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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 53 KB, 1472x828, 1422571792909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10390807 No.10390807 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10390812
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first time i get to have the first post

>> No.10390817
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i need different hoodies

>> No.10390819
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Palladiums x JC x H&M ft Bruno the friendly Rhodesian

>> No.10390825
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First time posting a fit. It's basic but I hope you like.

>> No.10390827

And you wasted it with your JCpenneycore outfit

>> No.10390835

nothing remotely interesting about anything here, wouldnt know i was in a "fashion" thread if no one told me. you actually look more poorly than the average people i see downtown

>> No.10390836


eh...i tried

>> No.10390842

Post a fit or suck my dick friend

>> No.10390844
File: 161 KB, 952x1428, Silent-By-Damir-Doma-Grey-Bias-Cut-Paneled-Sweatershirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heather grey is not the play here, just pick another shade of the colors below--maybe with a bit of distressing (?; see pic); you'll look like 2012 (iirc) era Silent.

But I'll admit this is the first fit I've seen in a while where Palladiums look good

>> No.10390860

jesus not a good start

>> No.10390861
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>> No.10390862

where'd the pupper go, dug?

>> No.10390869
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>> No.10390874
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>> No.10390877


>> No.10390883
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oh dear

>> No.10390908

gonna keep doing it until i get replies that aren't snarky bullshit

enjoy me shitting up your board in the meantime.

I live in western New York so people were telling me I was dressed great all day because I wasn't wearing cargo shorts. I just want input from not-hicks.

>> No.10390909
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>> No.10390912

i think it would be better with the shirt untucked

>> No.10390914

>spends all his money on rick trash
>cant afford an apartment more than 20 square feet


>> No.10390918

this, teenagers pls fuck off

>> No.10390922

i think he's in london so probably his whole garderobe is worth less than a week in that place

>> No.10390923

its a dorm room you dumb white fuckboy

>> No.10390924

Looks like a dorm room

>> No.10390926

It's called college. But clearly you're invalid enough to know what a dorm looks like.

>> No.10390933

>spend 10 grand on rick
>cant afford to live off campus


>> No.10390934


>> No.10390935
File: 2.32 MB, 819x1459, palewhave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pronounced poo-pete

>> No.10390936

what's ur deal, how do you just post like this

>> No.10390937

Thank you for adding a trip so I can filter this shit fit out of every thread for the next six months

>> No.10390942

who tf wears denim jackets with sweatpants bruh

>> No.10390964

dude do you literally just wear the same sweatpants and jacket every day with different shoes?

>> No.10390973

Holy shit we have a mod on right now

Ayo mod, thanks for deleting Puppet's thread

>> No.10390985
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>> No.10390999

your outfit is garbage anywhere

>> No.10391006
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>12 Images
>Not a single decent fit

>> No.10391012

I like ur old meme face better than everything so far

thanks for ur addition

>> No.10391033
File: 332 KB, 978x794, Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 2.32.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elaborate? Can you come up with anything besides calling me a cuck?

>> No.10391038
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>> No.10391039

There's too much to say to "reform" the outfit. It needs to be set aside. Pick up cues from other good fits (pro tip: they won't be on /fa/'s waywts) and then try again.

>> No.10391046
File: 4 KB, 126x225, 10303463_721175337921973_5720875995442407309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried getting better fucking interest in clothes? Palewave jacket with dress pants with low cut shoes wtf. That aint a fit, thats just some fucked shit you threw on.
And the shoe strings - you're not even trying.

I ain't even the original complainer.

>> No.10391053
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>> No.10391055

what the fuck is a palewave

theyre high top converse

and these arent dress pants they're some random wool trousers.


again, just snarky bullshit. None of you cant actually point anything out.

>> No.10391057
File: 301 KB, 1071x1855, _20150917_091051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or green?

