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/fa/ - Fashion

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10218722 No.10218722 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are all extremely thin, emaciated and pale, but you dress well. Let me ask you something, do you guys get laid regularly? I am really curious. Do you have sex with women? I thought women only liked buff guys and not scrawny guys.

>> No.10218725

i'm quite muscular and toned but not enough to ruin my silhouette

>> No.10218741
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>Do you have sex with women?
what nigga ? I am drawing in pussy

>> No.10218755

>Do you have sex with women?

No, only with guys :^)

>> No.10218760

First off, nice dubs!

Second, this board is full of closer gays and the same socially inept high schoolers you probably identity so well with. But if dressing well gives anyone confidence and emotional strength, than yeah, they'll get girls.

Girls don't all want one type of guy. All women are different and want different things. I've gone up to girls and been told to fuck off, but other times, I've made life-long friends. This is all common knowledge. You don't have to be jacked, rich, and intelligent to get a girl. Yeah, it helps, but everyone needs someone else, and not everyone is rich, jacked, or intelligent.

>> No.10218764

ITT: What do women want guis?

>> No.10218777
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>I've gone up to girls and been told to fuck off
>he backs off
>probably has low frame control, or none
>not staying and teasing her
I hope you guys aren't like this noob

>> No.10218786

Are you retarded? The vast majority of girls do not want to be talked to when they're alone. If they say fuck off, then fuck off. This isn't some ghetto. Girls say what they want, they don't want your edgy "girls wanna be pursued" and "I'm Le gentlefolk" logic. Are you poor or something or still in highschool?

>> No.10218793

Pretty sure 9/10 women would go for well dressed guys over buff dudes

But who the fuck knows. Go to the gym and dress well, they're not mutually exclusive

>> No.10218798

I'm fairly certain my girlfriend is having an affair with her best friend, who I've heard rumors about. She's apparently bisexuals.

I am almost completely indifferent as to whether my girlfriend knows I'm having an affair with her younger sister, whose ass I worship regularly, three times a week. She usually has it bleached about every other week.

>> No.10218812

>If they say fuck off, then fuck off
I hope you are getting a lot of pussy using this technique son. Learn about frame control my man. couldn't find a good example but this should work, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG3211BWSeo

if a girl doesnt want your company she will leave by herself, telling to fuck off is just a shit test

>> No.10218813

I assume the majority of women like buff guys the same way the majority of men like girls with big asses and titties. Some women like skinny dudes and some men like flat chests

>> No.10218816

I only get hit on by chubby girls and gay guys, I need to work out

>> No.10218822

>frame control
That's just harassment, m8.

But I'm not into the hook-up culture shit. I've been relationships not stop since highschool lol. Probably not super healthy but whayever

>> No.10218832

Never had any problem, more "alternative" girls tho. I live in a college town and lots of normie/traditional college girls don't seem interested but a certain type of girl I guess seems attracted to me. 5'10 118lbs

>> No.10218839

Everyone thinks I'm gay but I have an effay gf

>> No.10218841

>That's just harassment, m8.
you must be gay my man
>I've been relationships not stop since highschool
she will cheat on you, and ride dicks non stop, later she will try to get back to you or some beta when she is 30 to marry and have kids

>> No.10218846

I said realtionships, not relationship. Learn to read, fuckface.

>> No.10218847

>unironically using beta
You're so broken and really don't seem to get how normal relationships work

>> No.10218870

>normal relationships work
condom, fuck and good bye, no more. Living the life boy, are you white ?

>> No.10218883

Are you actually black? Makes sense you don't know what a functioning relationship looks like. Dad probably left before you were born. That or he's prison. Why bother even giving relationship advice? You were fucked at birth.

>> No.10218897

why you got to be so offensive my man :( ? Just don't get married and fuck lot of bitches, you seem too much into the blue pill, but you will learn one day.

>> No.10218906

You are so fucking broken, makes sense you're black. You unironically buy into the blue/red pill shit hahaha

>> No.10218913

To answer OPs question, yes. Before i was tall, pale and skinnyfat. Had a few dates but nothing i was interested in and the girls hardly put out. Then I started biking to work + doing push ups at home and within two months i became tall, slenderfit and tanned. The sex rolled right in. Honestly, i think most girls will sleep with you if they can tell you're not a lazy loser just by looking. I still probably am those things, but they wouldn't know right away..
This is all anecdotal tho and this thread has been pretty autistic so far

>> No.10218917

Offensive? Nah. I'm just running off of probability and the good old social sciences. You sound uneducated, so I'm going to assume you're American, and you're black, so chances are, you live in an empty family. But I could be wrong. You try so hard, you come off as one of those black kids raised white, who, for the life of them, cannot reconcile their racial identity with their upbringing. If that's the case, pick one or the otherand stop shaming your family. And don't let yourself be criminalized for your children's sake.

