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/fa/ - Fashion

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10401735 No.10401735 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ confessions
> I look at pro-ana chicks because I think they look best in most types of attire
> I think grunge/goth/alt girls are /fa/
> I gained 40 lbs in three years eating my feelings
> I use my clothes to define my personality because I don't have a personality

>> No.10401744

i only fuck 18-21 year olds because they're easy and they're still cute and a little insecure

women my age in their late 20's think they're gods gift to the fucking world and are generally annoying as shit with their nonsensical strong political beliefs.......

>> No.10401757

>nonsensical strong political beliefs.

I wonder who that reminds me of

>> No.10401760

fuck you I'm 21 stay in your own age group, these grills never even look at me because of oldfags like you

fuck now I have to fuck a 16 year old shit thanks 4chan fuck.

>> No.10401766

well at least i admit they're nonsensical and not founded or supported with any facts

and that anyone with even the slightest grip on reality will see that my views are mostly fucking drivel

>> No.10401779

I guess we have consensus, then. Glad we cleared that up, Sieg.

>> No.10401780

tell you what, i'll trade you all the divorced/failed first marriage to military guy with 1-2 kid with high standard pussy you can handle

and you trade me that 19 year old cosmetology will fuck anyone 5+ years older than her because her dad didn't love her pussy i can get

>> No.10401786



I'm gonna fuck milfs /fa/!!!

>> No.10401788

>i have antisocial vibe but still feel lonely
>i'm highly judgmental
>i've gone /fa/ because of a girl disapproving my look

>> No.10402063

You're fucking disgusting
> hate women for being cynical
> 5-7 years ago they probably dated some old ass creep who told them anything they wanted to hear for a chance at pussy
> its nonsensical to learn from your mistakes
kek. old men, not even once

>> No.10402095

let me guess

>social anxiety
>crippling fear of embarrassment/rejection
>only things that interest you are fashion, fapping, maybe music, and shitposting
>besides school or work all you do is browse the internet or lay around
>anything that doesn't provide instant gratification seems too hard and/or not worth it

>> No.10402109

are you psychic?

>> No.10402111

tbh this fame. sick of you oldfags taking my girls and shit

I'm dating a 17 year old (i'm 22)

>> No.10402241

I fucking hate myself

>I am a complete loser, no friends, very low paying job (short order cook)
>30 with no job skills or prospects
>being trained at my job by someone 10 years younger than me
>rely on rich wife to survive
>hate myself
>hate everything about my personality and inability to function as an adult
>dress nice to hide all these things
>the more depressed/insecure about these things, the more i obsess over my fashion
>mfw people see me as young, intelligent and successful when I am none of these things.

t-thanks /fa/

>> No.10402266


>> No.10402351

>18 yr old grill
>neat, too insecure to look for a job
>social anxiety
>obsessed with my ex bf and I only got one friend
>studying languages by myself and jogging are my only hobbies
>obsessed with my weight but I never admit it
>5'4 and 59 kg (fat af)
>I get compliments on my figure and face aesthetics but I still think I'm a hideous cow
>not living in Europe

>> No.10402375
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people still reply to the copypasta in confession threads??

>> No.10402384

>i literally first wrote it a week or so ago

>> No.10402386

Are you me by any chance?

>> No.10403460

> tfw people hate on you because you look successful and act aloof
> you have social anxiety so you're too afraid to talk to you and most people are defensive and reject you when you actually talk to them because they think you're a Stacy
> normies and autists alike have had more relationships than me, as I am a 23 KV with 0 friends
You fucking autists don't know me ;_;

>> No.10403483

i hate this post

>> No.10403683


>> No.10403708

>too afraid to talk to you
there's nothing wrong with talking to yourself anon cop some confidence gee

>> No.10404155

>tfw 18 and almost summoning a Succubus to lose virginity
Fucking anxiety man

>> No.10404280

y-you know what I mean baka

>> No.10404361

I can't hold a job due to my schizophrenia and I use all the money I can save to travel so people think I'm interesting.

>> No.10404368

>18, tall, handsome
>I don't dress completely "fa", but I wear whatever I want and never feel insecure about it
>think I dress better than most people
>introverted but not ashamed of it, I love myself and it shows
>have a great taste in music, and everything
>I enjoy being sad just as I enjoy being happy, I embrace all my feelings

What's your excuse for being weak, wake up and rise up

>> No.10404501
File: 40 KB, 634x457, article-1392514-0C56995600000578-887_634x457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW anon is 22

>I wear jordans, am UK, white and not even 6'
>Im a size 7UK/8US but can fit in fem shoes size 6 and 7 (uk)
>I have awful teeth, fairly clean and straight but my gums bleed and I have to have my shit cleaned by the dentist that Im too embarrassed to go to cos they are all students.
>havent got laid in, shit, 3 years (fuck! I wish I hant worked that out)
>I think Im flossing in all my 2nd hand armani/versace/ralph/gucci
>I am determined to work for myself while having no motivation until I havent paid rent/bills for a few months.
>I think Im getting social anxiety and I used to be the posterchild for outgoing young men. Im a happy relaxed dude most of the time tho, lets not get carried away. Im hoping a housemate will kerb this.
>I regret cutting my hair off, among many other things.

>> No.10404549
File: 72 KB, 504x470, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 2 years ago
>be manlet, badly dressed, ugly, skinnyfat, insecure, and depressed
>decide to improve myself
>read the /fit/ sticky and make /fa/ my home board
>start working out and buying clothes that fit me (mostly pale wave and "cuckcore")
>be me in the present
>I'm still an ugly, virgin, manlet, depressed and insecure
>At least I'm now otter mode and can dress in something other than vidya t shirts and cargos

I've only now realized that I buy clothes to mask my insecurity since clothes have never made me feel inadequate.

>> No.10404738

hey me

>> No.10404759

>I used to wear jean shorts
>I smoke for fashion
>I consider $100+ for one clothing item to be expensive, which is apparently bad because "hurr durr poor people cant be fashionable"
>I don't have the guts or will to go ana, even though I really wanna go skelly
>I think slp looks good
>I'm only 5'10 and I hate life

>> No.10404761

Welcome to being female

>> No.10404768

21 and dating an 18 year old. W/e though, sex is nice.

>> No.10404775

>be me
>people tell me I am handsome
>feel ugly
>5'8 130lbs
>I keep being told I need to eat more
>I just want to not feel so fat
>every time I look at my stupid fat tits I want to jump off of a building
>don't have money
>still spend more money than I have on clothes
>want to feel good so I dress in nice things
>still feel like I look like shit
>other than body image I am happy

>> No.10404790


>been sober 237 days
>no intentions of using
>am told that I could become anything
>have a high IQ
>still feel and act like a moron
>I am funny
>I feel like people are laughing at me rather than laughing at what I say
>angry at nearly everyone
>I don't think people understand my thought process, nor do I expect them to

tl;dr insecure fat tits who has been told I am handsome and smart but don''t feel either of the two

>> No.10405723

That's pretty cool that you can except your feelings of sadness, it's almost a virtue.

