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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 72 KB, 490x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10235699 No.10235699 [Reply] [Original]

Explain SJW fashion to me.

>> No.10235701
File: 80 KB, 629x577, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it work?

>> No.10235706

out of shape+soccer mom clothes

>> No.10235714
File: 63 KB, 720x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno.

>> No.10235715

i assume it's supposed to be like the 50s, when feminism was peaking
but with a 'quirky' and 'rebellious' flair that disregards the previous statement and disregards good taste.
i think the latter might also be to show men that they don't need to look the way they are told to or whatever by repelling them

>> No.10235717

You know how poisonous frogs have the brightest and most obnoxious colors to keep predators away from them?
Like that.

>> No.10235722

strong womyn of the 60's with a millennial twist

>> No.10235723

>when feminism was peaking


>> No.10235733
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Where do the male SJWs fit in? I don't see them trying to emulate James Deen

>> No.10235736
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But maybe he had a trans phase that I never knew about

>> No.10235744
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Fat clown librarian.

>> No.10235751
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simple. here are the basics of tumblr SJW inspo

>fuck you daddy, you're a patriarch, I'll dye my hair and get all the piercing and sailor tats I want. But can I have a raise on my trust-fund pretty please?
>hurdur not like tha other grilz LOL I'm such a geek Imma get these big 60s granny glasses and play indie games in public
>hmmm I wanna look rebellious and anti-patriarchy but still want dick so let me wear slutty shit to get dick and say "anti-slut-shaming"
>om-nom-nom cupcakes taste soooo good, fuck those guys for not wanting ta date me. FAT-SHAMERS! Dieting is bullshit. MOAR CAKE PLZ!

Basically take the early 2010s fedora/neckboard and make into a female counterpart.

>> No.10235757
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>> No.10235762

>when feminism was peaking


>> No.10235772
File: 1.35 MB, 1840x2342, 1414517187992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


surprised this wasn't posted yet

>> No.10235782


this is fucking stupid

>> No.10235786
File: 487 KB, 1600x1000, Feminist fedoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, how does this apply to male SJWs?

>> No.10235787

Guess we've found the sjw

>> No.10235807

>Including a Frank Howley video

>> No.10235814
File: 182 KB, 800x567, Nice_Guy_Versions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying male SJWs look like this

from my experience they look like 60s college "non-conformist" (i.e. bushy pube beards, tuque hats, army field jackets, ripped jeans etc.) and/or "geek" fashion (bow-ties with bright suits, retro games merch., maymay tees, super-hero tees, bright-colored canvas shoes). Fedoras are shunned because "I'm sooo not a nice guy and totally relate to your plight ladies, please reward me with sex"

They want to look cute and non-threatening for their tumblrina princesses.

>> No.10235925

This. I can't fucking stand people like that

>> No.10235989

not that guy, but I dont think you guys understand cultural history lol. feminism is more than just SJWs historically lol, its been going for a long time and has gone through many different stages

>> No.10236019

subconscious desire for 1950's era gender roles

>> No.10236079
File: 155 KB, 960x1248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these kind of of people are the ones who have pinterest boards called "hipster fashion" and use google images to literally search "hipster girl fashion" for inspiration.

they follow outdated "hipster" trends.

they buy the knit beanies, they buy the cardigans, the flannels, the 1960's dresses, and the dark thick framed glasses.

i literally passed by one of these hambeasts taking pictures at a starbucks and overheard her saying, "TAKE A PICTURE OF ME I LOOK SO HIPSTER RIGHT NOW!"

>> No.10236100

>Well behaved women seldom make history


>> No.10236103


If I had a dollar for every time I heard some loser say that because they were wearing a beanie or something...

>> No.10236106

>women seldom make history
would be more accurate tbh

>> No.10236117

what the fuck, that image is the least hipster thing i've ever seen

people know hipster is just another way of saying bohemian, right?

>> No.10236120

Does anyone moderate this board? What is this shit doing here outside of /r9k/?

>> No.10236139

The award for most underrated post on this board goes to

>> No.10236145

> knit beanies, they buy the cardigans, the flannels, the 1960's dresses, and the dark thick framed glasses.

