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File: 1.50 MB, 2304x4096, cewrivi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10331373 No.10331373 [Reply] [Original]

pic related, me at age 9

>> No.10331384

I did well on face genetics, mediocre on height, and terribly on fat/muscle and body structure genetics.

Can't build upper body muscle for shit, huge hipbones, and it's like a full-time job trying not to get fat.

>> No.10331407

All the deceased members of my extended family have lived past 96

>tfw weak jaw line

>> No.10331478 [DELETED] 


I cant tell fi I would make a better boy or girl with my face since im androgynous.

Its sucks that my jawline is stronger than my high cheekbones because my cheeks are less prominent

>> No.10331685

shit(average) height genetics, I'm 18 and 169 cm tall
average face genetics, not handsome/sexy/cute, very average, BUT, I do have, according to girls, perfect eyebrows, beautiful eyelashes and blowjob lips that they're jealous of, none of which I'm proud of since I'm straight.
broad shoulders, but fat, working on it, lost 35 kg so far, 20 to go and I'll be in my weight range (70kg, now 90)

I'm overall happy with myself, and very confident as I am an actor, public speaker, and just generally a charismatic person, but my physical appearance isn't so nice, no, but hey, some people have physical disabilities and I don't, that's something to be happy about, isn't it?

>> No.10331688

can't really tell if you're "god tier genetics" when you've covered your face. also if it were true you'd post a current picture of yourself

post pic

>> No.10331693

>tfw long nose
Thanks mom

>> No.10331735

18 years old
195 cm, 80 kgs, thick hair, good bone and facial structure
Acne, no muscles and no confidence

>> No.10331784

>no muscles

literally work out


literally change your diet and wash your face

>no confidence

literally work hard until you are successful at something

>> No.10331813

he's too lazy for any of that though

>> No.10331815

literally literally

>> No.10331823

I have god tier genetics

>> No.10331839

No i'm actually not lazy and am woklig on that stuff
But what if you don't have confidence to talk to people? how do you become successful at that?

>> No.10331869
File: 239 KB, 1240x1240, reaffirmme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty good body
>Pretty good facial structure
>not autistic socially, I've fucked girls, I have lots of guy friends etc.
>5'11 feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.10331958

Good: descent face, above average for sure if I could get my skin to look better which I'm working on.
Very good hair, compliments all the time
Good build, can put on muscle well but I make sure I just get toned instead of big.

Bad: I'm a solid 5'8 maybe 5'9 I don't really check. Doesn't matter to me too much though cause its not like it's a deal breaker for anything other than modeling.
Some acne scars, I use aha like a mother fucker though so they are barely noticeable now, going to start using a more powerful one and then they will probably be gone.

>> No.10332013

5'11 isnt even short, faggot. try being me 5'3.
I look like a fucking gremlin, but even i am not as big of a queer as you.

>> No.10332089

>face is decent.
>height is god-tier imo, 6'4
>healthy hair

>pouty stomach even though I'm around 19 bmi
>wide hips
>not really manboobs but there's something...

>> No.10332105

nice buddy, lookin' thin, solid, tight etc

what kind of physical stuff are you into? i'm skinny but i want to get more definition, problem is i can't find an exercise i like so everything feels like work

>> No.10332117

i have an attractive face, but fairly large nose. it suits my face well enough though.
other than that i am 5'9 which isnt great, i am fit and have a visible jawline with great teeth.

>> No.10332421

To get toned? Eat less and cut out carbs. You'll end up less doughy. To get more defined? Go to the gym and do high rep low weight. I hate the gym but I go anyway (: if that doesn't work for you, try cycling. Really good cardio and general health excercise.

>> No.10332448

I am 5'3 also. Feels really really bad man

>> No.10332563

Good face
Amazing healthy thick hair
Super social
Has an interesting life and can keep conversations going

acne (runs in the family)
Always chicken out of asking out women who I think are out of my league

>> No.10332604

cycling is the sport of self loathing.

highly recommend it. did my first century this year.

>> No.10332657

>had a six pack since middle school
>never lost it
mfw my abs are immortal
if only everything else wasn't fucked up :/

>> No.10332678

tall (183cm)
good hair
nice thick eyebrows
above average face
zero acne or any other skin condition

absolutely no confidence
not as smart as i should be

>> No.10333345

See confidence as a bi-product that you produce yourself by doing what you love and work hard at the given thing.

>> No.10333363

Good face genetics
Good metabolism
Good physique, I've let myself go a little and even as slightly skinnyfat I seem pretty fit
I can get girls pretty well
Smart and I'd consider myself decently creative
Never had acne

Sideshow Bob hair
5' 6" (Never found it to be an issue though, I like short women for the most part)
Pervasive mental health issues on both sides of my family
Really inconsistent socially, my off days can last for weeks and are really bad

>> No.10333366

bruh 5'11 is basically 6'-6'1 with shoes

>> No.10333371


>> No.10333372

>I can get girls pretty well

▀█▀ █▬█ █ ▄█▀ █ ▄█▀ ▄█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀

>> No.10333379

>perfect eye sight (pretty much everybody else in my family wears glasses)
>pretty smart
>white European
>kinda wide hips for a dude
>5/10 facial aesthetic at best
>didn't get my dad's blonde hair
>losing hair at 21
>pretty shit socially (not sure that's genetic though)
>high cheekbone makes me look slavic
>not creative at all

feels bad

>> No.10333383

how much for a bj?

>> No.10333388

http://strawpoll.me/5382013 heyyy bb

>> No.10333411

you tell me, http://www.instagram.com/justmonte
>6ft ( chelsea boots are a staple in my wardrobe that turn me into a 6'1 )
>gym brah
>get approached by modelling agency "scouts" (lol)

>browse the fucking chan
>dun goofed when i was younger and got this little scar on my forehead (looking into getting this surgically fixed)

>> No.10333414

Routine for arms? Mirin

>> No.10333416


thx brah,

Tris: i did skullcrushers > close grip bench press superset (with the same bar, no pause),
then tricep pushdowns

Bis: preacher curls, dumbell hammer curls, cable curls

"did" because i've switched it up since then.
I'd accredit most of my arm gains on compound movements though, because I put way more focus on my Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press, Chinups and Rows than I did on arms.

>> No.10333417

>see the MK watch

>> No.10333418

Every skeleton has a fucking six pack

>> No.10333419


gotta have an MK brah, bitches love MK's

matter of fact I have 2 of them lol

>> No.10333435

i'm disgusting tbh, i'm 130 lbs when i'm 5'2, i should be 90 the only reason i'm not working out right now is i feel like i'm gonna puke with water and vitamins in my stomach

>> No.10333440

>MK watch
Would not touch with a 10ft pole/10
Also your gf looks like a middle aged housewife who's tried to relive her teenage years.

Nice arms though. Stealing your routine.

>> No.10333442

forty keks

she still my bae <3

thanks brah, gl

>> No.10333443

off topic
are all images on 4chan 404 for no reason for anyone else at the moment?

>> No.10333446

>are all images on 4chan 404 for no reason for anyone else at the moment?

>> No.10333449

these may be our final days together

>> No.10333467

why u skip leg day bro

>> No.10333499

>really big hips and butt
>flat stomach
>light hair
>brown eyes
>anxiety, slightly depressed
>bad eyesight
>kinda ugly feet

>> No.10333518

>tfw 8/10 genetics ruined by 1/10 nose

>> No.10333526

Do you guys even exist

>> No.10334118

This. Current picture, OP.

>> No.10334136
File: 129 KB, 634x951, vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Vinnie Chase mode

Grenier made it work I guess.