>> No.10405744

holy shit dude I'm a 5'11 guy and weigh the same

pick up smoking tbh lol fatty shitter

>> No.10405753

> high functioning 28 year old in professional career and fiance
> enjoy scrolling through /fa/ among other boards for 10 minutes every other night

do i belong here?

>> No.10405755

Not every female is quite that pitiful.

>> No.10405802


>> No.10405830

girls just like older guys thats why theyre easier

>> No.10405840

It's not that poor people can't be fashionable, but it's really cost relative to the item. If its a jacket / coat / shoes / good jeans then $100 is not a lot but if its for tees / shorts / sweats it's less worth it.

>> No.10406022

I cant take men serious that are whining cause theyre 18 and still virgin
like, isnt that normal

>> No.10406026


youre the male version of tumblr girls

>> No.10406036
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>>I enjoy being sad

No you don't.

>> No.10406045
File: 29 KB, 399x388, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 24
>be manlet (5'8)
>have zero friends
>personality that drives most people away
>the few that still want to be friends I for some reason constantly reject
>get into clothes because I imagined it would lead to a great change for me
>spend a lot of money on updating my wardrobe from scratch
>still a manlet with no friends, no personality and a lot less money than I had before

Thanks /fa/.

>> No.10406049

You're only 18 man. Loosing your virginity isn't really a biggie, especially at your age.

>> No.10406059

>I used to be 6 foot 3, 135 lbs
>wear all maymay clothing, full slp, common projects, acne, raf simons meme sweater
>Got super depressed and tried to kill myself

>Sold all of my clothes, gained a little weight (Still BMI of 18)
>Found a gf
>Now my most expensive clothing pieces are from like APC and Thom Browne, usually I just wear Cos, Polo, All Saints and J Crew.

I've turned into a total pleb and I only come here for the bants

>> No.10406066


>> No.10406088

Seriously, saying this like 'I enjoy being sad' is so incredibly stupid it's hard to put into words.

>> No.10406122

i wear Next underwear and Primark socks.

>> No.10406127

Virginity alone doesn't bother me tbh, the thing is i'm Also kissless

>> No.10406135

i can't imagine life like this

kissing is the best.

>> No.10406137

Nah, you always were pleb.

>> No.10406139


>> No.10406143

At least it's better than only having been kissed by a fatty that felt sorry for you. At age 23.

>> No.10406149

It's because you're tall and receive positive social reinforcement no matter what you do. Is only socially acceptable for women and tall men to be introverted

>> No.10406160

Not sure about that

>> No.10406168

could be worse.
>be chick magnet thru middle school and most of high school
>parents get new jobs and homeschool me 11th and 12th

have not kissed a girl since and now im doing fucking online college

closes i got was when I met from this girl on okcupid. noped the fuck out when she drunk texted me that she has to go get checked for hiv in the morning and wanted me to come along. because apparently im the only guy who didnt try to fuck her on the first date

>> No.10406181

Could be worse.

I finally got laid last year. Some Australian girl I met while on vacation. Now I have herpes, and my chances of ever mounting another woman are basically gone.


>> No.10406187

No wonder I spend all my days browsing 4chan, trying to buy nice clothes that'll hopefully attract women...

I really deserve to die.

>> No.10406206
File: 107 KB, 273x302, AxpVMa3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's thousand of people feeling what we feel right now anon

>> No.10406220

when you're friendzoned so hard you drive the bitch you hardly know to the free clinic so she can see if she got an STD from all the other dudes she fucked and met up with on the same platform you met her on

>> No.10406226

honestly that's not bad
we all seek companionship to satisfy our inner most desire
atleast you're not a rapist or worse,defending feminism on the internet

>> No.10406227

you're not going to believe me but most girls don' give a fuck about herpes

as long as its simplex 1 (the cold sore one) for some reason simplex 2 (warts on crotch) is the one that is stigmatized despite it being the same fucking virus

>> No.10406265

I learned my lesson :(

>> No.10406277

>tfw dry spell for 5 years
>tfw just turnedd 22

>> No.10406283

Seeking companionship and buying expensive (well...) clothes to impress women are two different things, at least in my mind.

>as long as its simplex 1

It isn't. Hence the FML.

Even though 1/3 of the population has herpes in some form, it's still such a social stigma. The only way to rise above it is if you're either extremely handsome or rich.

I'm neither (obvi).

It's like I'm forced to either never have sex again, or be a complete douchebag and not tell women I have herpes.

Here's hoping they find a cure while I'm under 40...

>> No.10406566
File: 16 KB, 460x276, Condom-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10406596

A condom doesn't necessarily protect you from herpes, numbnuts.

Also, what are the most /fa/ condoms? Ribbed? Feather thin?

>> No.10406603


>> No.10406630

Since when are big dicks /fa/?

>> No.10406635

paradigm shift for small cocks NOW

>> No.10406653

>tfw can't even have an /fa/ cawk

>> No.10406660


>>10402241 here. suicide pact?

>> No.10406665

the type where you just crumple a receipt in your pocket and mime an invisible one while she isn't looking

>> No.10406679

>doing study i like and that will get me a job in uni
>sorta lonely but only because i choose to
>dress well
>hair kinda sucks but w/e
>face is fine
>enjoy my job

it's okay, life goes by i guess

>> No.10406687

Is spreading herpes to unsuspecting women /fa/?

Maybe I still have a shot at being /fa/!

>> No.10406695

they probably did something in the past that justifies it so probably

feminists want women in charge right? have them be solely responsible to for birth control AND STI/STDs

>> No.10406760

Yes please stay

>> No.10406927

> 26
> Software engineering, pretty cozy job but I worry that I'll never get really good at it. Other people seem to be so much smarter than I'm
> Have GFs (I'm a guy) that I take with me to go shopping and look /fa/. Could never pull it off on my own
> Used to have a near anorexia BMI for years, lost 5-6 kgs in the past few months due to stress and poor eating habits, it's given me a more defined chin though, definitely got that going for me.
> Used to have a very sweet GF that loved me more than anything in the world. I was a total prick to her at times and even cheated on her because I was a really insecure and arrogant bastard.
> Do improv comedy and some public speaking, won a contest in it last week, still feel like I'm all faking it and that people only give me compliments because they know I sometimes have suicidal thoughts
> Finally met the perfect girl, she is probably leaving the country in 4 months :(
> Jerk of to trap/ladyboy porno or fat chicks once in a while. enjoy it
> Got my drivers license years ago, never really did a lot of driving after that. Lots of stress when I step into a car.

