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10373926 No.10373926 [Reply] [Original]

what degenerate habit is most effay? whats your favorite brand?

>> No.10374045
File: 238 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150823_171236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>benzo's (xannax and kpins

>> No.10374133



>> No.10374223
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Nat Sherman's exclusively. If you have the extra money, definitely a good way to go. Best menthols I've had. All naturals are good, but the yellow pack sucks

>> No.10374225

mmm klonnies. how much was your sig? been thinking of getting one but fuck they're expensive for looking so meh. feel like HK are more effay

>> No.10374320

using the internet

>> No.10374328

JDM fuccboi car "culture" is definitely a vice.

>> No.10374392


Definitely degenerate too lel


Coke, most effay stuff is pure colombian disco shit

>> No.10374481

>prescription opiates
>prescription speed

>> No.10374545

sugary drinks.
I'm ashamed

>> No.10374551
File: 31 KB, 736x489, Vapour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to smoke cigs
Now I vape, Is vaping /fa/ or do you guys hate it just as much as /b/ does?

>> No.10374567

Cigarettes (I smoke Turkish royals)
Stimulants (coke/adderall/etc)
Drug use in general Except for psychedelics. Psychs are by far the least fa drug you could do

>> No.10374569

Everyone here hates vaping so you'll get flamed but personally I don't mind it. I only really dislike it when they have customizable ones and are super into vapes / making big clouds. Also when people who vape look down on smokers, that's the worst. But vaping isn't bad imo as long as you don't advertise it or get super nerdy about it

>> No.10374574

vaping look pretentious as fuck. and box shaped vapes are stupid. vaping is for quitting smoking if anything. Either smoke or dont vape.

>> No.10374576

Being degenerate is not effay in any way, but smoking gives you an "american look", just like in the movies. Decades of brainwashing through cinema made it look cool in our brains.

I sometimes smoke Dunhills, Luckies or Marlboro Reds

>> No.10375249

neckbeard af, kind of embarrassed for you tbh

>> No.10375253

marlboro/camel/marlboro menthols

>> No.10375540

I just got over a heroin addiction after having an overdose after getting pulled over by the cops. I was copping so many nods that I ran a red light. Luckily, they called an ambulance and saved my skin. I died for 4 minutes.

>> No.10375784

Cigarrets for me, but I tend to smoke more/ more slowly if it goes with an Americana style outfit.

Holy shit dude, you're one lucky son of a fuck.

>> No.10375802

now thats effay

>> No.10375816

>not using and abusing prescription and/or illegal substances to the detriment of your own health and lifestyle
get him boys

>> No.10375822

livin' the dream

>> No.10375855


I hero worth trying, like honestly?

>> No.10375906

lucky strike

>> No.10376985

doing it discretely is fine, saying stuff like "BRUH CHECK MA CLOUDS THIS FUCKING COIL IS SICK" while you're blowing smoke in other peoples' faces is not acceptable at all.

>> No.10376995

No. stay the fuck away.

>> No.10377007

>tfw you like camels but your gf who used to smoke loves camels
>need to smoke something else around her

>> No.10377013

>what degenerate habit is most effay?
eating disorders

>> No.10377149


>> No.10377170

OP said degenerate

>> No.10377193

I got these

>> No.10377290

Heavily underrated post.

>> No.10377302

And anon responded with "homosexuality".

>> No.10377391

u single bby

>> No.10377571

psychs are effay if they are done discreetly with close friends or alone. However it is not effay to talk about your psychedelic use outside of the group of people you do them with.

>> No.10377613

They're lots of fun but they certainly are not effay.

Have you ever seen someone on psychedelics while you're sober? They look like a crazy fucking caveman.

>> No.10377774

I'm the guy who made that post. No.

>> No.10377803


It feels fucking great though, but it destroys people. I lost my Animal Crossing 3DS XL because one of the guys I was getting dope with stole it to pawn. The pawn shop becomes a reoccurring destination once you start doing heroin.
The cops who got me out of the car also have my phone now, so I gotta cancel that shit and get a new one because I'm never getting that back.
And there is no trying. You ARE going to do it again.

