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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 418x504, 1425951762040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10373480 No.10373480 [Reply] [Original]

>be minority
>get some preppy-ish clothes(literally just white chino shorts,killshots,and navy shirt)
>try them on and show family
>"Haha this nigga tryin to look like a rich white boy"
life hurts bros

>> No.10373482

crabs in a bucket, friend

>> No.10373488

Fucc yo family nigga. Iz all bout wha bitches & real niggaz think out here. Kno wat I'm sayin

>> No.10373497

>hair grows moe than 2 inches
>get called a homosexual
I've had short hair my entire life and just once I want to try a new hairstyle.
I've been growing it out while wearing caps to hide it

>> No.10373499 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 120x117, 03759265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, nigger

>> No.10373503

>Haha this nigga tryin to look like a rich white boy

fucking maximum kek

>> No.10373519

Fuck your family. Keep going.

>> No.10373524

why the fuck would you like to dress like a lame ass cracker
peel off your skin dumb nigga

>> No.10373530


>> No.10373531

>tfw fell for the skeleton meme (129lbs)
>if you are a weak skinny nigger everyone walks over you

recovering now 150lbs

>> No.10373533

Just say your growing it to braid up or dread

I did that but ended up with braids because they look dope

>> No.10373535

Edgy niggers are literally the worst

>> No.10373544 [DELETED] 

niggers are literally the worst

>> No.10373545

My parents would probably love me more if I start dressing like that

>> No.10373548

Black people's minds explode when one of them makes even the slightest signal that they don't want to fully buy into the bullshit idea that blacks need to be some weird subculture with their own everything.

Fuck that shit, OP. Not saying it's a perfect life out there for black folks in America, but the black community holds people down with that sort of bullshit, whether they realize it or not.

>> No.10373550

that isn't even preppy brah

preppy is: faded 4 year old madras shorts, beat up 2 year old sperrys, and maybe a navy shirt, that's pretty vague

>> No.10373558

Can't believe you missed this opportunity to say "fuck off fam tbh smh" unironically.

>> No.10373569

>get braids
>L.O.L. this guy wants to be black.

I guess we can see but not touch.

>> No.10373617

>tfw irish and caribbean
>pale as a honkey
>have kinky hair
>clashes with pale babyface
>want to get dreads but dont want to be seen as white guy with dreads
>just keep it short
>brown sister can do whatever she wants
>another brother like me, but with white people hair

just kill me dawg

>> No.10373643


How accurate is this video?

>> No.10373652

damn fam, your family had a nigga moment

>> No.10373670

so glad im white

>> No.10373689

In the 21st century?
Not very. Being smart has been 'cool' for a while.

Which is not to say you're not going to get clowned on for not being black enough in certain social settings, but that comes from white people just as much as black.

Basically Dear White People is more accurate.

>> No.10373700

Edgy crackers are literally the worst.

>> No.10373704

is usa the best place to be a white male?
i think so tbh

>> No.10373709

>Dear White People
So good.

>> No.10373713

>le edge meme

don't you have some EBT to be cashing jamarcus?

>> No.10373743

>Dear White People
Haven't seen it, could you sum it up?

>> No.10373762

>this is where you snap back with
haha this nigga look like he buy his shirts at the corner store & be the first person waiting on in line to get their welfair chek

>> No.10373777

incredibly privileged black people get grumpy about some minor racism


>> No.10373779

The synopsis on wiki gave that impression, but it didn't really delve into the film's conclusion.

>> No.10373791

>could you sum it up
Not appealingly, the lesson is basically that both blacks and whites are assholes, but it paints a picture of several black archetypes and you end up finding it hard not to fit into at least one of them.

It's on Netflix though, worth 'falling asleep to this' watch.

>> No.10373795

Neat, thanks.

>> No.10373803

the black people go to the blackface party and cause a ruckus until the police come

no one gets in trouble

it's a really mild movie, which is weird given the ferguson/blm context it came out in, feels like a 90s film

>> No.10373843

This. Don't get dragged down by them.

>> No.10373902

just stop being a minority then. duh ?

>> No.10373925
File: 9 KB, 250x243, 1403478457790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Texican
>30 years old
>still look like I'm 20
>use coconut oil on my face and hair every night before bed
>not aging at all

>> No.10373929

I'm not even white, you stupid fuck.