Can't say that I have a bad life, just worry all the time that I'll fuck it up and I get really depressed when I spent an evening alone.

I worry a lot about people looking through my disguise.

>> No.10406942

>merchant mariner
>use clothes to distinguish myself from other blue collar workers
>ACNE, A.P.C, Comme de Garcons

>> No.10407246

>cute girl talks to me
>get a boner

Every time

>> No.10407271

>social anxiety
>repulsed by pretty much everyone, edgy i know but i physically cannot stand being near people who i dont already know
>judgemental as fuck to everyone, everyone thinks im a massive dick
>extremely scared of being humiliated
>pretentious hipster artist
>thought i was too cool for sneakers and only wore boots, dress shoes and loafers for years until yesterday when i bought some gray suede pumas
>opinionated as fuck and can't have a good time

>> No.10407286

hello me hows it goin

>> No.10407292

to add to this
>aromantic and asexual
>not had a haircut since last year and im too nervous to try it out in a different style for fear of being humiliated

>> No.10407316
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>I like grunge/goth/alt chicks too.
>I like tumblrcore chicks
>I wear a lot of stuff you guys on /fa/ wouldn't approve.
>I gained some weight too but I started to jog and change my eating habits and I feel so fucking great about myself.

>> No.10407339

>Was supposed to introduce this girl I know's freshman friend to the school.
>Avoid her.!
>She comes up to me and I have an anxiety attack like I always do, barely able to speak.
>"OK... "and walks away
Needed to tell someone, I feel like I'll die alone guys.

>> No.10407368

You can embrace the melancholy and feelings of emptiness to find a certain type of beauty that exists within the certain moment, the key is too accept all your feelings and embrace them for what they are instead of constantly fighting and resisting, just like embracing all the seasons for their own uniqueness and type of beauty

>> No.10407384

>unrealistically high standards for women
>means I never bother hitting on girls at clubs
>when I occasionally do, it never goes anywhere because they are acutely aware they are 9/10

How to lower standards please? Doesn't help my country is full of ugly girls

>> No.10407397

>cant accept receding hairline so I just wear caps all the time.

>> No.10407399
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Oh my god. I feel you man.

>> No.10407402

i hide my lack of confidence with feigned confidence

>> No.10407425
File: 417 KB, 1300x795, 8834349-Illustration-of-mother-dog-nursing-cute-puppies-Stock-Vector-dog-cartoon-puppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dress relatively well
>fit body
>I wrote 2 published novels (small press tbh)
>cultured, both in humanities and in science related subjects
>devoted christian
>pretty much confident

>I live in a godforsaken place and I can't get out 'cause I have to look after my family

>no gf

>> No.10407460
File: 114 KB, 500x333, 1437847938727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm insanely attracted to genuinely weird nerdy girls that are somewhat boyish and have short hair, preferably intj, if you're out there hmu

>> No.10407464


Shit me too

>> No.10407489

how do we fix this feel lads

>> No.10407500

fuck guys
you have all the rights to want a insanely hot girl
don't feel like you don't deserve a hot chick
just go for it 'till you make it

>> No.10407509
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>Regularly post and give advice in Black Hair General threads, citing my own experience and writing extensive replies even though I am white with straight hair.

>> No.10407518

i had this feel for a long time, and just assumed i would never find a girl up to my standards
then i realized i was actually ignoring a lot of girls who were obviously interested in me, most of them were pretty hot too
even got one of them to come to my house, she was staring at my dick and smelling my pillow and stuff
long story short we smoked some weed and she awkwardly sat on my bed while i finished a painting i was working on then i told her to leave
found out i was asexual after that and just been chilling with that label for a while
it's been a lot more relaxing not caring about getting into girls pants- i can actually have a conversation with them without sounding like a desperate bastard

>> No.10407525

>smelling your pillows

>> No.10407534


>> No.10407536

it was weird man. sort of glad i didnt hit that

>> No.10407540

have her wash your brushes and prime your canvases next time

then start getting her to buy you shit when you "hang out" next time

>> No.10407546

not a bad shout. might text her later in the week

>> No.10407590
File: 949 KB, 500x700, 1381217881651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'4", 120 lbs, 19 years old
>pretty much only wear Uniqlo and Gap because most stores don't make clothes small enough for me
>I get called cute and handsome frequently
>gay, but never had a real bf and still virgin because I have never met a tolerable single gay guy
>when women compliment or hit on me it doesn't really mean anything to me anymore
>always tired and fatigued, thus causing me to always be slightly awkward and out of focus
>lie to myself that I am a confident person
>lie to myself about my accomplishments
>attention whore my body on other boards because it's the only way I can get sexual gratification
>have small group of loyal friends but I still feel like a loner
>I have plenty of money now, but I'm extremely cheap and have a hard time buying things due to growing up in a poor household

>> No.10407614

>always tired and fatigued, thus causing me to always be slightly awkward and out of focus
You sleeping enough? Sounds like you're not.

Seriously, I feel my best and am always most productive when I'm on a good sleep schedule. It won't solve your other problems but it will make you feel better which is a step in the right direction.

>> No.10407616

You're me, except gay and two inches shorter.

Those inches don't matter anything when you're gay though, so lucky you.


>> No.10407632

so this is gonna be the new pasta then?

>> No.10407651
File: 851 KB, 500x700, 1380614170354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right that I'm not sleeping enough, though I don't have a choice right now. I spend most of my time studying at night for the classes I have to retake in order to get into my major with a high GPA. I really wish I could sleep better though

>Those inches don't matter anything when you're gay though, so lucky you
I guess that's true. I still have no qt masculine tall bf though

>> No.10407662
File: 34 KB, 664x669, =^).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you are exactly me. Fuck. 5'6", Straight. To quote what an anon said to me a few years ago, "At least you're self-aware"

>> No.10407674

Sucks being that short and skinny.

The only good quality sweaters I can find that fits well are from Drumohr...

>> No.10407772


Was better the first time it was posted. Loses its effect the more you try to force it.

>> No.10407782


>I enjoy being sad

No you don't. You find reasons to think you're "upset", and pat yourself on the back once you realize you can get over it. That isn't suffering. That's masturbation.

>> No.10407892

I lurk here in the hope of picking up fashion tips which will help me gain social acceptance, despite knowing that my problem is psychological and will not be cured by an effay fit

Nobody ever answers my questions in the fuccboi generals

>> No.10407998


>> No.10408238

are you that freak who posts on /fit/?