>> No.10391062

both work, I prefer navy though

>> No.10391066

dude just quit no amount of advice here can help you. If you walked out wearing that and didn't have an innate sense that you look stupid you'll probably never develop a sense of fashion

oh and you're a cuck

>> No.10391068

Not snarky bullshit. In fashion (not everyone feels this way, but I do, so imma stand on it) you find your own way. There is no model. There is no path. If you want social laws for good outfits, that's fine, but that's not where it's at, so long as it's just us two talking. Get inspired by others, feel your way through the larger community of those interested in clothing, engage with others about what they where (there are any number of way to connect.) I don't do that cold analysis shit and I hope others aren't into that either.

>> No.10391072

*what they wear

>> No.10391075

the fuck do you mean just quit go nude?
can you name a single thing you dislike about it?

>> No.10391077

>they won't be on /fa/'s waywts
Because none of you armchair fashionistas can afford the outfits you criticize everybody else for not wearing.

>> No.10391085


l i t e r a l l y


the post

>> No.10391088

that's fucking spot on honestly

>> No.10391090

Go kill yourself. Like really, I bet you're fucking ugly and dumb too, because no one else would do this to themselves.

Please, go take a knife, and slice your fucking thighs open, you skinnyfat, cuckolded, piece of shit

>> No.10391093

Alright that's a bit much

Smugness is alright in moderation but hatred like this...smh

>> No.10391098

yeah i tried a kinda goofy outfit and all of you just fucking insult me. i can dress however I want and no one cares, bonus of living in flyover, people even know me for "dressing well" at college. My problem is that theres almost never discussion of anything tangible here. All "cuck", "euphoric" shit like that. Like injokes are a substitution for substance in a post.

>> No.10391100

Then post your superior fi--

Nope. Not even worth finishing that sentence. You can't post what you don't own.

>> No.10391102

Why? Driving autistic pieces of shit like that fat fuck away with hostility is all that keeps us from becoming reddit.

Probably poor, too.

>> No.10391104

Then do you, man. Don't be posting on /fa/ and keep on moving, no looking left or right.

>> No.10391110

In a context like this

There is no fit in the world that would resolve your frustration and open a way to dialogue. The talk shit post fit meme has never EVER put an end to a debate. NEVER.

>> No.10391113

is attention whoring the only point of these posts? You never post shoes which is half the outfit with that basic shit

>> No.10391114

you are literally in the wrong place if you are expecting positive and insightful criticism

>> No.10391117

navy, maybe tuck shirt?

>> No.10391118

Actually has the body for rick

>> No.10391127

One of the worst first 60 posts of a waywt in recent memory

>> No.10391132

this tbh embarrassing thread

>> No.10391134

they can't all be winners

>> No.10391135
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>> No.10391136

Yeah, no shit. That's why I didn't bother. I can sit here and tell you that I'm getting my dick sucked by two models in my private jet, and you can tell me you have fashion sense. At the end of the day, only one of us is insecure enough to lie on an anonymous message board.

>> No.10391137

read the sticky.
realize the world doesnt actually circle around you.
dont go here expecting good criticism majority of the time.

this is fucking 4chan of all places, if you want your hand to be held, go somewhere else.

>> No.10391150

Probably the worst false ultimatum I've seen on /fa/ in a while, but imma let it slide cuz I'm used to bad arguments. Why else would I have started talking to you!

>> No.10391151

just lurk more my man (on /fa/ and off)

getting an eye for this stuff takes time, at least it did for me

>> No.10391162
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I'm the guy that started all the shit is this any better?

>> No.10391164

what's the shirt

>> No.10391176

it's better but by no means a good fit just basic

>> No.10391178


>> No.10391186

what are those shoes boy

>> No.10391198

Ya'll getting all into your feelings. It's a WAYWT, not a debate thread.

>> No.10391216


idk, they look cheap af

cop branded shoes m8

>> No.10391226




>> No.10391229
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>> No.10391230

They're svenson gats

Idk I got them cheap but they're made in the same factory as cps and margielas apparently

>> No.10391238

Jesus fucking Christ, are you mentally ill? What compelled you to start tripping? The constant hate and rightfully calling your fits are absolute fucking trash? I swear to God some people crave attention so fucking much it hurts.

At least you threw away those converse. Those shoes legitimately mad me mad every time i saw them.