>> No.10374031

This is incredibly accurate. Nicely worded.

OP, in my book, just don't wear sperries(any type of boat shoes[Unless you own a boat]); you can be black and /fa/.

Fuck anyone who thinks white is anything other than jeans with a fucking stitched patterned on the back pocket while wearing jordans or any athletic shoe.

I try to branch my style out to all regions and influences, if they consider a sudden change to be "white", their knowledge of how the rest of the world dresses is VERY narrow.

Do you bro, people will hate, others will congrats you with a smile for your fits. Live for those moments instead.

>> No.10374053

I did coconut oil on face and broke out. Tried olive oil a while with no issues. Currently testing argan oil

>> No.10374061

black people absolutely kill it when they dress right. When they dress like shit... they scare my gf. Yes girls are afraid of sketchy looking black dudes. Nothing wrong with being black, just the cultural associations which are shitty.

>> No.10374095

>growing out my top
>overseas visiting extended family
>muslim uncle refuses to say hello to me
>because i was growing out my top
>fucking muslims

feels good to be back in Canada raving with sluts, drinking beer eating bacon and getting a tattoo

>> No.10374138

>>>"Haha this nigga tryin to look like a rich white boy"

>> No.10374444
File: 32 KB, 225x284, 1412998838884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw straight white male
>tfw never had a single problem with cops
>tfw nobody is afraid of me in the streets
>tfw people smile and talk to me
Must feel bad being a pariah

>> No.10374771

Maybe cause u are boring
Nice quads

>> No.10375198

>have long surfer/skater hair since i was 15
>have it down to my shoulders at one point
>always get compliments on it
>get to around 19-20, have it cut shorter to around my ears length
>finally decide at 21 to just get an undercut, blade 2 all around and long and messy on top
>girls ive known for a while ask me why i got it cut this way and say they miss my old hair

i hate the same hairstyle for essentially 6 years and they bitched when i got it cut to something that looks nicer, annoyed the fuck out of me

>> No.10375224

Dude that's a cool mix

>> No.10375250

>tfw you were born in a country whose citizen are seen as the embodiment of hard working
>tfw we dont work hard, we just work efficiently
>tfw you can get a job anywhere on the planet simply by mentioning where youre from because of above
Talk about winning the genetic lottery.

>> No.10375255

glorious nippon?

>> No.10375264

Japanese people are the exact opposite of us. They work a lot, but hardly get anything done. Japanese work ethics are borderline retarded. They even stick around if theres nothing to do. They are even less productive than brits, which is pretty impressive.

>> No.10375271

>be actual homosexual
>live in compton
>walk around in tight white jeans and fake hipster glasses
>get compliments
>Actually crossdress sometimes at night
>Niggas be askin how much

Nah man it ain't that bad.

>> No.10375272


>> No.10375275

Ja! To my surprise the French are ridiculously productive as well. I have never heard anyone say that about a Frenchman, though.

>> No.10375295

Yeah they're actually the most productive in Europe I think.

My race is known to be hard working but shitty associations due to emigration tend to lower that opinion sadly.

>dgw deutsch lernen

>> No.10375307

>Yeah they're actually the most productive in Europe I think.
Not quite, according to the OECD. They are close. However, that report is from 2014 so they might be now.

>> No.10375312


>Dress in oversized mall-tier hoodies x jeans all my life
>get fitted white t-shirt and navy chino pants
>"whoa anon, now you need a man-purse and you'll be a hipster haha"

>> No.10375326
File: 600 KB, 634x650, Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-13 um 16.49.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it not possible for black people to dress well?

>> No.10375356

nice buzz word
im sure you know mc rens dad or something too

>> No.10375359

>be black
>wear hoodies, J's, cargos, baggy jeans, ill-fitting polo, etc.
>read the /fa/ sticky
>start dressing better, stick to the basics like OP
>some black friends approve
>some black friends roast me
>virtually all white friends approve
>white girls are more receptive towards me
>even white adults treat me better

So fucking worth it lol.

>> No.10375382

Those girls probably want the d.

>> No.10375386


>> No.10375397

have you tried Ritz?

