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/fa/ - Fashion

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10258040 No.10258040 [Reply] [Original]

Cigarettes & smoking general.

>> No.10258044

American Spirit or die (literally) nigga

>> No.10258072
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turkish golds all day

>> No.10258080 [DELETED] 
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B&H 100's.

>inb4 Marlboro babbies

>> No.10258085
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B&H 100's (or "Deluxe", I'm not picky).

>inb4 Marlboro babbies

>> No.10258363

Copped filters, not sure I like them

Had one of these before I copped the Camels, not sure what kind (black pack?) it was smooth as hell and gave me a huge headrush. Might cop in the future.

Thinking about rolling my own though, I quit weed and my favourite thing was rolling so I might just buy some drum.

>> No.10258390
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Whats the most /fa/ cancer to get?
>inb4 a cancerous brain tumor, just because it's near impossible to survive doesn't make it /fa/.

>> No.10258408

rectal cancer
>mfw father had brain tumour and lived

>> No.10258450

Aye, I'm glad to hear, your dad must be one tough sob to have gone through that.
I wish him well.

>> No.10258457
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>> No.10258664
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>> No.10258692
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LM Red Label

>> No.10258770

parliaments m8

>> No.10258779

Camel Turkish royal

>> No.10258786
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>> No.10258793
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Anywhere from 0 to 10 a day

>> No.10258802
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If you're a man with time to enjoy a cig, 99 blue's for sure.

>> No.10258837
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Turkish Gold master race reporting in.
this guy knows what im talking about

also, did anyone else smoke these when they were an edgy teen? they are aesthetic af but also tryhard af. i do love the sugar filter though.

>> No.10258847

Camel Activate/Crush all day

>> No.10258875

Swedefag here.
Basically everyone I know in my age smokes, I'm 17, smoking since 13. How common is underage smoking in other countries?

>> No.10258879

Fucking lucky strikes are like 5,30€ nowadays aren't they?

>> No.10258971



>> No.10259116

I'm from New Jersey, I started smoking at 16 and quit this year at 20. I had plenty of friends who smoked at that time, it seemed pretty normal, but looking back it was really only the less popular kids that did it. Probably around 5-10%. At my age it's probably closer to 15%. I think most smokers start around 16-17 but 13 is relatively unheard of here

>> No.10259146

in the US it's pretty much group-dependent.

For starters, the low income kids at public schools, don't smoke cigarettes, 49/50, they don't.

Here where I live, every single male korean that lives in koreatown (la) smokes from maybe the age of 13, with a handful of religious/studious exceptions.

Most middle class white kids will smoke cigarettes on occasions (like at a party almost everyone will smoke a cigarette) but most don't have a regular habit, I would say maybe 1 in every 10 underage white kids you meet will have a regular habit of smoking cigarettes.

That's the experience that I've had.

>> No.10259191

Back at my first high school, which was a public school in a relatively wealthy area, almost nobody smoked.

When I went to an art school, almost everyone smoked. A good 80%, I'd say.

>> No.10259360

What's the laptop?

>> No.10259379

Can i cop these online anywhere?

>> No.10259393

>Probably around 5-10%. At my age it's probably closer to 15%. I think most smokers start around 16-17 but 13 is relatively unheard of here
you must have been a sheltered suburban babby

>> No.10259411

>also, did anyone else smoke these when they were an edgy teen? they are aesthetic af but also tryhard af.
yes, I used to smoke blacks.

used to buy them from the paki who ran the liquor store because he was one of the few places that never asked for ID

good god i'm happy that phase of my life is over. i smoke winston reds now

>> No.10259430

Old ASUS T100.

>> No.10259533
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I smoke Edgefield, you smoke cock.

>> No.10259564


>> No.10259866



>> No.10260005

early in the morning?

>> No.10260022

I get that reference!
What's wrong with Djarums? They're amazing. Pretty much only cigarettes that don't make me puke when I smoke more than one cigarette in a row

>> No.10260047

Call me dumb, but I've never seen a cigarette vending machine. Is it popular in the USA? How does it ask you for ID, is it behind a door or some shit?

>> No.10260073

>How does it ask you for ID

It doesn't. You put cash in, select a number (pack), and it dispenses it with your change (if any). The end.

>> No.10260347
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quit smoking awhile age, but still like to do it with friends at parties , does any know of any cigarettes that contain little to no nicotine and don't taste like pic related aka shit

>> No.10260371

jealous as fuck of the mainland Europeans. favourite is camel crush or Marlboro ice blast but they're like €12 a pack in England.