>> No.10391241


your gats wont save this fit

>> No.10391248

m8 are you from dublin? saw someone rocking this fit in dublin square about a half month ago

>> No.10391262
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>> No.10391275

It's not the 80s anymore

>> No.10391289

How do people wear pants that accentuate their flaccid dicks. Tasteless...

>> No.10391291

Jesus Christ the newfags are out in full force

>> No.10391295

It will be in 65 years. I wish I was that ahead of my time.

>> No.10391302

This thread is such a disaster

Every bad trait of /mu/ on display under 100 posts.

>> No.10391367
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>Dressing up to impress snobs on the Internet

>> No.10391377
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I fucken love it props

Roast me and my meme shoes idgaf

>> No.10391401

Where do you get black stan smiths?

>> No.10391407

Fa has been dead for years and I am just now seeing it

>> No.10391410

Nice nips fatty

>> No.10391411

erect nipples/10

>> No.10391418
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>> No.10391427


>> No.10391445


They're the blue, they're a very dark navy

>> No.10391449

best in thread, excellent work making the world better and more pleasant to be in within the eyeshot of your fits

>> No.10391464 [DELETED] 
File: 886 KB, 826x2201, wiawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, now i feel bad posting this in an already shitty thread

it was comfy tho

>> No.10391475
File: 388 KB, 970x2437, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while

>> No.10391482

You should consider getting a wheelchair. You always look much better sitting down than standing. You pants always seem to be a tad too long.

I generally like this fit, despite the fact that I think you're an intolerable shitface.

>> No.10391496

I like it. Interesting jacket

>> No.10391503 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 727x686, IMG_2331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I might try black laces, but I think it'll be way to extreme

>> No.10391508
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I might try black laces

>> No.10391511

why do you continue to post this poor misguided man

>> No.10391520

you should get some raws tbh

>> No.10391524

Nah m8 that looks really good as-is

>> No.10391525

those cargos are biuriful.


>> No.10391530

Nice fit that coat makes you stand out quite a bit. id on coat?

>> No.10391541

I can't imagine this working out in public. Where do you live?

>> No.10391549

Yeah this is good, really interesting

>> No.10391553

The top half looks so comfy while the bottom half looks so tryhard.

>> No.10391559



>> No.10391572


they are levi cargo pants. I am not exactly sure on the exact style.

>> No.10391684
File: 1.94 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-17-16-54-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New balances are out ;(

>> No.10391705


I like the upper part for sure. I know what you are trying to do with the shoes, but something looks a little off. It's probably my internet indoctrination, but I think yellow shoes would look way better for some reason. This isnt bad though(cuffs could be a little cleaner though imo)

>> No.10391774

Your fits could be so fire... keep away from the streetwear babe try doing something less basic

>> No.10391785
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saint laurent shoes n skinny trousers

>> No.10391790


why have u got a lighter young woman

>> No.10391798
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>> No.10391828


<3 -p

>> No.10391832

>trousers with high tops


>> No.10391843

V slav nice rubbish

>> No.10391846

Thank you for the adv! I just never know what to wear I pls help and give inspo, or tips.
Sometimes I like to smoke or turn on candles

>> No.10391849
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>> No.10391871
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I need looser jeans tbh

>> No.10391872
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Chooo chooooo

>> No.10391874
File: 378 KB, 1662x1662, Fil 2015-09-08 21 39 38-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get similar joggers in all black or pants that fit similarly?

I'm a big fan of how these pants fit. Comfy as hell too, but I feel a bit stupid wearing them out.

>> No.10391878

nice skirt faggot

>> No.10391879
File: 215 KB, 640x1136, ima rock the boat ima work a lil til it hurt a lil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only have to floss the teeth you want to keep

(did not actually wear the meme watch)

>> No.10391882

yea nice skirt... no sarcasm though...

>> No.10391883
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>> No.10391886

yeah my bed's skirt is really soft

>> No.10391889

Pretty cool

Those your pants on the ground?

>> No.10391890
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>> No.10391891

mixing adidos w/ nerd balances

pick a side fool

>> No.10391892

I don't understand this post

>> No.10391897

Naw I was just going around with my dudes finding stuff to squat on and we found some pants

>> No.10391903

Look up theo's fits, he has a pair. They look cool as is, but I don't know any pants that can replicate that fit.

