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10255427 No.10255427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most effay way to consume cannabis?

>> No.10255442


>> No.10255444
File: 20 KB, 500x417, $_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like using my vape, i never leave the house without it and its always packed with the finest of dank that tastes like watermelon, nobody ever knows im smoking ganj and everyone thinks its smells great

pic related, its mine.

>> No.10255449


Edibles. Smelling like weed is very un/fa/.

>> No.10255451

a garbage disposal

>> No.10255459

Hahahahahaha you bought a snoop dog cape holy shit
Pax master race

>> No.10255464


>> No.10255469

yeah, i'm thinking of buying a vape just to use just while at home or in my car so as not to have the smell everywhere. It's just all the faggots using e ciggarettes to look cool and do tricks on vine make it impossible to vape without being made fun of

>> No.10255475
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>> No.10255482

The pax is sexy as hell and doesn't look like a normal vape. I use it walking to class and in public all the time, doesn't look like a weed tool. Looks like something Apple designed

>> No.10255486

If you want to do drugs do them for the high, not for the image that they give you. That's a very easy way to get addicted or pushed to harder drugs.

The healthiest way is to vape or do edibles, so I'd suggest that. If those aren't viable just get a pipe or learn to roll a joint.

>> No.10255497

Personal favorite way is bong, love a nice cold bong rip :^)
Spliffs are probably the most fa, but you shouldn't be smoking weed to be "fa"

>> No.10255501
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>> No.10255507

joints/spliffs if you're smoking
if you're into *vaping fedoras*, get a magic flight launch box but don't spend much money on it

>> No.10255512

Get a decent desktop vape and hook it up to a bong.

The best setup you'll ever use, guaranteed.

>> No.10255513

Who here smoke every day

>> No.10255519

Thats a completely different kind of "vape' you moron.

>> No.10255520

That isn't the same thing.

>> No.10255527

This, but with ice in the bong as well and taking snaps instead of bowls

>> No.10255540


>> No.10255550

see what i mean? it's hard to vape without looking like a total shithead. Vaping is the drug equivalent of a fedora

>> No.10255553

Snaps are great if you wanna smoke all day and sustain it better
Moles are fun as hell when wasted too

>> No.10255560
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For myself, rolling joints has been the most /fa/. It's the least involved method of consumption.

I just buy shake.. which is really good at my dispensary.. at 5 bucks a gram, already grinded. So I just have a bottle of that, papers and a lighter then I'm good to go.
Honesty, there are better papers out there but just love this design

>> No.10255572
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knife hits

>> No.10255581

word, I can't get into vaping or dabbing or any of that stuff, I don't like sharing either, other people's slobber will ruin the experience for me unless it's my girl or something

>> No.10255590

Pipe or Paper only

People who vape or hookah are fucking insufferable faggots who post themselves on their snap stories vaping


>> No.10255615

I neither smoke or vape and I've never understood why people hate vaping so much
Can someone explain?

>> No.10255623

pipe is weak, shit gets resin after a days use


>> No.10255629

>mouth fedora

>> No.10255643

It's unhealthy but attracts the same retards that will repeat one another in saying "it's healthy" believing if they say it enough it comes true.
They vape indoors and all the time, so they're inconsiderate assholes. see >>10255444 thinks everyone thinks they are cool
It looks fucking stupid to be sucking on a machine.

>> No.10255644

not him and I don't hate vaping or anything, i'm just used to joints and blunts, i guess i'm just old school. i guess some will hate it because it's the cool new thing to do you know, there's like "vapeculture" and shops dedicated to it. bound to attract attention, people will be into it, only faggots will complain really

>> No.10255658

The ones I know are smug, irritating fags who have to bring up their new vape everyday and plaster it all over snap/twitter so everyone can see how cool they are for vaping

shit doesn't even get you high

>> No.10255673
File: 26 KB, 398x531, fa canna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bub aint bad

anything rolled is nice

a dirty bong? definitely not. non-glass smoking method? generally not

dabs? generally not really

vaping can be effay

edibles eh

>> No.10255678

Why do you care so much about how other consume their thc? It is because the internet told you to, now you spout out this meme seeking validation from strangers on the Internet
I don't like vaping but don't give a shit if people do it

>> No.10255691

There will be nothing more therapeutic/effay than rolling your own weed. Fuck pieces

>> No.10255696

in a backwood

>> No.10255704


Because he's a loser pothead with no prospects, no gf, and nothing better to do

>> No.10255722


This guy has the right mindset. I should have been more specific. A backwood is my personal favorite because it looks like an actual cigar and not some cheap leaf.

