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/fa/ - Fashion

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10342604 No.10342604 [Reply] [Original]

What drinks are /fa/?

Seems to me a basic quality as /fa/ness is not being fussy and/or making everything look easy.

Are martinis too fussy/difficult a drink to order nowadays? They also seem like the kind of thing the fedora crowd would really, really enjoy ordering. On the other hand, they are basic (or used to be) and elegant.

>> No.10342611

I would ignore what you think other people are doing when ordering a drink. There will always be douches at bars ordering shit to look cool, don't affiliate yourself with them. You could easily get drawn into some sort of snake-eating-its-own-tail shit where the same people mirror what people like you drink in order to seem different, then you have to change back to whatever they were drinking before, etc.

I personally like to stick with straight liquor neat or on the rocks, maybe an old fashioned or something if I trust the bartender.

>> No.10342616

w a t e r

>> No.10342703


>> No.10342766
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bartender here

>literally just gin or vodka, MAYBE olive juice shaken to shit

nigga are you serious?

>> No.10342772
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Just drink what you think is fucking tasty, or just take it straight if you're looking to get drunk.

>> No.10342805

I hope dirty martinies are not fedora tire. They are literally my favorite apetizer(not sure what an aperitief is in english).

>> No.10342828

Is vermouth common? I mean both as a bar stock and as a martini ingredient.

As a child, I associated them with James Bond. I'm concerned that the manchildren who try to dress like videogame and noir characters might see them as a way to look cool, but I've never actually seen this behaviour. Then again, I've never seen a martini in real life, period.

>> No.10342837

Depends on your personal style really.
Red wine is usually a good bet though.

>> No.10342870

Wine with dinner

Old Fashioned for drinking

>> No.10342872

oh, and summertime/poolside drinking is mojitos

>> No.10342927


there's no word for pre/post-meal alcohol

>> No.10342947

Gin is trending right now,

source:I am studying Hotel Management and so i have to do internships in top hotels, restaurants, bars etc
They concentrate more on gin than whiskey right now.
Almost all my fellow students say the same.

>> No.10343026

...Do people really just serve gin with an olive and call it a martini?

>> No.10343087

Interesting. Is this an eating out thing?

(We just stumble over the French words instead of having our own.)

>> No.10343099

Jameson and Gingerale

>> No.10343105

you can't make a martini without vermouth, anyone who tells you otherwise is lying

>> No.10343107


>> No.10343159

I drink vodka redbull but I also go to hardcore techno shows and get gacked because that's what I enjoy.

Just drink whatever suits your lifestyle man.

>> No.10343164

these two posts are so autistic

>> No.10343206

>Is my booze effay? What should drink to be hip?
>Are my meds effay? Should I just take drugs instead?
>Is my dog effay? Should I get a hedgehog instead?
>Is my mom effay? Should I kill her?
>Is being a convicted felon effay?

Just apply fashion to clothes and drink whatever the hell you like you fake cuck trash.

>> No.10343240

No, I'd much rather cheat at life. "Be yourself" is completely fucking meaningless. At best it means "know your place."

>> No.10343369

>vodka red bull
>white russian
>espresso martini
>bloody mary if it's early in the day

that's basically all i drink

>> No.10343490

There's Vermouth in it too you underage fuck

>> No.10343523

are u all autistic

just drink beer, vodka and the occassional shot


>> No.10343541

I fucking love Tom Collins. Tastes like lemonade for grownups.

>> No.10343543

Dry White Wine
Long Vodka
Sometimes trying a new whiskey

That's what I enjoy. None of those are /fa/ for any reason, but drinking what you want because you enjoy it is.

>> No.10343608

I'm sorry to ruin your hard earned sense of self-satisfaction, but I never said otherwise. Try reading the question more slowly. Sound the letters out.

>> No.10343978
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>> No.10343999

In flemish it's aperitief. And thanks for informing me.

Yes it is, when you go out eating, you drink an aperitief/ Apéritif before starting to eat usually.

>> No.10344047

Jack and coke. SImple, looks good, tastes good and gets you drunk

>> No.10344137


>> No.10344171

we freshmen now

>> No.10344490
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This tbh

>> No.10345419

>>10343105 is correct.

I've never worked at a bar that didn't have it stocked. it just wouldn't make sense. vermouth is used in too many drinks to not have some on hand.