"Twee" fashion is another source of inspo for the SJW crowd. They want to be rebellious, yet look like a docile 1950-60s housewife because of "muh irony".

The musical duo Garfunkle and Oates are basically SJW fashion icons.

>> No.10236149

white supremacist liberal*

>> No.10236151
File: 360 KB, 939x697, sheonlydoingitforkicksreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get an OKC account
>My choices are either some fat ugly chicks or skinny hipster feminist woman

>> No.10236171

its a mix between hobo, hipster, crack addict and down syndrome.

>> No.10236172


Lol true, to boring fucks a 'hipster' is literally anyone with some tangible idea of what they like to wear / listen to / do

>> No.10236222

You forgot the unpassable trannies.

So many

>> No.10236230


Post fit, faggot

>> No.10236390
File: 117 KB, 360x417, AskAllison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest influences to the look

>> No.10236391

I think a lot of SJW and Tumblr fashion is age-related.

>13-15: eyeliner, "punk" clothes or weeaboo storenvy items resold to them from taobao
>16-18: short hair, attempt to look androgynous but with lipstick, occasional attempt at period fashion or /cgl/ stuff
>18+: either slowly returns to normie fashion or completely enters gimmicky tumblrland. occasionally, someone who does the latter is hot enough to make it look good and the 13-15 year olds begin to emulate them.

>> No.10236452


>> No.10236461

Please tell me that the pictures of Nikki Minaj are photoshopped onto her earrings...

>> No.10236466

>I'm asexual but still open to sex
>I'm a heterosexual male but still open to having sex with other men

>> No.10236486

this tbh

>> No.10236575

wait, are they!? now I need to know

>> No.10236580

i'd smash.

>> No.10236611

this is so fucking stupid, if you dress like a women and have a dick then normal people should have a right to know, that is if their interesting in associating with you

>> No.10236631

>should have a right to know
>implying it's not bloody obvious and people aren't just playing along so as not to hurt its feelings

>> No.10236655

>hurt it's feelings
faggots are pretty aggressive about the pronoun bullshit, how am I suppose to reason with them?

>> No.10236701

no they are not lol

is she pic related btw? was impressed with her facial aesthetics in the protest vid but in that pic she doesn't look too good

>> No.10236706
File: 29 KB, 355x236, black-lives-matter-protesters-shut-down-bernie-sa-2-17422-1439130525-1_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10236784

Looks like a different woman

>> No.10236871

Has anyone heard from the protesters after that? Like did they find out who Bernie was or something?

>> No.10237334

this makes me sad

>> No.10237480
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>> No.10237629

poor bernie

>> No.10237670
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>> No.10237677

Americans of every race are retarded.
That guy is the most similar thing to "left" you can vote in the USA.

>> No.10237871

is that a drawn on cleavage in the bottom centre-right

>> No.10237878


>most people on 4chan haven't heard of zyzz
>most people weren't here in 2011 when he died

>> No.10238073

Lol bernie got cucked

>> No.10238108
File: 2.80 MB, 2206x3508, sovpolpost_00061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she was a palin supporter now she's suddenly "into" revolutionary theory
>mfw she was probably paid by hillary to interrupt the event
>mfw disinfo in my leftism

>> No.10238303

No it's not. Dyed hair in fucked up collors is ugly af. Now fuck off.

>> No.10238439

you that bitch with the blue hair?

>> No.10238488

Holy shit

>> No.10238518

It's an attempt to reject being a "normal" girl at every opportunity.

Give it time. OkC has a system that (confidentially) ascertains your attractiveness and worth based on a few metrics and likes from other women. Most matches skew downward until you let them figure out you are a decent person who doesn't have to slum it.

That said, if you're on there for a month, live in a major metropolitan area, and it's recommending craziest to you, that's kinda a bad sign.

