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File: 50 KB, 500x748, 1422258523238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10270682 No.10270682 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like it's time for a new tattoo thread, this time let's give our attention to Stick N' Pokes, what do you think about them vs. regular tattoos? Are they rebellious and edgy enough to be effay and fashionable? Share your thoughts.

>> No.10271429
File: 126 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the best spot for a guy to get an ouroboros tattoo? Also any other tattoo that can probably accompany this?

>> No.10271709

Looking for a tat someone posted here awhile ago that I really liked.

It was a skelly holding a cup, and said "just one more drink" or something near it.

Anyone have it saved? I love that tatt so much.

>> No.10271720

Get a mom heart, a barbedwire band, an anchor, and a skull while you're at it. Jesus christ

>> No.10271792

Is an ouroboros tattoo really that bad to put it with the list of beyond cliche tattoos? Or are you just shitposting?

>> No.10271846

Not him, but yes

>> No.10271870
File: 145 KB, 629x960, crest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of incorporating part of my family crest into a tattoo

>> No.10271892
File: 40 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mws6buoNwt1rizevzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love stick n pokes. i'm the kind of asshole that likes the punk cred and i've done several on myself and my friends. i really like doing them- the work isn't easy if you want to do it well but it's a labor i enjoy. i also just really like the satisfaction of having my own artwork put down by my own hands because i'm a bit of a narcissist.

i know they're not super popular, i've gotten more than my fair share of eye rolls and semi-shocked "why!?"s. but i like them enough that it doesn't bother me. but that's just me.

pic related; not mine but essentially the look i'm going after personally, though i'd probably want more than pic related has until i'm satisfied.

>> No.10271898

also not him and yes.

>> No.10271978

Yes. It's just as common as those.

>> No.10271985

I used to date a tumblrgoth chick super into that shit. At least they're making that tattoo removal cream because they look like shit and let everybody know you had bad parents.

>> No.10272041
File: 162 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this on the other thread but it was pretty dead already. I'm thinking about getting this on my forearm in black. Also thinking of having the title TTNG instead of it being spelled out fully.

>> No.10272053

Never get a band tattoo. Least of all not a bad band.

>> No.10272054
File: 137 KB, 540x507, tumblr_mqftuhlKh81r6oy8yo1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was thinking of getting a blind contour face on my ankle, probably stick and poke

this would be a rad tat, ttng is great band.. probably better to get the abbreviation now that they changed their name too.

there's no reason not to get a band tattoo, least of all not a great band

>> No.10272059

Tell me that when their next album is especially shit. They are really forgettable emo.

>> No.10272073
File: 129 KB, 960x960, tats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a much better aesthetic inspo 4 u

>> No.10272074
File: 235 KB, 1200x1200, a3727102709_10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not really that much of an emo band, more of one of the math rock big giants. they're second album with henry doing vocals only set them on an upward slope.. also if you're classifying it as emo and "forgettable" are you implying emo should be catchy as hell?

this is tattoo'd on my leg


>> No.10272075

>black flag

shit tier

>> No.10272083

Math rock is just another word for bad phrasing. No, I just mean the only good musician in the band is the drummer. The singer is shit, the guitarist and bassist are shit. Nothing stands out.

>> No.10272088
File: 87 KB, 500x500, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? I have no idea what the text means

>> No.10272094

is this bait, what do you even listen to where tim collis's guitar is shit

>> No.10272103

This is my current jam.

Math rock guitar is shit because it's just playing quickly without any comprehension of phrasing. It has no proper direction. My favorite guitarist is probably SRV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUiYRxAns5A Fast doesn't mean shit with bad phrasing.

>> No.10272114

Pretty much exactly that, without the crow or imp. cheers anon. Close enough.

also, if you were curious, the text means "remember to die"

>> No.10272118

literally google it faggot

>> No.10272119

i'm a huge fan of stevie ray too, but i don't agree with generalizing all math rock as "playing quickly" and definitely not without phrasing. there's tons of math rock out there, it's sort of a real general term and doesn't hold much to it's true meaning, but there's tons of "math rock" bands with great phrasing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxb38JvXi2M and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhS-t7wQ4QQ
guitar phrasing is a verrryyy broad range, a lot of techniques can make something sound "fresh", but people mostly think of a very classic traditional blues-y feel when they think of guitar phrasing

>> No.10272122

As for modern white boy guitar I like this album.