>> No.10260374

so you didnt quit

>> No.10260382

aren't cigs for adults ( 18, 21, whatever) only?

>> No.10260440

i'm a failure at all things anon ;_;

>> No.10260482

yes, but big tobacco has more money than any anti-smoking organization so the vending machines stay

>> No.10260512

here in luxembourg you get a pack of marlboro classic with 30 cigs insid for like 7 euros

>> No.10260520

some of em ask like a "age coin" that you need to get fro the baarkeeper , that you need to throw in first before you can buy

>> No.10260569

So is drinking, but that doesn't stop high-schoolers

>> No.10260585

16 in my county, lol europe for da fucken win

>> No.10260602


Americucks please. T. Québec, drinking, gambling, and smoking ages are 18, sex and driving are 16.

>> No.10260661

edgy or not those are fucking good

>> No.10260669
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right here
american spirit yellow too when i can find them

>> No.10260674

What's even the point of the recessed filters? I got a pack of them once and it just seemed like a way to have the filter take up more space and give you less tobacco.

>> No.10260678

idk but i like the harder cardboard filters on them vs. every other soft filter
i like the taste more than anything i've tried tho that's why i buy them

>> No.10260682

Have you tried B&H? They're around the same price and taste pretty similar (though, personally, I prefer B&H).

>> No.10260708
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All of you are fucking plebs. Here are my mains
>Would be smoking Lucky Strikes but only one store 15 miles away has them
I recently bought a pack of Dunhill international reds. Weak. Tasted alright, smelled like tea but overrated.
Newport Reds are the best mid-grade cigarette.

>> No.10260716
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>smokes Camels
>calls others plebs

>> No.10260727

i've had your nat shermans, your benson and hedges, rolling my own is a pain in the ass
camel unfiltereds are the harshest i've found, which is what i like

>> No.10260737

>Nat Sherman
Shit aside from Fantasia.

>Benson & Hedges
Literally the best cigarettes around if you're not an edgy teenager.

>rolling my own
>pain in the ass
Get a decent roller and just do it, it's not that hard.

>> No.10260738

go smoke an american spirit for 13 hours

>> No.10260744

>literally the best cigarettes around
i've tried most their blends
feels like i'm breathing fucking oxygen and tastes like potpourri

>> No.10260746

Camels are garbage, though. Try something good, like American Spirit, Dunhill International, Lucky Strike, or Parliament.

Unless you like looking like a tryhard edgelord with no tastebuds, then by all means stick with Camels.

>> No.10260765

I used to only smoke American Spirit blacks
Did you not read my post? I just got a pack/box of Dunhill International reds. Feels like I'm breathing air, tastes ok though.
Lucky Strike unfiltered are my favorite cigarette of all time but they're only sold at a store p far away
Parliament lights are complete garbo. Any light is for that matter. I'm yet to try full flavor though, would like to.

>> No.10260769

I feel like most of /fa/ only smokes for aesthetics

>> No.10260787

It's a big part of why I do it tbh

Why are people complaining that they can't find Luckies? Is this like a regional thing or something?

>> No.10260788

I roll Silver rizla, American spirit or a random blend from a tobacconist , slim filters. Straights are all ass compared to rolling and buying decent blem

>> No.10260789
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>implying /fa/ knows shit about aesthetics

Smoking something because you think it's "hard", smoking something because it's all black, smoking something because the pack "looks cool"...and only smoking in general because most people frown on it and you want to seem "edgy" or "counter-culture" or some nonsense.

It's even worse than a watch thread.

>> No.10260798

I live in California (central valley) and you can only find them at select grocery stores and rarely smoke shops.
Dunhills/Nat Shermans are more common.
I've only seen filtered luckies sold once in a little shop in Vegas but it had the ugly british warning on half the box (SMOKING KILLS SPERM CELLS).

>> No.10260801

>Is this like a regional thing or something?
Might be, I don't know. I'm in Arizona, where we have cigarette vending machines like the OP, and even the shittiest of bar smoke selections will have Luckies and Spirits.

>> No.10260807

carbon filters>regs

>> No.10260845

what are the best camels?

>> No.10260854

The ones that aren't cigarettes.

>> No.10260857
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>> No.10260863

Any that you can ride.

