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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 127 KB, 640x640, 11417386_1464495927194055_1472875139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10348403 No.10348403 [Reply] [Original]

Is she right, /fa/?

>> No.10348419

Don't underestimate anyone. Also, don't overestimate anyone. Fuck that woman and her stupid shirt.

>> No.10348456

Are you mad, bro?

>> No.10348623

who gives a fuck about what's written on her shirt. She's hot, that's what matters

>> No.10348657

It depends on how much dick she is willing to suck to accomplish her endeavors

>> No.10348681


>> No.10348704

So fucking flustered. You a bitch-nigga.

>> No.10348841


She can sit on my face.

>> No.10348843


>> No.10348861

like id give a fuck about some t shirt text and not focus immediately in her goodie goodies

>> No.10348880
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> tfw pockets spilling out of shortshorts

> tfw spaghetti spilling out of pockets

> tfw utterly busted gf

> tfw not very effay

feels bad don't it :\

>> No.10348899

she can right my dick anytime fam

>> No.10348916

What's her facebook bro?

>> No.10348930

that's a famous instagrammer. u fail at gf

>> No.10349504

who dis?

>> No.10349581

christina santini

>> No.10349622
File: 1017 KB, 245x245, peschardt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some of her photos she looks attractive as fuck, in others she looks okay at best.

Isabella Peschardt is by far the superior light skin princess.

>> No.10349656


>> No.10349666
File: 9 KB, 225x225, madotsukipuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat fivehead

why are blackc so ugly fa

>> No.10349708

How much of an edgy insecure teenager do you have to be to write a comment like that?

>> No.10349721

how much of a faggot do you have to be to write a comment like that?

>> No.10349737

What a poignant and articulate rebuttal

>> No.10349752

lightskins are the best

>> No.10349764

You're both fags. Black women can be attractive (but often aren't), and being offended and angry on others' behalf is the dumbest shit.

>> No.10349789

use normal people words

>> No.10349794

i didn't write original comment though

>> No.10349799

Thanks for moderating this intents heated debate

>> No.10349804

>Autism Anthony doesn't understand empathy so it's dumb

>> No.10349817

She's sexy. Fuck her stupid ass shirt. She's FOOIIINNEE

>> No.10350838

I am gay

>> No.10350873

I wish white people were braver. Just be real if you don't like black people. Say that shit in person. Don't be hiding behind a message board like a bitch. Take Ghostface's advice and be real.

>> No.10350923

Man IDK about this women seem to have little power of their own and tend to rely on other peoples, largely mens? This is at least what I've noticed in society in general, feel free to counterpoint me though because im trapped in blokesworld as I work in construction, play cricket on the weekends and only really associate with criminals

also there just aren't any hectic girls in crime really, the whole bad girl gangsta girl thing never seen it and never heard of it today tbh, girl dealers if they get competitive get rolled

though there was that sheila selling rack in like sydney socialite scene lele what a grub bet she felt so smug

>> No.10351012

the way its set up you gotta give up your life to get a point like that across

people have lost their careers, friends, familys just giving the black community constructive feedback

if you come out and say you dont like black people you may aswell just kill yourself after cause your life is over

this is one of the root problems with american culture. people cant even criticise black people, so they turn to the keyboard and say nigga behind closed doors only. white people get madder, black people take nothing on board. rinse repeat

>> No.10351772

no she just has tits

>> No.10351780

soft feminism is only /fa/ is a guy does it

>> No.10351961
File: 181 KB, 640x1136, aiyana a lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightskinned women are literally the most attractive women on the planet

the big foreheads just add to the allure

>> No.10352084

there's different kinds of power.

there isn't just one definition or example of it.

it can literally mean almost anything where you excel at or controll. some situations require more power than others but yea.

>> No.10352088

that bitch is hispanic

>> No.10352247

What? No she ain't

>> No.10352262
File: 993 KB, 613x1078, Screenshot_2015-03-06-21-56-19~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lightskinned women are literally the most attractive women on the planet

+1, upvoted, bump, this, etc.

>> No.10352266
File: 43 KB, 333x493, 1436761163778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10352442

shes mostly mexican

>> No.10352472

>white people get madder

loving this concept!

>> No.10352485

yeah, never underestimate how manipulative or how far they'll go to fuck you over

>> No.10352567

how is her skin so procelian and clear? o.O

umm their forehead is abnormally short idk what you're talking about excluding >>10351961
and >>10349622

>> No.10353174


>> No.10353856

So you hating black people is to be taken as constructive criticism? I have a different view and I think it goes a little something like this.

White people are naturally fearful and cowardly people. So naturally when a coward has something they believe in, they can't stand up for that belief because it's too hard to believe in something openly and accept the consequences than be a pussy on an image board.

just be real. I think black people would actually respect you guys more if you weren't such a pussy about it.

Just come out in public and be like I don't like you guys, I have no REAL reason for it, but my brain is the size of a peanut and that's how I think. Your boy Donald Trump has the right idea.

