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File: 63 KB, 500x649, bike-messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10240420 No.10240420 [Reply] [Original]

Messenger/cycling general.

>> No.10240424
File: 96 KB, 768x858, Fixed_Gear_Bike_Poseur_by_jesse_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10240559

ugh these dudes are all over chicago and they all smell are are all drunk all the time theyre the worst

>> No.10241787
File: 16 KB, 201x196, 8435346376346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring my moms old bike to campus
>get pulled over by a cop after the second or third day because I blew through a stop sign
>motherfuckers all over campus blow through them, never seen anyone else get hassled, wtf
>bike gets stolen after a few weeks

>> No.10241910

>show my drug stash to cops
>get arrested
>ugh but everyone else does it wtf

>> No.10241916

>Biker blows by stop sign while I'm walking and almost clips me
>Skids to a hard stop and falls over, unharmed
>Don't give a shit and keep walking

Cyclists are often the scum of the earth, they want to be both cars and pedestrians only when it's convenient for them. Pay attention to street signs next time.

>> No.10241968

dick heads are dick heads. I cycle to work every day and see far more cars (mostly taxis) running red lights and doing stupid shit than cyclists. Whenever I see cyclists run red lights and stuff I yell at them
most other cyclists behave safely and properly, please don't hate us all

>> No.10241999

Much of the time it doesn't make sense for cyclists to wait at red lights and completely stop at stop signs. That's why lots of states are writing laws allowing cyclists to treat lights as stop signs and stop signs as yields.

>> No.10242003

They probably are. This doc is pretty interesting


>> No.10242649

you sound mad lol.

>> No.10242774

No shit. What gave it away?

>> No.10242988

The cock in your mouth

>> No.10243072
File: 232 KB, 700x467, Levis_Commuter_Cargos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10243096

i remember in college i thought it was really cool to be a messenger.

after a few times of getting hit by a car, you realize that it's no way to live. you hardly make a living. you risk your life to move documents between faceless corporate buildings and to bring yuppies chinese food.

>> No.10243109

god i hope these came out in 2009.
any later and buzzed has proven how pathetic they really are.

>> No.10244252

It was one stop sign and it was on campus. He didn't ticket me but he still made it seem like a big deal. There weren't other cars around. I know I should stop at all of them but when it's like 5pm on campus and no one is driving around, does it really make a difference? Cars shouldn't even be allowed on campus.

Not that it matters, someone stole my bike anyway and I'm too poor to buy a new one.

>> No.10244446

people that dress like OPs post and etc annoy the shit out of me. I have been riding for years and I don't see the need to adopt a fag uniform

Lmao my stories would rustle the shit out of your jimmies. I blow through crosswalks full of people all the time and people who need to whine about everything either yell or jump out of the way even when I'm nowhere close to hitting them. Don't be such a pussy

the other day i went for groceries and some guy started yelling at me for not being in the bike lane. i asked him if he was too stupid to use his eyes to see that the bike lane was parked over everywhere and told him that he was fat and pathetic. he got out of his car and said he was going to beat the shit out of me. I called him an old fat fuck, spit in his eyes as he got out of his faggot mobile, and took off through the red light

6 months earlier I was riding home after exams and I was on lots of adderall and my gums were bleeding. Some faggot in a BMW doesn't like the way I passed him when he was stuck at the last light so I just started insulting him. he lurched toward me with his car as if to run me over so I started screaming so loud (thanks adderall) about him being a real man for running over a kid on a bike. so I spit blood all over his brand new BMW. Hood, windshield, all over his window. Dude was seriously freaked out at this point and took off into the other lane to turn right and get away from the light

>> No.10244599

Whoa, someone actually did a parody of yourscenesucks?
>It's been 4 years since an update.

>> No.10244620
File: 189 KB, 610x407, shutterstock_82248124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look fa af in the winter with their techwear and buffs though

>> No.10244629
File: 125 KB, 652x762, scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pic from your scene sucks
Dude that's awesome

This is the original
Once trust fund punks lose their savings they are reduced to riding a fixed gear bike, the same means of travel they had when they were in middle school. Their current bike build is actually less sophisticated than the ones they grew up on, but hipsters will always sacrifice the convenience of brakes for fashion.

One of the most pretentious of all hipsters, fixies are primarily located in Williamsburg, Portland, San Francisco and wherever else snobs congregate these days. They tend to hang out at cafés, bike shops and anywhere else they can turn their nose at other hipsters. Usually enrolled in some form of printmaking or photography at their art school, the fixie spends more time complaining about things rather than creating them.

One should not confuse a nonathletic fixie with actual racers or bike messengers. The latter can spot a fixed gear hipster from a block away, recognizing their bike as just another fashion accessory until they move onto the next trend. Usually a vegan, the street smart cyclist weighs no more than 100 pounds when soaking wet and gets his sole caloric intake from PBRs and plants.

A fixie longs for a Bianchi Pista with drop handlebars but instead will custom order their ride from Urban Outfitters using their employee discount. The Fixie likes to tell everyone they are saving the world by having “one less car” but ultimately they just can't afford one.

>> No.10244632

you sound like you're a lot of fun to be around.

>> No.10244690

for you

>> No.10244706

>all this projection
I hate these people as much as you do but you could at least try to use your brain a little bit

this shit has been dying steadily since it reached critical mass in 2010. nobody rode fixed in middle school (seriously what the fuck) and the trust fund kiddies are riding obscenely expensive fixies for no reason.. they aren't doing it for utility. they buy exotic track-y frames and then ride them on the street like fags. also fixie and breakless are not synonymous.

nobody orders bikes from urban. The bikes you're talking about all roll out of shitty department stores now and you're most likely to see a normie riding one set up as a single speed in flip flops not giving a fuck about lol biek culture

so while I understand your frustration, your post feels dated as fuck, and is pretty much entirely inaccurate in 2015

>> No.10244746

Calm down, it's pasta from 2011.

>> No.10244963
File: 500 KB, 801x603, 1401774463314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you really not tell that was pasta? I remember my first day on the internet

>> No.10244972

I thought it was common sense that if you're going to ride your cycle in the street that you follow the same rules as you would if you were driving? At least for stop signs, I slow down heavily without forcing myself to put too much effort into regaining momentum. Cops "get it", if you at least fucking bother trying.

I mean, if it's 4 in the AM and I were planning on cutting corners and blowing through a red light because it was deserted on my way to work, I'd at least get onto the sidewalk.

>> No.10244985

>not knowing a niche copypasta from 4 years ago
>"first days on the internet"

I hope that fleeting moment that you felt good about your post was worth it, because you really look like an idiot.

>> No.10245388

Reported not fashion related

>> No.10245411

Someone should make a feels/wojak-at-a-party comic based on the fixie-hipster courier-wannabe fad.

>> No.10245460
File: 431 KB, 1337x1169, 1432914669721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10245520

I used to be a courier for Jimmy Johns. Like a postvearlier said, its no way to make a living. I used to be like OPs pic 3-4 years ago but I've outgrown that fad. I still cycle to work and school and ride with friends but thats it. Most other cyclists are cringe af

>> No.10246108

Do it
We all would rather be at home rereading old issues of Chain Breakers anyway

>> No.10246319


I could try my photoshop and MS-paint skills suck ATM.

>> No.10246337

>not having a car