>> No.10345484

>looks good
> literally just coke

>> No.10345486

I like martinis tbh

>> No.10345565

that's basically all it is. for the anon who wants to feel smug about his supreme wisdom of age, there's hardly any vermouth in it. you literally coat the glass then dump the rest.

>> No.10345602


Why are Martinis considered fancy. I mean gin is a fucking nasty spirit and vermouth is just hobo wine. Suddenly you can put the two together and boom, you're paying $30 for a cocktail.

>> No.10345623
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>> No.10345627
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>> No.10345634

g and t is the best answer
some kidna dry martini would do
i dont like it too much but i think a scotch/whiskey looks super fa

>> No.10345645

idiots everywhere

>> No.10345688

you're clearly not old enough to be drinking if you think a martini costs $30.

>> No.10345968


It's really dependent on the individual taste of (you) the patron. Generally, it's best to sample drinks/brands to find out what you like.

I'm a scotch guy. So unless I know that I'm stepping into a shit-tier pub/bar/hotel etc., my usual pick is Laphroaig. Less is more.

>> No.10346070

Alright, so I'm a cocktail bartender and I'll try explain it

People drink either because they like the liquor or the ideal, and you can tell a lot from what they're drinking.

Martini's will always be cool for example because they're alcohol in their 'purest' form, and have infinite variations which most bartenders like playing around with.

Prohibition/old school cocktails and drinks are also same sort of category, it's essentially the focus on specific identifiable flavors that we assume you have the palette to taste.

I'd say my most /fa/ drink at the moment would be an amaretto sour w gin twist, or an espresso martini w kraken/cafe patron/liquor43/coffee.

Avoid overcomplicated drinks as they're usually one overwhelming poorly balanced flavor and anyone who knows their shit will know you're a douche

>> No.10346083

good vodka on the rocks. maybe with a half twist of lime.

>> No.10346139

you have two choices in life:

>be yourself, and be the best version of it
>try to be somebody else, and completely ruin whatever potential you have, even if it was minimal to begin with

nobody ever became sucessful or happy by ordering drinks they thought would make them look cool. Confidence in yourself is what actually makes you "fa" in real life, so stop trying to comply to a standard that doesn't even fucking exist. It's pathetic.

>> No.10346169

why the fuck does this thread exist
drink whatever the fuck you want
revolutionary idea

>> No.10346254


That's a mean shitty martini you're making then.

Stir a Martini and don't skip the vermouth. Don't forget the fucking garnish either, a proper one: lemon.

Only fuckwits order vodka martinis considering they aren't made with vodka.

>> No.10346273


It's vermouth to taste, and it should be measured. 5:1 is common but I prefer 3:1.

>> No.10346278

Rick owens in an interview said he prefers to just drink vermouth straight.

>> No.10346282

J&b rox ;)

>> No.10346307

Cuba Libre
Gin and tonic
Tom Collins
Whiskey sour
Vodka buck
Anything with St. Germaine

Drink neat at home, cocktails otherwise.

>> No.10346311
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Pic related in some cocktails is the only drink I genuinely like.

>> No.10346314


Amaretto sours are bomb. I make mine with egg whites and cask-strength bourbon with a twist.

Can I get the recipe for the gin variation?

>> No.10346349

I have no interest in being successful or happy.

I'm taking steps to develop traits that provoke admiration. My clothes send the right messages, and I don't think about them any more. My accent is clearer, and I don't think about it any more. My handwriting has a nice flourish to it, and I don't think about it any more. My taste in food and cooking has gotten so that my go-to breakfast - spinach, poached eggs with pepper, organic sausage, grilled mushrooms - was described as fancy, and this actually surprised me, because I don't think about it any more. Now my interest turns to alcohol. Soon I will not have to think about it any more, because my taste will be impeccable.

You know what's pathetic? Giving up and whining about people make something of themselves.

>> No.10346361

Why are you calling it "revolutionary" with sarcasm, as if how utterly common and ubiquitous this notion is somehow made it good? "Everything is OK," say all the people who are not OK.

>> No.10346528
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>> No.10346646

I worked in a bar for a while and I never got the "is x drink fashionable" thing. Just drink whatever you feel like. Obviously if it's Budweiser, people will hopefully ridicule you mercilessly. Just try a variety of stuff and see what you like. Also depends on where you are - some places might have a really good wine list, some places might have really good cocktails, some might not even have the necessary ingredients to make a range of cocktails. I don't really have a regular drink at this point- all up to what I'm feeling.