>> No.10272130

Those are much better than all the videos I've seen of this town needs guns.

>> No.10272136

Some riffs from TTNG definitely have some groove to them, we obviously don't see eye to eye on it, fair enough but a lot like birds is fucking sick yo

>> No.10272143

I'm very into rhythm and groove. The syncopation on every video I've seen just wasn't there.

>> No.10272148

It was basically just a drum mixed too loud playing well with a cacophony of bright clean guitar and a bad singer.

>> No.10272162

are you saying you're just not a fan of syncopation? TTNG and other math rock bands use a variety of rhythms quite often, it's part of the style https://youtu.be/E6t3_XwDvkg?t=70 (1:10)
it seems like you're bringing out these deeper musical terms but you don't really understand completely.. syncopation is used pretty much in all contemporary modern music now.

don't really know how something can be bright and a cacophony? that's like contradicting terms again, like you're making sure you include at least one word from Wordly Wise with each of your posts, i agree their old singer was very mediocre, but with the new vocalist, it's really impeccable.

>> No.10272170

Bright means there isn't much bass to it, it's a description of the timbre not the mood.

>> No.10272175

He's still not playing very well and it still sounds cacophonous. The first half of the hook sounds like he knows what he's doing then it falls apart.

>> No.10272177

this is all subjective, i'm being baited to shit

>> No.10272181

I don't think you understand the point of math rock.

>> No.10272182

Not really considering all I did back in high school was listen to vai, satriani, johnson, vaughan, etc. It's just not very good as a composition.

>> No.10272184

People tell me the same thing about 80s hardcore.

>> No.10272200

first time im learning what a stick n poke is, i thought they only did this stuff in prison

>> No.10272202

No, people do it on tumblr too.

>> No.10272206

she's a big girl.

>> No.10272209

manlet detected

>> No.10272210

turmblr is a prison of the mind

>> No.10272218

not sure if ur meming or not tbh

ill explain the post to you just in case

she has a FOR YOU tattoo on her right leg

its a meme u dip

>> No.10272221

get the dude with the tree. fuck the rest of it.

>> No.10272231

What's your process? Been thinking about doing a small one myself but I was unsure how to do it for a first timer

>> No.10272235

I was talking about how she's clearly like 5'10". I didn't look at the tattoos.

>> No.10272249

did u take the epic meme "big guy/girl" as meaning someone is tall

tom hardy is main big guy and hes like 5 feet tall

apply urself tbh

>> No.10272250

It's commonly used to describe size, manlet.

>> No.10272252

if you google it you come upon multiple lengthy tutorials u lazy bum


u can do it

its a meme you dip

>> No.10272265

No shit, fuckwit. But the maymay is frequently used to describe physical size.

>> No.10272270

but it clearly wasnt in that case u dip

>> No.10272280

It clearly was if I didn't actually look at all the shitty tattoos, fuckwit.

>> No.10272291

Around the dick

>> No.10272294

you are literally mentally disabled?

i think you are tbh

original poster says "shes a big girl" in refference to the tattoos

you proceed to call him a manlet because you dont understand the meme and, for some reason, conclude that the poster actually meant that some tumblr girl thats not even standing up or fully in the shot or next to some object that could hint at her height is impressively tall

u should kill yourself.

>> No.10272297

She's clearly like 5'10" if you've ever seen a tall girl in your life. I saw her proportions, then saw the le mame and assumed he was joking about her size. Perhaps you just have incredibly bad spacial understanding. I would bet she's about 5'10", 130lbs. Perhaps you would know if you weren't a manlet and had fucked some tall girls.

