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/fa/ - Fashion

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10383726 No.10383726 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your mother accidentally burns your 300$ coat.

>> No.10383744
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>tfw anytime i take my eyes off my clothes, a family member ruins them

>> No.10383752

>tfw all friends are pleb norms

>tfw no one to appreciate my fits

>> No.10383764

>tfw one ear is higher on my head than the other

>> No.10383770

>tfw youre forgetting to be yourself and buying clothes with having a gf

>> No.10383787

This is most people, fam.

>> No.10383793

>tfw fat fetish but fatties aren't effay
>tfw no one has made a comment on your memebaskets in person
>tfw you need a ciggy

>> No.10383796

>tfw you hit 35 and realize your skinny jeans and geobaskets look ridiculous. teens walk by you and laugh and sneak iphone pictures of you.

feels real bad.

>> No.10383808

>tfw only buying clearance designer clothing that looks like shit

>> No.10383815

Stop being a faggot then. Listen to them. Wear shit that fits you.

>> No.10383826


either that or your fits just suck

>> No.10383840

>leave a sweater with a lined hood at my parent's
>when I get it back the fur lining is completely annihilated
>ask mom if she put my sweater through the dryer
>"a-anon it looks fine, of course you can put that in a dryer"


>> No.10383843

>tfw you have to beat your dog for chewing on your raf simons

>> No.10383855

there needs to be more threads on "what old ppl should wear"

>> No.10383918

>teens walk by you and laugh and sneak iphone pictures of you

This doesn't actually happen in the real world, especially not over skinny jeans and geobaskets

>> No.10383949

Your parents bought these things for you anyway, it's theirs to fuck up if they want to wash it.

>> No.10383951
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I'll miss you, coat.

>> No.10383956

Nah, bought it myself. At home for a week until I go back to uni.

>> No.10383961 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10383967

With pappy and momos money you fat weeb cunt

>> No.10383974

This is the funniest gif I've ever seen

>> No.10383976

>$300 coat
You sure thats a coat and not just a sleeve of one?

>> No.10383980

I dont even buy Rick Owens and I still think that some of the loose pants, geobasket looks are ridiculously good. And I am 26 and wear suits day in day out. I would even get some of his items myself but they simply arent worth the money to me.

>> No.10383989

No, they pay for my anime collection instead.

>> No.10383999

loool, the doge literally
but how, thats mess up ? :D

>> No.10384006

>iphone pictures

you're saying you're 35 but you sound 80

>> No.10384327

She knows. She was taking it upon herself to police your masculinity. My mom will do stuff like this too if I'm not vigilant.

>> No.10384331

>tfw when you make impulse buys and later regret it

>> No.10384391
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1441256101497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW only two Anime watching friends;
>TFW they are un/fa/ and only watch garbage.

>TFW anime core isn't /fa/

>TFW Gold armor isnt /fa/

>TFW liking Anime now is WORSE than being a nerd back when it was a bad thing.


>> No.10384399

I-I'll watch anime with you anon

>> No.10384404

what anime do they watch?

>> No.10384408

That sucks. You should probably change style a little bit tho

>> No.10384411

>tfw my mom supports my fashion addiction
>tfw my mom dresses full made well-core and pulls it off
>tfw she gets way mor compliments on her fits than I
>tfw I can't even be mad because I get my fashion sense and my looks from her

>> No.10384444
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One of them is a Naruto (i know) anime only guy(but he's seen the typical stuff like FMA and some other unrememberable anime.

The other one actually has seen some less pleb-tier-stuff, but the problem is that he rarely spends his free time watching anime. Now all he does is play video games.

Sometimes... I dream of meeting a QT Japanese girl who's only reason of existence is sitting next to me and watching anime together, I dont ask for much... But instead all I have is these two pleb-friends to fill that void.

>> No.10384462

In before someone goes the oldschool route: "my BITCH OF A MOM washed my raw jeans and now they won't get the sick fades I've always wanted ;_;"

>> No.10384473

lol emberlyn?

>> No.10384497

>I dream of meeting a QT Japanese girl who's only reason of existence is sitting next to me and watching anime together
>I dont ask for much

Jesus, what a waste of quads on a homo like you.

>> No.10384503


>> No.10384583

don't buy shit you can barely afford

>> No.10384631

>caring about the digits of a post on an anonymous forum

Who's the real homo here?

>> No.10384772

>tfw you still live with your mother

>> No.10384930

I'm 19 and still live with my mother, should I kill myself? Or wait until I'm 20?

>> No.10384949

>tfw having a photoshoot lined up
>a show with your band lined up
>the girl you started seeing is gonna be back in town
>you total your fucking car the weekend before all of this

welp time to be on a track bike in rainy weather for a while
at least I still look good and didn't get seriously hurt in the crash

>> No.10384960

post fit

>> No.10385205

I'm sure one of the teenagers who took it will post it in a cringe thread eventually

>> No.10385214

did u a favor tbh fam

>> No.10385225

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.10385257

means you cared more about the coat as a status symbol than its aesthetic value

>> No.10385275

it doesn't mean any of that you dumb nigger, I'm not the anon you responded to either, just stopped by to say you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10385276

nah it was a goose down north face for winter lmao not a runway piece.