>> No.10255757


guy is funny as fuck

>> No.10255766
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Stoner culture is definitely not fucking /fa/

>> No.10255768

Dude Weed Lmao

>> No.10255769

custom grow 420 is da realest nigga on the planet

>> No.10255773

but it makes me feel good man

>> No.10255779


>inb4 potheads rag on you for not being addicted to their drug

>> No.10255784
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I use a bong with ice water. It's so fucking smooth you don't realize how high you get and then all of a sudden it hits you like hammer. You can smoke an entire bowl like it's nothing, but be sure to clean it

>> No.10255791

dude that laptop is exactly the same as the one my highschool used


>> No.10255801

maybe, but you can definitely develop a sort of aloof chill with or around smoking..whether cannabis or cigs

id bet a lot of designers blaze up, in the past or still

>> No.10255809
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>brainwashed drug addict doesn't realize why he keeps smoking weed
>being this deluded

>> No.10255818


>id bet a lot of designers blaze up

Who cares? Designers are usually unsavory faggots. The only thing they're good for is making clothes.

>> No.10255819

I don't smoke daily. Maybe few times a week at night or when I'm when I'm at a party. A gram a week or two a week at the most

>> No.10255822

I won't disagree that blazing everyday makes you fucking retarded, but it's equally as retarded to say that you can be addicted to marijuana.

Took a college class in HS that was centered on drugs and the effects of it on the brain. Scientists have noted that marijuana is not addictive

>> No.10255825


I get it, bro, this guy's being ignorant. I only shoot up heroin at parties or every three days at most

>> No.10255831

That's still a lot idiot.
It takes about 2 weeks for me to stop feeling retarded after smoking, I just stick to benzos or opioids when I really need to take the edge off now, and just enjoy life sober the rest of the time, and deal with the lows like a man.

>> No.10255832


>"Took a college class in HS"
>"Scientists have noted that marijuana is not addictive"


>> No.10255838

>waaahhh drugs r bad
>waaaahh im better than you
>waaaahh im a faggot

>> No.10255841

UW Bio 100, forgot the title of it, but all the facts were backed up in studies

I'm not one of those faggots who assume they know everything because I took a class on it, but I'd be a fool to not try and incorporate knowledge I paid for in life

>> No.10255843
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I've met some cool fashion stoners at shows, specifically whenever boiler room has public broadcasts. cool people man

>> No.10255849
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It never does that to me, Then again I just down a fuckton of cranberry juice in case my job suddenly says "Surprise Drug Test!"

>tfw dank weed is $20/g here

>> No.10255882
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>tfw my hockey jersey smells like dank

What's the best way to remove the smell?

>> No.10255890

if anyone does think that weed is completely harmless, I'd suggest looking into how marijuana influences short and long term memory, and how it impacts cognitive capabilities.

if you have at least some common sense left in you, you may actually be able to understand that you are just another drug addict.

>> No.10255894


>> No.10255897

>what addicts actually believe.

>> No.10255898

This. Please don't do any drug for the image. I started doing drugs for the image at 13 and now I'm addicted to opiates.

>> No.10255901

>what people who have never smoked believe

>> No.10255907
File: 149 KB, 570x377, 95s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinkpad t430u? it's pretty competent and sorta effay

most high schools use i think t420.. a bulkier, business-y model but very similar

>> No.10255931


>> No.10255938

Who the fuck cares? Ingest it any way you'd like. You guys are fucking autistic, this is hardly a fashion board

>> No.10255942

The most effay way is to shove it up your bum

>> No.10255954

well you can keep smoking for all I care.

I think many of us heard someone saying "hey you know that guy, he's completely smoked his brains out".
to think that there's no truth behind those words of thousands of people...

oh and I have smoked and I also have a degree in a certain scientific field.
so I know a thing or a few about weed.

>hurr I gun smok and not gib a shit wut others think
god speed.

>> No.10255979


people like to make other people seem bad to take more comfort in their shitty lifes

>> No.10255981

the washing machine

>> No.10256032

Might name my kid after this legend

>> No.10256053

Nice highschool laptop bro

>> No.10256083
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QUESTION: All 'fedora mouth' shit aside.
Would a vape be good for smoking in public?

Smell isn't really an issue for home use, but I wouldn't mind being able to smoke right outside a place I wanna go to high, without having to go for a walk or find a hiding spot if it's day time.

>> No.10256089

Smoke inside and go for a walk, I wouldn't risk getting caught smoking.