>> No.10378165

tripping makes my face gaunt as fuck the cheekbones are beautiful. i love the mirror while tripping even though it tries to terrify me

>> No.10378478

not really, most of the times I've tripped people can't really even tell. I'm not saying that when you're on psychs you're necessarily effay, but the act of tripping for the purpose of working out personal problems/self improvement/having a good time with close friends is definitely effay. As long as you do it with other non-degenerate people.

>> No.10378511
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800* have extended mags 17 that dosennt stick and a 33 that looks lik im cheef keef here's mah glock

the culture is gay but i like the cars

>> No.10379137

>Be a skinny fat fag at 55kg and smoking
>Stop smoking start lifting, currently at 72kg
>Anything i wear looks good because of my physique
>fuck your fa cancer shit

>> No.10379142

smoking cigs, mostly chesterfield
>energy drinks

>> No.10380012

>compensating for butterface by lifting
we all have to play to our strengths i guess

>> No.10380039

>CTRL + F "Pussy"
>0 Results

>> No.10380518

i dont think any of us are that degenerate

>> No.10381606

Why so insecure?
I didn't mention anything about my face that would make you assume i'm ugly lol

>> No.10381649


>> No.10382696
File: 999 KB, 905x1355, 8bkaiz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just your typical brutish mentality shit, no need to lift unless you were a quasimodo to begin with

>> No.10382751
File: 59 KB, 513x472, 1440185261705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have twiglets for arms and a soft liquorice neck you lavender boy

>> No.10383167

Hey kids if you're reading this, don't start smoking. Shit's fucked. You don't even notice you're addicted til you try quit, that was an uncomfortable experience. Haven't smoked in a couple months at least now and I still get cravings. I never even smoked much to begin with.

>> No.10383694
File: 511 KB, 2448x3264, tTWkuOf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hot pink box mod with a dripper is fucking disgusting.Just garish.
If it's unregulated you'd be much better off with something like pic related or just shooting yourself because the only good reason for a box mod is room for regulation circuitry.
A single battery mod like a kbox you might be able to work with,but for the most part box mods are aesthetically awful and make you look like a tool.

Secondly there's how you behave with it.Just don't act like an obnoxious twat and you'll be fine really .

>> No.10383707

wow cut ur fingernails fam

>> No.10383712

well outside of fa nobody thinks that looking like a skeleton is fa, i'm not huge i'm just really well built now

>> No.10383713
File: 12 KB, 236x349, cac26be76fc5015a325f59536fb02db5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ciggies n coffee lads

>> No.10383719


lol you fucking gay teenager

>> No.10383763

>tfw the act of smoking cigarettes is /fa/ but the smell is not

how do you solve this dilemma?

>> No.10383786

I smoke rollies, I like hash and coke.

Coke is pretty effay.

Drugs that make you gourn badly obviously aren't effay.

Trippers that turn you into a non-functioning autistic child obviously aren't effay, because they are usually aren't done in public.


>if done with friends or alone

Can't be effay if its only done with your only with close friends or alone.

DMT can be an exception because it only lasts like 5 minutes and you feel great for days.

>> No.10384094

that's a big clip

>> No.10384273

you fucking trolls

>> No.10385145

>Can't be effay if its only don with close friends or alone

explain your logic behind this

>> No.10385148

sometimes i get sad and drink too much shitty wine

>> No.10385278

I fucking hate vapes. The one good reason to vape is if you're using it to get off smoking and go cold turkey asap. If you vape for any reason other than that I just assume neckbeard. Even cigarettes are better

>> No.10385283


ultimate pleb tier

the only fashionable vices are barn burning, killing homeless people, and coprophilia

>> No.10385290


I'd rather smell cigarette smoke when walking down the street than that sickly sweet candy ass bullshit

> "hey dude try my new vape, it's captain crunch/mango flavor blow clouds lol"

I'd literally rather get secondhand cancer