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/fa/ - Fashion

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10339268 No.10339268 [Reply] [Original]

best wardrobe
most expensive
most grails

can be posted from the past


>> No.10339295

poet and knoch are my favorites

>> No.10339301


>> No.10339308


>> No.10339311
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>> No.10339322

teddy and pigfuck for most expensive and grails

>> No.10339331

patrick bateman

>> No.10339337

CFTR and basedprophet

>> No.10339338

also add koishi to worst

>> No.10339342

and /fa/scist to best

i'm tired

>> No.10339351

Add uuuuhhhh and casemods to best and tripsk to worst

>> No.10339352
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anyone after this is shit tier

>> No.10339359
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>> No.10339366

>literally /fa/'s absolute worst year

>> No.10339369


>> No.10339376

well now i feel old
how is it that none of these guys even post on here anymore and i'm still here

>> No.10339382

who is this fluid druid

>> No.10339384

Hardly any of them posted in 2013 if at all

>> No.10339386

this is a guy

>> No.10339390

fuck off if u dont remember denim dan

i remember denim dan

nice fit dan

>> No.10339392

conan o brian. especially when he got dox

>> No.10339402

how do I tie my laces like this?

>> No.10339406
File: 1.20 MB, 738x1026, Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 12.23.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its teddy

>> No.10339415

Denim dan was posting just days ago

>implying this hard

>looking good dan
>thanks dan
>why is dan thanking himself
>why is dans face blue

>> No.10339495

mfw no one mentioned Strawtengu

Too bad he died

>> No.10339514

he's useless and uggo

>> No.10339581

i've been on here longer than 6 years

watching these kids grow from high school kids to their respective positions

cute to see some of them are married with kids, a lot of drug overdoses over the years though

i was a college kid when i posted here

>> No.10339585

>not thinking burgers is the hottest girl you will ever see

>> No.10339634
File: 332 KB, 1282x855, darth vader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older posters would recognize my rescue dog darth vader

darth vader unfortunately passed away last night, 2 pitbulls attacked her and she couldn't survive the bite wounds

we still have our tickets and her darth vader sweater for the star wars release


>> No.10339678

you will be missed, stance :( i love you

>> No.10339683
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the craziest part is that shes literally 13 years old

>> No.10339783
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chiljin &

>> No.10339788
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>> No.10339794

dug always makes me chuckle

>> No.10339867
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User was best trip this board will ever have

>> No.10339887

>tfw nobody's mentioned Trip

>> No.10339895

if mamma dod took better photos i think he would be on par

>> No.10339896

fuck off chilljin

>> No.10339899

who /birthday/ here?

>> No.10340226


>> No.10340243

wich trips are confirmed to be literally dead?

>> No.10340249

User, Matt Helders, /fa/scist faggot, and pigfuck before he turned into a shitposter were//are the best

mamma dod wasn't bad.

tinfoil was shit-tier at the time but he has cool fits now

>> No.10340301

what is this?