>> No.10218921
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>the time I was having sex with the most women in my life I was wearing Hollister and Abercrombie

>> No.10218925

Yes, but I act and dress nothing like /fa/. I'm basically a /fit/fag in a suit.

A buddy of mine who is VERY into the whole /fa/ aesthetic doesn't get laid very much, but that's because that dude is a one-man spaghetti factory more than anything else.

>> No.10218926

I'm 5'11", 119 lbs and have had fantastic sex with my gf more times than i can count :^)

>> No.10218944

Not him but I'd rather be black than rely on any of the social sciences tbh

>> No.10218975

I typed a wall of text but decided to delete it.

everything wrong
>black kids raised white
this is right


>> No.10218995

You're as bad as plssudoko bruh

>> No.10219005

>I'm basically a /fit/fag in a suit.

Wow, you really ARE Patrick Bateman.

>> No.10219010

Women like all sorts of stuff. When I was a hungry skeleton, girls were into it. When I got older and gained weight, girls were into that too. People fatter, skinnier, taller, shorter, better dressed, and worse dressed than me get laid. It's just how it goes.

>> No.10219020

>hook up culture
Now, I'm in favor of not harassing women, but there's no such thing as hook up culture. We're too invested in monogamy, so the unspoken goal is always a long-term relationship.

>> No.10219029

That's an optimistic outlook, friend. Wish you were right. But no, there's always one person who is just there for the ride.

>> No.10219030
File: 27 KB, 383x472, 1393018613948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see, when someone, anyone, tells you to fuck off, i'm pretty sure that means they want you to fuck off. it doesn't get more clear than that. your persistence on "frame control" is nothing more than a delusion that women are always playing games and that you must outplay them.

but let's say it somehow works, right? what happens when it doesn't work a girl truly doesn't want to talk to you? no doubt someone like you and the mongoloids in that video will throw a shitfit and think "wow, what a stuck-up bitch". however, people tend to forget that everyone is entitled to their own decisions, and that's something to respect, not test.

you see, this is called being a decent person.

>> No.10219161

thank mr skeltal

>> No.10219169


>> No.10219174

>getting laid

>> No.10219305

Patrick Bateman please

>> No.10219313

He's not black, and you sound like such a limp waisted faggot, it's amazing.

>> No.10219638

Skinny (working on getting /fit/) and 5'10'' here. I got laid as a 120 pound pothead with long hair, 2 sizes too big Converse, shit jeans, and band shirts every day. Sure the girls were either chubby or mentally unstable, but as I began to care about the way I looked (cut hair, started working out, quit smoking, dressed lame streetwear) I got with more attractive girls.

Sorry for the blog post. Just try not to worry about it, put yourself out there, improve, and good things will come to you.

>> No.10219659

>you see, this is called being a decent person.
sounds like the bullshit a beta, i mean "nice" guy would say

>> No.10219664


>> No.10219814

> telling to fuck off is just a shit test
the delusion is real.

>> No.10219819

except if you were le alpha you wouldn't have girls telling you to "fuck off" in the first place. kek at this 5/10 dudes thinking this shit works.

>> No.10219825

The "girls like assholes" isn't really a thing dude, at least, not past highschool. That or your talk to some really shitty people.

>> No.10220920


>> No.10220936

I'm a woman and I like thin, emaciated guys. To be fair, it's probably because I'm particularly thin and emaciated myself and I don't wanna get rekt by big dudes.

>> No.10220943

Nice. Me too

>> No.10220947

please be trolling. Im losing all respect for you

>> No.10220963

Kek. Let that nigger be a lesson to you kids, don't fall for the redpill shit.

>> No.10220994


I don't even know anymore...

>> No.10221026

I'm a sophmore at a fashion school and i get alot of korean pussy here.

>> No.10221046

I am a kissless virgin

frankly I don't really care, women just don't seem...good...to deal with

>> No.10221121

wtf dude?

>> No.10221738

Hey Elliot

>> No.10221741


>> No.10221900

I'm 6'2 135 me and girlfriend have been together for 5 years. Fuck almost daily and have 3sum's often... honestly I've fucked more girls with her than without her.

>> No.10221922

Yes but most of the time it's from slightly crazy, self-aware faux-hipster girls. Like almost all of them wear high waisted shorts with tucked in t shirts.

They generally dig the well-dressed skinny guy look better than your standard sorority basic bitch

>> No.10221938

both, i fucking hate hippies but free love is the best concept I've ever experienced

>> No.10221992

To answer your question yes but i get laid a little less than girls by guys and a lot are usually threesomes/more than threesomes, I'm pretty fucking skinny and last time I checked I was white. I feel like I'm doing pretty well for myself, though that may be subjective. I definitely need to work out more, I'm way too satisfied with myself to be passing up my prime without a really good figure. /fit/ is full of sexually traumatized manchildren but it does help if you have absolutely nowhere to go. Most of my working out is from dancing and usually it just makes me more thin but I'm planning on learning more styles at a studio, it's just hella expensive.