>> No.10353951

it wont end well for you when its all said and done
i dont hate black people at all but i can see the glaring holes in the logic of the black community

the black community is a joke and i dont care at all because it has no effect on my life whatsoever

>> No.10353969

Saw a fit lightskin girl today tbh. Kept bumping into her, was gonna ask her if she wanted to grab a drink if I bumped into her again...

>> No.10353984

Please enlighten me, I just want to see what you're going to say and if it's logically sound or not.

>> No.10353999

>i can see the glaring holes in the logic of the black community
wtf does dat even mean fam?

>> No.10354002

lmao shut up niglop

>> No.10354057

this black people are dumb as fuck but im not like angry or anything and i have black friends. i dont wanna live around large ammounts of black people though and theres nothing wrong with that. even most black people would agree

black logic is putting a black lives matter hashtag on your twitter and a song about murking niggas 5 minutes later. the black community literally went out of its way to push the agenda they now die for.

black people love having a reputation. but dont wanna take responsibility for it.

and at the end of the day all of this is irrelevant to the lives of everyday white people. im not gonna try to help you, im not gonna go out of my way to criticize you. i just wanna chill and play fallout when it comes out and live my life then dip when its my time

not here to change the way people think

>> No.10354114

"i dont hate black people at all but i can see the glaring holes in the logic of the black community"

"Black people are dumb as fuck" How so? Again, I don't see your bitch ass saying this shit to a black persons face. Perhaps afraid to catch the fade, but it wouldn't be the first time a white boy was being cowardly.

"I don't wanna live around large amounts of black people there's nothing wrong with that" And we don't want to live around white people. They smell like wet dogs, they shoot up schools, day care centers and theaters, they're too hard to converse with (because they only talk about stupid shit).

"Black lives matter on a song about murking niggas" Where? Do you have any proof of this or is this just an excuse for you to hate black people for wanting to not get shot by police officers for no reason?

Black people love having a reputation, and white people love stealing shit and shooting people in mass. What does that prove for anything?

What really bothers me, is you're one of those bitch ass niggas that likes to use black lingo, but talks shit about black people.

Little boy just be real. Don't be a fake ass cock sucker. Don't make excuses. You just simply hate black people. No amount of black friend (notice I used the singular, because I doubt your soft ass has more than 1 black friend) changes that. It doesn't bother me that your soft punk bitch ass hates black people, it's that you steal our colloquialisms and then want to talk shit about us behind our back. Just be real, say you don't like black people in your real life. Don't be a typical pussy ass white boy and go on the internet complaining about how your life is hard and how your parents don't love you and it's all black people's fault.

Just be real. Stand up for what you believe in, and be ready to catch that fade because you a bitch.

P.S. You're logic was full of shit as well. So much for "glaring holes in logic of black community".

What a bitch nigga.

>> No.10354117

>black logic is putting a black lives matter hashtag on your twitter and a song about murking niggas 5 minutes later
The number of basic white bitches who do shit like this is countless too though. The only problem I've seen that permeates most black people is a too sensitive victim complex.

>> No.10354148
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>> No.10354211
File: 21 KB, 250x250, 1439202899698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not criticizing you or anything, just an observation. I've noticed that recently many posters, especially on /fa/, tend to use colloquial language when presenting their arguments. A strange display of empathic consciousness.

Almost makes me think that people willingly use this language as an apparent display of their aloof "aesthetic".

>> No.10354227

good skin routine + white dad or mom

are you half or full african american?

>> No.10354297

black logic is thinking the terms chill and dip are words invented by black people

even if they were though its not that serious. im not being petty

im saying from a reasonably level headed place that the black community is broken and nobody thats white cares enough to bring up how much broken logic black people have because the system automatically expels them from society for doing that

and you're probably saying to yourself 'thats a win for us'. nah, being uncriticisable hurts the black community 100 times more than it hurts white people

its a lose lose situation for both sides though in the end. black people delude themselves into believing they're doing well and arent asking for it, white people never get a chance to say their piece so they either opt out completely or turn to petty hatred like /pol/ and in the end nothing gets resolved niggas still get killed every day and its just another dead nigga. nobody cares because they aren't allowed to

>> No.10354479

im not african american at all and i dont believe you have to have lighter skin for it to look that like, have you seen velvet-black skin? It looks so nice and has good shimmer to it..

>> No.10355066

> I don't see your bitch ass saying this shit to a black persons face
Yes, we (unlike black people) know when to pick fights and when not to. Blacks say whatever pops into their head at that moment.

>is this just an excuse for you to hate black people for wanting to not get shot by police officers for no reason?
>for no reason?
>for no reason?

>> No.10355080

It's not that black people are uncriticisable. It's that white people think that they're perfect and can do no wrong. A side effect of being told that all your life. The thing is, you claim to have all this helpful information for the black community, when the reality is you haven't offered up any "helpful" information, and you're a too much of a bitch nigga to say anything to anyone's face.

You're like those retarded folks in congress who criticize the Iran deal, but offer no logical alternative to it.

You just want to hear yourself talk, and feel better. We just want you to be real, not a little bitch on an image board venting because that popular black guy in school stole the girl you liked or something.

Just be real, stop being a bitch, even if it is part of your "culture".