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/fa/ - Fashion

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10296787 No.10296787 [Reply] [Original]


>tongue scraper
>tooth floss/water pick

Do you use?
How are your teeth?

>> No.10296866

>tfw stained-looking teeth from genetics
>inb4 you dont brush your teeth

I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day depending how many times/when i eat, go to the dentist every 6 months, and have gone to get teeth whitened multiple times , but still the same shit.

Everyone in my family... shitter teeth...

My mother did the operation where they basically replace your teeth with white looking fakes, and her teeth look perfect. (at the start they were WAY too white, but after time they looked better)

But she made it clear that it was not worth the pain she went through to get white teeth. So im unsure as to I want to do the same.

Will never be truly /fa/ unless i do the same, probably not worth it tho.

>> No.10296956
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 1439041775815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oral-B Deep Sweep 1000
Crest 3D White Toothpaste
Jāsön Healthy Mouth Cinnamon Clove
>tongue scraper
I don't use one
>tooth floss/water pick
Waterpik Waterflosser Platinum

>> No.10297015

Dentist here.
Oral B Pro 6000 1/2 times a day.
Oral B toothpaste because free, floss.
All that's necessary.

>> No.10297016

Ever since I started using a Sonicare, my dentist always compliments my teeth, and says "oh, you've been flossing." I don't floss. I brush only once in the morning for the full two minutes. Cheap Ultrabrite toothpaste. Never mouthwash. Plastic "band saw" type tongue scraper only when tongue feels gross. Those plastic pre-strung flossers only when I feel something stuck in my teeth. No water pick.

Teeth are bretty gud. Haven't had a cavity in years.

>> No.10297059
File: 134 KB, 677x366, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dentist here.
>Oral B

What a surprise

>> No.10297087

Legitimately decent though, not biased

>> No.10297125

do you find the electric flosser effective? might pick one up

>> No.10297134


registered nurse here

arm & hammer healthy gums works just as well and don't have a garbage taste

>> No.10297143
File: 361 KB, 1600x1197, toothpaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my toothpaste

>> No.10297151
File: 129 KB, 768x1024, toothbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and my toothbrush

>> No.10297199
File: 373 KB, 775x385, George Washington's teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my teeth.

>> No.10297207

thats george washingtons teeth silly

>> No.10297211

No they're not.

>> No.10297214


What model fam? Is it an inexpensive one?

>> No.10297234
File: 367 KB, 1101x524, Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 3.32.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But honestly, this one should be fine: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007ZN5ATQ/ref=s9_hps_bw_g194_i1

>> No.10297248

the one my dentist gives me

whatever is on sale

i dunno i think its listerine

>tongue scraper
i dont have one

i think i got that from my dentist as well i dont know

>do you use

>how are you teeth
theyre ok, i have too many teeth in my mouth so im getting them removed soon, getting braces right after that as well cause those extra teeth fucked my shit up

>> No.10297253

I have light yellow teeth. My toothbrush is SoFresh Flossing Toothbrush / toothpaste is Signal-WhiteNow. How can I have white teeth?

>> No.10297260
File: 94 KB, 446x576, SingleBrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>homemade toothpaste (baking soda, coconut oil, peppermint essential oil)
>distilled water with essential oils

I haven't had a cavity in my adult teeth and I don't drink coffee so they're white
Also, I go to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning

>> No.10297334

Nice! What oils do you use?

>> No.10297876

Definitely! I've been using for about a year now, and it's much easier than regular flossing.

>> No.10297888

Who the fuck pays $109 for a toothbrush.

>> No.10297909
File: 20 KB, 358x169, Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 6.36.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A. Picture related
B. Where do you think you are? A toothbrush is a health care item. You are in a forum where people drop hundreds of dollars on jeans or sneakers. You must be trolling, right?

>> No.10297944

>registered nurse
>trying to tell a dentist about toothpaste and shit
>implying it even matters

taste is subjective and why would you saying RN give your statement any sort of credibility, especially when its about teeth and a flavor of toothpaste

>> No.10297952
File: 90 KB, 400x303, brush-too-hard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also considering the handle will not have to be replaced in years and you only need a new head every 4 months or so...you' have to be a poorfag to not drop some $ on a nice toothbrush. he's probably the type of person where you go to use the bathroom in their house and see his toothbrush with the bristles splayed out like pic related and then you instantly see him as a lesser person.

>> No.10298041

I'm still using that same toothbrush almost five years later, and frankly I only change the head maybe once or twice a year, as I only brush once a day. Don't judge. It doesn't look like your pic...

>> No.10298060

>not using a tongue scraper
fucking disgusting

>> No.10298367

Oral b
Listerine blue mint
>>tongue scraper
I don't have one
>>tooth floss/water pick
Generic store brand