>> No.10391907

he can afford it
dont you see what he's wearing?
dont use words if you dont know what they mean

>> No.10391908

I think its pretty sick.

Not like super fashion, but I dig.

>> No.10391915

>mom's white trash kitchen

>> No.10391921


>> No.10391932
File: 370 KB, 1662x1662, Fil 2015-09-08 21 39 38-Recovered_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here they are shopped black. idk id like to find a pair

>> No.10391934

Stealing ur look m8

>> No.10391935

good but try different shoes

>> No.10391942
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>> No.10391953

Huck I like the fit.
I don't like the glasses and the shoes could be different.

>> No.10391956
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, aewvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without leg on counter

>> No.10391960

fashion victim

>> No.10391965


shirt is too fuccboi. you need to get those free advertisement shirts and this would be 100x better

>> No.10391967

Good look for you, keep glasses on, maybe a similar but different style of shoe

>> No.10391968

Cool fit femanon I like it, maybe a bright top would look good with this like a white blouse with a biker jacket or something more conservative. it's up to you.

>> No.10391972

>Where did you buy your Converse with zippers like that anon? :^)

>> No.10391975

l2squat bra. heels on ground.

>> No.10391981

I got them from the toiler store! xD

>> No.10391983
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>> No.10391989

Much better than the RO fit earlier. Sucker for belt-less trousers and tucked-in t-shirts.

>> No.10392000

who is this cock jock?

>> No.10392001
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>> No.10392003
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>> No.10392005

shit fit get out of here

>> No.10392006


college b day is best b day.

keep it up

>> No.10392011

90% there

Sleeves are too cute for their own good, the flair they have is actually quite distracting from how the outfit visually flows.

>> No.10392014

i feel

>> No.10392016

not feeling socks n shoes but like everything else clotheswise

>> No.10392023

Really close to being truly great though, keep refining!

>> No.10392025

ehh i usually trash you every time you post, but this could be alright. the pants suck though just wear the black ones. if your qasas were all black then maybe the olive would work here. Jacket looks pretty nice but that cut doesnt look good with everything else youve got going. Could look really good with a slightly looser and more simple pant.

Overall alright, concept is there but the combination of pieces is holding it back pretty badly

>> No.10392026
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x2547, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit that I have bad posture, and I feel that the shirt was a tad bit too big in size. But it is comfortable nonetheless.

>> No.10392027


>> No.10392031

i'm saving this picture

>> No.10392036

To masturbate later on

>> No.10392038

But the black/white colorway on the qasa is what allows the t-shirt to succeed. That's actually the highlight of this fit. Try viewing on mobile so you get a more proportioned view. Viewing on desktop makes it look worse as you have to partition the fit visually.

I feel like people that don't like the flight pant just don't like the flight pant, I don't think there's really much proper to the fit that's making the pant not work.

>> No.10392058

I definitely think it's the jacket

>> No.10392059
File: 326 KB, 821x1231, PicsArt_1442532158475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite what this board says, you dress like absolute autism. I really hope you don't go out in public like this

>> No.10392067

And yah, as we both said, the jacket is the weak point here.

>> No.10392070

Nigga fix your fucking feet man

you stand with tism

>> No.10392072


while I'm at it, ditch the scarf. and top is meh because of the gray color.

otherwise, wouldtaketoexplorebeautifulmontrealwith/10

>> No.10392079

you fucking rock.

having said that, those shoes are absolutely hideous

>> No.10392083

nice, but shite haircut

>> No.10392085

I like the flight pants... I was saying he should wear the black ones he has instead, and yeah I like the qasas with the tee but they simply don't work with the jacket.

>> No.10392093

>autism shoes

>> No.10392095


>> No.10392098

Hmm, I get a later-period Maharashi with the olive colorway that I dig a lot, seeing as no one wears that label in /fa/.