>> No.10385291

you sound like a huge weeb, fuck

>> No.10385296


You should kill her

>> No.10385607

>feel when 5'2
never gonna make it

>> No.10385621

> tfw bitch im trying to chase wouldn't stop wearing leggings and boots to reveal her delicious legs and feet

Well at least she started showing her flat chested cleavage

>> No.10385629

>went to party last night
>wearing my best clothes (opening ceremony sweater, acne jeans, and common project bball hightops)
>got mad compliments on my fit
>girls would eyeball my fit and then look away when they saw my slightly below average face
>start drinking to loosen myself up
>everyone having fun including me
>standing in the corner alone so i figure im not drunk enough
>ask for shots and lose control, started talking to everyone
>started drinking more because i wanted to lose all inhibition
>someone hands me a bottle of tequila and drink what was left
>don't remember anything after this
>next morning wake up in my car, clothes covered in puke
>literally just threw away my shoes and am washing my jeans and sweater right now, not sure if they'll make it
>don't even know how i got to my car, luckily i went alone to that party and knew absolutely no one at it (was driving by and saw it so i pretended like i got invited)
>feel really embarrassed since I am not sure if i puked at the party or something, but at the same time i am sad from the lost shoes

>> No.10385642

Are you fucking serious? I almost pissed on some furniture in a house at a party because I couldn't find the toilet and really needed to go. Thankfully I didn't do it because I got caught, but shit was fine in the end. Don't be embarrassed or worried, like you said, you didn't know anyone at that party, next time only wear your good clothes if you can keep yourself under control, else wear flashy but cheap and disposable party clothing.

>> No.10385649


Clothes look better when they are overwashed, dirty, and fucked up. Go get your shoes out of the trash and enjoy your life.

>> No.10385657

yeah honestly i fucked up since I could barely afford those clothes in the first place, so it was really dumb of me

I usually can limit myself, but I was having an unusual amount of fun since it's the first time i've been to a party with old people, everyone looked like they were atleast 25, I said I was 22 but I am much much younger than that :)

I have very bad social anxiety and I was literally shaking when I walked in the door, but alcohol literally cures that for me and changes me as a person, I wish I could act like that sober

For sure never wearing nice clothes to a party ever again

>> No.10385668

Yeah I get you man. I partied with 22-28 year olds when I was 18-19. They are a fun crowd to be around. Just don't be self conscious or anxious, confidence makes people like you. All you need to do is chill. I learned not to wear good clothes to parties after I destroyed my favourite pair of suede shoes.

>> No.10385673

get professional help for your anxiety. becoming an alcoholic will just cause more issues, like you experienced the other night.

>> No.10385677

How do i learn to not be anxious and self conscious? I feel like that is what holds me back the most in life and I honestly don't know how to overcome it

I constantly think about what people think of me, even when I desperately try to not care

>> No.10385684

Basically it doesn't matter what they think of you because their thoughts can't do shit to you in the end.

Your ego should be based on personal accomplishments instead of other people's standards.

Their thoughts have nothing to do with you because they are them and you are you. It really does not matter in the end. Just do what you need to do bro (repeating this to myself even though I'm pretty anxious too).

Basically be happy as long as you impress yourself. Use other people's opinion as a guide to assess situations and context, but don't let it define how you feel or who you are.

>> No.10385698

hmmm thanks man I will definitely think about that more often.

I feel like I understand the concepts of why I shouldn't be self conscious and anxious, but I still have trouble applying it

I have had constant anxiety for as long as I remember even when in my mind I have figured out what's causing it, and exactly why I shouldn't feel this way, but the feeling is still there and the self conscious thoughts keep coming back

Sorry if I am turning this into an /adv/ thread but you guys kinda brought me to the realization that it's not normal for me to feel like this.

Does anyone have any book recommendations? I honestly can't really afford to seek professional help since that is not covered at all in my insurance and I have a low income family.

>> No.10385711

Just don't get caught up in your thoughts. The emotional part of your mind is like those evil global corporations that are trying to brainwash you.

Focus less on how you feel and more on how you should achieve. I speak of things that are productive, put your tiny worries on hold and just start doing shit, the only way from your current state is up.

>> No.10385734

Feel when design clothes (graphic prints mainly, to be fair) out of boredom for fun and receive positive feedback from both people I know as well as anonymous /fa/ggots, but don't have the connections, money or influence to do anything with them.

>> No.10385826

Every time

>> No.10385838

>"I wish I could act like that sober"
>wut are anti anxiety meds

Go see a doc nigga

>> No.10385840

Man I feel your pain, done the same thing in designer clothes many times and woken up with a ripped shirt or puke/blood everywhere etc but you really didn't need to throw away your CPs. Try and find them if you can cuz they'd probably turn out fine. Even if you have to pay someone to get it professionally done its still cheaper than buying new shoes.

>> No.10385845

>tfw went to an anime-con just to look better than everyone else and then feel better about myself
>barely even watch anime any more

>> No.10385854

nevER partY hard in designer my DUDE

>> No.10385861


>> No.10385874

hmmm true man I just took them out after reading that, don't feel like cleaning them right now cause they smell and are kinda stained, will def need new laces, my jeans actually look fine probably because they are black but they smell weird, sweater will need to be professionally cleaned too

don't really think anti anxiety meds would actually solve what is causing my anxiety, all it would do is dampen the feeling and make me dependent on them to not feel anxiety?

there has to be a way to solve anxiety without taking meds