>> No.10272303

how the fuck does it matter how tall she is u double negro

it aint relevant to the mem

theres no connection

u misunderstood

we can keep on memeing and you can keep on pretend ur a retard all day long i dont have shit to do

meme was in refference to her tattoos not her tallness, and u didnt get that because ur entry level and lack visual comprehension skills


>> No.10272309

I get memed constantly by "you're a big guy" if I mention my size in clothes. You would too if you weren't a manlet.

>> No.10272312

fam being fat doesnt mean ur not a manlet

>> No.10272317

Tell that to my v taper, hombre.

>> No.10272322

>im 5'6 and i need to wear large clothes because my body is unproportionally wide

fucking kek

i bet you need to wear cowboy pants too because you "never skip leg day X-D" lmao

>> No.10272326
File: 1.41 MB, 2322x4128, 20150307_231001_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's because I live in AZ and love country music.

>> No.10272332

>that image
im dying

>> No.10272338

Good on you.

>> No.10272340

nice jeans you faggot

>> No.10272342

I know it, my ass looks great in them every time.

>> No.10272345

y u post this

>> No.10272347

Prove how good my ass looks, obvs.

>> No.10272361

you're 5' 6"?

>> No.10272368

Even shorter man, you can tell by the proportions. My nipples are at doorknob level and I use the child urinal.

>> No.10272417
File: 1.60 MB, 240x135, 1433462356058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10272667
File: 872 KB, 934x601, grins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10274464

that's why people think its punk

>> No.10274574

alright imma break it down for you sorry it's so long

>I got tons of sewing needles, i suggest you buy a pack. you're looking for pointy ones obviously, not too thick. you don't want to use the same needle too many times bc of dullness and hygeine. I bound mine to pencils and it's much more comfortable that way.

>practice drawing the thing you're gonna do several times. if you're still nervous, buy an orange and practice on it. get really good at copying it.

>i use Higgins ~black magic~ and it's worked well for me. but any india ink works. 70% isopropyl alcohol and fire will be your main disinfectants on the needle itself.

>get something to put a little bit of ink in (like a bottlecap) and another thing to put a larger amount of the alcohol for easy access.

>for the actual process, i copy the tat on the skin with a thin marker pen and go for it. i personally make all of my pokes slowly and dip in between each poke so each one gets more ink. blood is normal depending on the spot, but not a lot. if you're bleeding to much you're probably poking too hard. but if the pokes aren't taking ink you gotta go a bit deeper. you get a feel for it after a bit.

>wipe any blood/smeared ink with a rag or something soaked in the alcohol. if you're dirty stick n pokes can get really easily infected and its not pretty.

>put a bandaid on it immediately after, no neosporin, and keep it for a few hours. other than that just be careful when you wash it and don't go swimming for like a week.

and yeah, there you have it. this is what's worked for me, i hope it's a little helpful. i've done eight now and all my friends are pleased not one has had any problems healing. good luck anon.

>> No.10275083

that's fucking disgusting

>> No.10275117


What ink and how many layers do you do?

Mine fade so quickly and now are almost unnoticeable next to my machined tattoos

>> No.10275123


that's pretty metal

good job almost making it look like scarification

>> No.10275130
File: 77 KB, 960x960, a556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this one last month

>> No.10275145
File: 311 KB, 640x426, 150818-oneohtrix-point-never-640x426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering getting the Felix tattoo'd on me soon. Any suggestions on where it would look good (I already have a tattoo on my right and left forearms, as well as my right bicep)?

>> No.10275403
File: 392 KB, 2338x1700, better brow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon to be on my thigh

>> No.10275508

It looks like someone doodled on you body instead of a piece of paper. Fucking why?

>> No.10275542
File: 167 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2015-07-12-21-03-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10275570

fuck hipsters for ruining tattoos


>> No.10275576

use a delicate fabric sewing machine needle. find a pack or something with a size 9

>> No.10275580


It says "We don't believe in you."