>> No.10408344

fuck em hard johhny boi

>> No.10408491

mehhhhh its ight

>> No.10409350

>I have had actual teal hair in the past
>I dress androgynously enough that I'm basically a reverse trap
>I hope it's not because I feel too ugly to see myself as truly feminine
>I still have no idea how to talk to people no matter how much we have in common

I don't get it anons everybody just sort of stands in little clumps
and they look like they already know what to say to each other
why is everything so strange and uncomfortable

>> No.10410276

why are all white girls so easy and anorexic? lmao so many daddy's abusing them

>> No.10410280

this is all of /fa/

>> No.10410287

>can't make friends with males
>they find me threatening due to good looks
>only friends with women
>women try to hit on me
>lose friendship
>always in this fking cycle

>> No.10410292

Androgynous grills are hottest grills

>> No.10410380

No, I've never posted on /fit/ before

>> No.10410937

>6ft 140 lb but still feel fat when i eat
>dont eat so get hungry then binge
>feel fat
>have long hair and no beard so get called a girl which pisses me off
>loving girl who i adore
>good job
>shop in primark and get compliments on my fits pretty much on the regular which is decent
>popular in the sense people change their plans to suit me and always ask my opinion on things
>doesnt mask the fact i feel fat all the time

>> No.10410978

You're probably just an asshole. Most men don't get hostile about their buddies being better looking than them.

>> No.10411391

why do you think your personality drives people away? how would you describe your personality?

>> No.10411483

>cheating because you're insecure

explain this thought process too me ive never fully grasped it

>> No.10411506

wtf fam lmao oh my god

>> No.10411526
File: 48 KB, 640x433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro thinks he's psychology but aint even 101 tbh

>> No.10411552

When you're tall and attractive, it does happen. I was friends with this guy before who's just a bit shorter and uglier than me, and he started getting weird and passive aggressive towards me when his female friends started hitting on me, nobody has time for that jello shit

>> No.10411553

fat, and suicidal

>> No.10411576

my boyfriend is a nordic master race runway skelly and the way regular human men behave around him is honestly shocking. i think they are first surprised and then incredbly angry when they realize that a dude they would shove in the hall and call a Faggot in HS is now a yaoi prince and getting unrelenting female attention. the world lied to them about what is attractive to women i guess lmfao. anyway it absolutely does happen.

>> No.10411606

so fucking beta

>> No.10411612

>too poor to afford literally any of these clothes
>do my best to cobble together something acceptable from korean streetfashion brands on amazon

>> No.10411620

this. dating jailbait is like the creepy manlet arrival fanfare

>> No.10412980
File: 68 KB, 504x315, 1439496548940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat ppl lma smh so pthetic
fat ppl not even 1ce
fatty smdh

>> No.10413007

it doesnt work

>> No.10413015

>I dress relatively well
>fit body
>I wrote 2 published novels (small press tbh)
noone cares
>cultured, both in humanities and in science related subjects
dips beora
>devoted christian
>pretty much confident
>I live in a godforsaken place and I can't get out 'cause I have to look after my family
>no gf

>> No.10413027

mbti is astrology and is 4 girls only

>> No.10413033

"asexual" lol u mean beta lmao nerd biitch

>> No.10413038

I only come here to mull post and talk abt being in love with lamy

>> No.10413040

Which one of the Gossip Girls are you?

>> No.10413042

astrology is real you heathen

>> No.10413064

25 here, have been with more 18~21 girls lately as well.
Would prefer older ones, talking to girls of this age is a bore sometimes, it's like they are from a completely different planet or something.
Can't do shit if they are the ones attracted to me though :(
>tfw I wish I could get the 27ish qts as easy as that

>> No.10413072

I'm rather good looking, fit and I know a lot of girls who are into me, but I never get serious with them. I just lead them on until it's obvious what they intend and then I drop them immediately. I just thrive on the kind of validation that gives me. I don't care about sex at all. I try to perfect myself solely to be that remote person of someone's fantasy. I know it makes no sense, but it seems to be my only motivation in life.

>> No.10413107

being the one who got away, repeatedly. p dope.

>depressed when I have time to myself
>have had girls be so obviously into me, but college commuter in a strict house, so I don't even try to meet people who I know parents would hate
>could probably fuck 3 girls off the top of my head, but I'm so awkward and don't care enough to try not to be to get in their pants
>also get bored of people really quickly

whatever. gonna jack off and go to bed.

>> No.10413113

how can you be awkward but still have 3 girls available>

better build you up than tear them down

>> No.10413119

>had to buy size 5 kid's shoes because my feet are so small
>4'11" 135 (I'm working on it, have lost 12 pounds from 147)
>still love grunge/goth fashion
>go to trash and vaudeville whenever I go to NYC

>> No.10413132


>> No.10413139

yea well, you'll learn to disregard your parents' opinion soon enough

maybe wait til you move out I guess lol

>> No.10413146

wait so as in you dress goth/grunge or you just secretly like it?

>> No.10413167
File: 100 KB, 429x297, 1428025635417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for the bus a few weeks ago, 6'2 120 pounds
>man comes up to me and tells me that he's scouting for a local modeling agency
>"You may be just who we're looking for, stop by some time"
>he writes an address down on a piece of paper and hands it to me
>look up the address as soon as I get home
>the address is for an eating disorder support group

>> No.10413178

that's fucked up not gonna lie

like wtf?

>> No.10413183

thanks mr skeletal

>> No.10413188


>> No.10413237

shut the fuck up livejournal. if you're enjoying it, you are by definition not actually depressed.

>> No.10413243

>can't make friends with males
you are autistic / neurotypical manipulative narcissistic sociopath + fearful
>they find me threatening due to good looks
>only friends with women
neurotypical manipulative narcissistic sociopaths only out for pusy
>women try to hit on me
because you are manipulating everyone when u think about it.
>lose friendship
your problem
>always in this fking cycle
your problem

>> No.10413249

realize you're all a bunch of average-looking scrubs with repulsive personalities and lower your standards?

or you actually do the work it would take to bring you up to the level of the women you want. they know you're not worth their time rn so they won't bother. women at that level can choose basically anyone they want, regardless of their own personal preferences for big, thin, nonwhite, money, confident, artist, w/e. if you dont have that kind of value yet, work on it.

>> No.10413258

white culture worships death tbh. thats why theyre constantly stealing from everyone else in a desperate attempt to feel something else

>> No.10413270

i dont think you know what this word means champ

>> No.10413273

because majority of people (esp art/fashion/normies) are just obsessed with themselves and symbolising wealth (cultural+money+social+physical). They honestly don't really care about anything but themselves.
You need to stop hanging around people like : >>10410287

>> No.10413277

worships death?

>> No.10413282

I think you deserve a smacked face for using words like champ in such a condescending way.
I mean neurotypical as in having few autistic traits. Typical western people are selfish and manipulative.
If you think I misunderstand please explain why.

>> No.10413299

I think his larger point was that this guy

was making his "problems" out to be more than simply "a normal deviation" from what many people go through/deal with

>> No.10413304

Also ironically while real autistic people can be mocked for being legit internet memers, very neurotypical (non autist) people are straight up 99% social + cultural memers (corny unorignal insincere sheep)

>> No.10413312

yep you got it, sadly some people are that narcissistic to the point of believing their psycho narcissism makes them a snowflake.

