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/fa/ - Fashion

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10380830 No.10380830 [Reply] [Original]

Should I cop?

>> No.10380840

Basic bitches always resort to the same responses when confronted with an actual luxury garment. The chloroforming effect of so much Rick and Raf has left the average poor/fa/g with a completely skewed concept of luxury, namely as something that's meant to be misrepresented. If it isn't distressed, torn up, bleached, badly cut, dull, and made with coarse materials, it's gaudy, gauche, tacky.

You literally need to de-program your mind from thinking like this. You've allowed yourself to connect with fashion purely through visual media. You look at fits on the internet, watch runway shows, flip through obscure magazines, and follow strangers on tumblr. You have very little contact with the world of clothing. You hardly ever visit any actual stores. You know nothing about tailoring. You don't try things on because all your shopping is done online. You pass judgment on things you'll never own because you assume they're for other people with an inferior sense of style. You believe money corrupts taste because so many people with money have no taste. You have no idea where the material your garments are made with comes from. You are ignorant about textiles and the importance of high quality wools, leathers, dyes and thread. You couldn't tell a Chinese sourced mink from an American one. You live in a bubble, rarely travelling more than 50 miles from your house. You debut your fits on college campuses and at stupid parties where nobody is paying the slightest attention. You fidget and squirm in your clothes because someone on the internet laughed at you. You're always uncomfortable because the clothes you wear are silly throwaway fashion pieces that are not designed with function in mind. You can't relax when dressed up because you're afraid of scuffing or staining whatever you're wearing.

Your fits are shit. You have no money and even less taste. You subscribe to a subculture that has no relevancy in the real world. You are a pleb, and you always will be.

>> No.10380868

Please explain to me how you're any different?

An existence consisting of sitting with a copy pasta to post on boards about luxury garments.