>> No.10275723


because it looks gr8

>> No.10275798

adding to this - i've done a good amount of stick and pokes myself as well.

tape the needle onto something like a pen or pencil, it's easier to work with and grip instead of a tiny ass needle.

disinfect the needle before poking yourself, ideally with fire and alcohol.

wrap your needle tightly with strong only so a bit of the tip is showing, if you don't you're going to get shitty inconsistent line sizes from poking at different deepnesses of the needle.

that's fucking disgusting if you're using a rag to wipe blood and ink with. use paper towels - one wipe and toss it.

>> No.10275861

Fking dope man

>> No.10276022

remember to die? did you just typed that and thought, yeah thats what that means

>> No.10276030

get outta here.

>> No.10276170
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, 1433602040710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not me and way to have no taste

>> No.10276175

They couldn't play their instruments and had a faux-philosophical stupid political spin. Modern Henry Rollins is a wash up who wishes he was a comedian like Joe Rogan and never had any talent to begin with.

>> No.10276220


>> No.10276261

That is what it means

>> No.10276598

>i treat my skin like a piece of scrap paper to doodle on
>and i have the gall to actually think it looks 'cool'

lmao inkskins, fucking losers lol

>> No.10276672

Where the fuck has this thread gone to? Everybody just shut the fuck up and enjoy the art.

>> No.10276862

>anon did you try to tattoo a face on your ankle?
>it's b-bad on purpose!

>> No.10277100


It means remember you'll die.

>> No.10277136

fucking cute

>> No.10277140

it's not even hipsters having them that bothers me the most, it's the fact that literally everyone below 35 now has at least one, pretty much regardless of social status or interests. it's become ordinary as fuck, and pretty much meaningless.

>> No.10277154
File: 42 KB, 599x415, cda0ecc098f36c0f16ec23d668d56206[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you have that mindset? Why would it have to be unique or special or just for some?

Tattoos have been becoming mainstream for a long while now. It just depends on what you get tattoed and the meaning you give it.

Just like piercings and lately tunnels, I don't see anything wrong with it. If anything, it eases finding a job and are more socially accepted.

>> No.10277166

In almost every ancient culture, tattoos have been used to mark the slave caste. the slaves could customize them as the saw fit, but they were still slaves.

>> No.10277175

yeah this

they're basic

>> No.10277193
File: 3 KB, 182x159, 201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting myself this one next month. Thoughts?

>> No.10277589
File: 404 KB, 1000x667, IMG_2358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i freaking love Target

>> No.10277628
File: 87 KB, 543x960, 1419994043830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize not having a tattoo is the new tattoo

>> No.10277643


nowadays people mostly tattoo themselves with shit tier stuff that could easily be printed on afucking tshirt

>muh pseudoobscure bands
>muh tumblr stick n poke xD

literal retards

>> No.10278054

underrated pic

>> No.10278706
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1386700524827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza! weed leaf! alien! triangle! skateboard! bart simpson!

all these fucking stick n poke fucks have the same shit

>> No.10278823

Okay but no. Entire cultures have existed where everyone had tattoos over a certain age. this has been going on for thousands of years, anon. the prevalence of something does not necessarily result in a drop in quality or meaning.

>> No.10278921


So tattoos aren't cool anymore because they're too mainstream?

You're a pleb

>> No.10278922

i think it's natural to want to distinguish yourself from others. to some people that notion of ~unique identity~ (for lack of a better term) is more important that to others, but it's still as human as anything else.

tattoos used to belong to certain subcultures, they used to represent nonconformity and a certain rejection of societal values. i don't know how young you are, or if you remember the time during which tattoos were stigmatized & all the prejudices that were immediately imparted to those who had them, but they were. and all that was a conscious choice to anyone who got a tattoo. so agree / value it or not, they had that particular meaning.

tattoos nowadays come with a fake sense of rebellion. most of those who get it do it, at least in part, for a vague sense of doing something slightly 'wrong' that society somewhat frowns upon. thus why so many 1st tattoos are done right in the transition between adolescence and adulthood, right when parents can't forbid it anymore. so now it's pretty much an act of parental rebellion. i'm not saying this is wrong per se, but it's part of a bigger trend of commercializing everything - in the end it's just another form of widespread conformism.

i'm not saying tattoos are deprived of meaning nowadays, or not worth getting anymore. you can still get them for whichever reason you choose to, and it's still a symbol of ownership over one's own body. but this is just my opinion.

see above.

