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/fa/ - Fashion

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10373551 No.10373551 [Reply] [Original]

How do I dress like a normal person? I don't want to look like one of you faggots and your convoluted idea of what good fashion is, I just want to dress like what the general population likes. Because fashion is subjective and some people can think something is amazing and others think its total shit, so im just planning on dressing how the MAJORITY of people like to dress, ie gen pop.

THAT being said, should I just buy clothes from Uniqlo? I've bought from them before and I had a decent experience. I just want nice clothes that won't make me look retarded while im at college.

>> No.10373574

just find a good balance between the two

>> No.10373581
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what do you mean?

>> No.10373585


>> No.10373587

reddit male fashion advice

>> No.10373589

uniqlo is good quality stuff from my limited exposure. tbh just shop sales if you're normal. otherwise too expensive

>> No.10373594
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yeah honestly people are gonna make fun of that subreddit but thats probably where i need to go and thats probably a better place for people in general

this board seems to be fixated on making yourself look as autistic as possible

>> No.10373599

Just learn about basic shit like color theory and pick clothes that fit well together. You don't have to be too into fashion or trends to understand what looks good.

>> No.10373603

oh yeah. I noticed alot of fucking asians at my college wearing supreme and shit. What the fuck? First off, if you got a fake, thats fucking lame as shit. second, if you paid for the real deal, you paid like 150 dollars or some shit for a fucking SHIRT.

>> No.10373622


>> No.10373642

Normie high quality wardrobe:


brands i recommend:
-American apparel
-J. crew factory (or the real thing if you can afford it)

-20 Pairs nice underwear (whatever you want anon)
-20 pairs nice socks, 10 no show, 10 crew
no shows can be whatever. for crew get hiking socks, uniqlo, j crew or whatever (grey and black)
-3 white crewneck undershirts
-2 white scoopneck undershirts (h&m)
-2 black scoopneck undershirts (h&m)
- a good black belt and a good brown belt
-1 pair black uniqlo stretch jeans
-1 pair dark blue jeans (if you have the money get APC PNS)
-1 pair light wash (uniqlo or cheap monday)
-1 pair khakis ( I recommend H&m to save money, nice cuts and easily replaceable)
-1 grey pullover hoodie (Uniqlo)
-1 grey sweater / sweatshirt (uniqlo ect)
-1 navy sweater (uniqlo, j crew, h&m or whatever as long as it looks good)
-1 creme sweater (uniqlo, j crew, h&m or whatever as long as it looks good)
- blue ocdb (uniqlo)
-pink ocdb (uniqlo)
-white ocdb (uniqlo)
-navy ocdb (uniqlo)
-patterned chambray shirt (uniqlo)
-several more interesting nicely patterned / colored button ups (i recommend j crew factory)
-black bomber jacket (h&m has a decent cheap one rn or get a better one if you can whatever as long as it looks ok)
-olive / green parka (theres a nice Alpha industries / UO one out rn if not just jcrew or h&m or whatever
-winter jacket (if you need one) whatever you want
- any winter shit you need, gloves scarfs ect
- any hats you want (caps beaines ect keep them simple and no modern sports team ones pls)
- 1 pair grey sweats (i reccomend JCF they're really nice)
-1 pair white shoes ( stans/ AF1's/Cps/whatever is nice that you can afford)
-1 pair boots (redwing/clarks/chelseas/whatever looks good or you need depending on the climate)
-1 pair black derbies (doc monos/cps/ whatever)

>> No.10373646

you'll be well dressed but won't stand out too much

-uniqlo blackwatch flannel
-idk what else
hope this helps or whatever I'm sure i forgot some shit

>> No.10373673

btw didn't mean high quality literally, just y'know as in nice

>> No.10373679

never listen to "HURR DURR GO BACK TO MFA"

>> No.10373706

this mfa is better / more helpful in general for beginners

nice very solid

>> No.10373707

I don't understand why you would call people faggots and then ask for advice? Normal people are typically nice to people they want advice from, I don't think you'll fit in at all among normal people.

>> No.10373718


Wow dude thanks this is actually the exact type of response I was hoping for

>> No.10373754



are these or any colorblock sweatshirts good?

>> No.10373782

np bby

as far as sweatshirts go I tend to prefer (with some exceptions) solid colors
This one is ok:

Id go for this one of these tho:



or both in different colors

>> No.10373809

Stay away from ling ling fashion brands.

>> No.10373818

APC is shit now

>> No.10373822

How much do you think this would cost altogether? Poor college fag here.

>> No.10373829

Really how so? pls elaborate. Its my favorite cut so thats really disappointing If its true. All of their stuff that I own / have been in contact with has been / seemed very high quality

>> No.10373840

They moved their manufacturing to Macau around 2009 and the overall quality of the denim/make went down drastically (but the price didn't).

>> No.10373842

depends, way too much for a poor college student to cop all at once. I'd do it in chunks and get things as you find them on sale. The absolute essentials I'd look to cop first are:
-1 pair black uniqlo stretch jeans
-1 pair dark blue jeans
-3 white crewneck undershirts
-2 white scoopneck undershirts (h&m)
-2 black scoopneck undershirts (h&m)
-1 grey pullover hoodie (Uniqlo)
-1 grey sweater / sweatshirt (uniqlo ect)
-1 navy sweater (uniqlo, j crew, h&m or whatever as long as it looks good)
-blue ocdb (uniqlo)
-black bomber jacket (h&m has a decent cheap one rn or get a better one if you can whatever as long as it looks ok)
-1 pair white shoes ( stans for budget)

>> No.10373847

so its just really the denim products then?

>> No.10373848

>I just want to dress like what the general population likes
Wear whatever is being sold at your local mall

>> No.10373855

also uniqlo is having a sale rn check it out you could pick up a lot of it at once for a discount probably

>> No.10373856

As far as I know, yeah. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same with the rest of their products. I'm not saying they make shit clothes at all though, I'm just saying that if you bought their jeans before 09 and after you could see a severe drop in quality, one that isn't worth the price for me. Maybe another anon with more experience can chime in.

>> No.10373857

This was my initial thought when reading this as well.

>> No.10373863

Thanks for the help, will look into it. Really appreciate it.

>> No.10373871

Also I like boots, is there a brand similar to or better than Redwings that isn't as expensive? Doesn't need to be amazing quality since it'll be cheaper.

>> No.10373874
File: 176 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nm56egxcpo1qb6rk6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically what I go for, OP.

Affordable, cool, fairly masculine, not too gaudy. He also links to where you can find the stuff.


>> No.10373889

interesting thanks man

I'm not really sure tbh not a boot expert, maybe some other anon can recommend

>> No.10373893

ok cool thanks.

>> No.10373908


low risk,high yield wear

>> No.10373935


I ended up getting 2 plain white t shirts from H&M for 15 dollars and my total from uniqlo was 145 thanks to their promo code THANKS

I fucking hate jeans so I just grabbed 2 chino pants, one khaki and one black

When do I wear black socks? right now I have a pair of white shoes that I only wear white socks with and grey/red shoes that I wear white socks if my clothes for the day are light colored, and I wear black socks with them if my clothes are dark colors. would you agree with that?