>> No.10392103

Don't wear the sweater tied like that. Rest of the fit looks basic but cute

>> No.10392106

very nice fit but your knees are ashy, you need some lotion right away

>> No.10392111

Shoes play a huge role in this outfit, what would you wear with that, basic cute outfit, lotion knees

>> No.10392113

w2c jeans?

>> No.10392120

Can't cuck me baby.
Way to dress like a girl.

>> No.10392149

w2c pants? I think I've seen Julius have similar pants but I'm not sure

>> No.10392152

Where's your MCM backpack kid?

>> No.10392158


>> No.10392165

Julius flight pants

>> No.10392180

I like it. Maybe wear a jacket over it

>> No.10392186


>> No.10392188

Yay, you're posting again

w2c shirt and jeans?

>> No.10392190

Change the shoes. Like some other anon said, I'm not liking the mix of comfy/normie and lunarcore.

>> No.10392191

>w2c shirt and jeans

>> No.10392192

More specifically MA Julius Flight Pants from 2011

mainline was 2009

>> No.10392195

Did you beat those little faggots in the bg? It looks like you're next to a middle school or something

>> No.10392255

Thanks guys, and yeah I know it's quite a plain outfit; I tried to be minimalistic, although I wouldn't doubt if it actually wasn't. I just added the sweater as a nonessential way to make it seem less plain than it actually was.

By the way, unnecessary thought of mine but I am rather fond of Canada, despite the fact that I've never ventured off into eastern Canada. Montreal sounds pretty.

>lotion knees

Unfortunately, I've been having problems concerning my knees and its ashiness. Still in the process of remedying it, but thanks.

And I wore black sneakers with the outfit. I wear brown and black shoes quite often.

>> No.10392274

you pull this off how it should be
really nice, my favorite from all other fits you've posted recently
some other shoes could fit better here, but I like it

>> No.10392292
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>> No.10392296

socks looking mighty femme my dude

>> No.10392297

A big ass group of HS freshmen were getting lunch at the restaurant where I found the pants.

>> No.10392302

Where can I get some skinny/slim black denim with some rips? Not just knee rips, but not too many
I'm new to this tbh

>> No.10392308


Actually fucking dope

w2c jacket?

>> No.10392310

Yeah, comfy tho

>> No.10392311

Not a big fan of the socks or shoes

>> No.10392314

Really like the top half on the right. The rest doesn't really fit with it.

btw w2c sweater?

>> No.10392322 [DELETED] 

Goddess of Thirst got a spell on these fuccbois praising her garbo fit

What's even worth a mention here.

>> No.10392323


h&m, thanks bro

>> No.10392337

you would look better non skelly. besides the retarded big shirt sleeves, looks good.

>> No.10392341

Hey cool outfit man. with hair like that i'm praying that you're asian

>> No.10392345

What shoes are those.

>> No.10392353
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p-posted in the wrong thread

>> No.10392358
File: 1.13 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-here's another one

>> No.10392369


>> No.10392381

how is it possible to look this disgusting? try again fam.

>> No.10392382

Hey man, I know my outfit isn't god-tier 10/10, but I just post for insight, be it positive or negative. Whether or not anybody's being honest is indeterminable, but if I agree with the advice (which, the majority of the time, I do) I heed it. Basically, I'm just here occasionally to give and receive advice/criticism (and to browse other threads and boards, among other things).

No disrespect intended fam, I actually appreciate the honesty.

>> No.10392385

Maybe next time :-(

>> No.10392392

When the top half of your fit is fresh but the bottom half is 75 year old war veteran-core

>> No.10392399


Diet butcher slim skin

>> No.10392402

Ayo /fa/ how you feel about MA-1's over turtlenecks

I don't wanna make a thread for a useless question and I don't want the advice of the "fuccboi general" crew.

>> No.10392411

Not too fond of the red stripes on your jacket. Different jeans and shoes would look nicer, too. Also, grey jacket plus grey shirt equals too much grey. A black jacket would look better.

Just wear darker jeans, namely black jeans. It'll look nicer.

>> No.10392417

What a disarming response tbh

Sorry for being obscenely rude.

>> No.10392423

haha yes going for that hobo-core look tbh.

