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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 50 KB, 480x360, lungful of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10356246 No.10356246 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking /fa/? If so, what's the most /fa/ brand/way to smoke?

>> No.10356251

can you stop asking this question and just use the archive for once thanks

>> No.10356275

enjoy cancer & empty wallet for fashion
fucking degenerates

>> No.10356282

Smoking is for filthy casuals.

>> No.10356426

fuck smoking, not fashionable

>> No.10356640

It's not /fa/ people who smoke were tricked into it trying to be cool and are now too addicted to quit. It makes your breath smell like shit, no one wants to kiss you, your clothes stink, prolonged use leads to constant coughing, sickness, cancer,

But hey, you think its cool right?

>> No.10356661

But that's the essence of fashion.

>> No.10356678

Smoke a few rollies a day, just when you are having coffee or out with friends. Tbh I don't even inhale most of the smoke, just let it hang in there when there is little breeze.

Anecdotal evidence, but the oldest woman to have lived was said to have smoked from the age of 21, not more than 2 a day towards the end of her life.


>> No.10356698

Its like being a star wars nerd

Person that has been tricked by advertisement and hype into liking something thats just meaningless capitalist product.

>> No.10356705

smoking is not fa, heroin is

>> No.10356706

yeah, but smoking account to basically every systemic disease and every adult cancer.

>> No.10356735
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>> No.10356896

it can look kind of cool if that's what your asking especially with epic b/w filer but speaking as a smoker you should not start this shit >>10356640 this is tru

>> No.10357230

So many preventable diseases if you guys just realize that smoking is single handedly the most toxic thing you can do for you body. Lost a nice neighbor to it, had COPD then a stroke, constant coughing, house reeked from yards away. There's nothing fashionable about suffering a slow and diseased death. Plus, it hurts everyone, from second hand smoke to careless smokers littering butts, and not to mention your future kids will come out with a cleft lip if you're lucky.

>> No.10357231

Wich is the most /fa/ way to hold a cigarette?

>> No.10357238
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>> No.10357251

>New Balances
>American Spirtits
If there's any image that screams basic bitch, it's yours.

>> No.10357263

Oh damn boi, those cigs look cool. I only have Marlboro from the cool looking ones here.

>> No.10357266

i fucking hate new /fa/

>> No.10357289

Eventually the buzz goes away and you're basically paying to feel normal(not go into nicotine withdrawal) If you think it looks cool and tastes good, go for it, but it won't really do much for you once you're addicted, and then you'll need to smoke often to avoid nicotine withdrawal.

>> No.10357506
File: 115 KB, 720x960, u1UMCg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw after I tried one of those

>> No.10357513

there's a difference between smoking and being addicted holy shit

>> No.10357537

slightly self destructive, frowned upon by society, what could be more /fa/?

>> No.10358366


>> No.10358378

Camel >>>> Marlboro
Fight me Cunts

>> No.10358389

>slightly self destructive

>> No.10358404

implying degeneracy isnt effay newfag

>> No.10358410
File: 143 KB, 729x678, 1423586264893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting our roots

>> No.10358469

dude cmon guys are you really going to let big tobaco control your lifes like that??? wake up man! they just want your money! what are the benefits of smoking??? hmm lemme think... NONE! forreal tho, ur gross and not cool at all! now if you'll excuse me, im going to go eat some hella epic burgers from the juke joint down the block. #theTRUTH

>> No.10358470
File: 193 KB, 985x1255, lucky-life-01-19-1953-999-a-M5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get all of your pleb additive hipster shit out of here

>taste superior
>isnt some light bullshit for sissy effay boys

>> No.10359374
File: 12 KB, 186x200, leo_dunhill_fine_cut_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunhill Blacks are /fa/ as fuck
Same for Davidoff, and Hand Rolled
Any euro style cig is pretty /fa/
It's not just the cigarette, it's how you smoke it too.
Smoking is very /fa/ disregarding the "health side effects" if you say smoking is bad, not /fa/, etc. You obviously don't know fashion what so ever.