>> No.10413320

I don't think you understand / as in either or "champ"

>> No.10413326

>>mfw people see me as young, intelligent and successful when I am none of these things.
no offense, but you don't know how other people see you, despite what you hear.

>> No.10413332

well its possible to be successful in a given area and not give a damn about your success and no one knows you don't give a damn because you're good at it and it makes you money but in reality that's the only reason but they don't need to know that now do they

>> No.10413333

starve yourself. people will tell you it's not a good idea but it's the only thing that'll make you feel better. Noone sympathises with fat people nor with people upset about how fat they think they are.

>> No.10413344

you don't know how you are perceived.
people don't click in conversation if you can't meme the right way for them. sounds like you might be a bit autistic (nothing wrong with that), or just an annoying person or a coward (nothing wrong with that unless it's imprtant to you to change).

>> No.10413350

nah no.

instead of starving trying upping the proteins from things like fish and poultry, eliminate fried foods and soda, take it a step at a time. stay hydrated, do a bit of resistance training, find drinks like tea and coffee you like, replace things like dressing with oil, get wheat bread instead of white, and so on.

you don't need to starve yourself you need to gradually replace the foods in your diet to substantial, filling, satisfying alternatives that aren't ice cream and oreos. I like grapefruit juice.

found pancakes recently with more fiber, protein which destroy the traditional buttermilk type. add seeds and nuts to things you eat, entertain yourself while exercising like walking in nature of blasting music while you're doing a few situps. etc etc etc

>> No.10413361


what's a KV


GODDAMNIT WTF AM I READING............no but really what are those

>> No.10413364

>>18, tall, handsome
post fit
>>I don't dress completely "fa", but I wear whatever I want and never feel insecure about it
protesting too much...
>>think I dress better than most people
you don't know that, also subjective
>>introverted but not ashamed of it, I love myself and it shows
protest too much. u sound unconvinced
>>have a great taste in music, and everything
subjective, also sounds very insecure and unconvinced again
>>I enjoy being sad just as I enjoy being happy, I embrace all my feelings
same again
>What's your excuse for being weak, wake up and rise up
Prove that you are stong.
Prove you have "woken up" and "risen up".
woken and risen from what?
You sound like you've adopted an aloofness and pseudo superiority complex to mask ur deep insecurity. Maybe you are afraid you are weak, asleep and low??

>> No.10413372

nothing wrong with your bodily dimensions.
just do a water fast, your teeth and gums will heal emselves.
don't kid yourself about being happy and relaxed, you sound stressed out, reasonably so.
hair grows back.
sex and reproduction isn't everything.

>> No.10413381

inadequacy is a social thing. clothes are also a social thing. knowing that, i suppose you could either say that clothes can make you feel inadequate or they can't depending on your point of view. How old are you?

>> No.10413392

>I used to wear jean shorts
doesn't matter now that's the past.
>I smoke for fashion
hm, up to you, but it's not that cool if you aren't sure that you are really cool. either way it might impress some people.
>I consider $100+ for one clothing item to be expensive, which is apparently bad because "hurr durr poor people cant be fashionable"
well, i dunno do you think that's true?
>I don't have the guts or will to go ana, even though I really wanna go skelly
just do a water fast or a starvation diet if you wanna be a skelly, then see how you feel about yourself when u are a bones.
>I think slp looks good
it does on models, not on one direction tho.. think about that eh..
>I'm only 5'10 and I hate life
ur heights not that bad imagine those shorter than you! lots of things to hate about what goes on, but is that hating life? do you mean society?
also fuck street sign captchas

>> No.10413400

starve/fast untill skeleton, is it not obvious?
fat on the nipple area is a real bummer i can understand that.

>> No.10413415

that's difficult. Maybe when people say you could be anything, you don't see any value in any of te things they might mean. Maybe you need to search for what you want to do instead of what you could do or what sounds "sensible". It sounds like you are a bit lost, and maybe the anger and fearfulness comes from feeling like you depend on other people too much for your future/wellbeing.

>> No.10413428

who's to say who belongs here?
why would clothes change anything? they might help if you looked very unusual before. what's a personality mean to you? are you saying your lack of personality drives people away? sounds like the "don't want to be a member of any club who'll accept me" thing..

>> No.10413452

sounds reasonable.
well, it's not stupid to the person saying it.. because it might be a defence mechanism for them, so they wouldn't really say it without some strong reason.
get a prostie? kissing can be disgusting or good depending on the other/s and if your feeling allright.
homeschools cool, don't let other people trick you. You just haven't been memewashed like the rest of us.
companionship is good, but do you think its really gonna satisfy you highest more profound desires? do you think satisfying desires is the most important thing?

>> No.10413457
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>walk around campus thinking im the dopest mother fucker ever
>just a shitty ball of hatred, if someone looks at me the first thought is just "dont look at me you fuck"
>think how shitty everyone else fits are
>go home and hate myself and realize that all those people are probably happier than I am despite me thinking that they're "beneath" me
>think about how shitty I probably looked all day

why is every thought I have something negative. why is being a shitty person way more entertaining than being normal and nice

>> No.10413477

sounds fine. Lonely because I choose to sounds a bit off. Loneliness feels bad doesn't it? Or do you mean loner because you choose to be?

I'm 26 too. i also cheated on a really good person because i of similar reasons. Driving is not for everyone. Maybe it's a symtom of late 20s that you worry your about to spiral into shit because of "late adulthood" or something. What are you disguising?? suicidalness?
how old are you? maybe have a wank or two before you go out?

>> No.10413481

i had no idea so many people on here have disordered eating habits. christ
(including me, i fast and binge and basically just sporadically change weights 24/7, kill me)

>> No.10413496

okay disregard me i just found a thinspo thread. apparently i have missed a shit ton since my last time on this board.

>> No.10413509

maybe you are facing an internal conflict between valuing other peoples opinions and not caring about them. Seems like you are pretty obsessed with value judgements / opinions.
maybe try dating someone you don't really like, or you think is uglier than you might make you feel more confident.
you are being a bit of a wanker.
go for uglier women you'll get more puzy. or stop focusing on sex.
well yeah, that sucks. at least you aren't super crippled or have downs or no legs or something.

>> No.10413521

m8 astrology is a heathen/pagan thing.

>> No.10413531

girls 4-5 yrs older than you are great. sounds like you should try it.

>> No.10413538

what do u study ?

>> No.10413546

didn't happen but it'd be good on Seinfeld i guess, if there was a skinny character.

>> No.10413571

Oh. maybe your boring money making life is not right thing for you? if you are suicidal. i got fired for being drunk at my shitty corporate job so i think i get that.