>> No.10392424


underrated post

>> No.10392435

damn fam u burned me

>> No.10392437


Thanks I have one for it but it was too hot out today to wear comfortably.


Yo they're just naturally pointy it's the worst, just gotta own the diamond cutter look I guess

>> No.10392438

>niggers thinking wearing expensive clothes means you have wealth

not surprised really, pretty common stereotype.

>> No.10392441

why are you still typing about this

>> No.10392443

I can't be the only one annoyed by his small frame and big head.

>> No.10392449

w2c sweater

>> No.10392452

I'm not anyone you've replied to before, you were just being retarded so I called you out for it.

>> No.10392456

looks good

colors go together

>> No.10392457


>> No.10392461

Naw naw dungibbafug about that, just irritated by your racist language

>> No.10392491

Don't worry about it bro, it's all good.

>> No.10392497

I haven't been here in a long while and I've felt that faimiliar fever in the way I speak, it's why I have to leave when I decide to revisit, it's too easy to have an unhealthy relationship with others, and fighting the momentum towards degeneracy is not worth what /fa/ has to offer someone who is actually into fashion.

>> No.10392498

v neck nononono

2008 cheeky nandos core

>> No.10392515

wtc jacket

>> No.10392528

Lurk more, hypebeast

>> No.10392539

only good fits itt

>> No.10392555
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick fit i threw together with new jacket

>> No.10392568


paki pharrell slays it again

>> No.10392576

Anyway, your outfit is decent. Just change the belt buckle color from gold to silver to better match the [cool] tone of your outfit. Also, unrelated but clean your room.

>> No.10392595

>just irritated by your racist language
Oh, well sorry m8 you're just gonna have to grow some thicker skin and quit being a little bitch then I guess. "Nigger" fit perfectly there, as it's what you (assuming you posted it) were thinking like.

>> No.10392617
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idk what im doing

>> No.10392624

looks like i hate myself

>> No.10392625

>Light jeans with light clothing
Try darker jeans for contrast.

>> No.10392627

That Deadpool drawing in the background kek, are you in a grills dorm?

>> No.10392637
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going to work

>> No.10392638

Yea my gfs. She keeps making fun of me because I'm horribly insecure because of what you guys say about me

>> No.10392647

Lol, you're wasting your time. 4chan is ignorance incarnate you won't convince anyone with a logical argument.
If anyone has a problem they can address it to me personally, and as far as I remember this is a fashion board not an interior design board.

Challenge me if you're dissatisfied.

>> No.10392650

do people still say fuccboi cause

>> No.10392656

>being this much of a pussy faggot
Christ, for the sake of my own health I'm going to assume that you're not being serious. I truly hope you're not, because I really don't want my lungs to burst from laughter.

>> No.10392661

Picture quality is shit. Clean your lenses/mirror/whatever. Don't really like your shoes with the look, to be fair.

>> No.10392670
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>> No.10392674

I see what you're going for but you look like a construction worker who backyard wrestles in his spare time.

>> No.10392679

What are your lifts on the big 4 skelly

>> No.10392681


>> No.10392682

Those shoes... just no. Don't like the fit of the pants and the shirt is awful. You look like a white, middle-aged, alcoholic redneck about to beat the shit out of his wife.

My advice would be to change the shirt to something short-sleeved and get better fitting jeans of a dark blue color.

>> No.10392684
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>> No.10392692 [DELETED] 
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I just want everyone to talk shit about my jeans

>> No.10392694

What are your lifts on the big 4

>> No.10392702

5'7" bloated, fat manlet with curl bro arms and a carb gut in target-tier rags and homosexual combat boots
does your closeted married boyfriend make u keep those boots on while he creampies your anus, faggot?

>> No.10392708


6' 180 skelly boy. Shouldn't you be in the thinspo threads?

>> No.10392716

>c-criticism? uh... uh... lifts on the big 4!
Dude come on man. You post on here, expecting criticism or possibly advice for your outfit yet you still act surprised. Trying to divert the attention from your clothing to how many lifts the commentators do for the big 4 is a red herring logical fallacy.