>> No.10375430

>be mulatto
>can't get bowlcut, because hair doesn't grow fast enough and hair sticks up from black genes

>> No.10375431

prep doesn't work on any race except white, or maaaaaaaaaybe asian, but that's a strong maybe.

>> No.10375436

Height? I'm 155lbs at 6'2" and I find myself too skinny.

Also post hair

>> No.10375438


>> No.10375440

if youre black and you dress preppy basic bitches will flock to you. Its been observed at every institution ive been part of

>> No.10375442

y mcride

>> No.10375483


>> No.10375487
File: 16 KB, 234x342, cool isis guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha okay bud

>> No.10375492

Everywhere is the best place to be a white male fam

>> No.10375496
File: 332 KB, 422x555, 1422994411514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10375498

Cops aside, I'd rather be black than white in the USA

>> No.10375592

>get some preppy-ish clothes(literally just white chino shorts,killshots,and navy shirt)

serves you right for being a faggot

>> No.10375595

>nigga tryin to look like a rich white boy
Ayy lmao

>> No.10375598

Nobody cares, you retarded ape

>> No.10375615


Go back to /pol/, /fa/ doesn't need this

>> No.10375662

>white girls are more receptive towards me
Don't even try

>> No.10375674

Couldn't even @ me, huh?

>> No.10375682



>> No.10375771

underrated post

>> No.10375775

that's one handsome man

>> No.10376062
File: 300 KB, 683x1000, ecco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol shutup ecco2k is a nigger and he is the most effay being on the universe

>> No.10376153
File: 493 KB, 445x237, r5anl6a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this thread was mostly a giant waste of time to sift through

all this shitpost, not enough feels

>> No.10376226

fuck off social marxist

>> No.10376266

that's when you bust out your gat on niggas trying to punk you

>> No.10376273

only partially genetic
>arms and legs naturally tanned (even though I never show more skin than head and hands) but face can literally be 255/255/255 in bright light
>dark wavy hair but bright very red beard
>beard naturally grows forked because of Finn genes
>Irish from waist down, legs actually look Arabic because of the shadow cast by the amount of hair. not worth trying to shave.
>Finnish torso and arms, completely pasty and barren of hair
>6'0 but I look 5'8 from my proportions
>been told my voice is comically deep and clear when I'm supposed to have a high/raspy voice from my appearance

>> No.10376338
File: 1.01 MB, 3256x2164, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be spic
>be manlet
>clothes will never look as good as in tall people

>be me
>live in city with two weathers
>hot and fucking hot
>tfw never can pull out the fits I want to

>> No.10376346

I see el chapo in the background fam

>> No.10376354

At least you're trying to go past your nigger ways. You have my respect.

>> No.10376375
File: 34 KB, 258x382, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is el chapo /fa/?

>> No.10376420

Your life sounds as flat as your mums arse fam

>> No.10376431

insecure thread

>> No.10376517

where are you from?
Can relate as a fellow Canadian with Muslim family.

>> No.10377109

>maybe asian
lmao no.

>> No.10377409

Not at all. I'm at the best college in my state, and other black people, particularly elderly people and adults, always compliment me on it and are really supportive. It's a common myth that black people don't value intelligence or education, and people like to cherry-pick people like Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman who say otherwise.

>> No.10377448

>white chinos
theres ur problem nigga

>> No.10377867

You do realize crabs were never meant to be in a bucket right my retarded presumably pale burning in the sun ass friend?

>> No.10377874

Go back to /reddit/, /4chan/ doesn't need this

>> No.10377879

Eat shit and die, niggers

>> No.10377897

Yeah, because we can totally tell what skin color you have based off of a post, you stupid fuck.

>> No.10377909

How to tell someones never been anywhere near a black person in just two sentences

>> No.10377991

what race are you?

>> No.10378019

>be mulatto
>get haircuts anywhere and have great hairline from black genes

>> No.10378031


>> No.10378034

>argan oil

dat stuff da shit
great for hair, and a lil will do ya

that being said i paid like 16 dollary doos for a tiny ass bottle

>> No.10378039


>> No.10378064
File: 39 KB, 396x385, 1431104032264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the addition of more black people on the board has significantly decreased the quality of posts made.

>> No.10378104

> obsessions with rival site meme.
4chan doesn't need this. New fag.

