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/fa/ - Fashion

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10221436 No.10221436 [Reply] [Original]

Fashion tips for people who have pectus excavatum? T-shirts look fucking retarded on me.

>> No.10221458

Thicker shirts

>> No.10221540

Layer up. Jackets and sweaters, even during the summer.

>> No.10221568


>> No.10221570

shit advice

just wear well fitting clothes and learn to accept it, lifting helps massively

>> No.10221584

Uh, what? Lifting will not help with anything.

Op, just get the damn operation.

>> No.10221598

I'm not saying lifting will bend the bone straight you dickhead. It improves the looks of the chest. I know because I have PE and have started lifting, it looks 10x better than it did last year. Also helped my brother who has it quite noticeably.

>> No.10222343
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>> No.10222391


>> No.10222410

What about button up shirts?

>> No.10222423

You look good, you shouldn't worry so much about it.

>> No.10222438

what is the cause of this i have it n have only just learned of its name

>> No.10222742

>t-shirts look weird

Bitch I had carinadum, the opposite of what you have. Which means there was a fucking point coming out the center of my chest which is a whole lot worse.

>> No.10222801

see if you can get a protector or some kind of plastic plate that will simulate/shape you chest like a normal one, there should be stuff like this on ebay maybe ?

>> No.10222807

fucking lol

>> No.10222845

any fags with scoliosis here? having my operation in 6 months

>> No.10223127

Please post pics I also have PE and it kills my confidence. Can you show me your transformation

>> No.10224190

It happens in 1 of 300 people.

>> No.10224251


Lol, I'm nowhere near perfect, but holy shit thank god my chest is God-tier

>> No.10224295

Well shit I just realized I'm pretty sure I have this condition, I didn't even know it was an actual recognized thing. I never thought about it until a friend pointed out that my chest was "concave" and that it freaked him out a little bit after I took my shirt off at the beach.

There goes any self confidence I had.

>> No.10224331

Do the operation. I had it done myself and it was extremely painful, but if you can handle it the results are worth it

>> No.10224335

Fucking exhale man

>> No.10224341

Good news is that it's fixable. And as long as the ribs aren't actually affecting your heart or respiratory system, its only an aesthetic thing anyways

>> No.10224379

Infinitum kek

>> No.10224385

Go to /fit/

>> No.10224389

toppest kek

>> No.10224415

My case seems pretty minor compared to others I've seen online, but it still makes me look like a malnourished auschwitz boy and being really skinny isn't helping. Is the operation worth getting if it's only an aesthetic thing?

>> No.10224464

bitch be happy u dont have gyno

>> No.10224581
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Flava flav clock under your t-shirt

>> No.10224593

Honestly? Probably not. It's pretty invasive. If its really minor its probably better just to deal rather than have a metal bar put into your chest.

>> No.10224619

i just had the surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago, the first week sucked but i'm almost back to 100%. i'd say it was worth it, but that's just me

>> No.10225349

I had the operation too. I would still say there's a slight dent and the scaring is terrible.

>> No.10225491
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>Mfw PE actually makes your chest look bigger
>Mfw when multiple girls have approached me feeling my chest etc and I'm stupidly DYEL
>Only bench 70kg

Yeah your chest won't look as good with your top off, but mostly it stays on; Think of it as a blessing rather than a curse.

>> No.10226582

what procedure did you have? the ravitch or the nuss? bc i had the nuss and the scars are going to be barely noticable

>> No.10227275

i had the nuss too - last month. I'm 23 and wish I did it when I was 16-18.

I'm back in the gym now and can finally build a normal physique fuggg

2 scars but they are super thin

>> No.10227332

surgery, I got it, its not that bad

>> No.10227433

Same, mine is pretty bad actually. Im undergoing surgery as soon as possible, can anyone who has done the surgery give any afvice for what to expect?

>> No.10227491
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I have it, I don't understand how t shirts look bad, how tight do yours fit?

I agree with the lifting stuff and the fact girls think you have a big chest.

I also kind of like it, it's an unusual contour that works for my look and build. Don't get surgery tbh mate, just bee urself.