It's good and all that you lift, but that's not the point of this entire thread, hell, board. We're here for the clothing and fashion, buddy.


>> No.10392719
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>> No.10392727

rofl he's probably going to tell us what he lifts any second now

>> No.10392730

You look like your mom dressed you

>> No.10392733

Yay, but you know I wake up as we all do and say "today I will remind them." Can't let them feel like they're insulated in a perfect, racist paradise. For no further purpose it's worth it

>> No.10392740



>> No.10392744

>Socks and sandals
>Retarded middle-school uniform-looking pants
>Tucked in, striped blue shirt that doesn't even match with what your wearing
>Mustard yellow phonecase
>Thick-rimmed glasses
>Greasy hair

This is absolutely disgusting. Easily the worst post in this entire thread and one of the worst posts I've seen in my life. You're obviously underage, but please, get a better sense of style. This is something not even a fifth grader would wear.

For starters, change the shoes. Wear some dark jeans and if you want to continue wearing short-sleeved shirts, that's fine. But to stay simple, you can wear a white shirt with some sort of dark jacket over it. Don't tuck the fucking shirt in, please. Tucking in shirts isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's just pointless in this case. As an accessory, wear a simple watch on one hand. And if those are your prescription glasses, get nicer looking ones, ones that are less thick. If they're just there for fashion, break that shit in half and throw them away.

You have the potential to not dress like a kindergartener, but for now I'm going to hope you take my advice.

You look like the fucking Blues Clues guy with the striped shirt.

>> No.10392746
File: 1.99 MB, 1474x3390, 2015-09-18 12.45.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeee I bearly leave the house
: )

>> No.10392747 [DELETED] 

blues clues core

>> No.10392758
File: 64 KB, 174x422, Steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blues clues core

>> No.10392763

some schools make you live on campus your first year at the school freshman or transfer....

>> No.10392764

I think if you actually wore jeans and got a haircut you'd seem like less of a shit stain

>> No.10392770


>> No.10392789

Yeah a haircut would be pretty neat, dunno what to get but...

>> No.10392798

The sleeves look like they might be big if they werent rolled up. Keep 'em like that and it looks fine

>> No.10392858

hey reddit

>> No.10392888
File: 84 KB, 500x752, 43252346262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10392905

>Blue shirt with green pants
Nope, that's just tasteless.

That jacket isn't very nice, by the way, and those shoes look equally as bad. Change the jacket and shoes, and find a way to make your hair look better. Your hairstyle adds 20 years to your age. Unless you're a 40-year-old. Then congratulations, you're the worst dressed 40-year-old I've ever seen.

>> No.10392919

attention slut GTFO OFF MY BOARD!!

>> No.10392980

>>10390812 not good
>>10390817 also not good but not as bad
>>10390819 potentially not complete trash but retarded perspective so fuck off
>>10390825 I like the boots and the shirt but not everything together
>>10390874 just ditch the clown shoes and go with a safer shirt and jacket, not really good
but at least the pants look ok
>>10390909 decent
>>10390935 you're tripping now? fuck off back to reddit, your fits are absolute garbage
>>10390985 retard perspective fuck off
>>10391038 overly drab and boring
>>10391053 tuck in shirt and get a good belt, then this might be a good fit
>>10391057 I like the navy better
>>10391135 absolute garbage, idc what kind of next level shit you think you're doing
>>10391162 I like it but I'd try different shoes with that fit
>>10391229 decent
>>10391262 beyond critique
>>10391367 learn to take a picture, too much pale going on, otherwise everything at least has a decent fit
>>10391418 start over
>>10391475 good, id on jacket big boy?
>>10391508 for some reason this looks better than it did yesterday, same issue though that the sweater doesn't really make sense in the fit
>>10391684 london
>>10391785 fucking trash this isn't even a fit
>>10391798 embarrassing
>>10391849 not good
>>10391871 everything is okay individually and for some reason this seems decent to me, don't change the jeans
>>10391872 decent but terrible perspective, pants too long (yes I know you're trying to stack), both shirts look kinda short to me
>>10391874 start over
>>10391879 long sleeve isn't good

>> No.10392991

Pairing blues and greens is fine, but I agree that that blue doesn't necessarily go with that green. A darker denim would work a bit better. Also, while I'm not a huge fan of the blue suede, the shoes are fine. The jacket is too. Don't conflate your taste with notions of quality. Investigate the brand instead.

