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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 395 KB, 1107x960, tumblr_npwhxdgaJs1r8o47wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10219468 No.10219468 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10219502

>she's actually brushed her eyebrows upwards to make them appear fuller.


>> No.10219574

her hair / eyebrows are awful and she's fat

>> No.10219620


bitch looks like she just shat herself

>> No.10219643

I'm not going to lie, this haircut is hot on girls, probably one of my favorite girl haircuts, the color on the otherhand? meme.

>> No.10219714

She's pretty.

>> No.10219727

wait i thought that's what ppl are supposed to do? i've seen photos of models and most of them now do that. my eyebrows are kinda thick/long and if i don't brush them they look bad. what direction are u supposed to brush them in?

>> No.10219730

i keep staring at her mole. it's the biggest attraction on her face/neck

>> No.10219770

thank you mr skeltal

>> No.10220139

lol yeah how dare she try to make herself look nice ??xD

>> No.10221199

>brushing your eyebrows

>> No.10221200

>she dun brusk up eyebrows, mmm thick eybrows, want gib benis

>> No.10221205

>pill culture

>> No.10221206


>> No.10221318

im a bangs fetishists.

post moar bangs

>> No.10221333

You faggots need to learn that just because you dislike something doesn't make it a meme.

And use hair general instead of making shit threads.

>> No.10221353

Sadly reminds me of Acne models only terrible

>> No.10221386

>that acne
jesus fuck

>> No.10221406

what acne

>> No.10221408

who is this fluid druid

>> No.10221414

tfw you made up this term on d2g as a response to semen demon

>> No.10221431

it's hidden

>> No.10221438

Who is this eyebrow titty cow?

>> No.10221460

Who is that Jizz Wiz?
Who is that Cum Drum?
Who is that Spunk Punk?
Who is that Cock Dock?

>> No.10221505

*Cum Plum

>> No.10221511

"Erection confection" remains my favorite

>> No.10221560

this changes everything

>> No.10221586
File: 784 KB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like "immaculate ejaculate" -- i made that one up myself :)

>> No.10221617

I always just assume girls that have hair that lools like that have serious issues. And everyone like that I've ever had contact with confirmed that.

>> No.10221621

Grimes? is this you?

>> No.10221842


>> No.10221979


i only brush them b/c if i don't then the little hairs look disheveled
>wtf does this happen to anyone else

>> No.10221998
File: 27 KB, 515x208, 2015-08-08 12_36_44-ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat ?

>> No.10222006

She looks like a typical tumblr feminazi, all shes missing is the cat eye glasses and perhaps layers of fat hidden below from the photo angle. Also, she probably thinks shes 'different from other girls' because she chooses such a nasty haircut and colour and to have huge ass eyebrows. chicks like this have some kind of mental issue, 90% guaranteed

>> No.10222027
File: 187 KB, 573x495, 1420000024703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10222509

I still think "boner condoner" is my favorite

>> No.10222596
File: 206 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_ns9u0zYfyc1r8o47wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A potato sack has more appealing proportions then this cum dumpster.

>> No.10222606

>meme bangs
>overdone eyebrows
>fedora tier hair-dye
>obvious american apparel clothes
>force resting-bitch-face

Absolutely disgusting, this is what most girls of the younger generation are like and it's fucking getting old

>> No.10222615

That haircut is literally the worst thing a girl can do. It honestly kinda reminds me of the haircuts they give the mentally incompetent - utterly simple and pragmatic, a sort of "let's do a few quick cuts and make this look vaguely feminine while practical so she doesn't choke on her own hair or something" mentality.

>> No.10222619

>36 replies
who gets this mad and threatened over one picture? fucking lunatics lmao

>> No.10222623

here's your reply

>> No.10222624
File: 3 KB, 125x92, 1435556926054s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10222639

I usually agree with you Bateman, but not this time. I actually tihnk it compliments her face.

I'm really not a fan of dyed hair, but I think the pastel colour fits her face, along with the haircut.

>> No.10222652


this bitch is the female version of matt helders

>> No.10222655

> the pastel colour fits her face
No, it's a stupid fad by tumblr girls who think they're so interesting and deep, and in reality it makes them look like a special snowflake who hates mommy and daddy but uses their money to buy all their shit trendy accessories

>along with the haircut
My blind grandfather with Parkinsons syndrome could give me a better haicut

>> No.10222661

I think the 4chan stigma around dyed hair has ruined a lot of you guys' view upon hair styles.

I think it looks good anyways.

>> No.10222678

>I think the 4chan stigma around dyed hair has ruined a lot of you guys' view upon hair styles
Ahh nah. I don't have anything against hair dye used correctly.
I have auburn hair, and I use dye to lighten up and to give my hair a caramel/red color. Hell, most girls dye their hair nicely with brown, black, or blonde. But these bright colors are absolutely disgusting and don't fit into fashion in any way other than putting a massive "attention whore" sign on your head

>> No.10222682
File: 131 KB, 500x333, laughing pagans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL that rant
ur sexual frustration is showing b

>> No.10222686

go back to tumblr

>> No.10222734

I guess now I realize why all the pictures I've seen of her have been close up face pictures. Why does this girl have any internet fame? Have we really devolved so far as a civilization that a significant number of people idolize someone for exemplifying every single stereotype of a tumblr user?

