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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 395 KB, 1500x1000, 25potm-diorhomme-custom4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10395709 No.10395709 [Reply] [Original]

How can people believe modern fashion wasn't created by white and Asian people? Or is it just a coincidence that the fashion capitals of the world are in Paris, Tokyo, and New York.

Is everyone in this thread >>10394739 just delusional or am I missing something?

>> No.10395931

shit cumskin logic once again
created by =/= for

>> No.10395938

tbh (to be honest) i think you're right, fam.

>> No.10397608

Primarily created by an for

>> No.10397617

They are Paris, Milan/london, new york in that order. Everything else is prety much lower tier. but yeah you are right.

>> No.10397630


your mother is a low tier son of a bitch, what about that

>> No.10397639

Paris and New York are like 50% black and Tokyo has more black people than the rest of Asia combined.

>> No.10397651

You can keep telling yourself that, but it wouldn't make you less of an stupid fuck. Really, the first point is false, and the second one is incredibly obvious. Where else in Asia would a black guy decide to live? Motherfucking Myanmar?

>> No.10397661

Europe and Asia didn't get ass fucked by colonialism in a way that still has bearing on their reality to this day. So yeah, it's pretty easy to be the harbingers of fashion when all your competition are countries that are decades behind your own in terms of their social and technological climate.

But whatever, we white people are super smart and cool and better than everyone, I know the drill.

>> No.10397671

Africa was a shit hole before colonialism :)

>> No.10397681
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>> No.10397684

When did I say for? All I said was created by. Anyone can wear what they want but whites lead modern fashion whether your sjw mind can handle it or not.

>> No.10397687
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>> No.10397690

lots of designers on Paris Week are asians
hell, lots of asians attend PFW, see those videos from mangenotantoine channel in youtube and you'll see lots of asians in there

>> No.10397697

You do realize New York is mostly minorities and that New York style streetwear was inspired by the poor/middle class hispanic, black and mixed race people in and surrounding the city, right?

>> No.10397701

Is you really think Paris is 50% black than you are really delusional.

>New York is 50% black

>Tokyo has more black people than the rest of Asia
That means fuck all its still a very small minority

Anyway name some great designers that are black or Mexican.
Do you own any of their clothing?
I thought so

>> No.10397715
File: 223 KB, 1000x666, new-york-1970-vietnam-war-camilo-jose-vergara-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture very related, from 1970.

>> No.10397723


What is hyperbole? Anyways the point is those cities are culturally diverse which creates a unique style. You don't see homogeneous places like Utah or North Korea doing anything for fashion.

>> No.10397724

You do realize marketing something and creating something are very different things don't you?

Most designers base their clothing on shit that already existed in a much more raw form ahead of time.

look at
and tell me this guy isn't dressed how most of the fags on this board aspire to dress.

>> No.10397740
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>> No.10397742

top fucking kek

>> No.10397749
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>> No.10397760
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>> No.10397762
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>Anyways the point is those cities are culturally diverse which creates a unique style. You don't see homogeneous places doing anything for fashion.
Wrong again, keep trying though

You misunderstand me. If a Mexican rocks Rick Owens than good for him. If a nigger rocks Jan Jan Van Essche than that's great too. If some Aussie abo is in the street wearing Ann D, there is nothing wrong either.

But all the top fashion houses are lead by White or Asian people.

I'll repeat is again.
Modeern fashion is for anyone
That same fashion is lead by white or Asians.
This point is indisputable and was the entire topic of the thread.

>> No.10397765
File: 233 KB, 1000x1277, gilles-elie-cohen-del-vikings-photography-paris-876-1423588411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10397767

This just proves how great white deisgners are. Even minorities love it

>> No.10397769

you call us cumskins but cum brings life
shitskins look like shit
and shit is waste

>> No.10397771

top kek

>> No.10397775

I understand what you're saying, that white people run fashion today.

OP said "how can people believe modern fashion wasn't created by white or asian people."

My point is that modern newyork style streetwear is almost entirely based on what minorities in NYC wore in the 1970's-1980's.

White people marketed a style that black and hispanic people are responsible for.

White people aren't 'responsible' for creating modern fashion. They're responsible for selling it. At least as far as NY is concerned.

>> No.10397777

They won't get it, minorities are riding the wave of confidence ever since sjw became the norm. They are so delusional they will even make claims that modern fashion wasn't made by white people. If they are proven wrong they will shift to the topic to WELL LOOK AT THESE BLACK PEOPLE WEARING WHITE FASUION!!

>> No.10397778

/pol/ pls go

>> No.10397781

Ok that makes more sense
>My point is that modern newyork style streetwear is almost entirely based on what minorities in NYC wore in the 1970's-1980's

Could you name some American designers that copy the NY streetstyle and specific pieces? Because I'm from Paris and I've never seen that sort of influence on top designers and I fucking love fashion.