>> No.10227544

carinatum bois
i need to work out, lopsided bump in the middle of my chest is harder to hide than excavatum

>> No.10227585
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mild pectus excavatum, just learned to live with it.

the more annoying things are the associated skeletal deformations, like rib flaring (ribs at belly stick out further than chest), poor hunched over posture cuz pectus is like pulling in at your chest and your rib flare makes you wanna hunch abdomen over so your gut doesn't stick out, etc.

>> No.10227594

don't worry, plenty of my female friends say they love guys with precuts excavatum. they put whipped cream in it and lick it out

>> No.10229015

I too have pectus carinatum. it sucks. I used a brace when I was younger, but the bump is still there. Thankfully mine is in the middle of my chest so I should be able to cover it better when I start hitting the gym. My shirts fit like shit, and I rarely wear v necks because they hang off of me

>> No.10229062

I have a more severe case than the one in the picture and t-shirts look fine on me. No one notices anything unless I show them. How big are your pecs? Try exercising, or get fat.

>> No.10229085



>> No.10229384

Dude, hit chest and shoulders a lot and itll look better. THe surgery is kinda sketch in my opinion. Usually to hide mine I just wear button down shirts or polos with pants or shorts.

>> No.10229421

I had a friend ask me this, just wear an under shirt or tank top under it.

>> No.10229486
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Do women get Pectus Excavatum or only men?

I have it. Most women I've had sex with have never said anything about it. The few women who have mentioned it told me it doesn't bother them at all. They don't mind it. Don't feel self conscious about it. Men are the visual creatures. We are more picky about our mate's looks than women about theirs.

As for the fashion advice, I've noticed it's not noticeable with clothes on. Wear whatever you want.

>> No.10229721

I knew a chick that had it. She was skinny as fuck and had no tits. Dressed like a goth. Didn't see her naked but she pushed her shirt in once, it was about as deep as OP's picture.

>> No.10230095

i'm a girl who had it, its harder to notice on women because boobs but generally more men than women have it

>> No.10230097

no sneezing for the love of christ

>> No.10231307

Constant pain and awkward sleeping.

>> No.10231368
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I have something similar, but mine is a gap in the lowerside of my right ribcage. Doctor said it was nothing to worry about, but I don't like how it looks, it's aesthetically unpleasant.

How bad does it look? Will lifting help it's appearance?

>> No.10231378

>black nipples

>> No.10231393

I guess it's my only option

>> No.10231415

On some people it actually looks kind of cute. I enjoyed jizzing in my ex bf's chest hole.

>> No.10232261

Hey OP i have the same, i just dont give a shit and make bitches eat my cum lol

>> No.10233141
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How bad am i

>> No.10233151

yeah i wish i had done it sooner, but i'm 19. did you get one or two bars?

>> No.10233160

idk take off the blanket man

>> No.10233185
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im scared youll call me fat

>> No.10233326

you look fine to me :)

are you worried about pectus excavatum or carinadum? i honestly can't tell

>> No.10233529


>> No.10233554
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too late for me im too old for surgery

>> No.10233578

>tfw gyno

g-good thing I'm going to college in Boston right guys?

>> No.10233593

im scared i will pass this on my future kids, if i will have any

>> No.10234288

i've seen people in their 40's have it done no problem

>> No.10234393

I have gyno too. Its not that bad i just dont wear tight shirts but i will probably end up getting surgery when i can.

>> No.10234471
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>> No.10234648
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Any idea how to hide the opposite of this?

>> No.10234651
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>tfw I have this and every time someone asks me about it they're like "Does it hurt?"

>> No.10234653
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Caution: it might make a new bump grow

>> No.10234682

....In my pants! Haha! But honestly i'd probably die if I tried doing that.

>> No.10235244

what does Boston have to do with it?

>> No.10235874

>be me
>have this

My confidence is literally at the bottom because of this and I make up every excuse possible for not taking of my shirt.

Anyone had the operation?

Silicon implant or the nuss operation?

Was it wotrh it?

Would you do it again?

>> No.10235889
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forgot the pic

>> No.10236141


>> No.10236153

If the scars are noticeable, can you make them look like 3dgy effay scars? And would you rather have the scars or the concave chest?

>> No.10236167

i had the nuss done last month, i'm back to work already but the first two weeks after were kind of rough. i'd probably do it again.

>> No.10236327

How long time does a full recovery take?

For example me being goalkeeper in soccer, how long until i can play that again?