>> No.10392997

How many negs that shit get on sufu?

>> No.10393003

>>10391883 stop
>>10391890 please
>>10391942 fashion
>>10391956 victim
>>10391983 looking good big boy
>>10392003 really good but not feeling the olive with everything else
>>10392026 what the fuck kind of weather are you wearing this in? scarf doesnt really look good and where are your shoes?
>>10392059 made of memes but decent nonetheless
>>10392292 not feeling it
>>10392353 not sure if it's the perspective or not but proportions looking ridiculously top-heavy
>>10392358 would be decent with darker jeans
>>10392555 gj paki pharell, the way the dip dye lines up with the pants is kind of weird though
>>10392617 try something simpler
>>10392637 basic but can't really say it's bad
>>10392670 start over
>>10392719 start over
>>10392746 start over, idk how tall you are but the jacket making you look hella manlet
>>10392888 start over

>> No.10393016

*browses /r/mfa once*

>> No.10393017
File: 85 KB, 358x874, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink cheap beer soo what

>> No.10393026

The jeans don't really seem to fit too well. And ombre can be nice sometimes, but this is just the type of shirt an emo 12-year-old would wear on his first day of school.

>> No.10393031

Was going for top-heavy on this fit good critique tho

>> No.10393048

umm this is all needles rebuild, you tween idiot
get some taste

>> No.10393061

He's not wrong though, regardless of your epic first-day-on-rakuten jp street cred

It looks bad (get your eyes checked)

>> No.10393072

nice fidlar but please put on a different shirt and some shoes thx

>> No.10393073

It might be Needles, but nothing he's wearing looks like rebuild stuff.

He's right about the blue and green being mismatched, but wrong about blue and green in general. He's also wrong about the quality. Also, we could fix the criticisms and people here would still hate the fit because /fa/ has, like, two approved looks.

>> No.10393075

Just thrifted if. Trying to figure out how to wear it. The pants are jogger. I know. Bring on the h8. I have a hard time fitting pants right. I'm a ski coach and have a ghetto booty from it

>> No.10393081

Can't tell if it's just the image quality, but good job actually matching the ombre of the shirt to the pant. So irritating to see people just match base color.

The rest of the fit is fine. Not a fan of drawstring trousers with the strings visible (unless there's some exceptional circumstance and it looks better that way.)

>> No.10393088

Oh I was actually commenting towards the pieces individually, not his prefab rules of style. So many good denim chorecoats out there if he's willing to import, it's inexcusable, same with the workman's chino. I can't let it slide.

And yah I can't think of a season of rebuild that looks like this.

>> No.10393094

it looks bad to you maybe
i bet this gets at least 25 likes on styleforum

>> No.10393107

Yah you're probably right. Soundclip (the most obvious parallel) has had some serious missteps in his fits in the past and he still gets big rep for going all needles. No hate for him though, he's had some miraculous fits as well, lest I find myself casting the first stone.

>> No.10393109

I mean they're both a little bit off black. Thanks though. I sometimes tie it in a bow. More adorable or something

>> No.10393114

How do you see yourself "expanding" this fit? Is there any room for growth do you think? I'm having a hard time thinking what would be decent to layer into it...

>> No.10393117

What the actual fuck. All you ever do is post this same shit and it's always basic as fuck and you never even have any shoes on either so we're barely even seeing the outfit.

>fuck dug 2015

>> No.10393155

never stop posting, I sincerely love your fits

>> No.10393161

Havnt played with much since I just got the shirt. Probably like denim jacket or grey cardigan or black sweater over top

>> No.10393188

w2c jacket?

>> No.10393641


>> No.10393765
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>> No.10393908


Prolly my favorite, would love to be your lil nerdy bf

>> No.10393924




>> No.10394027

Man you're breaking my balls, I'd love to see those in black

>> No.10394171