>> No.10397782

>ooga booga wearing white mans hat, white mans polo, white mans jacket, white mans trousers, white mans sneakers
>claims this is what inspired white people to wear these clothes


>> No.10397785
File: 14 KB, 300x300, hurr-durr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion isn't individual pieces, it's the look you create by combining them.

fucking retard.

>> No.10397786

>whites steal black music
>Ugh white people

>Black people steal white fashion
>no problem there, if you disagree you are \pol\
How about you argue with logic instead of dismissing everyone as a racist?

>> No.10397796

>ooga booga invented modern fashion by looking through a white mans dumpster and wearing the first full outfit he could find

LOL, were really getting into the black revisionist history here!

>> No.10397797
File: 928 KB, 1280x853, of-tr-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i personally am not a fan of the style, odd future is a good example of NY streetwear.

>> No.10397802

First of all, you don't even know the brands of the clothing the guy in the picture is wearing, so how are you so sure they're 'white' brands, aside from the converse?

Second of all, we're talking about style, not individual brands.

Seriously how can you be this stupid? Please stop for your own sake i don't want you to hurt yourself.

>> No.10397804

>name an good American designer that copies 80s NY style
>names a rap group that only teenagers are into
How did you expect anyone to take you seriously?

>> No.10397807


odd future is LA-core through and through

>> No.10397810

I don't care if you take me seriously or not. I grew up in NY and still live here today, i know the history of fashion in regards to this city.

>> No.10397814

Odd future is collectively from NY. Everyone who skates in and around the city has dressed like that since around 2002.

>> No.10397815

>how are you so sure they're 'white' brands, aside from the converse?

because its the year 1970, niggers only got hood rich enough to design clothes for themselves in the late 90s

>Second of all, we're talking about style, not individual brands.

what style? looks like a nigger rooted through a dumpster, anyone can wear a coat with pants and sneakers

>> No.10397818

>whites steal
>blacks steal
Different circumstances, sorry try again.

>> No.10397819

>so how are you so sure they're 'white' brands, aside from the converse?
Because 80s America was racist and had no Black designers

>second of all were talking about style, not individual brands
No only you are. This is what your doing

>If they are proven wrong they will shift to abother topic WELL LOOK AT THESE BLACK PEOPLE WEARING WHITE FASUION!!


>> No.10397821

Are you kidding me?
Odd future?

>> No.10397824

>whites stealing from blacks

what would they even steal? mud huts and jungle rags? niggers dont have anything worth taking that a white man didnt give to him in the first place

>> No.10397827

lmao k fam tbh

>> No.10397843

>hip hop
>swwaaaaaggg ;^)
If you don't live under a rock you would see these sorts of posts everyday on Twitter and Instagram

Essentially white people are dirt. They steal from black culture and when blacks do the opposite you can't do shit because you will be called a racist

>> No.10397867

>Paris and New York are like 50% black and Tokyo has more black people than the rest of Asia combined.

Cant be serious...

>> No.10397874

>They steal from black culture

is rape, bike theft and AIDS a culture now?

jazz and hip hop are both shit and couldnt have been made without white mans insturments and technology, youd still be in the jungle chanting to the rain god like the savages you are

>> No.10397877

>babby's first foray into anthropology

That series is complete bullshit

>> No.10397885


>> No.10397891

White people just steal their shit from minorities. It's like pop music

>> No.10397895


And you'd still be dancing naked around Stonehenge without influence from Arabs, Egyptians, and Greeks.

>> No.10397898

Greeks were white back then

>> No.10397913

No they weren't
The point is whites created modern civilization. WHITE NORTHERN EUROPEANS, whether you like it or not this is true.
fashion is also mainly lead by WHITE NORTHERN EUROPEANS
Niggers dont make clothes that anyone wants to wear

>> No.10397915

greeks and romans were white and egyptians and arabs never made it past spain and italy

whites rule the world nigger

>> No.10397924

Yes they were

>> No.10397925


>> No.10397934
File: 99 KB, 760x1048, tomas-berdych-102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people smh
someone needs to stop them

>> No.10397953


Black people who can jump high make millions off of white people who want overpriced shoes with their name on it.

>> No.10397968

To be fair they live in a country which is 77% white so if no white people bought there shoes then they'd make severely less money

77% of nba is black though so lol

>> No.10397980

>Black people who can jump high make millions off of white people
>Who runs the companies that market athletes?
>Who owns the athletic teams?
The wages for athletes is so minuscule compared to how much the owner makes. I'm surprised you don't know this.

>> No.10398027

>that the fashion capitals of the world are in Paris, Tokyo, and New York.
The capitals are Paris, Milan, London, New York/Tokyo.

>> No.10398038

We dont steal. All we took from you are natural resources that you allowed us to take for a 10% cut of all the shit we manage to mine. Its not our fault that africans are shit at making deals.