>> No.10256092

>nah u cant get addicted to weed
>cant go for a week without smoking it

>> No.10256096
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>> No.10256102

Don't wanna isn't can't.
I fucking shitpost every God damned day here and haven't been off 4chan for more than a week for years, since I got a ban or two WAAAAAAY back when, but that doesn't mean I have a 4chan addiction.

>> No.10256110

I loved 'em, but making edibles stanks up the house, and a little bit outside the house depending on where your kitchen is situated, WAY more than smoking does.

>> No.10256128

>and I also have a degree in a certain scientific field.
nah, you are being too vague for this to not be a lie

>> No.10256157
File: 111 KB, 653x458, you wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jollie

>> No.10256158


It's all about the Pax 2

everything else is just pleb

>> No.10256165
File: 602 KB, 600x609, pax2 duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all about the Pax 2

everything else is just pleb

>> No.10256168

That Shlohmo boiler room was weak

>> No.10256170


>> No.10256206

I need to try knife hits sometime. This guy is fucking screams DUDE WEED LMAO

>> No.10256343


Hi Zack

>> No.10256354

>this thread

>> No.10256357

how do you get into boilerrooms?

>> No.10256401

a Pax vaporizer is the most /fa/ way

>> No.10256735
File: 114 KB, 600x408, 2011yellowside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gets me through my courseload at columbia. whatever right?

>> No.10256789



>> No.10256837
File: 67 KB, 600x800, full_angle_0964__65033.1412180570.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most effay is spliffs and the occasional blunt, most practical is glass on glass oil rigs and bongs

pic related is mine w newer (uglier imo) label and branding

>> No.10256844

a cheap as dirt dome vaporizer that lights up and has a confederate flag graphic on it

>> No.10256866
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Plotting on this rig, idk a little gaudy

>> No.10256876
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would swap out the dome for pic related, domes are not effay

>> No.10256880

stupid as hell. start smoking strictly blunts if you want to look cooler

>> No.10256891

this is for me getting split off concentrates by my lonesome

>> No.10256932

most are invite only but you can go with somebody who was invited and it's all cool, met some people at lowendtheory in los angeles and got in as a guest a few times. sometimes they just decide to shoot a random set at a warehouse party with a surprise dj or something, the LA beat scene is full of awesome people, i met Sophie (the girl who runs BR) and she was cool as fuck. there's always annoying people that go but that's for every function. like everything else in life, it's all about knowing the right people

>> No.10256945
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Yeah but bongs get you really fucked up because of how smooth the hits are

>> No.10256967

that picture if fucking dumb. gonna roll up some un-ground nugs?

>> No.10256976

I think people generally know this, but weed is absolutely addictive in a mental, non-physical way. That is what people are referring to. For instance, a lot of people are addicted to snacks. I'm addicted to Destiny, the video game. I used to be addicted to weed back in college. It's the exact same type of thing.

>> No.10256978

>I just down a fuckton of cranberry juice in case my job suddenly says "Surprise Drug Test!"
>thinking that works

>> No.10256980

injecting it

>> No.10256990

saves a fuck ton of weed too if your just taking little personal snappers

>> No.10257004
File: 105 KB, 1080x706, https%253A%252F%252F41.media.tumblr.com%252Fb66090950d12296d024fa79c9f092907%252Ftumblr_ms58v1uPod1r0z9jno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily smoker.

I just roll joints and blunts. at this point weeds so easy to get nobody gives a shut anymore.

I use the Raw king size mostly or thin zig zags

>> No.10257014

>Addicted to DESTINY

pleb tastes, pleb willpower

>> No.10257030

It fucking works, I don't know why, but it does. That or i've got super piss

>> No.10257067

The most effay way to do it is in your home, privately. Preferably with a nice water/ice bong.

Don't even talk about it to people, or else you'll look like a fucking 16 year old brochad stoner that thinks weed is cool.
Literal every time.

Don't get any clothes with weed references either.

And fucking please, don't vape.
Vaping will make you look just as bad as the guy that doesn't inhale his cigarette.

>> No.10257068

lol people think this guy isn't an annoying faggot

>> No.10257082


I didn't know people could be this obnoxious.

>> No.10257211

>addicted to destiny
what a fucking wiener

>> No.10257215


>> No.10257327



>> No.10257359

vape is fine for weed, you're not even getting enough vapour to make it visible enough to show off on snapchat

not to mention if you're vaping in leaf form when you're done you can use it with food recipes and use the stem for tea

>> No.10257547

He took psychology 101.

>> No.10257593

cook tea and mix with earl grey

>> No.10257600

>smoking weed
underage b&

>> No.10257658

you fell for the thinkpad meme?