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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 640x640, 11243832_500180203484882_133328780_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10287056 No.10287056 [Reply] [Original]

>Bieber rocking the yung leo

Middle part confirmed meme cut of 2015?

>> No.10287060


how long do you think it takes to grow that hairstyle?

>> No.10287061

holy shit haha that looks hilarious on him

>> No.10287068

>Middle part confirmed meme cut of 2015
more like 2016

>> No.10287119
File: 101 KB, 549x650, t15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair part + this hat + necklace thing

>> No.10287130


>> No.10287148
File: 106 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nnzhl8GZtM1uo5po7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas late as fuck

>> No.10287149
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 4bf460f5-2d4f-4fb1-b5ed-62ee119c2008..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasty ass hipster shit.

>> No.10287172


>> No.10287206


>> No.10287212

not your haircut, you're just moving with the trends just like he is

>> No.10287225

get ahead of the trends and shave the middle part of your head while leaving an outer ring of hair

>> No.10287260
File: 101 KB, 640x838, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't quite pull it off. he doesn't have the right facial structure for that haircut.

but i would love to see this become a thing so i can laugh at all of the fuccbois who fall for the yung leo meme.

>> No.10287276
File: 100 KB, 293x256, 1340022703879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got rid of my middle part

catch up nerds

>> No.10287338

>he doesn't quite pull it off. he doesn't have the right facial structure for that haircut.

his face is too soft. he looks like a girl with this cut

>> No.10287343

fuck my friend who's way cooler than me and naturally /fa/ has been middle parting his hair for like months now I just realized

middle part confirmed

>> No.10287352

pls tell me the nxt cool cut, i'm tired of being lame

>> No.10287370


>> No.10287468

That was 2014's meme cut

>> No.10287479


buzzcut is eternal

>> No.10287480

Leo can pull anything off tbh.

>> No.10287690
File: 373 KB, 1000x636, BTSKiernan_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like that girl from mad men

>> No.10287725

Kiki is love. Kiki is life.

>> No.10287738

i want sex

>> No.10287743

i can't handle the cuteness

>> No.10287757

shes like 15 you fucking pedofiles fags

>> No.10287769

is that the nigga from it g ma

>> No.10287778

I had this like 2 or 3 months back
But I'm in the process of growing my hair longer so fuck this

>> No.10287807
File: 477 KB, 500x671, Bowlcut Inspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying bowlcut isn't the next memecut

>> No.10287830

do not fucking get the yung leo unless you're leo damnit is that so hard

>> No.10287845

A couple of months depending on what length you start from?

>> No.10287935

>implying this is 2014

>> No.10287992

Good god he wants to be an 80's child star so badly.

>> No.10287995
File: 137 KB, 733x850, 1438032078283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a meme to hate him but goddamn do I really hate hin

>> No.10288110

Yeah, that's Kohh

>> No.10288154

yeah, kohh

>> No.10288962

For anyone that was grew up in the '90s was Leonardo Dicaprio like the Justin Bieber of your time? Did people shit on him too like they do to this guy?

>> No.10288977

No because he was good looking and didn't have a shit-tier personality

>> No.10288993

looks pretty damn good actually

>> No.10289001

How should the back look for this? Can I accomplish this with any hair type? I have a very long grown out undercut and want to go for this but it looks weird as fuck when I try it right now

>> No.10289013

underage detected

>> No.10289017


Middle part hits /fa/ late 2015, catches full steam 2016

2017-18 hits mainstream, by then I'm too old to give a fuq/stay with whatever the fuck the kids are doing

Anyways, who is that memester guy that posts his WAYWTs here who already has it? Turns out that guy is way ahead.

>> No.10289019

not really, he was just referred to as handsome

but there was no social media back then and paps would just grab pics of them at events or shopping at the grove rather than the shit they do now

>> No.10289020


>> No.10289034

normal long hair is the new trend for mid-late 2015

all you trend hopping bottom feeders that shaved off your man buns could be hopping on right now but by the time your hair is grown back out, the trend will be long gone.

How does it feel?

>> No.10289037


The warm air feels good on my buzzed scalp

>> No.10289191

>thinking that'll happen

it won't and even acting like it could be isn't cool or funny anymore sorry. you are obsolete and inconsequential

>> No.10289201

>implying 90s curtains aren't considered far more current, objectively fashionable, and irrefutably more attractive to women than long hair

i feel legitimate sympathy for you

>> No.10289212
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150822_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl with grey hair middle part how fucked am i
the only reason i chose the middle part is because my hair is medium length and when its parted to the side i feel emo

>> No.10289263

you look like a white spaniard

>> No.10289265

been middle part since last fall, feels good :-)

>> No.10289267

emo or dog

>> No.10289274

this pic is going into the wank bank where it belongs you foul male reproductive organ gorgon

>> No.10289490

I dont care if you a guy or a girl, i just want to fuck you tenderly

>> No.10289493


>> No.10289531

>when its parted to the side i feel emo

I bet you don't even listen to Snowing.

>> No.10289540

is it cool that i have this but a slightly uneven part

>> No.10289559

Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit

>> No.10289582

do you even Mineral?

>> No.10289592

Literally if there is any celeb that could pull this off it's Bieber. Talking about right facial structure.. he has perfect fucking facial structure for basically any given cut, see: him being attractive. You are obviously letting your personal opinion of Bieber affect you.

>> No.10289602


>> No.10289698
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150822_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm it isnt too emo
aka worship me

>> No.10289709


Are you fucking telling me that the moment I finally find a style that I like, it's become a meme?

Fucking shit

>> No.10289719

Does he put product in his hair?

>> No.10289722


>> No.10289726
File: 3 KB, 125x103, 1440034286444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to do nasty things to your bumhole

>> No.10289734

you just like it because it was already starting to become a manbun tier meme but it was subconscious for you until now

>> No.10289739

bowlcut has been fighting its way into popularity for like 3 years. It's too obscure to become a hit. Move on.

>> No.10289803
File: 63 KB, 470x587, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it started from that Neil Young x Supreme shit

>> No.10289814


>> No.10289817


I'm not going to be a fuccboi and lie, yeah I saw posts on here a few months earlier but I realized that I no longer had to deal with bullshit like pomade and worrying about my hair during the day because my hair falls nicely into a YungLeo (or YungDepp) when I leave it alone.

I hate putting in product and washing it out every day.

>> No.10289929

aaron did it better


>> No.10290227

>he has perfect fucking facial structure for basically any given cut
he really doesn't. nobody looks perfect with every haircut. his face is too fucking soft. he looks feminine with this hair.

bieber could probably bring this haircut into popularity and make it mainstream (because he is famous), but that doesn't mean he pulls the hair off or that there aren't hairstyles that suit him better.

>> No.10290245

I feel the same, I really do fucking hate him but I don't mention it unless someone starts the conversation.

>> No.10290383

This pic has been posted in every one of these threads since 2012, give up

>> No.10290398

looks like shit compared to Elias or young Leo