>> No.10278931


so does that (hugely simplified) statement offend you because it clashes with your idealized notion that tattoos are still unique and rebellious? cute.

>> No.10278940


I don't think tattoos are unique and rebellious, but you apparently wish they still were since you're upset that "everyone" has one these days

>> No.10278946
File: 162 KB, 1280x1222, fhnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about a laurel ring around my kneecap with some slogan over it. I made a sketch.

I was thinking way more just the outlines of the branches and the leafs, but my paint.net skills are limited. what do you think?
somewhat similar to >>10271892

>> No.10278953

i'm not upset. tattoos have different meanings to everyone, read what i wrote here >>10278922. the one that mattered the most to me is gone, simple as.

>> No.10278964

People will think it's an upside-down Fred Perry logo forever.

Or just a douchey attempt at invoking classical design, which is what it is.

>> No.10278975

I just used the bold laurel to transport the idea. I was thinking about more 'uneven' and 'trashy' design so to say. With just the outlines.
I dont think anyone would be reminded of Fred Perry, but maybe I was unclear.

>> No.10279462



>> No.10279859

>no my gf did it

>> No.10279907

i was going to get one done but my family crest is hedgehogs

>> No.10279910

Bump before I go to sleep.

>> No.10279919


still cool doe

>> No.10279949


it is cool

>> No.10280409

nah nigga it says mom, you did it upside down

>> No.10280474

Tattoos are still effay if you're not one of those plebs who put 'tattoos' in your IG bio.

I don't think anyone nowadays gets a tattoo with the idea that at they're rebelling against society in any way. People just like the aesthetic or the art, and that's fine. If you want something done, go for it. Don't let some bitter cucks on /fa/ turn you away from it.

>> No.10280542

i don't get tattoos, why not just wear a graphic tee bruh?

>> No.10280649


protip: that's not your "family crest"

typing you name into google doesn't give you your family crest; neither does signing up for some website

you actually have to go to the government of your heritage (or whatever heritage you claim you are, you mutt) and go through a bunch of legal shit and pay money to find out your actual "family crest"

>> No.10282166

>I don't think anyone nowadays gets a tattoo with the idea that at they're rebelling against society in any way.
if you truly believe this, you're very naïve.

>People just like the aesthetic or the art, and that's fine.
anyone who wants a tattoo should get one for whichever reason they choose to. personally i don't see the point of permanently tattooing something on my body purely for the aesthetic value if it's devoid of meaning, but that's just me.

>If you want something done, go for it. Don't let some bitter cucks on /fa/ turn you away from it.
if someone's differing opinion on an anonymous internet board is capable of swaying those who want to get a tattoo, maybe they should question themselves about the validity & strength of their reasons for wanting one in the first place.

>> No.10282255

>If you believe this, you're very naive
I mean, I'm sure manyyy people do, don't get me wrong. But on the other hand, there is a large number of people that do with a less edgy reason in mind.

>anyone who wants a tattoo should get one for whichever reason they choose to. personally i don't see the point of permanently tattooing something on my body purely for the aesthetic value if it's devoid of meaning, but that's just me.
I have several, some have significance to me, some are just dumb. I never had the mindset they made me seem more hardcore or whatever than anyone else, yaknow? To each their own broe.

>if someone's differing opinion on an anonymous internet board is capable of swaying those who want to get a tattoo, maybe they should question themselves about the validity & strength of their reasons for wanting one in the first place.


>> No.10282347

agree with you on all counts. (and sorry if i came off as a condescending little bitch with the naïve remark, i'm in a shitty mood today.)

>> No.10282627

all that effort

>> No.10282737

bump tbh

>> No.10282769

>legs by Fred Perry

>> No.10282821

Fuck off

>> No.10282932
File: 17 KB, 400x300, FB_IMG_1438592017393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sweat dude. Hope your day improves.