>> No.10238602

I dont know but if any girl looking like that asked me for sex I'd instantly start banging them right then and there

>> No.10238611

a couple here are really hot

bottom right center is named sheena and she looks like a boy when naked

>> No.10238644

literally all of these except for the top left corner and top right corner are hot

>> No.10238696

>was impressed with her facial aesthetics
are you kidding me? you must be black as night to find her attractive in the slightest

>> No.10238716

If you like any of the top, you have a thing for white 5s (which means you are probably a nonwhite)

If you like any of the bottom, you have a thing for trash (and are probably trash yourself)

>> No.10238726

then halfway through she passively and silently decides she doesn't want sex, 6 months later you'll be hit with rape charges

>> No.10238783

Nice bait

>> No.10238790

jesus fucking christ where do i begin with this

>> No.10238826

what's the bait?

>> No.10239547

badgurrrl rockabilly

>> No.10239557

what's the matter anon? feeling a little intimidated in the presence of a STRONG, INDEPENDENT, WOMAN OF COLOR?

>> No.10239832

A mish mash of punk/hipster/rockabilly/androgynous styles resulting in horribly deformed offspring. This is why race mixing is wrong.

>> No.10239834

Are you me? Holy shit.

>> No.10239847

>neckbeards wear 50s clothes because they think they'll look like "real men"
>legbeards wear 50s clothes because they think they'll look like "real women"

Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.10239864

What are 50s clothes? Are you referring to suits? people were wearing those long before the 50s and still do.

>> No.10239868

Fedoras and problem glasses, that kind of thing.

>> No.10239869

Am I supposed to know who Bob Chipman is?

>> No.10239879

>problem glasses

>> No.10239902

bruh topleft and top center are the same chick, you fell for the myspace angle

>> No.10239908

It mixes the modern angst with older "retro" styles in attempt to create something quirky and unique. However they all do that so it's fucking boring.

Like Ima be honest. I'm friends with this lesbian tumblr chick and she dressed in shit all weird and dr martins and it's pretty unique until she gets us to go to a fucking event thing and then suddenly we're surrounded by people who look exactly the fucking same.

>> No.10239931
File: 802 KB, 1124x1920, comment_9EU78pOGM3tbc5AbhzdLjJ0He71WOJff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, problem glasses

>> No.10239936

I actually have bad eye sight thought. Should I get different glasses?

>> No.10239943

Fuck it. I'm not buying another pair of glasses for this silly shit

>> No.10240027

Nobody cares about this meme outside the Internet, just like the fedora meme. As long as you don't act like a fucktard, nobody will care what you wear.

>> No.10240078
File: 59 KB, 364x594, trigger warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trigger warning hair

>> No.10240108

The fuck does sjw mean?

>> No.10240111

super jew warrior

>> No.10240119

Social Justice Whore

>> No.10240130

Ah.. right, and why should i care about how they dress?

>> No.10240147


>> No.10240153

this is false
everyone knows zyzz

>> No.10240154

Not sure why I opened this thread, aware pol cross posts and would use it as an opportunity to bitch

>> No.10240158

>implying anyone has a reason to care
we just don't like them

>> No.10240169

>not that guy, but I dont think you guys understand cultural history lol. feminism is more than just SJWs historically lol, its been going for a long time and has gone through many different stages

That's a really shitty answer, mate. You've said a whole lot of nothing while disparaging my ignorance on the subject.
What I wanted was a short explanation as to how one can conceive of the 1950s as being the peak of feminism.

>> No.10240178

SJWs love OKC for some reason. It's really astounding how much of the ideology they put on their profiles. I suppose they don't consider that they have a personality or interests outside of that.
I guess the website is just a form of narcissistic supply and confirmation of their beliefs, for them.
>look at all these cis scum messaging me. i am hot and men are shit.

Lel, the old commie was just not ready for situations like this. He has probably paid very expensive and talented strategists to walk him through every conceivable question or heckle he could have faced while making this speech: but no one expected black women.

>> No.10240186
File: 51 KB, 670x472, 1421108810403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, anyone with similar tastes to users on this board that is female is almost always going to be crazy with low standards and low empathy.

Easy fucking lay though, every time.

>> No.10240187

Whatever floats your boat I guess

>> No.10240412

pretty obvious someone paid them to interrupt like that. they had no coherent message and even if they did no sane leftist would protest the most left leaning intersection leftist candidate out there.

It would make sense if they barged into a republican debate, or even hillary. But them interrupting Bernie like that made no sense and was obviously some political sabotage.