>> No.10413577

kissless virgin
stacy is like a female chad i think

>> No.10413594

you aren't being entertained you're suffering...

it's imprtant to be thin to many people tbh

>> No.10413605

How? I've just signed myself off to waiting to get a full-time job after I get my degree

>> No.10413616

>depressing work environment but great benefits
>surrounded by alcoholics but cant drink
>5'9 over 170lb
>virgin no gf
>live in a tropical paradise but barely go out cuz no one to be with
>im lonely

>> No.10413647

>26 bmi

>> No.10413661

somethings got ta give

>> No.10413683


>> No.10413749

I'd like 2 or 3 years older, but 4-5 would be fine too.
Problem is that I have a hell of a hard time getting them while the 5 years younger ones come to me all the time. :(

>> No.10413779

idk if that makes you feel better, but this is pretty common. I went out with a girl for a while, stacy-ish looks-wise and career-wise, but was a total wreck when it comes to interacting socially.
have had random hookups with other similar girls as well.

pretty much every single time this happened I was drunk and too clowny and feeling super confident and started a random conversation and it somehow worked (but I think I've got good social skillz lol)

I mean, keep trying to talk/etc and fighting that social anxiety, but at some point there's gotta be a crazy guy that's gonna talk to you out of nowhere for no reason and being not intimidated at all by you cause lmao who cares

>> No.10413787

i believe it

>> No.10413839

>> Jerk of to trap/ladyboy porno or fat chicks once in a while. enjoy it
I feel as though this is actually effay on some level. Traps and ladyboys because many of us are quasi-fags, and fat chicks as an ultimate taboo because of our worship of skelly mode and shit

>> No.10413858

totally wanna find a convincing ladyboy :3

like im talking FAKE tits, super fake but super perky and a petite shape, just gotta get to thailand damn it

but seriusly tho i think its natural to "experiment" with sexuality cause its like a sensual pleasure like anything, we always look for new music, new drugs, etc.

something freaky and weird and borderline but passing as a woman goes deep into the amygdala

>> No.10413862

oh and also lots of fat women are crazy "sensual" and what's weird is that "gluttony" can actual turn into some kinky sex, like this one fat chick i knew told me , "if you aren't having sex where you can be as loud as you want you should be doing it somewhere else".....i was like damn

>> No.10413868

OH AND ALSO there's something about being "anonymous" like pursuing your pleasures completely anonymously in some other country and you can do whatever you want. obviously if you live in a place you have a reptuation but if you're somewhere its almost like eyes wide shut that movie with the masks

>> No.10413892

If you're white, I'll hit it bb

>> No.10413961

>like this one fat chick i knew told me , "if you aren't having sex where you can be as loud as you want you should be doing it somewhere else"
Shit dude that kinda makes me want to fuck a fat chick, but I don't want anyone to see me hanging out with one, especially since I obviously talk shit about fat people in general like every day smh

>> No.10414114

>getting tricked this hard by mass media

>> No.10414155

>was 120kg at 185cm when 18
>thought i was good looking under my fat which motivated me to lose weight
>lost 40kg and still ugly

probably going to kill myself

>> No.10415445
File: 12 KB, 280x283, 1390264348604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come on /fa/ to look at w2c threads and get links to stores, beyond that I think most of the people here have shit opinions and use buzzwords to pretend they know anything about fashion.

>> No.10415535
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1442426216699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>have great taste in music and everything

You're 18, you don't have great taste in anything and if you think you do it's only because someone on the internet told you so. As a sidenote, taste is subjective so this hardly means anything anyway.

As for enjoying being sad, you don't know what that means either. The closest thing you've been to sad is when your phone ran out of battery before you could text your mom back about how your day went.


Go to your dentist you idiot, sitting there with dirty teeth isn't going to get any better. Chances are they've seen someone worse than you unless you have meth mouth. It's really not as big a deal as you think it is.

For everyone else in this thread who has anxiety, body image issues, depression, etc... seek professional help. Some skeleton in $900 ancient grain steel cut japanese selvedge skinny jeans telling you that your look is too basic isn't going to help you, a therapist will.

>> No.10415611

>I was 110kg at 180cm and lost 35kg

>tfw 75kg at 180cm and still look flabby
>tfw total skellington with a bit of fat

Lately I've been more outgoing/talking more, then had some girls telling me I was handsome every now and then and was "wow maybe I am a bit idk"
then I've started talking to girls more without caring much, got some, feel way better about myself.
I still think I am ugly but I think I'm starting to accept that maybe I'm not thaat ugly. Still wanna lose more weight and get shredded later though. But I feel way better than a few months ago (and as you feel better, better stuff happens, then you feel better-er, and so on).

So hold on bro, you're probably good looking (or at least good looking enough) and is gonna get better as time goes.

>> No.10415620

it's real you alchemist

>> No.10415768

Maybe not "enjoying" it but coming to terms with and even feeling an attachment to depression is very common, like it becomes your identity and eventually you don't even want to be happy again.

>> No.10415775

i feel u. some of the most beautiful music is actually quite somber and dark, it has its own charm and depth

>> No.10415854

As someone who has had it all my life, I can say I've come to terms with it, but the rest of the stuff you're saying is something very different.
Yeah, I get that some people do that, but I don't think that do you any good and I think anyone with "serious" depression would like to keep it if they are given a chance for it to go away.
Some people turn it into a cool thing as a way to feel better (becoming part of their identity as you're saying), but that's mainly an escape, the bad part is still there regardless.

And I think that's actually better cause you'd be better of fighting it. I think "yeah I have it, but fuck that, I can function" is way better then "yeah I have it and I like it cause it is so cool", the second one keeps you from getting better. BUT this last bit is just my opinion and how I see it for myself and I'm not a shrink so that may be bs when applied to other ppl, idk.

>> No.10415855

I just go to party's and social Shit so everyone admires my fits, and make the normal men feel angry at their girls for complementing my fits

>> No.10415860

then feel sad cause although those girls complimented your fit they are still with the normal guys?

>> No.10415865

Lol it's closer to half the population and most people have no idea. I haven't had a break out since 6th grade.

Its not douchy if you dont say you do and as long as you dont kiss and take meds before a break out you're unlikely to pass it along. But tbh shell get it too but she might just think its from sharing a cup or something no biggie.

>> No.10415883

It's not about being ultimately happy or sad, it's about accepting positivity and negativity without Resistance, there would be no adventure or beauty without conflict, tragedy, and contrast. You don't pick positivity or negativity.