>> No.10378113

Muslim mutt here.

I know that feel all too well fam. Tbh My dad shouldn't be complaining about my shitskin and shit hair after he busted one in my mum.

>> No.10379497

it's not just /fa/, it's sitewide. on every board they are the worst posters.

>> No.10379658

>From middle class family in Mexico
>Family is part Italian, Venezuelan and Spanish.
>blonde, 6'2'', brown eyes.
>went for a interchange studies program to Seattle.
>people were surprised I was Mexican, saying shit like, ¨aren't you all short and ugly¨, or stupid offensive shit like that.
>I got really pissed off, mostly because I really really really love Mexico, my family and my culture.
>Fucking hated every american I met except for like 2 guys that were really cool and chill, Most of the time I was with some Canadians, Canadians are like the nicest people ever.

>> No.10379728

prove there are more blacks on /fa/

prove that quality has decreased as a result

>> No.10379733

haha i can feel mate

>> No.10379757

The American image of Mexican people is so fucking distorted and warped. I feel you man, I'm one of the whitest people I know (skin-tone wise) yet I'm 100% Mexican, and people act so surprised when I tell them.

>> No.10379782

Being half black in America and dressing well has led to me not giving a flying fuck about what people want to say about me. I wear skinny jeans. I wear doc martens. But I also wear jogger sweats and Jordan's. I've chosen to not give a fuck and it's done much better for me.

>> No.10379785

Aree blonde mexicans common in mexico? I've never seen a blonde mexican immigrant (or so I've thought, I suppose.) I'd be surprised too.

>> No.10379835

>nigger hair general
>where my niggers at?
>nigger feel
>can a nigger pull this off?
>nigger inspo

>> No.10379854

The lighter skinned Mexicans don't live in border towns or in the areas dangerous enough for them to flee north. The reason Americans associate Mexicans with short dirty immigrants is because the ones we see we're are all from the more dangerous border cities. The beautiful Spanish and French blended Mexicans live south of Mexico City and east in the Yucatan area

>> No.10379880

Hijacking your thread to post my own feels despite not being a minority
>fuck things up with a girl
>we're great friends but post-fuck-up we basically have to stop talking indefinitely
>shit kills
>she blocks me on every possible contact device
>accidentally run into her fb while I'm on my alternate account
>it's been months since we've talked
>see photo from when we met, I'm even tagged in it
>get all feelsy all over again
>have no one to talk to about it because I hate being a weepy bitch to my mates so now I'm on /fa/ typing it out because I don't really have anywhere else to go

It's totally deserved though. All I can do is wait and hope we can talk again soon. Shit's a real bummer, but it helped me get some scope on the world so for all its shittiness it was a pretty positive experience in the bigger picture.

>> No.10379893

Short answer: they are uncommon, like 3% of the population.

Long answer: Race mixing in Mexico is very very common, we identify ourselves as half blooded, so saying that pure aryan/black/asian exits in third or fourth generation Mexicans is totally bullocks. My great great great grandparent was a Mexican indigenous. From now on then some cases exist where a indigenous woman and an indigenous parent have a light skinned son, and the other way around. Most of the people that migrate to the US do it for necessity, so poor people from the north of mexico are the ones taking your jobs. Not hardworking people from central and south Mexico. I personally hate illegal Mexicans, they give a bad view of the real Mexico, living in the US is like cheating in life, everything is so easy over there. Going back to subject, yes there are light skinned people in here, mostly in Mexico city, Guadalajara, Monterry, Baja California, and some tourist hotspots in south Mexico. We are like 5% to 8% of the population. But we don't really care, non of us can be called white, because deep inside we know our son can be brown, or more ¨mexican like¨ but we don't really give a shit.

>> No.10379938

Since when Blacks are a Minority?? It's like a white is wearing Indian CLothes!

>> No.10379947

damn right!

>> No.10379966

How can you say that about your fellow Mexicans? It's bad enough we have every white person in the US believing the bullshit rhetoric about illegals "taking jobs from hardworking Americans". Get off your high horse and open your fucking eyes. My dad absolutely did not give "a bad view of the real Mexico" when he first came to the United States, and he damn well didn't when he started becoming successful.