>> No.10240423
File: 130 KB, 500x700, 1390799662689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread dedicated to white, male, 20 something year olds with nothing to complain about in their lives besides the fact their parents won't buy them visvim s/s 15

l e l

>> No.10240429

I'm hispanic and hate SJWs like yourself

>> No.10240995

i'm glad sjw's all dress the same so i can easily avoid them.

>> No.10241009

>talking about fashion
>"wahhh mods delete this thread because i don't like getting made fun of for being a sjw"

just go back to tumblr already

>> No.10241034
File: 12 KB, 102x255, 33645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10241084

This is a board for making fun of people for looking like shit.
Why would we not make fun of an entire subculture that very conspicuously looks like shit?

>> No.10241358


>> No.10241613

In all honesty, i would date her out of complete curiosity to know how those girls really are and not much else

>> No.10241619

I've been on a date with a girl like this. Not worth it, even for the story.

>> No.10241627

tumblr feminist and i fucking hate it so much

>> No.10241652

Are you saying you are one?
Tell us why

>> No.10241668

>Ah.. right, and why should i care about how they dress?

Are you fucking retarded?

Do you know which board you are on?

Fuck off newfaggot.

>> No.10241670

I went to school with this girl

>> No.10241686

I imagine what must it be like from your post, then.

In all seriousness though, if the girl was cool with me teasing her for it then i think it'd be all good.

>> No.10241715

If you give a shit about how shittily everyone else dresses, you're failing at fashion.

>> No.10241812


Been there, you will not have any fun. Dating an indie-hipster-sjw-snowflake is basically stalling and circular arguments in a nerver ending quest to control every situation.

That's what it is on a larger scale and that's what it is in personal relationships.

Ever hear about the patriarchy and white male priviledge from the daughter of a rich family against your working class family?

I've had to go to an overpriced vegan friendly cafe and watch these kinds of womyn eat cheese plates with prosciutto. Yes, lattes as well.

Prepare to be amazed that she was the first girl in her high school to get prescription glasses in thick plastic frames just because she wanted them and didn't even have a substantial prescription.

After a couple dates with a few girls like this I've come to the conclusion that they just won't allow you to have any fun. The sex would be miserable. You'll be told that Tremors is a stupid movie but Josie & the Pussycats is acceptable for them as a guilty pleasure. All you can do is tell them you've whacked it hard to the Pussycats' poster, really hard.

>> No.10241834
File: 1004 KB, 500x281, 1433216372117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the board where self-righteous imbeciles think they are entitled to pass judgement on those they mistakenly view as inferior/a threat?

>> No.10241837

How exactly?

Do you have citation there little buddy or are you just projecting your insecurities?

This is coming from a stupid fuck who didn't know what "sjw" meant and more likely a poor cuck who doesn't know shit about fashion.

>> No.10241849

Try not to cut yourself with that edge.

>> No.10241870


>> No.10241876
File: 14 KB, 90x90, stitch roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you categorize anything you don't want to come to terms with as"edgy"? is your vocabulary that limited?

>> No.10241931


>overweight (if you're fat enough you have to post nudes on tumblr pretty often)
>black thick rimmed glasses with overly goofy and outdated frames (how do literally all of these people need glasses?)
>dyed hair, either an extremely bright color or just straight black. Bleach blonde works too.
>bad haircut. Either a mullet or a really poorly done pixie cut. Straight cut bangs are a bonus and the higher up they are on your hairline the better. For maximum SJW status go for a buzz cut and combo it with wearing a dress.
>bright red or hot pink lipstick
>have to own at least one pair of dr martens. Bonus points if they have a really stupid design like being high heel boots or something.
>must be white and always reblogs pictures of nicki minaj and Beyoncé on tumblr captioning it "yaaaaaas slay queen!"
>no irl friends but large Internet following. No job and parents are frustrated with how little you are doing with your life.
>make up a different gender and sexuality to identify as. Shouldn't be simple enough to explain within one sentence. Use self-diagnosed mental problems such as OCD or Anxiety as excuses for as much as you possibly can.

>> No.10241944

Shut your mouth!
Hall and Oates are honorary negroes. Taken with the third pick in the supplemental race draft.

>> No.10241946


>> No.10241971

I don't.