>> No.10398048

So many niggers on /fa/


>> No.10398114

>Who runs the companies that market athletes?
>Who owns the athletic teams?

Not your dusty ass.

>> No.10398139

>nike uses jungle nigger to sell shoes to other jungle nigger
>gives him 5% cut
>he blows it all in 2 years and goes bankrupt

fucking niggers lmao

>> No.10398156

can't wait until shitskins get uppity from not being minorities anymore, marginalize white people, and modern society collapses on itself tbh

>> No.10398180
File: 250 KB, 1600x1129, 1438456277913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't wait until shitskins get uppity from not being minorities anymore, marginalize white people, and modern society collapses on itself tbh
they will end up getting their asses handed to them and I can't wait :^)

>> No.10398203

>white people

>> No.10398206

White people always wanna copy black people and then claim they created it. They've always done this shit.

Remember who taught you fucking European cave people how to bathe.

>> No.10398271

I feel there is more fashion in Tokyo, than New York tbh

Iv been to both, fashion is literally everywhere you go in Tokyo. Where New York it seemed like it was condensed in certain areas.

>> No.10398314

Take this race baiting cancer back to /pol/

>> No.10398321

>shitskins mad because they don't control everything
Can we have one thing? Please?

>> No.10398332


>call out thread for being off topic and cancerous
>hurr durr fooking shitskins


>> No.10398340

Read the thread you dipshit, it's all explained eloquently so your dumbass can understand

Who the fuck argues with hurr-durr anyway are you 14?

>> No.10398351

I don't have to read shit faggot, all race related threads outside of /pol/ are cancerous shit, go fuck yourself shrimp dick.

>> No.10398417

stay ignorant
If you cant even read 20 posts than maybe 4chan isnt 4 u bby

>> No.10398433

All the thread states is that all important, modern fashion designers are all white
That's it.

>> No.10398445

>stay ignorant

I'm sure there's only one person between us that's ignorant of the posting rules for /fa/. Fucking /pol/. Absolute dogshit posters. Every fucking board. Claim some race is ruining their communities then they ruin all the communities online that they take up residence in. Hypocrite fucks.

Saged and reported.

>> No.10398446

The modern world is too vast to assume that each and every race hasn't had an impact on it. Just because white people like to reward each other on doing shit that anyone could do, doesn't mean that other races of people from other walks of life haven't had a part int he creation of such material. This is an honest thought

>> No.10398455


OP said modern fashion as a whole, designers are just one part of fashion.

>> No.10398460
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>> No.10398465

I'm not from /pol/
All I said was that Whites are the leading fashion house.
Am I wrong here?
>Claim some race is ruining their communities
I never did this. But good job buddy, keep making up statements

>Just because white people like to reward each other
Hmm just like any other race?
>on doing shit that anyone could do
Are you joking?

And no shit retard of course all races had an influence. But who had the most?
Well every important designer is white or asian so I'll let you do the reasoning form now on.

>> No.10398470

I made the same point yesterday.

The way commodity production is organized now, there's plainly no such thing as racialized clothing, speaking in terms of whether or not an object can be subject to its creator in such a way that it leaves behind others that were implicated in the making of it.

>> No.10398480

I was speaking to /pol/ more generally, not you specifically

And you're insanely stupid if you can't see how that's chum for those among /fa/ who are /pol/-minded. Know your fucking context. There are probably some places where a discussion like this would be acceptable, but it's not 4chan.

>> No.10398505


>who had the most

idk let me get out my spreadsheet and tally up something as subjective as fashion influence. Who invented fashion? Probably not even a homo sapiens.

>> No.10398535

Gonna have to bait a lot harder than that faggot.

>> No.10399788

some dumb fuck said all asian fashion is a derivative of european fashion

you ugly cumskins think only whites have a place in fashion

>> No.10399791

just let the thread die pleeeease

>> No.10399811

>talking about fashion as something you can invent and condense into a term
>not knowing fashion is a global social construct that has been around since civiilization started, if not after
it smells like american logic bullshit to me

fuck nyfw, its moscow or spain fashion week tier

>> No.10399812

I don't, whites and East Asians have lived in temperate climates forcing them to be more innovative when it comes to clothing
just look at the national costumes for each countries
A lot of our modern clothes still derives from them

>> No.10399822
File: 105 KB, 1300x866, 2736807-Happy-Black-Man-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people are dirt

>tfw you notice this mindset is becoming so strong and mainstream in todays world/social media

>> No.10399826

The most egregious error is trying to subtract entangled processes, labours, inorganics, geographies, etc. that go into making garments that require (for one examples, in the interest of relating it to the thread) all races, in favor of the very one-dimensional "name." As highschool as it is to say, that's some Society of the Spectacle-tier shit right there.

