me lol

>> No.10429723

I found that exfoliation helps reduce it. I use an exfoliating glove but I only get it on my upper arms so I can't tell if harsh scrubbing has also damages my skin oops

>> No.10429926

General questions from someone new at this and doesn't want to buy like 9 products or something:

Are a BHA and exfoliator the same thing, or at least for the same purpose?

Would it be sufficient to have just one cleanser (used daily), one moisturizer (used daily since my face is kind of dry), and an exfoliator or BHA (used a couple times each week, followed by sunscreen if I'll be outside afterwards)?

I don't really get acne, so the main problems I'm trying to address are blackheads on my nose and generally dry skin.

>> No.10430362

Where do you get this? It's on my upper arms but not that bad.

>> No.10430583

Different anon here. I get it on the back and outer sides of upper arms and at the top of my back. Have been trying AmLactin for a few weeks now and seen a slight improvement.

>> No.10430808

I'm only 19 yet I have these thin lines in my forehead even when my face is in a resting position.

There's no way they are wrinkles right?

I used to have pretty bad spots up there but after a Accutane my skin has been totally clear. Are the lines scarring or what? Is there anything to do about this?

>> No.10430853

how 2 delete blackheads

>> No.10430894

yes they're wrinkles lmao what else would they be
lots of teens have wrinkles now, probably since everyone is drinking, smoking, and doing that cringey pose in pictures where they wrinkle the forehead

if you moisturise religiously and stop moving your forehead at all you have a chance of keeping smooth for longer

t. also 19 now with smooth forehead

>> No.10430906


>> No.10430936


>use witch hazel at night
>drink green tea when you can
>avoid coffee when you can
>use Clear shampoo and conditioner ( no scent ) and use bar, no-scent soap for your body
>wash your new clothes at least 2-3 times before wearing them

Most of all just moisturize right after you get out of the shower and avoid scents and dyes and you should be good

btw i had severe eczema for 17+ years ( it was on my scalp, face, arms, legs, and back and it would bleed daily without me even touching it) and it won't go away fast and it'll keep coming back at random times until you keep doing that for about a year

>> No.10431021

anyone have any tips on how to get rid of acne scarring?

i was thinkin microdermabrasion but thatll take several tries and will take forever.

>> No.10431605

I think I'm gonna go see an aesthetician

Also, if I have a colourless big cyst about to come to rise to the surface, should I hot compress it? I really don't want to drain it or otherwise break the skin but it seems like I'm just delaying the inevitable

>> No.10432575


>> No.10432725

used to have it on upper arms
stopped after i started drinking ~4 liters of water a day (maybe) i was doing it because i started working out not because i wanted to get rid of my keratosis

>> No.10432871

When picking an exfoliator, why should i go with a bha instead of an aha? i;m not sure what the difference is other than that it looks like sun screen is more necessary with an aha.

Also i just want to lighten out some sun-damaged skin with a lot of sun spots, is an exfoliator the right thing for this?

>> No.10433070

AHAs work better on the surface of your skin by 'unlinking' the cells that hold the top layer together. BHAs however penetrate deeper into your skin to clear out pores and can greatly help treat sebaceous filaments, blackheads, acne. BHAs are oil soluble, while AHAs are water soluble.

I would imagine AHAs would lighten pigmentation better than BHAs, but take a look into products with niacinamide or retinol since they can be more effective, especially when used in conjunction with AHAs.

>> No.10433161
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so ive tried everything should i just off myself and get it over with?

>> No.10433280

does "everything" include accutane, sun, and not eating dairy or high gi foods??

>> No.10433488

ask your doc about prescription drugs

>> No.10433564

Yes. Bha/aha are chemical exfoiliants which are better than physical exfoiliants because granules can be too large/just too harsh on skin. Look into paula's choice or cosrx bhas and ahas.
One moisturiser and cleanser is fine. I suggest double cleanse with oil cleanser and then a foam cleanser - your mileage may vary with oil cleanser but I've found innisfree juicy apple one works well for me, and hada labo gokujyn foaming cleanser is great because it maintains the pH of your skin (5.5?)and doesn't wreck your skin barrier.

Using chemical exfoiliants makes hour skin more sensitive to sun damage so remmeber to use a lot of sunscreen, daily is optimal - for a non greasy one I recommend the japanese biore range: biore UV aqua essence 50++++. It's a holy grail for many people. A little drying because of the alcohol content though, but should be fine as long as you use moisturiser.

As for a moisturiser cetaphil or anything just basic is fine. If you are worried about irritants or ingredients that may break you out, run the product through the cosdna database (Google it) to check the rating.

If you are still curious refer to r/skincareaddiction and r/asianbeauty (inb4 fuck off back to reddit, these are actually useful as fuck)

>> No.10433600

isotretinoin, microdermabrasion, laser, good diet, good skin care. Don't give up, I had much worse complexion, I had been struggling for 2 years with acne, isotretinoin, diet and self-denial won. Now after microdermabrasion my skin looks better than 98% of society. Keep fightin' acne is son of bitch

>> No.10435282
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/fa/, I have some issues.

I used to have acne. The zits would come and go but the redness would stay. I swear to god my face has the redness of pimples from my freshman year of fucking high school. I currently exfoliate twice a day and use salicylic acid wipes.

The second problem is that I have outrageously thick, girthy facial hair. I don't have a lot of facial hair but what I do have doesn't shave easy. I only really shave my chin and mustache area, but still. Whenever I shave my chin I get razor bumps. No exception. I use bump control (I even use it twice a day, as recommended on the box for severe cases).

Each morning and night I do the following:
1. Use exfoliating scrub
2. Use cleansing and skin strengthening scrub
3. Use salicylic acid wipes
4. Use lotion

What else can I do?! I've been doing this for a year and I can tell my skin is in better shape, it is cool, clean, and is very smooth and healthy. It is still covered in red dots on the cheeks and large, swollen razor bumps on the chin.

>> No.10435290 [DELETED] 


thank god i don't have to deal with shit

>> No.10435292

my life is suffering