>> No.10415931

idk i don't feel sad about it. most people want to be with someone absolutely normal and boring, but just slightly better looking and with slightly better style.

like, if you're good looking and you wear blank t shirts and jeans and vans, you're the ideal mate for many str8 women.

shit doesn't make me sad because i'd never be happy with those women anyway

>> No.10415941

damn. I never hear of other merchant mariners. I'm in the academy right now for engineering

>> No.10416020

anon I'd guess you are also not finding the women you think you would be happy with
stop chasing an ideal, people are cool overall
like, those girls you think are stupid because of how they dress or because their tastes in music or whatever probably have pretty cool characteristics you don't know of, go meet people more openly and you'd be surprised
I get the appeal of being shielded by thinking you're superior and telling yourself you don't wanna anything with them anyway (not saying you are lying, just saying the reason you don't want is probably this) and yeah, not shielding yourself is gonna lead to a lot of frustration when things don't go your way, but at the same time it leads to more enjoyment when they do and when they do quite often you won't even care about the times they don't

and ofc that applies to everything and everyone in life, not just girls

but as with any advice, disregard what you think doesn't apply to you and it's bs
not trying to be an asshole, it's just cause you sound like a younger me lol, wish you all the best <3

>> No.10416284

That feel when living in a country different than USA, france, Japan or UK, so all the fashion trends get here late, I get the Shit with discount and already know what to buy. I mean, Stan Smith's are starting to be a trend here lol

I don't do basic bitches, if they compliment my fits they are plebs cause when you see a fa person you admire the fit and never tell em.

>> No.10416510

this guy doesn't know shit.
therapy is the most jew trickster profession on earth.

>> No.10416515

75kg at 180 is FAT.
don't delude yourself. you need to be <60kg if you want to start looking skelli

>> No.10416522


Have fun with your mental illness while pretending there is no help.

>> No.10416524

depression is not real. literally not a thing. you've all been jewed by "science" and "the media". i bet you take psych drugs for your "depression" too. ultimate cucks, mind cucks

>> No.10416527

you aren't deep.
lol are you sitting atop a mountain peak with a white robe ?

>> No.10416535

hm, kind of this. but it's not that easy, if the anon is using judgement as a defense, then without it he won't suddenly be able to suddenly be "normal". he will still have the same problems, but feel more vulnerable. might be a good starting place though

>> No.10416542

i'm not ill! i've been through the therapy and drugs route. It's a scam.
mental illness isn't a thing.
there are brain disorders, but that's different, that's when people go nuts and wander around the roads at night in their undies and don't know where they are.

>> No.10416543

>5'11" 120lbs female
>have zero motivation to do anything important
>obsessed with my weight because it makes me feel like I have some semblance of control over myself
>recently have gained weight in an effort to be "healthier" and can barely look at my body in the mirror without feeling ill
>in the process of starving myself back down to the range of 90-100lbs
>I hate myself
>I hate myself so much

>> No.10416558

why do you hate yourself?
what do you mean hate?
lots of people including me have no motivation, and what do you mean anything 'important"?
nothing unhealthy about being 90-100lb as long as you eat good nutrient filled foods

>> No.10416637

A better question would be "why wouldn't I hate myself." I'm not going to bother opening that can of worms right now.
Anything important equals schoolwork, getting a job, planning for a successful future, exercising regularly, etc.
90lbs would put me at a 12.6bmi

>> No.10416684

wut, who devised bmi? why is that your standard of health.
So answer the better question: why wouldn't someone hate themself?
school, job aren't that imprtant. exercising regularly isn't that important just do it now and then. what is a "successful future"?
not trolling i think you would find it useful to think about these questions. those are the parameters you are using (words)

>> No.10416703

Lmao I'm not aiming for "health" buddy.
School and job are pretty fucking important unless you want to be a NEET and live in your parents basement, which I do not want to do.

>> No.10416789

you said you were gaining weight to be "healthier". If you aren't aiming for health why would you give a shit about your bmi if you feel disgusted with being fat?
school and job aren't important for being happy, seems like you are pretty unhappy.
You sound like a cunt when you call me buddy condescendingly.

Tbh it sounds like you think you know everything already. Why not talk about some of these things anonymously?

why not answer: what are the reasons people could have for hating/not hating themselves?
what is sucess to you?
why are you so insistent on being an edgelord?
i guess you are a teenager?

>> No.10416801

Holy shit calm down lol

>> No.10416803

who is op pic i want fuk

>> No.10416829

lol ok good bait.
this is you fyi: Waaaaa Waaa my problems!!! crawling in my skin etc etc"
me: want to think about that?
you: Waaaaa Waaa my problems!!! crawling in my skin etc etc
me: wut, want to talk about that?
you: "Waaaaa Waaa my problems!!! crawling in my skin etc etc LOL U MAD?"

>> No.10416845

Not sure how you got that impression of me? This is a confession thread not a support group, I don't understand why you're expecting me to answer all your damn questions

>> No.10416884

how cld i possibly get that impression?...
>>recently have gained weight in an effort to be "healthier" and can barely look at my body in the mirror without feeling ill
>>in the process of starving myself back down to the range of 90-100lbs
>>I hate myself
>>I hate myself so much

>> No.10416891

Meaning that for a period of time I was trying to become "healthier" but then realized that I don't want to be fat

>> No.10416943

>>I hate myself
>>I hate myself so much
do go on

>> No.10416964
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>no you don't have good taste
>but taste is subjective, though

>> No.10417087

are you me?

>> No.10417306

hang in there sis

>> No.10417330

>anxiety due to being a virgin
come on boro, like I'm a virgin too tight and like, it's not a big deal. No need to worry

>> No.10417768

I'll just assume that you have 0 knowledge of fitness lingo and haver never worked out in your life instead of assuming you're just dumb
by skellington I don't mean that I look like a starving faggot, I mean that I don't have enough muscle
>but I'm new to /fa/ so maybe the term means that here, idk

>75kg at 180 is FAT
it's pretty normal/good looking tbh (assuming you workout), but you can't tell shit without knowing how much bf% is in that (like, 75kg at 180 with 10% bf is pretty fit)

in my case it is not, cause i'm chubby, cause skelly muscle-wise (which is what I intended to convey)

>> No.10418022

fuck up fat ass

>> No.10418357

I wear diapers under all my clothes

>> No.10418893

>relatively uneducated
>dont care about school at all
>heavy into underground rap shit
>its impossible to relate to almost anyone
>i dont even know what im going to do with my life
>mfw people would think im retarded based on all these facts

>> No.10418897

>mfw it doesn't help that im 18

>> No.10418898

i actually like the satorialist circa 2008-2009 not knowing any better

i feel dumb with all these pictures saved of oprhaned suit jackets with distressed denim, scarves and brown loafers without socks

the guy looks ridiculous

>> No.10418911
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im a cute grill and i have money so its not that terrible. i just worry too much

>> No.10418932

just sell your panties

>> No.10418939

i dont have to
but if i did i couldnt because im traumatized and terrified of people on the internet knowing i exist

>> No.10419985

I was in your shoes at 20. Then I got in a shitty relationship with a dumb shit who legitimately owned a fedora because it was nice to have someone interested in me. Don't fall for that shit, it's garbage.