Saged and reported though, OP

>> No.10399827

Queta Rojas RIP in peace

the thing is that there are shitload of designers around the world but no one gets the same attention as designers from big brands and legendary/old as Versace, Dior, Saint Laurent, Chanel or Armani

this thread is so full of bullshit it might be 80% bait 20% corn syrup

>> No.10399828

Nice bait.

>> No.10399829

Nah, just tons of effeminate sissy cuckboi SJWs who wanna take the bbc.

/fa/ is one of the most liberal multiculti boards, surpassed only by /co/mblr

>> No.10399837

still doesn't change the fact that timothy and ryan want the sick new jordans and their mother rebecca will pay for them

>> No.10399849


New York is buliding it self up to become a nigger ghetto trash capital of fashion. I see Paris slipping from time to time.

with all that public school, and yeeze bullshit and they think those things are cool and original smh tbh

what a fucking shame

stay classy new york

>> No.10399864

>with all that public school, and yeeze bullshit and they think those things are cool and original
lol wtf? how can a gubernamental service be cool and original?

>> No.10399965

White designers lead fashion
this is a fact

>> No.10400023

well yeah, if you can call Yohji Yamamoto, Rei Kakubo and even Alexander Wang white then yeah

IMO it doesnt matter which raceis the designer, as long as his creations are ddeserving of so much attention is good enough, thats why being racist is themost stupid thing to do in this modern world

>> No.10400038

Oops forgot about asians
It is weird though how there are literally no popular black desginers. What do you think happened?

>> No.10400093


The ones in Africa aren't going to design things white people would wear. The ones in America weren't really into fashion until like 10 years ago and even then it was guys like Andre 3000 and Pharrell who were kind of out there stylistically. I would think the growth of streetwear and more relatable style icons should give us more successful black designers in the near future.

>> No.10400100

there isnt a popular designer by itsef, unleess they´re the owner and name of the brand (i.e. Christian Dior, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent etc ...) so yeah, Raf wasnt famous iuntil he started his own brand


there were black head designers for Oscar de la Renta and one for Balmain womens line, oh right, mst ppeople here dont even know about the legendary brand, whats the point of talking about proper fashion when the people here only knowmem designeers like Raf Owens and Hedi Lagerfeld

fucking /pol/ bringing their retardeness and shit derailing the whole board

>> No.10400140

>The ones in America weren't really into fashion until like 10 years ago

While you may think this is true, if you know anyone from South Central (for example) during the 60/70/80's they'll tell you that one of the most important aspects of their daily lives was looking good/self-presentation. Always cleaning, pressing, detailing their threads after just hours of wear. They're "not into fashion" the same way a lot of people on /fa/ are "into fashion." Most of it was performative, but they had distinct styles, gestures, and ways of moving clothing that are highly specific to deep engagements with clothing and bodies. What you mean to say is that the camera only took to black people wearing "traditionally high fashion styles" about ten years ago with the wider acceptance of blackness in pop arenas.

Only gunna post in this shit thread this one time because it's actually related to fashion's historical record.

>> No.10400180

have you ever been to new york or la?
i've never seen skateboarders in new york dress like odd future.

>> No.10400237

>streetwear is the only kind of modern fashion

hussien chayalan
joe & charlie casely hayford
oscar de la renta
olivier rousteing

all examples of non white non asian designers of some prestige

>implying global culture isn't overwhelmingly dominated by "white" culture
where else does "white privilege" come from :^)

>putting alexander wang next to rei kawukabo and yohji yamamoto

christ dude are you always this embarrassing

>> No.10400257

I agree OP

kill whitey btw

>> No.10400260

what an embarrassing excuse for an insult

>> No.10400383

i was putting tthem in the same place because they´re asian (alexander wang i think is just an asian born in san fraancisco if i remember correctly) ofc AW is nt comparable to Yohji in any way except for the fact that both are asian

>> No.10400389

I actually kinda like it tbh

Although I'd prefer a world where shitskin didn't have to beg for its inverse

fuck racism and hostility

>> No.10400579

Tokyo is 98% Japanese
New York is only 33% white
Paris doesn't have racial statistics but it's probably somewhere between Amsterdam and Berlin in terms of diversity so maybe ~60% white
Fashion is multiethnic, but the only niggers wearing Rick Owens are rich ass people from NYC

>> No.10400637

>Tokyo is 98% Japanese
i dont think that was necesary

>> No.10400648

Can you suggest good anthropology books?

>> No.10400659


>> No.10400903

i let single books tell me how to perceive large sections of human history

>> No.10400933

i'm only talking in terms of fashion week importance and influence. tokyo fashion week is negligeable compared to new yorks'.

>> No.10400937

And fashion weeks on the whole are losing importance disproportionately to showroom productions and the like, no?

>> No.10400956

yes which is why i put Paris first.

>> No.10401415

>New York is only 33% white
nice try