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10353050 No.10353050 [Reply] [Original]

Because fits look like shit if you have shit posture tbh lads

>> No.10353087

How can I even see this on myself

>> No.10353099

Full body mirror i'd guess

>> No.10353100
File: 84 KB, 700x466, 700x1000px-LL-40db9dcb_DSC04083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather turn this into a self improvement general


>social skills
>mental state
>taste in art,music,film,design
>fashion knowledge


>> No.10353130


Check the wear pattern on the bottom of your beaters. If it's even all around you overpronate, if there's only wear around the balls and heels then you underpronate.

>> No.10353140

>tfw pronation, flat feet and shin splints

>> No.10353184

Get some orthotics

I have pronation and acute metatarsalgia and they have worked wonders! Well worth the investment. I also used to be slightly bowlegged but the orthotics fixed it.

>> No.10353185
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Any fixes for this? It makes wearing shorts impossible

>> No.10353194

See >>10353184

Although it's weird that you are knock-kneed, my knees turn inward but they move apart if I don't wear my orthotics for too long.

>> No.10353204



A little bit of deadlifting and squats will fix your posture the fuck up instantly.


Use Spotify's recommend feature and find some new bands similar to your favorite ones. Hey, it might work. Unless you listen to shit music.

>> No.10353224

What number should I get?

>> No.10353253

Go see a specialist and he will tailor them to your specific foot shape and lifestyle

>> No.10353281

I was fat as a child and tried to hide it by pushing my shoulders forward and bow I have a bad back posture.

Any exercises anyone can share?

>> No.10353308

i have this and i believe it was exacerbated by over 1,5 years of using Nike Free 3.0 as my daily shoes. Zero support whatsoever. i now wear zx fluxes and tubulars and they are a bit better but i have to buy orthotics.

>> No.10353310

Sorry for the spoon feeding but what kind of specialist?

>> No.10353506

you are a complete fucking retard
if you need support to not have problems then you're standing wrong
proper posture involves full muscle activation and requires no support
do you think literally everybody had fucked up feet before the invention of modern footwear?
quite the opposite mongoloid
have fun when your achilles tendons fucking tear at the age of 30 you sedentary piece of shit

>> No.10353516
File: 2.94 MB, 1485x1455, f06856546534ace2a6e30cd5b26ed060.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to this for instantly great music taste

(swans - the seer album art shows up as several, its bugged)

>> No.10353521

Podiatrist, if you want your insurance to cover them though you'll need a prescription & referral from a GP.

>> No.10353533

Of course people had fucked up feet before modern footwear. Posture is not just self-control, it's also how flexible your tendons and joints are, general shape of your skeleton, hormones, etc.

Example: Many women become flatfooted after pregnancy
Other example: One of my legs is longer so I have mild scoliosis as my body's method of compensating.
Third example: "Double-jointed" people, or hyperflexible people are more likely to have posture problems, because their muscles and joints support the skeleton less.

You're fucking stupid if you're one of those people that thinks that turning your feet while you walk will magically fix them.

>> No.10353549

Does your shoes wear down really fast on side? Mine used to as a kid, hence I knew I walked like a retarded and sorted that shit out.

>> No.10353563

I used to think that, and I'm in much more pain than I've ever been because of it.

>> No.10353595

you are retarded. my joints are naturally more flexible than the average persons. the arch of the foot helps with pronation, which is why people use orthotics, you fucking knob.

do not talk about other people as if you know them and their problem, especially because you seem to know nothing.

shut up forever

>> No.10353596

Used to think what, that you can willingly fix ankle posture or that posture is partly genetic?

>> No.10353606

That one can willingly fix ankle posture. I forced an arch into my foot when I walked and now my feet ache worse than ever.

>> No.10353621

Ouch, yeah I used to try to walk on the outer edges of my feet but all it did was bruise them while my posture go worse with time.

>> No.10353652

>/mu/core the image

>> No.10353677

the other dean blunt album is better