Find a fucker who you can watch black dynamite with dressed in style. It ain't that hard. Just calm the fuck down and love yourself. Do shit that makes you happy and you won't regret your every action. Being too caught up in your head will tax you and not allow you to be loose and fun.

Social anxiety a shit. Just get out of your head. If you like how you're dressed you should only care about the people who vibe with your style. That's how you get some meaningful interactions.

Be honest with yourself, and you can be honest with others. WAH LAH muddalubba.

Used to have legit panic attacks at work in a cafe. So done with that. Lost my kissless virgin status at 20, now at 23 I feel like a whole new person doing what the fuck I want and progressing in life without worrying if people like me.

Takes work. Do it.

>> No.10419991

why in the world do you like rap, what about it appeals to you

>> No.10420088

Holy shit stop giving out taint licking advice for pussy you cunt.

Don't listen to this fuck. You'll like yourself when you live up to your own standards based on honesty. You can bullshit yourself all day and it won't help.

Live up to your own realistic standards and you'll find yourself happy.

I'm drinking grapefruit sculpin before my 7:45 class because I've already worked out twice, including lifting some heavy ass weight and cardio after my recovery stir-fry, and walked both my cute ass border collie blue healer mixes. I'm enjoying the shit out of some black dynamite and I'm loving it.

Imma wear my galaxy Aztec tiger sweater and adidas zx 8000s to class feeling like a boss with all those grumpy ass basic bitches and learn me some damn statistics and it'll be grand. Why? Because I've achieved everything I've set out to today. I'll do the same tomorrow. Suicidal anxiety? Gone. Life. Grand.

>> No.10421133

I don't hate myself enough to be /fa/ggit core

>> No.10421155

honestly i think the secret to life is energy.

like if you have the energy to be engaged, focused, and productive at what you're doing, you can improve.

you have the energy to creatively imagine new possibilities for yourself.

you have to be good enough to "figure out" what personally satisfies you.

me personally I'm so insecure body wise, like I imagine my life to be totally different if I looked a different way. maybe that's why I'm on here.

but its frustrating because your appearance can be so stubborn and it seems that so much hardwork equals a bit of improvement.

am i looking for a shortcut? probably. sometimes drugs are easier

>> No.10421265

Drugs are easier. That is why I quit them.

Exercise is my new endorphin rush. Only allow myself nic free cbds in my vape and craft beers. Still get to be social with the smokers and the drinkers.

Vastly improved my outlook on life. Actually applying myself in school instead of coasting on Bs. Finally not giving a fuck about what I wear and instead just buying what tickles me and giving no shits.

There's a black widow spider in my window frame right by the pillow on my futon. Been chillin there for 2 years. They're rare in my area. I let it live to remind myself that I need to enjoy the now and invest in the future.

It's a nice life. I can scare the thing by blowing air at it.

Finally, I have control.

>> No.10421266

Hey, I had been ignoring this thread for the few days its been up, but I'm glad when I clicked to the bottom I got to see your post. Really inspiring story. I appreciate your honestly and earnestness. Keep up the struggle, my man.

>> No.10422751

if it wasnt for the scene here i wouldnt be that into it

>> No.10422790

shut the fuck up you /pol/cuck

>> No.10423732

Do you live in NH? You sound exactly like my cousin.

>> No.10423761

f u c k y o u
That's my fucking career you're talking about and it is most definitely not a jew trickster profession. If you actually took the time to understand the human mind you'd know it's a lot deeper than your ignorant ass thinks.

>> No.10423767

Literally fuck you. I'm so angry I came to this thread all of you are so fucking ignorant. My guess is that none of you have actually studied psychology in the slightest and you're just spouting shit you heard from some other edgy piece of shit on the internet. Depression is a real disorder. There are actual differences in the neurotransmitters in the mind of a depressed person. It's not something that's just made up. You're the fucking cuck, submissively listening to edgy opinions on the internet with no actual knowledge on the subject. So SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.10423966

>Come from bumfuck farmville hick land corn is kind of a big deal here.
>Big burly bear of a dad snatched up a high class Russian prostitute former ballet danser.
>Inherited all her angular features and giraffe like legs.
>Have four big burly brothers who individually weight twice as much as me and have zz top beards despite being younger.
>Literally the odd lanky guy, that looks as if he is adopted, no single identifiable muscleman on my body.
>No education, dad doesn't care 'bout education, we Duke boys work the land.
>Everybody loves MAN stuff and doing MAN things with other MAN on their MAN trucks in their MANcaves.
>Autodidact, speak 7 languages fluently, can play piano and guitar reasonably very well.
>Want to leave but can't because that would break my mother, she cares so much about me.

>Stuck in land of nothing.
>All girls talk with accents thicker then a fat goose in an upturned screwing machine, All get fat after 16.
>Nothing to do here.
>Everyone in town calls me tourists since I don't look as if I belong despite my dad being mayor and owning the largest plot of land.
>Try to minimise the pain by lavish consumerism of designer clothes.
>Making me even more of an outcast.

Still engage in casual sex with cowgirls because they assume I'm the rich fancy lad who will bring them to New York.

>> No.10423976

I bet you can't really play guitar reasonably well.

>> No.10424157


This might be my favorite post I have ever seen on here. Is this your actual life? lol

>> No.10425132

reasonably very well*

>> No.10425144


Sounds like a reality show for MTV.

>> No.10425146


I'm better with the piano, my mom taught me that since I was little.

Yes, as it pains me to say it. I'm hearing my brother work his iron bull like they got in red China right now. Apparently everyone thinks I thrive on abuse and neglect. They assume I'm a prime-donna since I run on Gauloises cigarettes and mimosa's.

Just keep your dick of the dry ice, one day I will leave and start a new life.

>> No.10426527


>> No.10426554

Just move, dude. The whole "mom would be sad if I left" thing is the justification that goddamn Chris-chan uses for being a 30-year-old "tomgirl."

>> No.10426654

> tfw no yaoi prince bf
> tfw you can't even find some pleb to shape in your image
kill means

>> No.10426685

I'm autistic, but a lot of real spergs have a problem with me when I'm fagging up their anime club, and they are just as mean spirited as normies who think I'm killing the vibe at school/work/real nigga hours.

>> No.10427098
File: 16 KB, 300x300, ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I couldn't keep my eyes of the waitress, while on a date with another girl. The waitress looked like the picture, and the girl I was with thought i was shocked by how thin she was

>i was actually rock hard

>> No.10427179

i'm 27 and i keep matching and hookin up with 19-21 yr olds from tinder. The funny thing is I actually swipe to girls my age too, they just never swipe back.