I say how I see them.
In this case, you seem to have described it.

Now fuck off.

>> No.10242271

Because only autistic fucks get assmad about how other people dress.

Being that much of an autistic fuck negates any and all fashionability you may have.

>> No.10242457

True AF. There was this one kid in my sociology class that was a spitting image of "Nice guy 2.0" and sure enough he was a SJW

>> No.10242460

Is that Chris-chan?

>> No.10242469

>Implying skinny hipster bitches are not the best.

>> No.10243066

not all of those are annoying sjws

>> No.10243082
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>> No.10243133

Whoops, my bad, should have explained why I was so curt with the post:

SJW-type girls tend to be phenomenally uninteresting. Like, I didn't have the whole battle experience >>10241812 had - more like just a complete absence of good topics to discuss. She had no real hobbies other than sitting on her fucking computer and browsing the internet or "going out" with friends, which she "hated" but did regularly because who knows why. People like that aren't fun to talk to because they don't have a wealth of experience to draw from - they can't really tell you many fun stories or new things (other than stupid stories about ~going out~).

The topics she -did- want to talk about - invariably SJW-related shit or political nonsense - would devolve into her ranting. Not a conversation as much as an incredibly ill-informed lecture. I don't remember the particular subject matter, but she got VERY offended when I implied she didn't know basic criminal law (she didn't).

In other words, the date was simultaneously boring and lecture-y. I deleted her number the second I got to my car.

>> No.10243138

good post

>> No.10243178
File: 306 KB, 1118x759, sonichuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

>> No.10243196

>on /fa/
>talking shit about people talking shit

Let us pray for September.

>> No.10243199

Jesus christ

>> No.10243490

that's strictly a pseudo feminist pop culture addict thing. Like they think sexual objectification and exploitation are good things. They dont really take the time to contemplate things. They also think that wearing makeup that's geared towards attracting males is empowerment. They're mental slaves.

>> No.10243521

>not being able to read
>calling someone an "honorary negro" as if it's a good thing
>using a lame retarded pre-packaged joke
just fuck off to reddit/tumblr/facebook

>> No.10243599

>Implying someone can't be into looking better for themselves but doesn't give a shit about how anyone dresses.


Also not a summerfag

>> No.10243606

I just checked the okcupid and all the attractive girls are basic bitch banal feminist types.

Maybe social justice bullshit is effay after all....

>> No.10243607


Anyone else use this shit? Does it actually get you laid? Tinder bitches in my area are so basic, I'd die to fuck the crazy out of a chick like that

>> No.10243659
File: 75 KB, 440x660, 1429875166615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does not get u laid if u r ugly/uncool

>> No.10243727

Women invented all the core technologies that made civilization possible. This isn’t some feminist myth; it’s what modern anthropologists believe. Women are thought to have invented pottery, basketmaking, weaving, textiles, horticulture, and agriculture. That’s right: without women’s inventions, we wouldn’t be able to carry things or store things or tie things up or go fishing or hunt with nets or haft a blade or wear clothes or grow our food or live in permanent settlements. Suck on that.
Women have continued to be involved in the creation and advancement of civilization throughout history, whether you know it or not. Pick anything—a technology, a science, an art form, a school of thought—and start digging into the background. You’ll find women there, I guarantee, making critical contributions and often inventing the damn shit in the first place.
Women have made those contributions in spite of astonishing hurdles. Hurdles like not being allowed to go to school. Hurdles like not being allowed to work in an office with men, or join a professional society, or walk on the street, or own property. Example: look up Lise Meitner some time. When she was born in 1878 it was illegal in Austria for girls to attend school past the age of 13. Once the laws finally eased up and she could go to university, she wasn’t allowed to study with the men. Then she got a research post but wasn’t allowed to use the lab on account of girl cooties. Her whole life was like this, but she still managed to discover nuclear fucking fission. Then the Nobel committee gave the prize to her junior male colleague and ignored her existence completely.
Men in all patriarchal civilizations, including ours, have worked to downplay or deny women’s creative contributions. That’s because patriarchy is founded on the belief that women are breeding stock and men are the only people who can think.
-Violet Socks