>> No.10379977

indian/brown stereotypes lowkey hurts. I don't smell like curry and i'm not racist/misogynistic. wish people looked past my chocolate exterior. :^(

>> No.10380008

it's a personal view, mainly made by the media and how you are portrayed, the first thing that comes in mind when thinking about Mexican illegals is a tacky consumerist culture sucking Americans dick in order to fulfill your most materialistic dreams. Ask your parent what was the first thing he bought when he received his first salary in the US, if he answers that he spend it on food, or save if, then your parent is person worth admiring.

Anyways, I'm not spewing shit without knowing, I've been in SoCal and let me tell you, I didn't identified myself with a single one ¨mexican¨ I found.

>> No.10380168
File: 227 KB, 500x299, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah was much better having angry middle school students calling everyone niggers and posting excellent quality memes
>they talk about hair
>they talk about fashion
>want to help others instead of being hostile towards anyone who doesn't share their opinions on a cartoon forum
I didn't ask for this

>> No.10380181

its ok aarya

>> No.10380198


the militant conservative mindset meme has significantly decreased the quality of posts made on the entire website.

>> No.10380246

>>nigger hair general
been a general since 2013
>>where my niggers at?
this isn't a thread at all, it's just the op of the hair general
>>nigger feel
incredibly rare. link another one
>>can a nigger pull this off?
skin tone is incredibly relevant when considering colour palettes, though i agree these threads shouldn't exist. should be kept to the fuccboi general. quite rare
>>nigger inspo
once again, skin tone is quite important. fairly rare

you provided no evidence of the supposed decrease in quality.

>> No.10380252 [DELETED] 

Why are there so many niggers posting in this thread? Last time I checked white people are this planets minority.

>> No.10380265

You weren't repyling to me but... Obviously spent first salary on food and every mexican you've met isn't mexican. They're mexican-american. That's like comparing a brit to a murican.

>> No.10380287


Why not just use the oil from your face you grease ball

>> No.10380292

he's going all out.

>> No.10380397

And why is that? Europe has a population 750m. A maximum of 600m of these are white, and thats including all the slavs who, practially speaking, arent even white. I am pretty sure that theres are more than 600m asians, niggers and spics on this planet.

>> No.10380434

>being half deutsche half moroccan
>nobody can tell where I'm from

Thank you god

>> No.10380480

funny how racism works

>> No.10380559

Racism doesnt even exist. People always fear stuff they dont know. Its just natural to fear black people if youre white or the other way round. Its natural to fear change and the extinction of your ethnicity (the people you are used to seeing).

Half my friends are foreigners and I still understand the fear so called racists have. Its a fucking buzzword anyway. I remember reading an article about a french nationalistic party. That was like one or two years ago. The journalist kept calling them racist and extremely right winged, while pointing out that they helped a black politician get elected on the same page. How white french people can be racist when they openly accept black people in their party is beyond me.

Racism isnt nothing but a buzzword in modern society. It way closer to 'this guy disagrees with my illogical approach political correctness and tolerance' than 'KILL EVERYTHING WITH A DIFFERENT SHADE THAN ME REEEE'.

>> No.10380608
File: 66 KB, 976x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro

>be me
>wears above knee shorts
>checkered slip ons
>goes to family reunion
> "why you always tryna dress white nigga you black"

>> No.10380644

no, you're going all out because it's clear that op is referring to being an ethnic minority in a given area, not the entire world. why would being white in a majority white country have an impact that caused 'feels'? similarly, being black in a majority black country would not have an impact that caused 'feels'. because in both of those cases being white (former) or black (latter) would make you the a member of the majority.
nowhere did the op state that white people could not be or are not minorities in some areas. he was simply stating his own experience as a memeber of an ethnic minority. and it's obvious why there are so many niggers posting itt--4chan is mostly used by north americans, australians, and europeans. blacks are minorities in all of these areas (excluding the few cities in the us where blacks are the dominant demographic), whites are not.
im sure if 4chan was mostly used by nigerians, ghanaians, indians and chinese youd see many more whites 'minority posting'
but it isnt

>> No.10380666

two threads that are hardly ever around, however your shitpost is quite frequent.
thanks for playing

>> No.10380674

I love how easy it is to spot black people. Just pay attention to people who fail at using caps. 99% of time that guys a nigger. What is it with you people?