>> No.10359385

we've had this thread 1000 fucking times
the actual act of smoking is /fa/, but the smell, cost, and adverse effects to your health are not.

>> No.10359390

what about those leaves in ur mouth tho i dont want to look like hunter s thompson either

>> No.10359450

Damn I love these

>> No.10359478

since when has smoking not been fa
of fucking course it is fa, its an appetite suppressor, stimulant, you look cool, and its slightly self destructive. For all you pussies that are afraid of getting lung cancer suck a dick. A girl is going to be way less turned off that you judge other for smoking than actually smoking. Indie qts lust over boys that smoke and good girls think its bad boy. Theres no question smoking is effay

>> No.10359482

*way more turned off

>> No.10359520

Depends on the intelligence of the girl actually. If you want your young indie girls - yes, it'll be fine. If you want an actual catch - smoking's bad, mkay?

>> No.10359550
File: 33 KB, 500x500, Winston Filters Soft Pack-1-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level /fa/gs

>> No.10359557

Ew, oh my god. I'm posting way too much on /fa/, because you have literally appropriated how I structure sentences with the dash / comma approach

I would know because it is completely informal and not necessarily grammatically correct

>> No.10359560


>> No.10359568

fucking degenerates

>> No.10359608

most of neo /fa/ (or really the newest wave of newfags) probably doesn't care about board tans and probably would dismiss them as "gay anime shit" or something along those lines. unfortunate, considering /fa/-tan is easily among the best of the tans.

>> No.10359741

I actually browse /fa/ very rarely, I'm sick at the moment and have a high fever so that's why I'm expressing myself in very basic ways. Or even posting anything anywhere.

>> No.10359930

as a smoker, id say its gross, and to not even bother starting, gunna get an e-lite vape soon, so hopefully i'll be stopping pretty soon

>> No.10359974

/r9k/ the post

>> No.10360138
File: 14 KB, 260x316, perique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my favorite, does that make me trash?

>> No.10360149

I'm always torn as to weather I should take up smoking or not.
On one hand, it's expensive, unhealthy and makes you dependent on them in order to function and it worries me that something like this could have that control over me.

On the other hand, it's relaxing, social and fashionable. There have been so many times when I've been pulling an all nighter at university where all I want to do is go outside into the cold night air and smoke a cigarette just in order to clear my mind and calm me down. I will smoke every now and then at parties and enjoy it but I know that if I start, I will never stop as I'm someone who relies on routine and habit in order to function.

Some have recommended vaping to me but I just can't seem to get into it. It all seems far too complicated and far less social as an activity as well as the fact that it makes you look like a complete faggot.

Choices... choices...

>> No.10360201
File: 69 KB, 500x332, Smoking-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /fa/ smoke it?

>> No.10360203

I only smoke a few a day or when I'm concentrating, or when I'm with friends. It's an incredibly good stress reliever, I must say, can't say whether I'm addicted or not, because I have no intention of quitting.

>> No.10360204

I've been rolling my own, everyone at my college does it and cigarettes are fucking expensive compared to rolling. You also feel a lot cooler and you can roll joints like a motherfucker if you're good enough.

>> No.10360253

Yeah that's how it starts though. First you smoke at parties. Then you smoke when you're out with friends because you're just a "social smoker". After that your smoking when you're stressed and before you know it you're addicted.

It's a slippery slope to be sure.

>> No.10360262

Don't do it man.
I took up smoking one semester at uni because I was pulling a whole lot of all-nighters.

It fucking sucks. I feel nauseous all the time, it's expensive as shit, I smell bad, I'm killing myself, and my fingers are turning yellow. Just stop accepting cigarettes at parties, because you will regret it when you actually get dependent on them.

Anyway though, I smoke Marlboro Reds.

>> No.10360300

If you want to look like an pussy emotional teen trying hard to be edgy, or an adult with self control issues who smells bad.