>> No.10221994

dude what the fuck loooooooooool oh my god

>> No.10222122
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>> No.10222130

thank mr jihad

>> No.10222141
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>> No.10222152

you're under 18, pls go

>> No.10222154

thank mr jihad

>> No.10222165

thanks mr jihad

>> No.10222189

thank mr jihad

>> No.10222195

thank mr jihad

>> No.10222269

thanks mr jihad
nice dubs btw

>> No.10222416


thank mr jihad

>> No.10222480

I'm a female & I prefer thin pale well dressed guys. Muscles are gross.

>> No.10222500

I was in almost a dozen relationships in my life and to be sex is ridiculously overrated considering all the shit you have to go through to get it. And 'getting laid' simply is a waste of time unless you sleep with something who you have feelings with.

99% of the time its an inefficient workout. Most females dont even know what to do in bed. They just lay there and wait, basically. Especially good looking ones. Probably because they never had to make an effort.

I am happy being single.

>> No.10222527
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>> No.10222535

thank mr jihad

>> No.10222625

thank mr jihad

>> No.10222716

thank mr. jihad

>> No.10222833

What push up routine? Trying to get started on this

>> No.10222841
File: 27 KB, 354x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have effay gf
>she's only into skinny guys
>mfw I'm 6'0 and 125lbs

>> No.10222965

I just came to this thread, scrolled down, read this, and instantly thought about American Psycho.


>> No.10222969

I am skinny and have sex a lot. I am also tall and have a big penis.

>> No.10222989

I'm 18, fucked upwards of 15 girls. I'm 6 feet tall, pale as shit, and weigh about 135 - 140. I'm toned, but still a skelly. I've got like an 8/10 face, but honestly good hygiene and extreme confidence is what gets me laid. So yes, I get laid more than you and probably have more friends than you aswell. Stay mad.

>> No.10224676

thank mr jihad

>> No.10225306

>I was in almost a dozen relationships in my life and to be sex is ridiculously overrated considering all the shit you have to go through to get it. And 'getting laid' simply is a waste of time unless you sleep with something who you have feelings with.
This tbh

>> No.10225754

I got a girlfriend mid way through high school and I couldn't be happier with her (20 now). I lost my virginity to her (had 'done stuff' with about 7 other girls prior) and now at university I can't help wishing I could have just postponed this until a little bit later. We were in a nightclub the other week and I felt some other random girl grab my dick, my girlfriend sucker punched her and got thrown out, all I could think was that I'd have fucked that random girl in a heartbeat if I was single. Even though I have the best relationship I could ask for, I do wish I could have played the field a bit, as I get this kind of attention often enough that I know I could have a fair amount of decent girls when single.

2 metres tall, swarthy in summer but pale in winter, skinnyish.

>> No.10225798

I'm 24 and have only gotten laid a dozen times between 2 girls. One was a girlfriend I was with for a couple of months, and one was a casual fling for about a month because I was abroad. She came over and we got together again, and it was shit. Felt like a waste of time and actually regretted doing it after. Pretty much what >>10225306 >>10222500 said. The idea of sex with someone you don't care about is really unappealing.

>> No.10225806
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HAHAHAHHA this fuckin faggot

>> No.10225969

>majority of men like girls with big asses and titties
is this even true?

>> No.10226038

Eh, i just wanted slightly more tone to my arms and core. I don't really know/do any other routine because pushups + biking has been enough. I'd say it's enough if you were le skelly like me

>> No.10226055

now this is some sexist shit

>> No.10226063

I feel you but enjoy your perfect life mane. seriously. especially the skin change shit, that sounds great.

>> No.10226077

Not where I come from.
Here we like skinny girls, our height, without any extreme body features.

>> No.10226097

where's that?

>> No.10226100



It's true where I'm from.

>> No.10226106


just go and get laid a few times without her knowing

>> No.10226117

France countryside, close to "la Rochelle", but I lived in Paris and it was pretty much the same.
If you've got any questions I'm here for the whole fucking afternoon.

>> No.10226120


Which Ligue 1 team do you support?

>> No.10226132

Arbitrarily Bastia or Evian-TG just to fuck with people. Everyone hates them so fucking much.

>> No.10226144
File: 108 KB, 700x882, BytheNo1-700x882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because i have mental problems, no social life or job. Im also a manlet. But i still get girls interested in me times to times but im on heavy antidepressant medication so I dont feel any love for anyone

>> No.10226194

>needing woh men to be effay
>loner solo life is the only life
>ITT all plebs

>> No.10226211

sweet. yeah that sounds like pretty good criteria for the opposite sex.

ok here's one, why do shops (even big name and high end stores) close on sundays still in a world leading nation such as France? what do you guys do? it must be like living in the 50s.

