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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 413 KB, 509x720, hair1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10314329 No.10314329 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/!

I've been growing hair for 3 years now. My mother urges me to shorten then, though. She has arranged a visit with the hairdresser tomorrow.

My heart is still filled with doubt whether this decision is correct. How does my hair look now? Does it make me look like a barber-oblivious caveman or like a noble Aryan? Will I benefit from shortening it? If yes, how much should I cut? If no, how to take proper care of them so that they don't break/fall out?

>> No.10314333

you don't look good m8

>> No.10314400

Please elaborate! What should I do?

>> No.10314451

male or female?
if male: cut it! just cut it! also grow a beard and get fit
if female: post more pics

>> No.10314453

style it

>> No.10314481

Ehhh yeah if I where you I would kill myself and hope for reincarnation...

>> No.10314486

>noble aryan
Lmfao my dude

>> No.10314575

This may be disappointing, but a male anon here. By cut you mean shorten to medium length or just go short?

I would love to grow a beard but alas, I'm only 18 and grow 2-3 mm of facial hair per week. I will give it a month, but I expect the result not to be... particularly satysfying.

Getting fit... I am trying to, but it's extremely hard given my extreme aversion to any physical activity and instinctual bliss induced in me by food. Add in apathy and it gets really, really hard to do anything constructive. Do you have any tips how to overcome the dislike of exercise and instill deep hatred of food in myself?

>tfw t-shirt folded and looks like a fold of fat


How? I'm pretty oblivious as far as hair stuff is concerned, I have no idea what to do with it. Any suggestions? Do you think that hairdresser might have an idea?

>> No.10314580

>tfw t-shirt folded and looks like a fold of fat

I thought it was breasts and didn't know this was a male posting until i read further

>> No.10314590

The very first thing you should do is to stop typing like that.

>> No.10314591

lol you type like a fuckin nerd

>> No.10314598

so are you a nazi or did you type "noble aryan" as a joke
knowing which it is will determine if I think you're pathetic or if I sympathize with you

>> No.10314611



>> No.10314662

dread your hair dude, thats what i did

>> No.10314667

>being this potentially buttblasted over Nazi terminology
This place is too rough for you, there's another site without an age limit that might suit you better.

>> No.10314719

it's hard to say wich cut you should get when we don't know what kind of face you have
but what you should get is some texture in your hair. it looks flat and dry, and just hangs down

>> No.10314760

Should I go on HRT and trap myself? :^)

I don't think that dreads go well with social anxiety, they are too confident. If I ever become a normie and start smoking weed, I'll consider this option.

Back off to Tumblr/Reddit.

>> No.10314778
File: 387 KB, 1000x800, 1399807037215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10314803

tfw I'm Polish, so I loathe Nazis after what they have done to my country and my ancestors
but good try :^)

I used a shitty webcam to take the photo, so it doesn't necessarily help my hair look nice. You are right that they could use some love, though.

To cut, or not to cut, that is the question!

>> No.10314820
File: 983 KB, 640x360, destroy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /fa/ filled with so many niggers and faggot white kids

Every time there's a post that mentions Nazis or white people not being evil someone responds with one of those pics and "go back to pol u cancer racist"

>> No.10315904

hair is least of your worries

>> No.10316430

Thank you for useful contribution.

>> No.10316469

Do you want to look like a repulsive greasey fucker? If so then stay in the basement and don't get it cut friend :)

>> No.10316492

Do you really, really like obscure metal bands?

Because you look like you really, really like obscure metal bands.

>> No.10316507
File: 29 KB, 314x212, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the patients to grow my hair out like that. I'd get David Gilmour thing going on.

>> No.10316512

With your hair in the condition as it is, you probably should get it cut. It looks brittle and unhealthy. As someone else said, it's hard to determine a good cut to suit your face, but if you have a good hairdresser, they should be able to help you.
Conditioner should also help, find something that works well. You should still get the haircut, since hair tends to become really damaged and past a certain point, you can't really do anything to fix it.
As for getting fit, I would just try getting used to working out a little bit at a time. Do some research, start out easy, and work your way up. It'll take a while, fitness doesn't happen overnight or after a week.
Good luck OP.

>> No.10316569
File: 475 KB, 588x579, 1438993822071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's alright, anon.

>> No.10316628


As someone with dreads as well, I wouldn't recommend starting it if your hair is already this long. The maturation period will be fucking forever.

>> No.10317567

chop it off OP, it looks like shit to be honest. Like what I imagine greasy white dudes in high school have when they listen to way too much metal. As for a cut it is hard to say as all I can tell from this picture is that your face is kinda chubby. Either way a short hair cut will do you a world of good

>> No.10317674
File: 78 KB, 500x483, 1440776082411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyones being a little cruel considering you cant even see ops face. The hair quality looks okayish, might could use a trim, im not a fan of the middle part on your head tho, play with different ways to style it, buns/side part/flip front back, products, etc. Its hard to tell much from the photo but i assume you want to keep it since long hair takes forever to grow so try that.