>> No.10222743

protip people have been doing that for centuries

>2006: music starts to change
u remind me of that guy

>> No.10222745
File: 36 KB, 600x600, vip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are girls these days absolutely useless?

>> No.10222760

Who is this

>> No.10222838

I want to suck on her mole

>> No.10222870

ITT: Angry lil boys

>> No.10222963

>fucks up her eyebrows
>make herself look nice

>> No.10223009

It's a joke.

>> No.10223836

People with actual fashion sense*

>> No.10223975

Some tumblr girl idolized by unemployed introverted girls that spend their entire lives on tumblr

>> No.10224452

Looked at her tumblr and:

"lol no it’s really terrible, almost made me cry but not quite. it’s typical 4chan users bashing my body and face and … mental state? feel free to search for it on your own tho"

>almost made me cry

How can anyone be this beta

>> No.10224471

don't put your face on the internet if you don't want any shit. and when you get a haircut like that, like really what the fuck do you expect? fuckin hugbox motherfuckers i swear.

>> No.10224490

>people with actual fashion sense
>browses /fa/


>> No.10224507
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, m808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That iPhone 6 Plus is larger than her fucking face, I want to see her make a call while carrying Baby Carlos in that shitty third-world country MCM-knockoff string pull bag

>> No.10224558
File: 45 KB, 478x634, tamblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.10224658

Are there more? I can't believe that this is what sara kiko looks like without the myspace angle kek.

>> No.10224670

This. If your whole "aesthetic" is looking grimy and ugly and people call you ugly and you get mad... what the fuck?

>> No.10224687

are these both the same girl? the girl in the op looks like her nose is broken

>> No.10224758

new rule, if you're going to talk shit about someone's look, you have to post your own face. 100% guaranteed you all look like pulverized chicken liver

>> No.10224824

it's okay sara, you can post that on tumblr

>> No.10224920

I'd feel bad for her getting made fun of but she's literally TRYING to look ugly to get attention. Her hair looks like she cut it with garden shears and colored it with a cheap knockoff of kool aid and she does her makeup to make herself look sleep deprived and sickly. Despite all of this she has thousands of people on tumblr and Instagram that probably think she's cool and cutting edge with how she looks so why does it even matter what a vocal internet minority says about her?

>> No.10225250

Yeah I agree, dumb bitch posts her ugly mug all over her "blog" being the attention whore that she is and gets 'upset' acting as if she didn't know the consequences beforehand. Her mental state was probably non existent to begin with, hence she transformed into this monster she is today

>> No.10225318
File: 87 KB, 640x644, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10226098

you guys are mean, I don't see how her ridiculous haircut can affect you so much that you had to make a fucking thread about it.

go outside or ride a bike

>> No.10226131


>> No.10226135
File: 74 KB, 540x540, fatfug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr hate thread?


>> No.10226209

literally a fridge

>> No.10226235

I don't like her haircut but she has a beautiful face

>> No.10226292


>> No.10226435

it sucks that guys and girls that are this fat but stil kind-of-pretty have friends who have to be like 'ya, i dont get it either, youre so beautiful, i dont see how guys/girls dont see that'

>> No.10226440
File: 20 KB, 300x525, PinkFridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found nudes of OP.

>> No.10226516

It's sad that people of this weight are generally encouraged and 'praised' for being confident in their skin with the whole fat acceptance bullshit on tumblr and other websites that try to make being morbidly obese a societal norm. Do they not understand that they're slowly killing themselves, shortening their lifespans and generally putting themselves in grave danger? Also, how the fuck is this chicks face of normal proportion compared to her body??

>> No.10226551 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 316x239, fattyinternetdefenseforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you make such a joke about a woman's body you immature privileged male scum bag!

>> No.10227354


all I can think is

W H Y ???!?!?!

>> No.10227357
File: 72 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nstty5rVEd1qfjhwmo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean look at this


>> No.10227363

terribly sorry to have offended your sensibilities I forgot where I was

this is sad she is a v pretty girl

>> No.10227364



>> No.10227369

Fuck man you know she has to be using only pictures from her neck up on tinder I feel bad for the people who fall for that.

The cool thing with the whole body acceptance movement is that those people are literally killing themselves off. Natural selection I guess.

>> No.10227394

it's like they took a normal height girl and shrunk her in half but kept her the same width

>> No.10227426

her body looks so unhealthy holy shit .... why are people praising her on tumblr...

>> No.10227438

This giant cupcake took "you are what you eat" a little too seriously.

>> No.10227444
File: 870 KB, 281x273, 1438641200604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this just be a fat hate thread already?

>> No.10227474
File: 386 KB, 700x590, The Masked Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a Bane tattoo???

>> No.10227487

I think that's a la dispute tattoo

>> No.10227502
File: 72 KB, 678x678, 1437663695596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's Bane.

>> No.10227551
File: 160 KB, 720x720, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her Instagram is alleymaria