>> No.10380682

>doesn't use capitals
>must be a nigger


>> No.10380690

See, youre the perfect example. Some guy who is illiterate, doesnt use caps and write lmao as a response. I am 99% sure that youre a nigger. Fyi: 99% =/ for sure.

>> No.10380700

Yes, I'm black, butbecause I don't give you a detail response of how retarded you are I'm illiterate? kek

>> No.10380708

No, youre illiterate because you think that 99% stands for 'for sure'. For sure is the equivalent of guarenteed which is the equivalent to 100%. By saying 99% I explicitely leave room for error on my part. Obviously youre too retarded to see that.

>> No.10380713

False, I live in ghetto Sweden and I get lots of shit for not being an arab.
It's held me down lots and never helped me in any way, so fuck you.

>> No.10380721
File: 300 KB, 630x382, 55ddbb0e1d00006e00145e4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?dress shitty
>family tells you that you dress like shit
>"Dasss raysiss"

>> No.10380724

Makes total sense

>> No.10380739

"too black for the white kids, and too white for the blacks"

-Earl Sweatpants

>> No.10380777

you do realize that regardless of the situation trying to bring other people down is a terrible thing and not what someone who cares about you does?

>> No.10380797

>irish and caribbean

post pics, also
>imagining an accent

>> No.10380858

It's pretty much true aside from the good grades; I've only ever received congratulations on good grades. But pertaining to the way we speak and not breaking the law etc, it proves to be pretty true

>> No.10381087

>be black
>got a white bitch
i guess

>> No.10381749

>be asian
>completely impossible to be fashionable

>> No.10381758


>> No.10381760


>> No.10381768

LMAO sorry you lost the genetic lottery

>> No.10381788


thats not very nice

>> No.10381812
File: 29 KB, 500x750, 11988379_634435943363920_1319579293441311989_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill urself

>> No.10381831

imagine this on a white person
hilarity ensued

>> No.10381879
File: 12 KB, 236x324, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't take opportunity to wear asian clothes whether traditional or modern
Are you fat or something? I really really wish I could wear asian clothes but I'm fucking ginger.

>> No.10383290

>easy to build muscle
>can dance+sing
>all white millenials think I'm cool asf because I'm all of the above and also a nerd who watches normie anime

Nah bro I'm sweet

>> No.10383299

>Actually implying the girl(?) in the picture is asian
>Actually implying it is fashionable

>> No.10383310

Rocky? Is that you?

>> No.10383345
File: 74 KB, 407x523, 1441833077725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10383418

Nigga are you retarded, our community is completely self destructive, it's undeniable regardless of some white teen's opinion

>> No.10383494

Yea it's a terrible thing, I just figured while white people debate on why "those blacks always bring each other down" they get their facts straight. The crab in the barrel idea is a myth. I know this isn't something you white people are used to, but just try to go off facts next time. It's not black people who are shooting up schools and movie theaters and day care centers because Sharon didn't want to date us. So miss me with that "crab in the barrel" bullshit. You're clearly not from a black neighborhood if you think black people try to pull each other down, instead of supporting each other. That's like saying white people are crabs in the barrel because white people make fun of other white people for trying to dress "ghetto".

Kids will make fun of each other. Stop being such a fucking pussy and just do you. It's not some big psychological problem, it's kids being kids, in any race, in any place.

But this is 4chan, where else can white people be racist, without catching a fade?

>> No.10383502

It's clearly not your community bitch nigga. Also, what's so "destructive" about "our" (you're not black, but it's funny you would pretend to be for the sake of an argument) community. I just want to see what you say, so I can attempt to clear up that bitch nigga mentality of yours.

>> No.10383728

holy fuck all this pooskin rage
>I know this isn't something you white people are used to, but just try to go off facts next time.
stopped reading there

>> No.10383896

>Be me half Mexican
>Tell my Mexican friend I'm going to start wearing dress shirts and nicer clothes because I'm sick of wearing nothing but graphic tees and shit like that.
>He goes "Naw man don't be that guy"

Life sucks

>> No.10384023

This turned out to be one edgy thread ey kids?

>> No.10384113

After reading this thread I think those people who believe in systematic racism might have a point.

>> No.10384142

>checkered slip-ons

Threw up in my mouth a bit