>> No.10260868

might as well hook up an oxygen tank to your mouth
Kamel Reds, Camel Straights, Turkish Royal or Camel Wides are the correct answer

>> No.10261136

yeah man i just try to let the sun in

>> No.10261241


>> No.10261273


lol camel lighters are the best cigs....

>> No.10261555

might as well suck a dick you complete faggot
>lights, mellow, etc
god damn what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10262453

well that sucks goddamn

>> No.10262747
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>all those cool Chinese cigarettes you'll never get to try

>> No.10262756

And that's why you smoke a moderate amount and not a pack a day.
You won't even feel the nicotine if you smoke too much and then it's pretty much pointless, get some self-discipline.

>> No.10262780


>> No.10263523

my friends started smoking these because one of their boyfriends' smoked them. i never really liked them but would bum them all the same, a cig's a cig. it's been like a month now of occassional parliaments and they suddenly taste pretty damn good to me. i don't know how it happened. guess it's an acquired taste for these guys.

also, aren't parliaments known as old man cigs or is that just in my area

>> No.10263527

agreed. i'll get a pack every now and then to smoke in the privacy of my own home because i don't want people thinking i'm some sort of homo, but damn they're delicious.

>> No.10263537

>camels are garbage
don't be a ratdick, camels (at least the turkish ones) taste delicious. I'd take a pack of Turkish Gold over any American Spirits or Lucky Strikes any day. Regular camel filters do kind of taste like ass but not all camels do.

>> No.10263545

turkish gold all day every day.

>> No.10263573

The only ones I see are in casinos where you already have to be of age.

>> No.10263576

who roll their own with a roach here?
I use amberleaf because i'm poor , can't afford golden virginia ;___:

>> No.10263581

an index card would literally suffice

>> No.10263609


why did I buy regular filters... fuck

>> No.10263626
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>implying american spirits are the only non-additive smokes available

>> No.10263628

anyone else here really hate marlboros? every pack i try, L&Ms, Reds, Basic 100s all taste like shit to me. Literally, when I smoke them I taste
1. Dirt
2. Shit
3. Paper
It sucks because most people in my area smoke Marbs so bumming cigs is barely worth it

>> No.10263644


Pick one.

>> No.10263650

>tfw want to smoke but don't want to ruin my already sensitive skin

>> No.10263657

I have eczema and I smoke; it literally does not affect your skin unless you're ashing onto yourself.

>> No.10263685

yeah for real, i don't understand why you think it will harm your skin. sometimes if you smoke a pack a day it can affect the skin on your face, but that's after a decade of chain smoking.

>> No.10263701
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Suprised at the lack of rollers. Some tobacco pouches can be pretty /fa/.

Don't smoke as much as I used to be of coughing and feeling like it was aging me.

I only smoke AK, dry, peach.

>> No.10263706

In Britain, pretty much everyone between 16-25 smokes socially, and about half smoke regularly. I seriously do not have one friend who won't have a cigarette whilst drinking.

>> No.10263711

Also, everyone rolls in Britain. I buy cigs because I am too retarded to roll and I'm a rare beast in doinf so.

>> No.10263718


eczema severity and the allergies/auto-immune stuff associated with them can vary widely. Mine is bad enough that my skin will be noticably dried out and irritated just being in the same room as someone smoking for a short while the day after.

>> No.10263725


you're also forgetting that everyone in the UK has their grass in rolling papers with tobacco (which i would much prefer didnt happen, but who knows how these things come about)

>> No.10263730

roach = cardboard rolled up here in the uk

>> No.10263765


>makes the bud laster longer
>saves you craving tobacco
>good if you don't wanna get retardly high and you are sharing spliffs
>tobacco supresses appetite so munchies aren't as bad..

If you're seshing then its not uncommon to smoke blunts. Nobody wants to smoke blunts on nights out or anything though, spliffs are sufficient.

>> No.10263769
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>> No.10263777

Its so much better you fucking Yank. Purees just make me want to puke and die.

>> No.10263841


yeah, I get why people do it and all. just kinda curious why its a thing in UK, but something dif is the norm in 'merica.

I'm from the UK. shithead

>> No.10263846

You're still a fucking Yank. Its a state of mind.

Also we do it because British weed is shit and Brits are cheap bastards who want to make it last as long as possible.

>> No.10263889


I guess traditionally you'd get a lot of hash and stuff which you'd have to mix with baccy. I will carry my mind-state Yankeedoodleness with pride, its shite being British.