>> No.10243733

The easiest way for men to erase women’s contributions is to simply ignore that they happened. Because when you ignore something, it gets forgotten. People in the next generation don’t hear about it, and so they grow up thinking that no women have ever done anything. And then when women in their generation do stuff, they think ‘it’s a fluke, never happened before in the history of the world, ignore it.’ And so they ignore it, and it gets forgotten. And on and on and on. The New York Times article is a perfect illustration of this principle in action.
Finally, and this is important: even those women who weren’t inventors and intellectuals, even those women who really did spend all their lives doing stereotypical “women’s work”—they also built this world. The mundane labor of life is what makes everything else possible. Before you can have scientists and engineers and artists, you have to have a whole bunch of people (and it’s usually women) to hold down the basics: to grow and harvest and cook the food, to provide clothes and shelter, to fetch the firewood and the water, to nurture and nurse, to tend and teach. Every single scrap of civilized inventing and dreaming and thinking rides on top of that foundation. Never forget that.
-Violet Socks

>> No.10243788

THis is true. Comp sci classes are filled with these shits

>> No.10243790

w-w-w-hy do you bully?

>> No.10243808

Girls use dating sites for dating, not sex.

If you want to get laid use other services. MeowChat got me laid twice and MeetMe got me maybe about 5 times. At least on MeetMe you'll find some super cute but lonely girls that are eager to meet "nice guys". I always say the same 5 things at first to every girl and it always gets me a number.

>> No.10243953


Me too on tinder;

"if you were a triangle, you'd be acute one ;)"
"if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber ;)"

Always works, use the triangle thing on geekier looking university girls and the cutecumber thing on... non-university girls.

I'm at 24 notches on my belt since I started using tinder January 2014, shits so easy. It's a formula on the dates too - dinner/coffee/drinks/some other activity that they'll agree to meet you at, chat for a couple hours, make her laugh, invite them over for netflix and chianti, kiss 30 mins into the movie/show, hand up shirt when moments right and it just kinda happens from there. I love online dating.

>> No.10244258

what comp sci classes you sitting in. mine are average guys wearing jeans and t shirts

>> No.10244268

marx is rolling in his grave
i don't think he anticipated what the left would turn into

>> No.10244399
File: 56 KB, 610x924, 1432207936657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe so, but he also knew that state socialism was a stepping stone to communist teleology. american politics does not allow for extremism, only gradualism, so if communism or state socialism is your goal, vote bernie. or social democracy. or sanity.

...bernie 2016.

>> No.10244410

It's called cultural marxism and it's a disease worse than memes

>> No.10244424

nice blog

>> No.10244442

You use them and quit whining

It's really not that hard to be nice to people.

>> No.10245135


this right here >>10244258

no comp sci major wears fucking bowties and most dont give a shit about how they look. the kind of guys who dress like that image are film study fags or any other useless degree.

>> No.10245147

>Anyone else use this shit? Does it actually get you laid? Tinder bitches in my area are so basic, I'd die to fuck the crazy out of a chick like that
Yes. Yes, subject to who you are. Gotta be someone they want to fuck.

>> No.10245229


>> No.10245292
File: 114 KB, 579x570, 1426968944164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me too. so it puts me in an awkward situation where the anti-sjw crowd is made up mostly of /pol/luters who are all "hurr durr shitskin spic" yet SJWs are all "hurr durr patriarch, kiss-up-2-whitey"

so I've got nowhere to go.

>> No.10245303

2.0 is the most accurate male sjw.
I know too many of them and they're all pretentious cunts who think vests without a jacket and a wearing a bow tie is fashionable. They have unkempt beards, and gross hair. They were shit pants and chinos and constantly spout
>check your privilege
Im friends with one of them but I can only take his shit for so long
>he took a social justice class and frequents reddits sjw page
I'm so close to dropping him for good

>> No.10245316
File: 209 KB, 500x536, special snowflake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, this and fucking this.

and here's a chuckle-worthy observation;

they bitch about "duh patriarchy" telling womyn to fit into a submissive Barbie-doll mold yet don't see the hypocrisy in following the tumblr hipster/riot grrrl fashion herd-mentality.

>> No.10245412

he is a /cow/