>> No.10226240

Well it's a political thing. French people, especially workers, have always been very opposed to the "brutal" kind of liberalism most of the world defends. "Daddy's welfare state" is very strong here. We've got two months of vacation, free sunday, and lots of things like that, and we are still (look at the statistics) a very productive country.
Funny thing, I just talked about that with my father a minute ago. I'm on the commie side of the political spectrum (no SJW shit tho), and he's pretty far right. And we still agreed (like we do most of the time) that this is better than the violent liberalism most of the world is now harshly defending. But even here in France it's very hard to keep those few privileges, every government always tries to kill them. That's why we always have those stupid hippy protests.

tl;dr : ruins of the welfare state and general indifference of the people toward the (economically) liberal apology of productivity.

>> No.10226248

First of all fashion is not about getting girls, I could give you a definition and tell you exactly why it isn't about girls and what it is about, but I've done this too many times and honestly don't feel like it right now, so I'll just answer your question.

I was never the kind of person that liked picking up drunk chicks at bars or something similar, I always liked it a lot more when I had my privacy with a girl and talk a little and get to know her and all that shit.
That changed in the last year, I started picking up more random girls, I'm currently single but have a friends with benefits thing going on, or, well, basically just sex on demand and that's it, but I can't really be bothered anymore.
Sex kinda lost it's meaning over the years, there's more things to life than getting your dick rode all fucking night.

Oh and also, getting chicks has little to nothing to do with how you look, you can be a fat neck beard in a trench coat, it is all about how you present yourself, how confident you are and maybe some basic hygiene.

>Sex on demand, but sex isn't as exciting as it used to be and I don't really feel like having sex anymore most of the time.

>> No.10226268

Thank you! that was a genuinely informative response, and it makes a lot of sense. I'd heard about the holiday and welfare state stuff (which I personally think is great as I am also on the left of the political spectrum) but somehow didn't put 2 and 2 together. I was thinking it may have been a vestige of a more religious society or whatever.

Probably makes me sound like a sad person, but what kind of stuff do you get up to on Sundays then , do you feel it has a positive effect on your life (i.e. pushes you to read/exercise/pursue hobbies more or anything.

>> No.10226282
File: 65 KB, 172x220, Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 17.36.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that death grips reference

>> No.10226300

Shit nigger, what are you doing?
If someone, anyone tells you to fuck off, you FUCK OFF, holy shit how deluded are you.
Pretending like you get lot's of pussy, you obviously never lived that lifestyle, because nobody who did would brag about it.
It's a shitty lifestyle, it's empty and it's full of self hate.
Also, if you are living it, which you are not, you'd know how fucking annoying it is when you tell someone to fuck off and they don't.

Ever had a one nights stand contact you afterwards wanting more?

Yeah right, you didn't, because you're full of shit. Wake the fuck up and stop trying to impress angsty teenagers on an anonymous, anime-themed, imageboard with obvious lies.

Just because you pretend your life isn't shit doesn't mean it isn't shit.
You trip on an empty fashion board on an anonymous anime website known to be populated by fuckups and losers, your life is shit.
Deal with it.

>> No.10226312

Well you weren't far from the truth you know, it indeed originally was a religious thing, but with the 1789 revolution it was somehow abolished (thank god you could still go to the church on Sunday, but during the rest of the day...). It took almost a century for the attempts to reintroduce it to succeed (progressively in 1852, 1874, 1892, 1900 and finally 1906).

To answer your second question... When I was a child I also had the free saturday, and these two days helped me to get my head out of the (fucked up) school system to breath a bit. And yeah it's definitely then that I learned the most things. Every Sunday my family ate with grandfather and my uncle so it definitively held us to together. I used to visit my grandmother every Saturday too.
I don't know about others but that's how it affected my life this far.

>> No.10226317

I consider myself straight, but don't have much luck with women so I mostly just use grindr when i'm feeling horny and want to hook up

>> No.10226323

This man's got it. Hooking up with rando's is fucking depressing as shit.

>> No.10226349

thanks mr yihaaa

>> No.10226397

>doing something strictly for getting women

>> No.10226420

for getting women

>> No.10226449

ah I see, so it's a combination of those factors.

ah ok, yeah it's pretty similar here, but I guess people who work in cafes, shops etc just don't get the day off.

Cheers, though, it's rare to find people online who just take the time to chat and share with a total stranger like that, especially on /fa/

>> No.10226482

Thanks ! u 2 :^O

>> No.10227556

I do but I'm actually kind of a fatty.

>> No.10227584

femanon speaking
I think thin fashionable guys are hot and 10/10 would bang. So are other types of guys though. Honestly personality plays the biggest part, If youre an introverted low self esteem emo faggot then no girls wont want you.